Luck of the Draw: A Corsair's Guide *NEW*
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2022-04-02 07:31:14
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »Plus, engaged DT sets using malignance are a LOT more effective in keeping you safe while also providing STP.
when survivability is prioritized slightly over damage?
Malig is a hybrid DD set to me, because it has less HP and def than Nyame. It also has less DT which means less "free slot" available after DT capped.
I'm trying to build several different DT sets for different situations, not just hybrid DD.
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »Unless you're planning on 5/5 path A, which I'd have to question why?
Just FYI, Nyame B also has TP friendly stats like DA+. It's not a bad choice even as hybrid.
You disagreed with my secondary points yet ignored my primary one.
By Afania 2022-04-02 08:05:40
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »Plus, engaged DT sets using malignance are a LOT more effective in keeping you safe while also providing STP.
when survivability is prioritized slightly over damage?
Malig is a hybrid DD set to me, because it has less HP and def than Nyame. It also has less DT which means less "free slot" available after DT capped.
I'm trying to build several different DT sets for different situations, not just hybrid DD.
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »Unless you're planning on 5/5 path A, which I'd have to question why?
Just FYI, Nyame B also has TP friendly stats like DA+. It's not a bad choice even as hybrid.
You disagreed with my secondary points yet ignored my primary one.
Which one? You mean this?
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »its impossible to have high-caliber preshot/midshot/precast/midcast/engaged sets that after their use
If this is your primary concern then I believe I already addressed it:
1) I'm discussing sets with survivability prioritized, not hybrid DD. I have different sets for hybrid DD.
2) I don't care about survivability that much if I'm shooting. It's mostly for melee.
3) I don't care about yellow HP because yellow HP is only an issue in segment farm. And I don't even use "max survivability set" for segment farm. Max survivability set is mostly for the toughest NM or solo NM, or I'm weakened and need to "tank" the NM, in that case yellow HP doesn't matter, not dying matters more.
4) I already addressed HP yoyoing issue if using the max HP set.
Also btw, I decided to spreadsheet malig 5/5 set v.s Nyame B 5/5 set DPS. Without considering PDL I'm getting 6320 DPS with Malig 5/5 and 50PDT, and 6225 DPS Nyame path B with 50 PDT. The only reason why Malig is pulling ahead is because malig has higher haste, so windbuffet +1 can be used with Malig. I don't think Nyame path B is a bad choice for hybrid tbh. Sacrificing 2% DPS for a bit more def and HP isn't bad if staying alive is a concern.
Edit:wrong number.
By Afania 2022-04-02 08:10:12
I personally use the Nyame HP set you listed, except I use Sailfi in waist and Eihwaz Ring instead of Defending Ring. You are already hitting 54 PDT 48 MDT and 44 BDT without Defending Ring (which feels good enough for most everything, but I see the merit to using Defending if you expect crazy breath damage for some reason).
I'm not sure if there's much merit to the MDEF set, usually a combination of MDEF/MEVA and absorption/cancellation fits the bill. Does ~20 extra MDEF outweigh 25 extra MEVA, 5% chance to absorb, and 12% chance to cancel severe damage on average versus current content which could potentially one-shot you with magic damage? I say this considering D-ring, MEVA cape, Warder's Charm, Archon Ring, and Sailfi Belt mixed in with your current set, which lets you cap MDT without Shell as well.
Oh wow, I just noticed the max HP set is totally over capping PDT, thanks for pointing it out!
Edit: I guess that extra slot can either be another HP ring or DD ring. Not a lot of good HP boost option on the 2nd ring slot.
By SimonSes 2022-04-02 08:48:00
If you build defensive meva set you need to include something with elemental resists like warder's charm or Carriers sash. You need positive elemental resist to be able to 1/8 resist elemental attacks. So it's imo much more important than some random amount of MDB in waist or neck slot.
Which one? You mean this?
I would guess he means HP difference between idle and hybrid set. Nyame having lots of HP might push you to yellow HP and blood aggro something, when you switch from Malignace tp set for example. It's a valid point, but also you can simply make 2 idle sets or DT sets and don't risk yellow HP in places where it's an issue.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-04-02 08:58:55
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »I never risk 5/5 nyame for an idle or DT set these days. Yes, the stats are fantastic for that purpose, but on many jobs, its impossible to have high-caliber preshot/midshot/precast/midcast/engaged sets that after their use don't result in leaving you in yellow HP when returning that full Nyame, and HP aggro isn't worth that to me. I'm wondering how the hell you swapping into Nyame is putting you into yellow HP when my completely naked RDM swapping into 5/5 Nyame still has 81% HP, a good distance from 75%. A more realistic swap, like my healing set swapping into Nyame, puts me at 86%. If you're using accessories that give tons of HP and they're putting you over, then take the accessories off, not the Nyame.
