Luck Of The Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*

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Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
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By Afania 2018-04-30 11:06:59
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Siren.Kyte said: »
Leaden on a Caturae is lol

Fair enough, so I'll add that you could also replace Leaden with Wildfire in my example.

Worth noting that you are assuming Fomalhaut in your first and third possibilities. Honestly, if you're assuming Fomal it's probably just as good to simply spam Last Stand asit is mucking around with stuff like Numbing.

Also possibly worth noting that dagger may provide some viable options:
Evisceration -> Exenterator -> Last Stand -> (and tack another Last Stand on there with Fomal) ?

Doing multi step with numbing is probably cors strongest multi step since it ends in radiance and only need 1000 tp.

But numbing being 1 hit also makes it risky on things like Ou that you absolutely can't fail sc.

3 step with savage is easy and safe to use otherwise.

I like the one start with evis actually, but *** exen merit for multi job players...I think switching to sword for savage loses Fomalhaut AM too. What to do with merit, Decisions decisions.
By Afania 2018-05-01 02:02:40
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Evisceration -> Exenterator -> Last Stand -> (and tack another Last Stand on there with Fomal) ?

Decided to remerit exen (lol)and try this combo on apex mobs, no brd geo buffs. thoughts so far:

1) Exen is horrible, more so since I demerit other ws for it ._.

2) but this 4 step ends sc in radiance, and it performs quite well on apex bats. With CC chaos and dia 4 on it usually kills apex bat in 4 ws with 40k to 60k radiance.

3) the 5 step with numbing is probably stronger, but it's also extremely risky with interruption or missed numbing. 4 steps with evis doesn't have such issues. It's Also stronger than 3 step with savage, on bats at least, thanks to piercing bonus.

4) it also sync well with RDM inundation since it's 2 different weapon.

5) when it comes to apex solo efficiency nothing beats leaden 3 step darkness though, which kills crab in 3 ws ends with 70 to 90k darkness without geo. But for physical dmg sc 4 step radiance with evis may be one of the best option.

6) Time to update my exen set......And live a life of being merit ws-less.-.
Server: Shiva
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user: Hiepo
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By Shiva.Hiep 2018-05-02 20:18:31
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Thanks for the feedback on skillchains, found out it's not super great in omen w/o more buffs. I can't reliably hit Gin until I get better gear, so I'm sticking to Savage Blade spam. Does COR get any decent enmity tools? Is a QD enmity set a thing? I'm having issues holding hate from healer trusts even when I'm spamming 10k Savage Blades.
By Afania 2018-05-02 20:26:35
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Shiva.Hiep said: »
Thanks for the feedback on skillchains, found out it's not super great in omen w/o more buffs. I can't reliably hit Gin until I get better gear, so I'm sticking to Savage Blade spam. Does COR get any decent enmity tools? Is a QD enmity set a thing? I'm having issues holding hate from healer trusts even when I'm spamming 10k Savage Blades.

Unfortunately everything you mentioned are all kinda cors weakness :p

Cor solo physical multi step is worse than SAM DRK WAR drg in high level content due to needing different buffs.

Cor also isn't great at enmity generation, some spells from nin sub and ja from dnc sub generates enmity, but even with enmity set it's not enough.

The best way is just hit harder.

Are you dealing with hate reset? If that's the case use ja and spell from SJ. Nin spell has 240 ve 80 ce. Dnc has animated flourish.
Server: Shiva
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user: Hiepo
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By Shiva.Hiep 2018-05-03 01:03:04
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Hate reset is fine if AA EV is quickly cured, but she never lives throughout the whole fight. I sub ninja to deal with craver. If I subbed dnc, I'd only be able to kill thinker. I've never been able to kill gorger no matter what strat I tried. I lose hate pretty fast once I'm cure bombed by Yoran which is the main issue.
By Afania 2018-05-03 01:21:59
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Shiva.Hiep said: »
Hate reset is fine if AA EV is quickly cured, but she never lives throughout the whole fight. I sub ninja to deal with craver. If I subbed dnc, I'd only be able to kill thinker. I've never been able to kill gorger no matter what strat I tried. I lose hate pretty fast once I'm cure bombed by Yoran which is the main issue.

I don't think 80 ce 240 ve generates hate faster than just dps. And yeah, hate is one thing I often find solo with trust difficult to deal with on cor, on RUN I don't have such issue.

Perhaps the best way is to find ways to increase dmg deal, decrease dmg taken and put merits into enmity+?

QD follows normal dmg enmity generation if I remember correctly, so a qd enmity + set don't necessarily work better than full dmg set. I'm not aware of other strong enmity generation method like run pld blu DRK.

I haven't try to solo omen bosses, but I guess I can try it myself to see how it does.
Server: Asura
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user: Lunafreya
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By Asura.Lunafreya 2018-05-15 08:58:28
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Current Doomsday augs:

Racc 24/Ratk 24
Dbl. Atk 4

Was considering picking up a Holliday and augmenting that for LS/WF purposes and keeping the doomsday as is for melee/Last Stand sets. Thoughts on that? Should I reroll the double attack slot for a different stat?
Server: Hades
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user: Dade
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By Hades.Dade 2018-05-15 19:16:59
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if you are meleeing probably best off ataktos and savage blade unless need last stand for skilchain properties. Doomsday makes a better leaden gun then holiday and holiday makes a better last stand gun with the innate properties. Probably cheaper to buy a Molybdosis from a merc then mess with doomsday at this point and make Holiday a Last Stand gun.

