Luck Of The Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*

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Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
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Posts: 379
By Galkapryme 2023-07-01 17:07:36
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Asura.Asalith said: »
Asura.Fondue said: »
does cornelia replace either ring for leaden?

Using Kastras Python tool (pretty accurate) it comes up with Cornelia > Archon.

A better question is: Is the WS ring a better option overall than the PDL ring? I kinda feel like you get more utility from the PDL ring, unless you strictly run ranged jobs on a particular account.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Ryug1
Posts: 29
By Bismarck.Ryugi 2023-07-01 23:48:05
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What are you guys using with the current content for your engaged tp sets?
By LightningHelix 2023-07-03 07:58:33
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I actually came here to post that same question, just only about weapons.

Pretend I have infinite gil (I don't) and assume enough gear/buffs to not have accuracy issues. What's the best set of weapon sets?
Savage Blade wants mainhand Naegling, obviously. But offhand Blurred Knife +1? Rostam path B? (That followup attack chance procs in the offhand, right?)
And for Leaden Salute - Rostam B main/Blurred +1 offhand, or should the offhand be Tauret (+magic dmg) or Crepuscular (+ws chr mod) or a third Rostam (I really hope this is not the case.) or should the mainhand not be Rostam at all somehow?
Server: Carbuncle
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user: maletaru
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By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-07-03 08:13:26
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LightningHelix said: »
I actually came here to post that same question, just only about weapons.

Pretend I have infinite gil (I don't) and assume enough gear/buffs to not have accuracy issues. What's the best set of weapon sets?
Savage Blade wants mainhand Naegling, obviously. But offhand Blurred Knife +1? Rostam path B? (That followup attack chance procs in the offhand, right?)
And for Leaden Salute - Rostam B main/Blurred +1 offhand, or should the offhand be Tauret (+magic dmg) or Crepuscular (+ws chr mod) or a third Rostam (I really hope this is not the case.) or should the mainhand not be Rostam at all somehow?

Rostam augs only work in the mainhand. Rostam B is a good MH for Leaden if you're meleeing, Rostam A is a good MH for when you're shooting exclusively. Offhand Tauret is good for maximizing LS damage, but I prefer Gleti most of the time to get TP faster. Kustawi+1 is a good OH when you need racc (W3 dynamis). I never use Blurred Knife, though it could be a fine alternative to Gleti if you need to haste yourself for some reason. Crep is also very good and probably better than Gleti, but I don't have one.

Between Rostams & Naegling, I don't think I ever wear anything else in MH.

Bismarck.Ryugi said: »
What are you guys using with the current content for your engaged tp sets?

4 Malignance, empy legs+3, Epona/Chirich, Telos/Brutal, JSE cape with DW, Sailfi, Iskur. Could use Kirin belt and the DW earring, then STP or DA on the cape if you'd like.
By lumengrid 2023-07-03 09:30:52
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my offhand doesnt change much from gleti's knife these days. mainhand is either rostam or naegling. default engaged set is 4/5 malignance + empy legs. my accessories are iskur/reiki yotai/eabani/dedition/eponas/chirich/DA cape. the only downside here is that set is exactly 25% haste (including the 2% from gleti's knife) which technically you still need 1% more. like maletaru said, you can go DW on cape and use sailfi belt, then you also dont need to wear any DW earring. you would be 1 DW under cap in this scenario (assuming magic haste capped) but i think thats a better trade-off vs being 1% off haste cap. so ive been thinking of making that change myself recently
By LightningHelix 2023-07-03 11:55:57
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Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »
Rostam augs only work in the mainhand. Rostam B is a good MH for Leaden if you're meleeing, Rostam A is a good MH for when you're shooting exclusively. Offhand Tauret is good for maximizing LS damage, but I prefer Gleti most of the time to get TP faster. Kustawi+1 is a good OH when you need racc (W3 dynamis). I never use Blurred Knife, though it could be a fine alternative to Gleti if you need to haste yourself for some reason. Crep is also very good and probably better than Gleti, but I don't have one.
I do have Crep Knife already (the TP drain proc disappointed me, but I just had to try it out) so I'll give that a shot in the offhand. Good to know about the Rostam augs. Makes my life significantly easier not needing more than... a second one. Thank you!

lumengrid said: »
my offhand doesnt change much from gleti's knife these days. mainhand is either rostam or naegling. default engaged set is 4/5 malignance + empy legs. my accessories are iskur/reiki yotai/eabani/dedition/eponas/chirich/DA cape. the only downside here is that set is exactly 25% haste (including the 2% from gleti's knife) which technically you still need 1% more. like maletaru said, you can go DW on cape and use sailfi belt, then you also dont need to wear any DW earring. you would be 1 DW under cap in this scenario (assuming magic haste capped) but i think thats a better trade-off vs being 1% off haste cap. so ive been thinking of making that change myself recently
I had no idea empy +3 had 12 DT, that's insane. Obviously you could go back to Malig Tights for the haste, but then you lose 2 stp 13 acc 5 dt, so I assume you've considered that. I do think I'd rather be 1 DW under than 1 haste under, so I'd swap that.
Posts: 438
By Meeble 2023-07-03 13:58:26
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LightningHelix said: »
or a third Rostam (I really hope this is not the case.)