5/5 Nyame has almost three hundred more defense than 5/5 Malignance, which (assuming Protect V but no Minnes) means you take about 15% less physical damage with Nyame. Blood aggro is such a tiny concern in comparison even if it was somehow happening for you that it's silly. The only time blood aggro will feasibly ever matter in the current game is when running between camps or doing undead groups without a tank in Odyssey, for which you don't need a survivability set.
By Afania 2022-04-02 09:07:01
If you build defensive meva set you need to include something with elemental resists like warder's charm or Carriers sash. You need positive elemental resist to be able to 1/8 resist elemental attacks. So it's imo much more important than some random amount of MDB in waist or neck slot.
Thanks..I changed the neck. I guess I subconsciously dislike the RNG nature of resist for magic damage taken-, that's why I didn't put warden's charm in the first place. XD
I don't think my idle set has high HP. The HP boost set is mostly used as weakened melee DT or getting hit with curse, it's not meant to be full timed since it sacrifices a lot of DPS. But I think it can be handy against NM like higher level Kalunga which has a weakened move and hits really hard.
By SimonSes 2022-04-02 09:47:04
Thanks..I changed the neck. I guess I subconsciously dislike the RNG nature of resist for magic damage taken-, that's why I didn't put warden's charm in the first place. XD
Just keep in mind Warder's missing Light and Dark.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 16
By Odin.Daemonak 2022-04-02 10:03:27
Solid point about the elemental resist. I think I'll swap Archon Ring for Wuji Ring then to cover all element resistances. Thanks!
By Afania 2022-04-03 05:04:24
Decided to redo spreadsheet using optimal SB set, so 5/5 r25 nyame B and ML 30.
I've noticed a larger(6%-7%) DPS gap between Malig hybrid and Nyame B hybrid. Probably because I made a mistake in the previous post lol.
Anyways, posting all the result here. All set uses SAM roll and has 42-43k SB avg from capped ML and nyame B set. Only changing the TP set.
Max DPS set:
ItemSet 384198
7991 DPS. Herc hand/feet has QA+3. Path D adhemar head. PDT-10% on the back. 18% PDT for SB build and 30% PDT using Rostam magical WS.
Generally COR would do path A adhemar head for acc. But since ML and better offhand came out I've noticed COR needs less acc to cap everything now. Therefore path D adhemar head becomes an option if you want 4% extra PDT- in the max DPS set.
Some PDT:
ItemSet 384193
7649 DPS. 34% PDT- with Naeg and 46% PDT- with rostam.
Malig hybrid:
ItemSet 384189
7247 DPS if not considering PDL+. DW+10 on back if using a DW SJ. This set has capped PDT and high meva. Useful against mobs with status ailment, nukes, or if you want capped PDT- but prioritize DPS. This is generally the preferred 50% PDT- hybrid DD set atm since it has good balance between DPS and DT-, about 9%-10% weaker than glass Cannon set.
Nyame path B Hybrid:
ItemSet 384190
6795 DPS with capped PDT-, max rank unity earring. Again DW+10 and PDT-10% on back. Same mdef and meva as malig, higher HP and defense. Useful if you prioritize surviability over DPS since it's about 6.5% less DPS than Malig hybrid.
Nyame "I need 3.2k HP!!!1111":
ItemSet 384194
5469 DPS, 38k SB ws avg. Max rank unmoving collar. This set only works if you also SB and light shot in max HP gears+nyame, hence SB avg dropped by 4-5k. But it's super safe with capped PDT-, tons of defense and 3.1k-3.2k HP full time.
Use this if you really prioritize surviability over DPS since it's about 32% less DPS than the glass Cannon set. Or if you have to tank the NM weakened and keep them away from the mages.
If you use lua and want to do light shot for dia in this set, you may have to turn your macc set off to avoid HP drop in macc set, since light shot on dia doesn't need to land to enhance dia.
By SimonSes 2022-04-03 05:44:38
What subhand, target and buffs (specifically what how much stp on samurai roll)?
