Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 16
By Odin.Daemonak 2022-06-05 13:52:58
Most all of the bird mobs (bats, vultures, colibri, greater bird) are a one-shot with a optimal Hot Shot set (augmented Nyame 4/5 and relic +3 feet or similar) and assuming usual Ody C party buffs (chaos roll, HM and 2-3x Minuet, etc).
Weapon is R15 Fomalhaut at ~2k effective TP (more for higher floors), but Armageddon or Death Penalty are not bad alternatives either.
* Edited for gear clarification.
By SimonSes 2022-06-06 10:29:09
What's your set for melee in Sheol C Afania (when you Leaden or WF)?
By Afania 2022-06-06 12:41:39
What's your set for melee in Sheol C Afania (when you Leaden or WF)?
Eh? What do you mean? Can you be more specific about what you are asking? Are you asking if leaden/WF changes TP set or something?
By SimonSes 2022-06-06 13:32:26
What's your set for melee in Sheol C Afania (when you Leaden or WF)?
Eh? What do you mean? Can you be more specific about what you are asking? Are you asking if leaden/WF changes TP set or something?
What melee TP set you are using in Sheol C for TP when you are WSing with Leaden or WF. I want to check how much better is B than A in that scenario.
By Afania 2022-06-07 06:35:16
What's your set for melee in Sheol C Afania (when you Leaden or WF)?
Eh? What do you mean? Can you be more specific about what you are asking? Are you asking if leaden/WF changes TP set or something?
What melee TP set you are using in Sheol C for TP when you are WSing with Leaden or WF. I want to check how much better is B than A in that scenario.
Sure I can compare them...but I'm curious why my sets though? I build my sets based on gears that I have or don't have, and buffs or healers from people that I play with. So whatever worked for me aren't going to work well for everybody I think.
For example my groups tend to have a tank in C, and brds often use 2 attack and 1 defense songs instead of 3 attack songs. We almost always skip penguin on higher floors too. I think that's already different from some other groups with a more offensive setup.
But anyways, I'll compare all leaden melee sets suitable in C runs including mine and a more generic malig DT set most other people use. But I'll exclude Nyame focused high defense/HP/counter survivability sets which I only use in harder v20 runs.
52 STP Sam roll, all using same leaden set at 45-47k WS.
Rostam 30% PDT-
ItemSet 384949
Head: path D for 4 PDT-
Hands: QA+3 STP+2
Back: DEX/attk/acc/STP/PDT-10%
Feet: QA+3
12 DT-, 18 PDT- total.
I generally use this set when I engage most things, unless the mob has deadly TP move or hate is currently on me. (Rarely happen if I am using leaden with a tank.)
Path B DPS: 9350
Path A DPS: 9088 with DA back, 8994 with STP back.
A is 3%-3.5% behind.
If I need acc on higher floors I replace dedition with telos, Petrov with chirich +1 for 30 more accuracy.
Rostam 50% PDT-
ItemSet 384950
My generic capped DT- set for mobs with a strong 1 shot physical move, unless I need to resist something or nukes.
27 DT-, 23 PDT- total. Augments are the same as above.
Path B DPS: 8926
Path A DPS: 8610 with DA back, 8441 with STP back
A is 3.5%-5.5% behind.
Generic Rostam malig 50 PDT- set
ItemSet 384947
I think this is what most people use for DT-. May as well post them for comparison.
Back augment: DEX/attk/acc/DW/PDT-
Path B DPS: 8815
Path A DPS: 8257
A is 6% behind B.
Finally if you really really want to resist something with a rostam on.
Malig resist swaps:
ItemSet 384948
Back: DW/meva or resist status ailments. Dring can be w/e with 7 PDT- just to cap.
Path A: 6977
Path B: 7788
A is 10.5% behind B.
Anyways, let me know if above number or set has any errors. I wrote everything on my phone so it's difficult to check.....
By SimonSes 2022-06-07 08:26:34
Sure I can compare them...but I'm curious why my sets though?