You asked for the the no-holds barred best possible option.

If you do not, in fact, have unlimited gil or inventory space, Path A(Store TP) can pull double duty as melee and ranged mainhand. Path B is better for melee only, but not by a huge margin.

Alternatively, Lanun knives are an excellent value proposition for Path A & B, offering 80% of the stats for less than 2% of Rostam's price. Collect 'em all!
By LightningHelix 2023-07-03 15:05:34
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Meeble said: »
LightningHelix said: »
or a third Rostam (I really hope this is not the case.)

You asked for the the no-holds barred best possible option.

If you do not, in fact, have unlimited gil or inventory space, Path A(Store TP) can pull double duty as melee and ranged mainhand. Path B is better for melee only, but not by a huge margin.

Alternatively, Lanun knives are an excellent value proposition for Path A & B, offering 80% of the stats for less than 2% of Rostam's price. Collect 'em all!
I absolutely did. And I did so knowing it might well be a third Rostam! The gil isn't an issue... eventually... but the inventory space might be. That's what'd stop me if anything did. Can't buy more of that with any amount of (ingame OR irl) money.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Ceal
Posts: 122
By Odin.Bangla 2023-07-13 03:34:54
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When a COR starts rolling and misses one person, then continues rolling with that person included, does it update the person's roll to the current total?
I was under the assumption that the person would only receive the roll that they were present for. So if a COR rolls a 6 on 4 people then a 5 on everyone, the excluded player should only have a roll of 5 while everyone has an 11.
By Afania 2023-07-13 03:40:47
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Odin.Bangla said: »
When a COR starts rolling and misses one person, then continues rolling with that person included, does it update the person's roll to the current total?


Odin.Bangla said: »
for. So if a COR rolls a 6 on 4 people then a 5 on everyone, the excluded player should only have a roll of 5 while everyone has an 11.

I believe everyone should have 11 in this case, since No.11 hits everyone.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Smegpot
By Asura.Asalith 2023-07-13 08:35:54
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Odin.Bangla said: »
So if a COR rolls a 6 on 4 people then a 5 on everyone, the excluded player should only have a roll of 5 while everyone has an 11.

Let's just change that a little bit to if you rolled 6 (on 5 players )+6 (on 6 players), everyone including the person who missed the first roll would lose their roll, this means they would also receive the 6+5 rolls for the 11
Posts: 336
By zixxer 2023-07-13 16:33:13
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Asura.Asalith said: »
Odin.Bangla said: »
So if a COR rolls a 6 on 4 people then a 5 on everyone, the excluded player should only have a roll of 5 while everyone has an 11.

Let's just change that a little bit to if you rolled 6 (on 5 players )+6 (on 6 players), everyone including the person who missed the first roll would lose their roll, this means they would also receive the 6+5 rolls for the 11
Posts: 1189
By DaneBlood 2023-07-13 17:52:15
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zixxer said: »
Asura.Asalith said: »
Odin.Bangla said: »
So if a COR rolls a 6 on 4 people then a 5 on everyone, the excluded player should only have a roll of 5 while everyone has an 11.

Let's just change that a little bit to if you rolled 6 (on 5 players )+6 (on 6 players), everyone including the person who missed the first roll would lose their roll, this means they would also receive the 6+5 rolls for the 11

It made perfectly sense to me.
Poor Godzilla must have a reading disability
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [38 days between previous and next post]
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10273
By Asura.Sechs 2023-08-20 17:48:36
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How is the "job bonus" for rolls calculated?

That job needs to be in party of course. What else?
Does it have to be same zone?
Does it have to be hit by the roll for everybody else in the party to benefit from the bonus?
Which other reqs are in place?

Server: Asura
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user: chendar
Posts: 137
By Asura.Chendar 2023-08-20 18:08:56
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A player with the "bonus" job needs to be in party and in zone, but doesn't actually have to be in range of the initial roll. The job bonus can also only be applied by the initial roll, unlike PR+ gear which also works if you hit someone with double-up that missed the initial roll (as long as you keep the gear equipped anyway). Probably to keep the relic head 50% chance from becoming a lot more than 50% if you do some double ups I assume :P

The flat bonus value is added to the regular roll value and everything is multiplied by 20% right at the end if you use crooked cards
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2023-09-08 21:50:54
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The guide has been updated:

  • Subjob info has been updated

  • Weapons have been updated

  • All gearsets have been updated

  • Quest rewards have been updated

Please check my work folks. I'm not entirely confident that I've got everything correct and I may have missed some gear that was released while I was gone.