I'm asking, because assuming attack is capped, I'm getting way higher Savage Blade damage. Also Ikenga body is generally better at attack cap, but has no accuracy and attack, while requiring more attack to cap with additional PDL, so it's kinda hard to gauge sometimes when you can use it.
By Afania 2022-04-03 05:52:10
What subhand, target and buffs (specifically what how much stp on samurai roll)?
I'm asking, because assuming attack is capped, I'm getting way higher Savage Blade damage.
That's probably because of PDL+1 from SJ. I didn't add PDL to the WS avg at all. In reality if you /DNC or /NIN at high ML your SB should be higher at attack cap.
Edit: Gleti r25 offhand. Just noticed I *** up on Sam roll. Should be 52 but for whatever reason I had 55 which is a none existent number lol. But whatever, I don't think the result would change much if every set is having the same value.
By SimonSes 2022-04-03 05:58:48
What subhand, target and buffs (specifically what how much stp on samurai roll)?
I'm asking, because assuming attack is capped, I'm getting way higher Savage Blade damage.
That's probably because of PDL+1 from SJ. I didn't add PDL to the WS avg at all. In reality if you /DNC or /NIN at high ML your SB should be higher at attack cap.
Nah pdl is barely 3% increase. I'm getting 50k+ SB and 9000+ DPS with 5/5 Malignance.
COR sheet has very simplified cRatio btw. Just attack/def basically which is kinda ok at attack cap I guess but missing whole spread when attack is uncapped. Shouldn't matter for our scenario, just pointing this out. Also it's missing randomizer at the end which would boost SB damage in my sheet by additional 2.5%
By SimonSes 2022-04-03 08:46:02
Edit: Gleti r25 offhand. Just noticed I *** up on Sam roll. Should be 52 but for whatever reason I had 55 which is a none existent number lol. But whatever, I don't think the result would change much if every set is having the same value.
I reduced pdif cap back to 3.25 and store TP to 52 (seems low, but that's only for science) and used Gleti's Knife too.
With your Malig Hybrid set I'm getting
- 7682 dps against Apex Bat with 48954 Savage Blade (5/5Nyame) damage (min TP set to 1000 and over-tp set to 0)
- 8026 dps against Apex Bat with 50439 Savage Blade damage (4/5Nyame with R25 Ikenga's body, min TP set to 1000 and over-tp set to 0)
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 60
By Bismarck.Nekhekh 2022-04-07 21:55:34
Any good alternatives to Malignance pieces for midshot. Maybe Ikenga's pieces?
By Homsar 2022-04-07 22:22:17
Any good alternatives to Malignance pieces for midshot. Maybe Ikenga's pieces?
Ikenga's would be the obvious choice.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2022-04-07 22:24:09
Snapshot technically clashes with the STP slightly. ?
By Deezzer 2022-04-17 22:03:48
How do you get Herculean to roll AGI, MAB and WSD?
Do i roll ranged with Fern and pray for some MAB or magic and Fern and pray for AGI and WSD?
By IGDC 2022-04-17 22:13:39
How do you get Herculean to roll AGI, MAB and WSD?
Do i roll ranged with Fern and pray for some MAB or magic and Fern and pray for AGI and WSD?
You can roll that with any stone. Each one will, however, make one of those stats cap higher.
In this case:
Taupe will cap AGI at 15 (10 with others)
Pellucid will cap MAB at 40 (30 or 35 for others, I forget)
Fern will cap WSD at 5 (4 for others)
By Deezzer 2022-04-17 22:32:08
Correct me if im wrong, this is a very rare roll to get.
If u go ranged then MAB is rare.
If you go Magic then AGI is rare.
By Deezzer 2022-04-18 01:23:22
I guess my other question would be which stats would be better:
Which stat would be the main priority.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2022-04-18 01:31:31
I guess my other question would be which stats would be better:
Which stat would be the main priority. MAB and Wsdmg and hope for Agi, which most likely won't happen.
By Afania 2022-04-18 06:59:55
Any good alternatives to Malignance pieces for midshot. Maybe Ikenga's pieces?
There are like dozens of "midshot set" these days because we have so many different stats and NM mechanics, Which midshot set are you talking about? What is the condition?
Which WS are you using? FTP scale WS like leaden/last stand which benefits from stacking more STP? Or WS like WF which doesn't benefit from stacking more STP?
Which gun are you using, Fomalhaut or Armageddon with AM3 active?