I was just curious nothing more.
and brds often use 2 attack and 1 defense songs instead of 3 attack songs.
I think some groups use 4 attack songs from start, if people are prebuffing and going with SCH and most groups use 4 attack songs in last 14-15 min with Soul Voice.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-06-07 08:27:24
curious how you have path b implemented since every other attempt i've seen has been, well, incorrect to say the least
By SimonSes 2022-06-07 08:34:20
curious how you have path b implemented since every other attempt i've seen has been, well, incorrect to say the least
Tbh I have no idea how it's in job sheets, since for now I don't really care about those FUA weapons from DPS perspective. I just use my small sheet for avg attacks per round and avg tp per round and for this COR example I just add +0.5*(1-chance for double QA) EDIT: To main hand only ofc.
EDIT2: bg wiki says FUA is before QA/TA/DA. Is it really true?
EDIT3: Also Additional Info for FUA on bg wiki is definitely wrong
By Afania 2022-06-07 09:54:49
curious how you have path b implemented since every other attempt i've seen has been, well, incorrect to say the least
What do you mean? I think Chiaia was the one who added them years ago.
Did they actually apply to offhand incorrectly or something?
@Baniak source? Link? Which page on bg? You guys are posting endless "this is incorrect" but how am I going to fix anything if you guys don't post exactly what is incorrect lol.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-06-07 09:59:18
curious how you have path b implemented since every other attempt i've seen has been, well, incorrect to say the least
Tbh I have no idea how it's in job sheets, since for now I don't really care about those FUA weapons from DPS perspective. I just use my small sheet for avg attacks per round and avg tp per round and for this COR example I just add +0.5*(1-chance for double QA) EDIT: To main hand only ofc.
EDIT2: bg wiki says FUA is before QA/TA/DA. Is it really true?
EDIT3: Also Additional Info for FUA on bg wiki is definitely wrong FUA is unrelated to any other MA, it isn't in any priority order. You don't get double QA or anything. As far an average goes, +0.5 is correct, but that doesn't account for 8 hit cap when dealing with offhand hits.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-06-07 10:02:52
What do you mean? I think Chiaia was the one who added them years ago.
Did they actually apply to offhand incorrectly or something?
@Baniak source? Link? Which page on bg? You guys are posting endless "this is incorrect" but how am I going to fix anything if you guys don't post exactly what is incorrect lol. I don't know, I haven't looked at it. I just have seen some HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE ways people have tried when a simple 0.5 addition is the closest you're going to get without re-doing the entire page in the spreadsheet.
By SimonSes 2022-06-07 10:23:06
curious how you have path b implemented since every other attempt i've seen has been, well, incorrect to say the least
Tbh I have no idea how it's in job sheets, since for now I don't really care about those FUA weapons from DPS perspective. I just use my small sheet for avg attacks per round and avg tp per round and for this COR example I just add +0.5*(1-chance for double QA) EDIT: To main hand only ofc.
EDIT2: bg wiki says FUA is before QA/TA/DA. Is it really true?
EDIT3: Also Additional Info for FUA on bg wiki is definitely wrong FUA is unrelated to any other MA, it isn't in any priority order. You don't get double QA or anything. As far an average goes, +0.5 is correct, but that doesn't account for 8 hit cap when dealing with offhand hits.
If FUA is after QA/TA/DA then double QA (by double QA I mean Dul Wielding and QA proc on each hand) will block it exactly because of 8 hit cap. That's what I was including there. For jobs with no way of reaching 8hit cap I was simply adding 0.5 and I think in job sheets it's also +0.5 If QA/TA/DA is after FUA, then FUA will limit QA proc on one hand to +2 hits anyway tho (assuming other hand will QA too), so avg will probably be the same regardless of priority?