If you are going to stick with doomsday for Last Stand id reaug the DA4 to WSD+7
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By Sylph.Oraen 2018-05-16 23:02:24
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Gonna bump this thread to attempt to keep information more centralized for people looking for advice.

Finally finished the full relic set aside from legs. I can only imagine how insanely powerful +3 Empyrean is going to be.
Posts: 367
By Creecreelo 2018-05-16 23:53:20
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You won't find benefit with Inundation with this SC, but one of my favorites is Numbing Shot -> Last Stand -> Last Stand -> Last Stand -> Radiance SC. It's amazing how useful the SC properties of Aeonic AM Last Stand are.

If you wanted, you could go even crazier and do Last Stand before all of that to extend it another step. I just love smacking mobs with my gun during Numbing Shot lol

Edit: Whoops, didn't see this.

Siren.Kyte said: »
Savage-->Last Stand-->Last Stand
Req/Swift Blade-->Savage-->Last Stand--> Last Stand
Hot Shot/Red Lotus-->Numbing Shot-->Savage-->Last Stand
Numbing-->Last Stand-->Last Stand-->Last Stand
By Afania 2018-05-17 02:03:31
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Creecreelo said: »
You won't find benefit with Inundation with this SC, but one of my favorites is Numbing Shot -> Last Stand -> Last Stand -> Last Stand -> Radiance SC. It's amazing how useful the SC properties of Aeonic AM Last Stand are.

If you wanted, you could go even crazier and do Last Stand before all of that to extend it another step. I just love smacking mobs with my gun during Numbing Shot lol

Edit: Whoops, didn't see this.

Siren.Kyte said: »
Savage-->Last Stand-->Last Stand
Req/Swift Blade-->Savage-->Last Stand--> Last Stand
Hot Shot/Red Lotus-->Numbing Shot-->Savage-->Last Stand
Numbing-->Last Stand-->Last Stand-->Last Stand

The one with numbing is probably the strongest, but Numbing being one hit is risky as hell. The biggest disadvantage is if it miss when you absolutely can't (Ou anyone?) It's disaster.

After trying evis > exen > last stand > last stand 4 step I can safely say this is currently one of my favorite multi step combo. You get the benefit of inundation from this too, and no linking ws is one hit.
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By 2018-05-17 02:41:51
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Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
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By Shiva.Arislan 2018-05-17 07:01:11
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Leaden > Requiescat > Leaden
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By 2018-05-17 07:11:37
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Server: Asura
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user: Lunafreya
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2018-05-17 08:05:55
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Hades.Dade said: »
if you are meleeing probably best off ataktos and savage blade unless need last stand for skilchain properties. Doomsday makes a better leaden gun then holiday and holiday makes a better last stand gun with the innate properties. Probably cheaper to buy a Molybdosis from a merc then mess with doomsday at this point and make Holiday a Last Stand gun.

If you are going to stick with doomsday for Last Stand id reaug the DA4 to WSD+7

Solid advice. Thanks. Took that advice and arrived here....

Debating whether or not I should bother with continuing to roll on this. About 600~ taupe stones invested so far.

BG Wiki's list of max augments for Holliday seems to be wrong...for example it says that Ranged Accuracy caps at 22 for Taupe but I have seen up to 25. Also says WSD caps at 2 but I have seen 3's (haven't seen 4's). Searching around I haven't seen anyone post any max-augmented Hollidays so it's hard to say.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Syuevil
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By Bismarck.Syuevil 2018-05-17 10:25:06
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Debating whether or not I should bother with continuing to roll on this.

That looks really solid to me, especially if you never saw any WSD over 3% from all those taupe stones.
Posts: 1,030
By Foxfire 2018-05-17 12:16:30
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The augments on some of the weapons aren't listed because nobody's gone out of their way to do so. Feel free to add 'em, tho.

I have a WSD+3 Holliday, myself.

Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
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By Shiva.Arislan 2018-05-17 13:16:37
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Asura.Lunafreya said: »

Near-perfect I would say. Well done.
Posts: 703
By Nyarlko 2018-05-17 15:25:17
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DMG goes to at least 30. Was from taupe. After 1k+ stones used, I've never seen higher, so bg's probably accurate on this one.

Users need to fill wikis out to update the caps whenever they can confirm higher values. Odds are solid that base attributes have the same stone-related caps for instance, but lots of varied numbers listed. Also looks like only results from taupe have been reported so far, which wouldn't give any increased caps for acc/atk or special stats.. though I don't know if weapons actually work the same way as weapons or if stone choice only chooses a guaranteed slot. :/
Server: Asura
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user: Lunafreya
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By Asura.Lunafreya 2018-05-17 15:54:36
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I saw some DMG28-30 as well from all those taupe, but it was never paired with any AGI/RACC/RATK/WSD to justify taking it unfortunately.

