Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
By Homsar 2023-05-31 02:47:22
Path B is the one I technically get the most use out of since it's my primary melee. It wouldn't necessarily be wrong to choose it and you would definitely get a ton of mileage from it.
That being said, Path C is best in the game for Roll. It might be worth considering getting that anyway and getting Lanun Knife for melee usage. The different between +7 and +8 isn't huge, but it's still there not to mention the roll duration bonus as well.
If I had to pick one, I'd pick C. Your unique factor as a COR is your rolls and maximizing them is probably the best choice overall. B would great, but C would be better.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 167
By Carbuncle.Samuraiking 2023-05-31 12:32:39
I just managed to finally save up enough for a Rostam and was wondering if Path C was really strong enough to forgo one of the other paths if I already have +7 Phantom Roll. I generally play solo or low-man with 1-2 other players, don't have any endgame groups (though I'd like to start eventually), on a low-population server so not really any PUG opportunities. I have DP (not augmented yet, working on the 700 JP/week time gate) and 90+% of my playtime is melee, so was considering Path B.
It's incredibly unlikely I'll ever have ~120 mil again to buy and augment another Rostam, so if you were only ever going to have one, which path do you think would be the single biggest upgrade?
If you have massive gil to blow, I'd do multiple paths, but if you can only ever afford 1 Rostam, it's always path C. I know the other guy quoted that it's only a "small" increase, but so is +7, and +6 etc. It's just a slippery slope argument that leads you to being gimp across the board. Always path C, if you want to make another later, go for it, but Path A/B aren't needed, also easily replaceable with a Lanun Knife, and I would say not necessarily used that often to begin with, especially if you are meleeing most of the time like you say.
If you are solely shooting, the STP one is amazing and BiS, but you can also just do a Lanun Knife for that one and it's much cheaper. The attacks twice one can be great for melee TP, but it HAS to be in the main hand. This means you are giving up Naegling and Savage Blade to do so. I always like having Savage Blade as an option for skillchains, and if it's something like Odyssey segs, the ability to use it on mobs that aren't weak to Hot Shot or Leaden without having to swap and lose TP.
To me strong leaden build opens up a whole world of different playstyle and builds, adds a great deal of versatility no matter where you go or who you play with. some other people also posted similar opinions. It wasn't just me.
To play Devil's Advocate, Leaden isn't used quite as much as it used to be these days and even when it is, it can be done just fine with a different gun, sometimes with the same result. There are some niche scenarios where it is your primary damage, but it's not as desirable as it used to be. That's not to say I regret R15'ing DP or don't use it, just that I haven't used it much since I got it.
For Odyssey seg farms, you can either be lazy and Savage+TPGun the entire time or you can swap to Fomalhaut and Hotshot for 75k+ when you run into fire weak ones. I think the only time I do Leaden in there is really for Slimes. As for Ody bosses, Arebati uses Armageddon, most of them don't take good magic dmg at all and you just skillchain for BLM with 2k wsd and use Fomalhaut for better tp or use dagger ws etc.
For Dynamis, I overkill the hell out of statues in both Fomalhaut and TPGun, so keeping those on for Hot Shot/Savage for regular mobs is ideal. I do swap to it for Wave 1 boss so we can kill it with like 5-6 Leaden skillchains though. For Wave 3 it's always Fomalhaut Hot Shot though because COR can pop 50k-95k on the fomors with the right buffs.
I think a couple Ambus actually use Leaden though, so it's great for that, but I would consider making an entire REMA for a 20s faster kill on Wave 1 boss and two Ambus to be low priority for sure. Fomalhaut and TPGun would definitely be my priority with Armageddon coming in if I planned to do Arebati any time soon, and DP bringing up the rear. Solid gun for sure and it shouldn't be something you just never get, but you might be looking at it with a bit more love than it deserves is all.
By Afania 2023-05-31 13:41:14
Carbuncle.Samuraiking said: »it can be done just fine with a different gun, sometimes with the same result.
Parse and spreadsheet says otherwise.
Carbuncle.Samuraiking said: »but you might be looking at it with a bit more love than it deserves is all.