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-06-07 10:27:15
If FUA is after QA/TA/DA then double QA (by double QA I mean Dul Wielding and QA proc on each hand) will block it exactly because of 8 hit cap. That's what I was including there. For jobs with no way of reaching 8hit cap I was simply adding 0.5 and I think in job sheets it's also +0.5 If QA/TA/DA is after FUA, then FUA will limit QA proc on one hand anyway tho, so avg will probably be the same regardless of priority? it doesn't matter since main hand hits have priority. if you get two QA and and a FUA, then you hit 5 times with main and 3 times with offhand, it doesn't check in priority like all the other MA. 0.5 to the mainhand and limit the offhand hits in that scenario would be the way to handle it properly, but would probably need to re-write the whole system to do it perfectly
By Meeeeeep 2022-06-07 11:21:04
Is there a list of up-to-date gear sets anywhere? BG wiki is empty, and the OP hasn't been updated in a long time.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
By Bismarck.Ringoko 2022-06-07 12:01:14
Is there a list of up-to-date gear sets anywhere? BG wiki is empty, and the OP hasn't been updated in a long time.
Not much has changed, gear sets should be adjusted based on party composition, no one size fits all, blah blah.
By SimonSes 2022-06-07 12:02:12
I was talking about priority of execution, not the priority of happening or not. I know FUA can proc regardless of MA proccing, but there is still some priority of which additional attacks are executed, when everything proc. Ultimately it doesn't matter, because whatever the priority of execution is, you will always lose 1 hit if QA proc twice and FUA proc on top of that, so my calculation was right for this scenario.
By Afania 2022-06-07 12:03:09
Is there a list of up-to-date gear sets anywhere? BG wiki is empty, and the OP hasn't been updated in a long time.
I've been slowly trying to figure them out and been posting them once I have an opinion on some sets. It's just a very time consuming process because when I do have free time, I'd rather play the game or spend my time irl :p So I'm afraid a lot of sets won't be updated on the 1st page for the time being unless someone else wants to do it.
But if you want quick info then here it is:
Glass Cannon TP set remains unchanged for cor in the past 2 years, and acc swaps is less relevant these days with ML. In higher level endgame it's hybrid sets that matters now.
Various hybrid sets are discussed on this page (104) and p100/101.
Physical WS sets now has attack capped and attack uncapped sets. SB set being the easiest to figure out so here you go.
SB uncapped:
ItemSet 383993
SB capped:
ItemSet 384959
R25 Nyame B.
I'm still working on last stand Capped/uncapped and different TP values. In general Ikenga body works best if attack is low, and WS at exactly 1000 TP. With triple shot up pushing TP above 2000, it starts losing to wsd body, unless you are attack capped again.
For mid shot set, formal TP triple shot up is the same as 2 years ago, except shinryu ring if you want racc over subtle blow.
Ikenga 5/5 if triple shot down and attack uncapped, swap hands to malig if attack is capped.
Snapshot is mostly the same as before, except shinryu ring being new.
I posted Armageddon AM3 sets a few pages back if you use that weapon. They are a little bit different from fomalhaut TP, but the difference is smaller than before.
I'm still working on magical/hybrid WSs. Especially hot shot set.
It'll require some digging and searching, but that's FFXI for you.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-06-07 12:07:11
I was talking about priority of execution, not the priority of happening or not. I know FUA can proc regardless of MA proccing, but there is still some priority of which additional attacks are executed, when everything proc. Ultimately it doesn't matter, because whatever the priority of execution is, you will always lose 1 hit if QA proc twice and FUA proc on top of that, so my calculation was right for this scenario. It doesn't matter, only matters to offhand since that's the one that will get truncated.
By SimonSes 2022-06-07 12:25:45
I was talking about priority of execution, not the priority of happening or not. I know FUA can proc regardless of MA proccing, but there is still some priority of which additional attacks are executed, when everything proc. Ultimately it doesn't matter, because whatever the priority of execution is, you will always lose 1 hit if QA proc twice and FUA proc on top of that, so my calculation was right for this scenario. It doesn't matter, only matters to offhand since that's the one that will get truncated.
It doesn't matter if you limit FUA not to proc if you get 2xQA or reduce QA to TA on offhand if FUA and QA proc on first hit. Result is the same for both calculations.