Is your pdif capped so you gain advantage from pdl+ from Ikenga? Or is your attack uncapped so crit hit/dmg or dead aim values more?
Is triple shot activated? Is true shot activated? (Inbe4 someone said "but COR never gets true shot bonus due to shitty true shot distance!" If you are shooting in a melee pt because NM perfect dodge is on or you lose haste, you can still shoot in true shot distance)
Are you doing Odyssey A3 NM which needs crit to remove aura, or you are not?
Depending on your answer for the above questions your midshot set can be very different.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2022-04-18 11:34:30
Afania has some good points, and there are a lot of situations to consider, but....
If you have access to R25 Ikenga, likely you should be using Head/Body/Legs as your base with Malignance Hands/Feet for your "default" set. Ikenga will lose 2-3 racc due to AGI differences with malignance, but will be exactly the same in all other acc related stats. The -enmity should be very very good for COR in general if using Fomalhaut or non-wildfire Arma AM3.
By Afania 2022-04-18 12:21:40
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »Afania has some good points, and there are a lot of situations to consider, but....
If you have access to R25 Ikenga, likely you should be using Head/Body/Legs as your base with Malignance Hands/Feet for your "default" set.
Hand is the only malig thats worth using over ikenga IMO, and only if your attack is capped or high I think. Or if sc is doing strong dmg. If attack is uncapped, iken hand seems a bit ahead of malig...just a bit.
I wouldn't bother with malig feet. Losing 65 rattk, 15 str, 3 agi, 6 enmity- for 4 more tp per shot isnt worth it.
About iken head v.s megh +2, Iken head is somewhat equal to megh +2 head if attack is uncapped in a stp set. But iken head wins if attack is capped and enmity- is a bonus. So iken head is generally the better choice.
tl; dr: for the "please make my life easy, 1 midshot set plz" folks: shoot in iken 5/5 if you are spamming Last stand TS down with a fomalhaut and dont need crit proc on aura. So even if you missed the attack cap moment when malig hand is better, at least you get enmity-. COR rarely cap attack in serious content anyways.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3706
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-04-18 13:48:01
tl; dr: for the "please make my life easy, 1 midshot set plz" folks: shoot in iken 5/5 if you are spamming Last stand TS down with a fomalhaut and dont need crit proc on aura. So even if you missed the attack cap moment when malig hand is better, at least you get enmity-.
Highlighting this fantastic advice. Especially since the usual "one set plz" folks are the ones I find most likely to be spamming away with a Fomalhaut and pulling hate. And especially an issue for COR versus RNG, since RNG has access to more enmity management tools. Also gonna call out a Triple Shot up set as a significantly different midshot set that remains really important. Oshosi head, legs, feet remain excellent for that purpose, paired with Empy body/relic hands.
Afania is totally correct that there are LOTS of different midshot sets for different situations, but even for the people who want to consolidate to the smallest number of possible sets, I'd try to encourage them that there are really two sets that are absolutely vital:
1. A general purpose STP-focused set, and honestly either Ikenga (Enm-, PDL+) or Malignance (DT-) works. Especially for Fomalhaut/Last Stand though, I'd support the advice to err on the side of Enm- with Ikenga.
2. A Triple Shot up set. I just don't think this one is optional.
Beyond that, stuff like crit/empy AM3 sets (mandatory for Armageddon, less so for other guns), attack capped/uncapped, True Shot, and whatever else are valuable sets... but IMO, that's more in the realm of fine-tuning/optimization, and not using those is much less of a liability than a COR not properly using the "big two".
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2022-04-18 14:12:35
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »Afania has some good points, and there are a lot of situations to consider, but....
If you have access to R25 Ikenga, likely you should be using Head/Body/Legs as your base with Malignance Hands/Feet for your "default" set.
Hand is the only malig thats worth using over ikenga IMO, and ONLY if your attack is capped I think. Or if sc is doing strong dmg. If attack is uncapped, iken hand seems a bit ahead of malig...just a bit.
I wouldn't bother with malig feet. Losing 65 rattk, 15 str, 3 agi for 4 more tp per shot isnt worth it.
About iken head v.s megh +2, Iken head is somewhat equal to megh +2 head if attack is uncapped in a stp set. But iken head wins if attack is capped and enmity- is a bonus. So iken head is generally the better choice.
tl; dr: for the "please make my life easy, 1 midshot set plz" folks: shoot in iken 5/5 if you are spamming Last stand TS down with a fomalhaut and dont need crit proc on aura. So even if you missed the attack cap moment when malig hand is better, at least you get enmity-.