Because everyone do content differently, not everyone do same content you did nor use the same pt setup. Of course we'll have different pov on a weapon.
For example, I almost never do dyna wave 3 with a group, if I enter dyna I enter as one character completely buffless solo. In that case of course Id rate DP higher, since it doesn't need attack buffs which frees up my 2nd buff slot for defensive buffs.
That doesn't mean I am looking at it with a bit more love than it deserves. I just use the job differently from you. As mostly solo player COR for me is primarily a solo job, for you it's probably an endgame job in groups. Therefore we have different opinion on the weapons and priority.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 167
By Carbuncle.Samuraiking 2023-05-31 13:45:34
Parse and spreadsheet says otherwise.
I explained it very clearly in the rest of my post, but I think you are still confused. No one would ever say other guns would do more dmg with Leaden than DP does, I said the same result. The example I gave was Dynamis statues. If you hit over 25k you one-shot them, so any extra dmg is entirely pointless. You would do more event damage by using TPGun and savage blading the regular mobs instead.
I'm also not sure why you are mentioning solo and buffs for Dynamis, for multiple reasons... but as far as damage goes, I don't really have buffs for when I do Leaden. I run Sam/Chaos, the GEO does Fury/frailty on the first 2 waves and the statue is dead before they can get a bubble up anyway. The BRD does haste and attack songs with maybe a herc or -enmity etc. Nothing that buffs Leaden dmg at all, so it's the same as solo.
By Afania 2023-05-31 13:48:52
Carbuncle.Samuraiking said: »Parse and spreadsheet says otherwise.
I explained it very clearly in the rest of my post, but I think you are still confused. No one would ever say other guns would do more dmg with Leaden than DP does, I said the same result. The example I gave was Dynamis statues. If you hit over 25k you one-shot them, so any extra dmg is entirely pointless. You would do more event damage by using TPGun and savage blading the regular mobs instead.
We are talking in circles lol. Statues isn't the only mob that I use leaden on, my list is much longer than that.
Quote: You would do more event damage by using TPGun and savage blading the regular mobs instead.
That's probably with attack buffs or against mobs that resist magic and probably only ws avg but not overall dps if you count the TP speed difference between the two.
Carbuncle.Samuraiking said: »I run Sam/Chaos, the GEO does Fury/frailty on the first 2 waves and the statue is dead before they can get a bubble up anyway. The BRD does haste and attack songs with maybe a herc or -enmity etc. Nothing that buffs Leaden dmg at all, so it's the same as solo.
If I am soloing then the bolded buffs won't be available. I will need to solo pull and solo aoe sleep groups of mobs, which makes defensive rolls more desirable.
If I have no strong leaden set + rostam B I wouldn't consider most of the solo that I did in the past since it'll be much harder strategy wise.
Carbuncle.Samuraiking said: »I'm also not sure why you are mentioning solo
I use solo as an example to demonstrate how playing the game differently leads to completely different pov on a weapon.
By Visien 2023-05-31 14:34:28
Thanks everyone! Great points, Path C it is. Maybe someday I'll come into a mass of gil and be able to get B as well. Sorry to derail.
By Asura.Asalith 2023-06-01 05:23:34
Thanks everyone! Great points, Path C it is. Maybe someday I'll come into a mass of gil and be able to get B as well. Sorry to derail.
I think you made the right choice; C is a big buff as it supports the primary role of a COR, there are many fights where the COR mostly just stands there and looks pretty, A/B do nothing on those fights and a lot of fights are savage so still no A/B.
I think for the 2nd dagger it should be A as it can be used for both ranged/melee, whereas B is only melee (unless you want the subtle blow on RAs). B will beat A in solely melee situations but I'd rather cover both bases.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2446
By Asura.Fondue 2023-06-03 10:32:01
does cornelia replace either ring for leaden?
By Nariont 2023-06-03 11:00:56
Someone can SS it but i dont think itll replace dingr or archon, lacking one of those it can probably fill in
By Asura.Asalith 2023-06-03 11:17:25
does cornelia replace either ring for leaden?