By Meeeeeep 2022-06-07 12:27:38
Is there a list of up-to-date gear sets anywhere? BG wiki is empty, and the OP hasn't been updated in a long time.
I've been slowly trying to figure them out and been posting them once I have an opinion on some sets. It's just a very time consuming process because when I do have free time, I'd rather play the game or spend my time irl :p So I'm afraid a lot of sets won't be updated on the 1st page for the time being unless someone else wants to do it.
But if you want quick info then here it is:
Glass Cannon TP set remains unchanged for cor in the past 2 years, and acc swaps is less relevant these days with ML. In higher level endgame it's hybrid sets that matters now.
Various hybrid sets are discussed on this page (104) and p100/101.
Physical WS sets now has attack capped and attack uncapped sets. SB set being the easiest to figure out so here you go.
SB uncapped:
ItemSet 383993
SB capped:
ItemSet 384959
I'm still working on last stand Capped/uncapped and different TP values. In general Ikenga body works best if attack is low, and WS at exactly 1000 TP. With triple shot up pushing TP above 2000, it starts losing to wsd body, unless you are attack capped again.
For mid shot set, formal TP triple shot up is the same as 2 years ago, except shinryu ring if you want racc over subtle blow.
Ikenga 5/5 if triple shot down and attack uncapped, swap hands to malig if attack is capped.
Snapshot is mostly the same as before, except shinryu ring being new.
I posted Armageddon AM3 sets a few pages back if you use that weapon. They are a little bit different from fomalhaut TP, but the difference is smaller than before.
I'm still working on magical/hybrid WSs. Especially hot shot set.
It'll require some digging and searching, but that's FFXI for you.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction for various links and things. Once you're done building sets, would you (or anyone really) be willing to put them all together somewhere for ease of finding/access?
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-06-07 12:40:21
I was talking about priority of execution, not the priority of happening or not. I know FUA can proc regardless of MA proccing, but there is still some priority of which additional attacks are executed, when everything proc. Ultimately it doesn't matter, because whatever the priority of execution is, you will always lose 1 hit if QA proc twice and FUA proc on top of that, so my calculation was right for this scenario. It doesn't matter, only matters to offhand since that's the one that will get truncated.
It doesn't matter if you limit FUA not to proc if you get 2xQA or reduce QA to TA on offhand if FUA and QA proc on first hit. Result is the same for both calculations. it does matter since offhand won't do the same damage. it doesn't matter if it procs before or after any other MH hits since the MH doesn't get truncated, it does matter if it procs in the scenario you're worried about since now your QA offhand only hits 3 times instead of 4.
By SimonSes 2022-06-07 13:04:46
I was talking about priority of execution, not the priority of happening or not. I know FUA can proc regardless of MA proccing, but there is still some priority of which additional attacks are executed, when everything proc. Ultimately it doesn't matter, because whatever the priority of execution is, you will always lose 1 hit if QA proc twice and FUA proc on top of that, so my calculation was right for this scenario. It doesn't matter, only matters to offhand since that's the one that will get truncated.
It doesn't matter if you limit FUA not to proc if you get 2xQA or reduce QA to TA on offhand if FUA and QA proc on first hit. Result is the same for both calculations. it does matter since offhand won't do the same damage. it doesn't matter if it procs before or after any other MH hits since the MH doesn't get truncated, it does matter if it procs in the scenario you're worried about since now your QA offhand only hits 3 times instead of 4.
In this specific scenario?
We are talking about 8%QA chance, so chance for QA to happen on both hands and FUA to proc all at once is 0.32%
So we are talking about scenario that will happen on avg once per 300 rounds and you are saying that it matters if in that 1 out of 300 rounds we will hit 5x with 132dmg dagger and 3x with 125dmg dagger, instead of 4x with 132dmg dagger and 4x with 125dmg dagger. I bet the difference in overall dps gonna be huge here. Even assuming capped attack and that hit critting that's like 30 dmg more every 8 minutes. It for sure matters a lot.