Thanks and enjoy!
Server: Ramuh
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user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2023-09-08 23:40:55
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60% Snapshot can get some extra rapid shot, also means you don't need taeon for COR as well
Top valid set:
{'Name': 'Chass. Tricorne +3', 'RapidShot': 18}
{'Name': 'Oshosi Vest +1', 'Snapshot': 14}
{'Name': 'Carmine Fin. Ga. +1', 'Snapshot': 8, 'RapidShot': 11}
{'Name': 'Adhemar Kecks +1', 'Snapshot': 10, 'RapidShot': 13}
{'Name': 'Meg. Jam. +2', 'Snapshot': 10}
{'Name': 'Comm. Charm +2', 'Snapshot': 4}
{'Name': 'Impulse Belt', 'Snapshot': 3}
{'Name': 'Crepuscular Ring', 'Snapshot': 3}
{'Name': 'Ambuscade Cape', 'Snapshot': 10}

Rapid Shot:
Server: Odin
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user: Ceal
Posts: 122
By Odin.Bangla 2023-09-09 01:24:34
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Cornelia’s Ring beats Archon Ring in the Leaden set.
Posts: 9195
By SimonSes 2023-09-09 02:03:39
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If we are using all the things, then Ephramad destroys Cornelia for Savage at attack cap.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2023-09-09 06:48:56
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SimonSes said: »
If we are using all the things, then Ephramad destroys Cornelia for Savage at attack cap.

Looks like I forgot to add Ephramad as a PDL Swap for Savage >.>

Thanks for catching that!
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-09-10 17:52:52
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So I've got a suggestion: having TVR rings in the sets really isn't that useful. You've got some sets in there that are right next to each other which are using two different TVR rings. Since you can only have 1 ring, and people are going to be divided on which one they choose for what, it's better to just have a section dedicated to talking about what each ring is good for on that job if they happen to have chosen it (or a note under the set saying which ring is best for that set, if preferred).

This will save you a lot of time later when you have people asking what they should be using over X TVR ring because they don't have it, even if the next best ring is in the 2nd tier of set.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: NynJa
Posts: 4537
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2023-09-10 20:19:01
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When they dont have multiple TVR rings:
By Afania 2023-09-11 02:46:11
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1) Unless SE changed how Nyame works while I was away... Nyame seems to have the same problem as TVR rings. Ranged set has path A but ws set has path B.

If it is determined that path B is the most ideal choice then path A could appear as alternative choice but not "dream tier" maybe?

2) There is another issue that was often brought up on Reddit, that is the presentation of TP sets. Right now there is a large section for DW tiers, so a lot of new players ended up reading the guide and find TP set section not helpful for endgame since endgame TP set is expected to have DT- in it.

Since having multiple DT- sets and swap accordingly is pretty crucial for endgame performance I would suggest changing TP set to different DT- TP sets such as(just examples):

Glass Cannon
30% DT-
50% DT-
50% DT-/High defense and HP
50% DT- Meva/mdef
50% DT/Evasion possibly?(This one is less useful since cor is rarely the main puller)

Those sets also need Rostam/Without Rostam versions.

For DW tiers, I suggest posting Dual Wield Cheatsheet from bg wiki and list all the dw gears so people can mix and match dw swaps based on their haste/gear availability.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-09-11 02:56:43
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Something I just noticed, Nyame Helm in the LS Macc swap section would be pretty good. Not a huge dmg loss in exchange for a load of macc and some SC bonus, very useful for something like Aminon if you are struggling
Server: Shiva
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user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2023-09-11 09:36:51
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Thanks for the suggestions folks, I'll see what I can do.

(hi Afa!)
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Odessyus
Posts: 11
By Odin.Odessyus 2023-09-11 21:18:40
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This is a great guide - thanks for updating it! I have a quick question on the new sets. In some of the dream tier sets, you have different pieces of Ikenga gear. Are these listed in that tier assuming R30 augments, or is there a specific point that these pieces would surpass the mid tier options?

Again, really appreciate all of your hard work on this!
Server: Asura
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Posts: 98
By Asura.Volteczero 2023-09-12 00:44:07
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Max R.acc set for midshot/triple shot/ws would be great for sortie
Posts: 1447
By fractalvoid 2023-09-12 00:49:08
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Afania said: »

dang i m still gettin schooled by afa in 2023 who would've thought ;;
By Dodik 2023-09-12 07:10:53
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To simplify, I'd do an all around "dream melee TP" set for DW with 10-11 DW+ and 30-50% DT. The different melee tp sets would just go up in DT, 30-40-50. Really you only need two, non capped and capped DT. Ditto for non-DW.

Would also include Empy legs +3 in all these sets for the 12% DT and massive accuracy and store tp. It also opens up a lot of options for not having to use DT rings or neck.

The mostly adhemar using TP sets are way too squishy even for things like sheol A/B/C. They also lack a lot of accuracy to be effective in content like that.
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