Using Kastras Python tool (pretty accurate) it comes up with Cornelia > Archon.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-06-03 12:15:44
This is a magic WS on a job that has ranged attacks, it is exceedingly simple to just check in the game.
Dingir + Cornelia: 35682
Archon + Cornelia: 35427
Dingir + Archon: 35109
Server: Odin
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Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2023-06-03 12:21:37
does cornelia replace either ring for leaden?
At 1151 TP on Skinks outside Port Jueno.
Cornelia + Archon = 41671
Archon + Dingir = 40688
Cornelia + Dingir = 42017
ItemSet 354370
Sadly no O Sash.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 65
By Bahamut.Xeones 2023-06-12 02:10:16
What do you all think is worth +3ing for empy? I have hands done, just curious where other pieces fit/why you all like them?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2023-06-12 03:14:38
What do you all think is worth +3ing for empy? I have hands done, just curious where other pieces fit/why you all like them?
The full set is good, hands Hot Shot/Last Stand etc, Head preshot, body Triple Shot.
Feet boosts the QD extra effect even more, Legs excellent piece to TP in.
The entire set for Macc for light/dark shot, unless you rock a few AF+3 pieces.
By zixxer 2023-06-12 05:00:40
Entire set is also good for racc, acc, and meva.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 65
By Bahamut.Xeones 2023-06-12 15:22:41
Thank you
Just out of curiosity,
does Triple attack gear need to be worn DURING /ra as midcast? or is it just worn during the ability activation? (pieces like empy body+3)
Or can i actually put triple attack gear in my "preshot" and still have midshot set?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2972
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-06-12 15:46:38
Triple shot procs only in midshot set, and only while the buff is up. You cannot triple shot without the ability, and wearing gear during ability activation does nothing.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 29
By Bismarck.Ryugi 2023-06-22 01:12:45
If I don't have a Death penalty is the Molybdosis still better for Leaden Salute? Or is a R15 Fomalhaut better for that? Still new to Cor and the guide shows the Moly being better.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 385
By Bahamut.Suph 2023-06-22 03:03:34
Moly should be better, R15 over R0 Fomal only add magic accuracy for Leaden.
Moly have both 30 MAB and 25 Agi over Fomal, the 30 MAB should already almost compensate for the TP Bonus +500 if you don't have too much MAB in other slots so the 25 AGI would push it over esp. with AGI being both the dStat and the Stat modifier.
And with moonshade earring and /war, the TP Bonus +500 basically add less and less over 2050 TP and basically add nothing after 2550.
By Ahbon 2023-06-22 07:58:47
Moly is good for new Cor you will throw it away once you have all the 4 important Gun for Cor but there are some players who feel Armageddon is not important for me i have all of them and i feel it is good and it a must have weapon .
1) Ataktos
2) Death Penalty
3) Fomalhaut
4) Armageddon
Fomalhaut mostly use for Physical damage WS Last Stand
Leaden salute Darkness magic Damage
Wildfire White magic Damage
But there are some Cor who use Fomalhaut for magic SC and i even heard a guy said he use Ataktos for magic SC in Odyssey C farm .
Rostam dagger at least we need 2 pieces Aug A and C some Cor have 3 dagger Aug A , B , C for those who mention C is enough for sure his WS Leaden salute damage drop with Aug C it really depend on yourself what you want for your Cor .
By Afania 2023-06-22 08:16:32
Moly is good for new Cor you will throw it away
Depends on your inventory needs I guess. Even with rema I still kept Moly for crit-hit damage boost and used it for it for a few times over the years.
By LightningHelix 2023-06-22 08:32:11
Rostam dagger at least we need 2 pieces Aug A and C some Cor have 3 dagger Aug A , B , C for those who mention C is enough for sure his WS Leaden salute damage drop with Aug C it really depend on yourself what you want for your Cor . What does path A/B give you for Leaden Salute? Obviously it TPs far faster but what's the benefit for specifically WS damage?