By Afania 2022-06-07 13:05:08
would you (or anyone really) be willing to put them all together somewhere for ease of finding/access?
I am going to be honest, because I don't want to disappoint anyone by promising things that I may not finish.
The chance of me doing all that is going to be quite low. Figuring out sets is already time consuming enough, sometimes I had to test them after calculation just to make sure it's correct. Which can take hours.
Having to organize it everything and list all of them in an easy to read manner is even more time consuming because of how nodes works(and how they lags on my phone/tablet).
Since I'd like to limit my time spent on FFXI related stuff and focus on rl or play other games, the chance of an updated 2022 cor guide with all the new sets and relevant info on when to use them is unlikely to happen unless someone else wants to do it.
If somebody wants to do the organization job, I'd be happy to offer opinions on sets and maths, and job related info on 2022 cor gameplay. And my PM inbox is always open for such discussions.
Otherwise, I don't have such plans atm, sorry.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-06-07 13:29:55
I was talking about priority of execution, not the priority of happening or not. I know FUA can proc regardless of MA proccing, but there is still some priority of which additional attacks are executed, when everything proc. Ultimately it doesn't matter, because whatever the priority of execution is, you will always lose 1 hit if QA proc twice and FUA proc on top of that, so my calculation was right for this scenario. It doesn't matter, only matters to offhand since that's the one that will get truncated.
It doesn't matter if you limit FUA not to proc if you get 2xQA or reduce QA to TA on offhand if FUA and QA proc on first hit. Result is the same for both calculations. it does matter since offhand won't do the same damage. it doesn't matter if it procs before or after any other MH hits since the MH doesn't get truncated, it does matter if it procs in the scenario you're worried about since now your QA offhand only hits 3 times instead of 4.
In this specific scenario?
We are talking about 8%QA chance, so chance for QA to happen on both hands and FUA to proc all at once is 0.32%
So we are talking about scenario that will happen on avg once per 300 rounds and you are saying that it matters if in that 1 out of 300 rounds we will hit 5x with 132dmg dagger and 3x with 125dmg dagger, instead of 4x with 132dmg dagger and 4x with 125dmg dagger. I bet the difference in overall dps gonna be huge here. Even assuming capped attack and that hit critting that's like 30 dmg more every 8 minutes. It for sure matters a lot. It matters more than than which order FUA or MA procs in.
By SimonSes 2022-06-07 13:45:28
Matters for what? Unless you have some super additional effect on that sub hand that is game changing when hitting one additional time per several minutes, it doesn't matter at all. Tp gain is the same.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-06-07 14:13:11
still affects dps, which is why you'd want to redo the whole section of it if you want it to be the most accurate it can be, or move on to a simulation
By Asura.Asalith 2022-06-20 03:38:30
Has anyone optimised their Hot Shot set and willing to share?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2022-06-20 10:00:35
Has anyone optimised their Hot Shot set and willing to share? This is my set right now Code sets.precast.WS['Hot Shot'] = {ammo="Chrono Bullet", head="Nyame Helm",
body="Nyame Mail",
hands="Nyame Gauntlets",
legs="Nyame Flanchard",
feet="Lanun Bottes +3",
neck="Comm. Charm +2",
waist="Fotia Belt",
ear1="Moonshade Earring",
ear2="Friomisi Earring",
ring2="Epaminondas's Ring",ring1="Dingir Ring",
back={ name="Camulus's Mantle", augments={'AGI+20','Rng.Acc.+20 Rng.Atk.+20','AGI+10','Weapon skill damage +10%','Phys. dmg. taken-10%',}}}
I use Osash/Obi based on range/weather/day/storms
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 266
By Asura.Aburaage 2022-06-20 10:15:29
Wouldnt chrono bullet be better since it's hybrid? 55DMG is huge
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1093
By Asura.Bippin 2022-06-20 10:45:30
Wouldnt chrono bullet be better since it's hybrid? 55DMG is huge Yes