Maybe it's my perspective from still not having Arma yet, but I personally don't focus on white damage too much yet due to that. That being said, I generally opt for the most stp I can get for TP shooting because all my WS scale damage on TP. That is why I personally think the building block set should have malig hands/feet in them, because they'll give slightly better WS returns.
But, your perspective does highlight that there are a lot of variables. I wasn't trying to make it into a one set only discussion.
By Afania 2022-04-19 01:41:22
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »Maybe it's my perspective from still not having Arma yet, but I personally don't focus on white damage too much yet due to that.
I would say it's more of a "white dmg:WS dmg" ratio issue than "I use Arma/don't use Arma" issue.
Basically, if your WS has higher "weight" in your total dmg, then stacking STP will be more valuable and vice versa.
For example, my leaden /ra set uses STP+9 augmented herc head. Not malig nor ikenga nor Megh+2 head.
This is because whenever I'm shooting in DP 99% of the time I'm soloing/lowmanning without attack up/def down buffs, but I may have malaise. So every shot hits less than 100 damage or even less than 50, but leaden can do anywhere from 40k to 99999.
In that case pdl+ and white dmg stats like rattk and crit are really useless because they weight so little in my total dmg. So I gonna boost my WS dmg with every STP I have in my midshot set.
On the other hand, if I'm using fomal with physical buffs, each shot hits 2k or more, white dmg become more significant in this case.
If your last stand is hitting really hard, something like 20k or 30k or more then most likely STP malig will win. If not, then Ikenga may win. When I got the result that Ikenga hand > malig hand, the last stand only avg 17k and attack wasn't capped.
As for the malig feet, it's probably still a good /ra piece for DP midshot set because of the reason above. For fomal with buffs, I personally don't think it's that good. It sacrifices way too many /ra relevant stats for 2 STP.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2022-04-19 13:52:29
I personally see Ikenga as a massive gift to any physical damage midshot set for a variety of reasons, no matter if you're an Arma COR or riding the Foma.
Reasons for the Arma users are already quite obvious and mentioned- the ranged attack and PDL while still having extremely solid racc and STP, albeit slightly less than Malignance.
But for the Fomalhaut user, I know when I am using that Gun on COR I worry about pulling hate a lot more (longer fights) than I ever do with the other 2 RMEAs for us, and Ikenga has something that none of the other midshot considerations have- a healthy amount of -enmity. I'm not saying it allows you to completely ignore mechanics and you'll never pull hate. But the other primary options most would look at for midshot (Malignance, Mummu, Meghanda, even Oshosi) just doesn't have that going for it.
Again, not making some definitive "this is best" statement- just pointing out another facet to the Ikenga set I didn't see covered a lot yet.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3706
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2022-04-19 17:05:36
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »But for the Fomalhaut user, I know when I am using that Gun on COR I worry about pulling hate a lot more (longer fights) than I ever do with the other 2 RMEAs for us, and Ikenga has something that none of the other midshot considerations have- a healthy amount of -enmity. I'm not saying it allows you to completely ignore mechanics and you'll never pull hate. But the other primary options most would look at for midshot (Malignance, Mummu, Meghanda, even Oshosi) just doesn't have that going for it.
With the one notable exception of Oshosi Leggings +1 giving Enm-15 (!!!), and those are already ideal for crit or triple shot sets. But they're a viable Enm- swap in a more general purpose RA set too, if for some reason people don't want to shoot in that much Ikenga.
But yeah, for the Fomalhaut COR who wants as simple an answer as possible... Ikenga 5/5 for Enm-40 is a pretty good recommendation to help avoid pulling hate, especially in situations where you're using Last Stand.
I think Beyla Earring (Racc+15/SB+5/Enm-8) is slept on a lot too for that use case, including in the currently updated sets on page 1 of this thread. Pair that with Enervating earring (instead of the commonly suggested Telos/Enervating for non-crit sets) and 5/5 Ikenga for capped Enmity-. It's definitely a set I keep around for Last Stand focused situations.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 153
By Asura.Aldolol 2022-04-20 06:50:17
Is Rank 25 Nyame Path B Body better than Relic +3? 12WSD gain for the loss of 10 AGI and 21 MAB, on the face of it seems Nyame Path B is slightly ahead?