By Afania 2023-06-22 09:04:26
Rostam dagger at least we need 2 pieces Aug A and C some Cor have 3 dagger Aug A , B , C for those who mention C is enough for sure his WS Leaden salute damage drop with Aug C it really depend on yourself what you want for your Cor . What does path A/B give you for Leaden Salute? Obviously it TPs far faster but what's the benefit for specifically WS damage?
TP faster = more ws = more overall dmg obviously.
If you are shooting then more stp = more TP overflow = higher ws dmg since leaden dmg scale with TP.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 29
By Bismarck.Ryugi 2023-06-22 09:15:43
Thank you all for your input. Corsair is a work in progress i currently have tp gun for savage blade. Folm and moly and rostam path c. Are the sets in the main page still good or have they been updated? I have been looking through some of the pages but I mainly see Ledan salute sets. Thank you.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 137
By Asura.Chendar 2023-06-22 12:47:18
Front page sets are mostly all pre odyssey and sortie gear additions (midshot set seems to be the exception as it has 2 pieces of Ikenga in there. (those legs would be replaced by empy+3 now though).
How outdated they are kinda depends on what you have access to though. Nyame path B replaces herculean in the leaden/wildfire sets if you have enough ranks on those pieces for instance. Most of the main physical ws sets will also tend to be replaced by Nyame in most slots if you have it ranked up decently. (Empy gloves +3 for all the ranged ws)
The tp/engaged sets listed there are also _very_ squishy and while technically still probably the best dps options, or close, they're not really suited for the most recent content (odyssey/sortie) so don't go breaking the bank on those. :P
Server: Asura
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Posts: 160
By Asura.Bynebill 2023-06-24 16:25:00
What AM3 sets are people using for armageddon on Arebati?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2023-06-24 16:45:17
What AM3 sets are people using for armageddon on Arebati? Code sets.midcast.RA.AM = {
head="Meghanada Visor +2",
neck="Iskur Gorget",
ear1="Odr Earring",
ear2="Chasseur's Earring +1",
body="Meg. Cuirie +2",
hands="Chasseur's Gants +3",
ring1="Begrudging Ring",
ring2="Mummu Ring",
back={ name="Camulus's Mantle", augments={'AGI+20','Rng.Acc.+20 Rng.Atk.+20','Rng.Acc.+10','Crit.hit rate+10','Phys. dmg. taken-10%',}},
waist="Gerdr Belt +1",
legs="Darraigner's Brais",
feet="Osh. Leggings +1"
} Something like this
By Pirates 2023-06-28 10:03:26
I have a few questions about ranged attacks I'm just not certain about.
Has nothing to do with accuracy and we just stack snapshot gear.
Stack accuracy gear here.
Triple Attack
Does TA gear go in the pre-shot or mid-shot?
- Shooting -
/equipset (pre-shot)
/ra <t> <wait 1>
/equipset (mid-shot(accuracy set))
/ wait <?> how long do you need to wait before switching to DT or TP gear?
- Triple Shot -
/equipset (triple shot or pre-shot equipset?)
/ra <t> <wait 1>
/equipset (triple shot or mid-shot(accuracy)?)
/ wait <?> how long do you need to wait before switching to DT or TP gear?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2972
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-06-28 10:24:21
Triple shot gear has to be in your mid-shot set, and only relevant while the buff is on your character, handle that however you will. For me it looks like this:
Regular shot:
/equipset (preshot)
/shoot <t> <wait 1>
/equipset (midshot)
I don't bother going back into an idle set because most of the time I'm shooting repeatedly and adding another 1s delay into my next shot will slow me down significantly, but if you want to be careful you can do:
/equipset (preshot)
/shoot <t> <wait 1>
/equipset (midshot) <wait 1>
/equipset (idle/engaged)
Then you have to wait another 1 second and time it properly before your next shot otherwise the /equipset (preshot) will error out and really slow you down.
For triple shot, AM3, racc, I have separate macros as a copy of the above, but with different set in (midshot).
As to how long you wait before putting idle on, depends on your snapshot but I think 1 second is probably enough with capped snapshot set. You'll want to test it (check TP returns to see which set you're in when you shoot) and make sure it works both for rapid shot procs and not.