Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 36
By Asura.Jugsofholyness 2020-10-15 21:46:29
I have never had the black screen issue using HD dats. My system can have 4 characters in Lower Jeuno or Reisenjima HD dat zone at the same time with no issues. I am running a 1080 ti with 11gb of VRAM and I do not use DGvoodoo.
I'll send you a link to a new one to test!
So I currently have Phantasy Star Online 2 open, along with FF11 that has been running for well over 3 hours now with your Reisenjima edit along with Ashenbub's 4k textures and everything else imaginable while streaming at the same time.
I tried zoning back to Tahrongi Canyon and back in and still no black screen.
My GPU usage is sitting constantly at 98%. My desktop resolution is 5120x1440 and both games are running at 2560x1440:

FF11 says its 27FPS but that's only because I was alt-tabbed. When I focus on FF11 its 57FPS
Mind hitting me up with that Lower Jeuno edit link too?
By Ashleyz 2020-10-15 22:15:25
I am using Amelila's versions of Lower Jeuno and Reisenjima from the Youtube HD Overhaul page. The Port Jeuno HD DAT file RadialArcana sent me is using the similar textures to Amelila's and is considerably larger than the original DAT file. I am going to guess that if you are having problems with Amelila's Lower Jeuno and Reisenjima files, you will probably have the same issue with the Port Jeuno file.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 36
By Asura.Jugsofholyness 2020-10-15 23:43:47
I am using Amelila's versions of Lower Jeuno and Reisenjima from the Youtube HD Overhaul page. The Port Jeuno HD DAT file RadialArcana sent me is using the similar textures to Amelila's and is considerably larger than the original DAT file. I am going to guess that if you are having problems with Amelila's Lower Jeuno and Reisenjima files, you will probably have the same issue with the Port Jeuno file.
My point is that with Radial's edited Reisenjima I don't black screen, so I should be able to handle his edited Port Jeuno/Lower Jeuno.
By RadialArcana 2020-10-16 03:10:07
Quote: Reduced the size of Amelilas Lower Jeuno mod down, as much as I could. It's still pretty much identical visually.
rom/1/41.dat (lower jeuno dat)
rom/92/92.dat (lower jeuno bump map dat)
Amelila Original mod size
109 mb (zone dat)
23 mb (bump map dat)
New size:
84 mb
3 mb
Also if ou use bump mapping you may want to turn that off, this loads additional files.
By RadialArcana 2020-10-18 10:55:07
@RadialArcana, any chance you have the Adamas shield or the black Abyssea cloth armor on your to do list? (Ebon coat, frock, talar)
Prob won't do the bodies anytime soon, doing other stuff but did the shield in two variations. Brass and gold (for all races).
By RadialArcana 2020-10-19 04:08:37
I want to point this out again, many already know but someone asked me about it.
If you use mods, use XIpivot. If you don't want to use that, then backup your rom folders (remember each patch adds new files to the later folders). You should always have a way back to normal game files. Otherwise you're setting yourself up for a complete re-install. File check will not help you fix most problems and was not designed to re-install normal game files. All file check does is look for corrupted files, mods are not corrupted files.
If a modder puts a file in the wrong place it can cause game crashes, there are mods on Amelilas channel right now that are incorrectly placed in the zip files and will cause crashes for example.
By xbmitchx 2020-10-20 17:15:59
I'm having a weird issue with the HD mod, using the all in one that was posted on the previous page here. Its fine if I start XI after just booting my PC, i have the XI-view icons but not the UI however anytime i launch XI after that initial instance it DOES load the UI portion of it and that makes my game crash/freeze before i even get in game.
Anyone have any idea of why this is occurring? Thanks in advance to anyone that has any insight!
By RadialArcana 2020-10-20 17:52:43
Check the last few posts in:
I think you just need to update xiview etc due to changes to the chat boxes in he last update.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 36
By Asura.Jugsofholyness 2020-10-20 22:41:28
I'm having a weird issue with the HD mod, using the all in one that was posted on the previous page here. Its fine if I start XI after just booting my PC, i have the XI-view icons but not the UI however anytime i launch XI after that initial instance it DOES load the UI portion of it and that makes my game crash/freeze before i even get in game.