Making a note to myself to update the Holliday taupe caps on the Oseem BG wiki page, at least for the stats I have seen myself and can confirm.
Posts: 703
By Nyarlko 2018-05-21 11:11:28
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Noob question, but does the "Triple Shot+" stat on gear apply even when the JA "Triple Shot" is not active, like DA/TA/QA do?
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
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By Shiva.Arislan 2018-05-21 11:34:56
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Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Eightball 2018-05-21 12:11:38
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Nyarlko said: »
Noob question, but does the "Triple Shot+" stat on gear apply even when the JA "Triple Shot" is not active, like DA/TA/QA do?

man that would be pretty sweet... but no.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 718
By Shiva.Eightball 2018-05-21 12:14:27
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Shiva.Arislan said: »
Leaden > Requiescat > Leaden

don't forget to Wildfire at the end for double dark.
Server: Asura
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user: Shini
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By Asura.Shinjobi 2018-05-22 13:22:52
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I've got the chance to snag a +1 SoA ring from the Ygnas Directive questions. Are any of the HQ rings worth it for COR? Otherwise I was probably going to just pursue the crafter ring, heh.
Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2018-05-22 14:42:54
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Asura.Shinjobi said: »
I've got the chance to snag a +1 SoA ring from the Ygnas Directive questions. Are any of the HQ rings worth it for COR? Otherwise I was probably going to just pursue the crafter ring, heh.

Karieyh Ring +1 is BiS gear for Savage Blade, IIRC.

Haverton +1 is the only snapshot ring (and even if you can cap snapshot without it, especially with Flurry II, it certainly adds the luxury of more flexibility to add more Rapid Shot or be missing a couple HQ pieces), BiS Racc ring, and an interesting DW melee option. None of these are necessarily vital for COR, but all are nice.

Realistically, most people probably have something else for another job that takes priority (most notably, Weatherspoon for any mage or RNG Trueflight) - but COR makes good use out of a couple of the rings. If you want to go with the crafting ring though, you shouldn't feel like you're missing out on some vital COR piece.
Server: Asura
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user: Lunafreya
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2018-05-28 20:00:17
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I used the lua posted in this guide as my base and was wondering how to modify it to include a section to equip a Critical/AM3 set when Arma AM3 is active.

The ranged attack section is currently:

function job_post_midcast(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
    -- Equip obi if weather/day matches for Quick Draw.
    if spell.type == 'CorsairShot' then
        if (spell.element == world.day_element or spell.element == world.weather_element) and 
        (spell.english ~= 'Light Shot' and spell.english ~= 'Dark Shot') then
        if state.QDMode.value == 'Magic Enhance' then
        elseif state.QDMode.value == 'STP' then
    elseif spell.action_type == 'Ranged Attack' and buffactive['Triple Shot'] then

I am guessing I need to add another elseif at the end that looks something like:

elseif spell.action_type == 'Ranged Attack' and buffactive['Whatever-the-Arma-AM3-Buff-Is-Officially-Called'] then

Looked at a few RNG LUAs and saw a bunch of AM3 sets defined but not the actual snippet of code that does the midcast check.

Edit: Nvm I found it.

elseif spell.action_type == 'Ranged Attack' and buffactive['Aftermath: Lv.3'] then equip(sets.midcast.RA.Critical)

Question is placement in the if statement. Do you prioritize Triple Shot over Crit-AM3 when both are active or vice versa?
By Afania 2018-05-28 22:21:58
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Asura.Lunafreya said: »
Do you prioritize Triple Shot over Crit-AM3 when both are active or vice versa?

I keep megh head for dead aim, and critical hit back/waist for Am3. Everything else is the same.

To illustrate what I mean.

This is my Fomalhaut TP set:
ItemSet 352484
(STP +10 augment on back)

This is my Arma AM 3 TP set:
(Last stand only, wildfire requires different tp set from this)
ItemSet 351883
(Critical hit +10% on back)

Head is pretty much the only triple shot gear to swap out for crit. Keep in mind that the weight of each stats may change depending on what you already have, so depending on other slots and sam roll optimal sets may be different.

Edit: Another thing worth mentioning is that currently spreadsheet doesn't have QS hands implemented. So there's a chance that extra QS proc rate from Oshosi head HQ outweight dead aim. We just wouldn't know.
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
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By Shiva.Arislan 2018-05-28 23:18:50
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Asura.Lunafreya said: »
elseif spell.action_type == 'Ranged Attack' and buffactive['Aftermath: Lv.3'] then equip(sets.midcast.RA.Critical)

If you have Fomal and/or DP, you'll want to add in another check for your current weapon, or it'll trigger on non-Arma AM3's too.

if spell.action_type == 'Ranged Attack' then
    if buffactive['Triple Shot'] then
        if buffactive['Aftermath: Lv.3'] and == "Armageddon" then
    elseif buffactive['Aftermath: Lv.3'] and == "Armageddon" then

set.TripleShotCritical would just be partial swaps, like the pieces that Afa listed above.
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