Anyone have any idea of why this is occurring? Thanks in advance to anyone that has any insight!
This is an example of why All-In-Ones are generally bad, no matter the game. If a problem comes up, there's almost no way to trouble shoot it.
Yes, that is a 26-step install process I made for myself for Skyrim in order to get as many different mods working together as possible
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2020-10-25 08:29:18
Radial, I'm trying to update my XIPivot mods with some of the nice mods you have released in last few months and all of the links appear to be asking me to ask you for permission. I asked permission on one, but don't want to spam you by asking for all of them. Let me know what I can do to get access, thanks!
By RadialArcana 2020-10-25 10:41:52
I intended to make a new thread (since I can't update this one anymore), redo many of the mods and a lot of other stuff but I've been side tracked and so didn't do it (also need to delete some since I'm near capacity on google drive)
I made them all public again for now anyway.
Also the monster HD packs 1-2-3 etc have been replaced with the all in one below, with updated textures on some things.
Redid Beetles, redid Lillith, redid her spite wardens in malignant armor (cut-scenes), redid crawlers, redid dolls, updated treants leaves, buffalo, lizards, leeches, salvage warp gate, tarantula things in CoP, tigers, crabs, carrie, krabkatoa, made arc angel mods smaller, same for collibri. Updated Apururu, Odin, Koru Moru, Kupipi, Shantoto2, lillisette, Ayame, Amchuchu. Redid Grioavolr staff.
Dragoon Wyvers (updated these a little), Puppetmaster Automotons, Summoner Avatars (including Siren).
Black Ninja Goblin.
By RadialArcana 2020-10-25 19:22:39
Port Jeuno HD mod
All textures in the main area are reskinned, as well as the docks where the airships take off from. The small rooms are not, those are separate files. Images taken by Ashelyz. Some of the textures are from Amelilas Lower Jeuno mod for consistency.
*if you have black screen issues with lower jeuno you may have them with this, I didn't optimize the file size since I made it just for my own use many months ago. I may do that in the future. Some posters are flipped cause the engine does that with some textures, aka a goblin did it.
rom / 1 / 42.dat
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2020-10-26 10:26:51
Sadly not getting this one to work. Trying to replace Track Pants and it just keeps showing the usual pants. Now I will say my character is Hume M but I am using dressup to be a Mirtha, should that matter? Putting it in ROM/339/34.dat
By RadialArcana 2020-10-26 10:55:47
Mithra track pants is 339/34.dat yeah
Downloaded it and installed it just now, works for me.
First thing I can think of, did you unload XIpivot and reload it after adding the mod into the folder?
Xipivot sets up the file structure when it's launched, if you add mods in after the fact it won't change anything till you relaunch.
All DU does it redirect to the mithra dat numbers so it would still work (and if it's showing the normal armor for mithra it is), and if it's an issue with DU it would show some other armor like leather pants or something so it's probably not that.
By RadialArcana 2020-10-26 15:40:06
re-uploaded the malignant mods, there was a weird bug with galka hands that only showed up under certain circumstances
By RadialArcana 2020-10-26 15:51:07
Ashley, if you see this can you post out all your settings in DGVoodoo to use the mods without any shimmering? Since you don't use mipmapping at all?
Someone is asking me in PM about it and I honestly don't use it.
By Ashleyz 2020-10-26 17:25:11
I don't use DGVoodoo, I only use Reshade from Amelila's latest mod packs. I run FFXI at 1920 x 1080 resolution with a 32" 4k MSI monitor. Due to multiboxing, my window sizes are smaller than the monitor so I can stack my instances like a staircase. One thing that did give me shimmer issues was when I tried to upgrade to a RTX 2080 ti card last year and I was never able to figure out why. I ended up sticking with the GTX 1080 ti 11gb card and gave my son the 2080 to play Fortnite on. I am not sure if it has to do with the architecture (Pascal vs Turing) or the drivers? Both cards were produced by ASUS. FFXI is on a separate SSD from Windows 10 as Amelila recommended.
PC1 i7 9700k, Asus z390 motherboard, SSD1 Windows 10, SSD2 FFXI only, Asus 1080 ti 11gb, 3 instances of FFXI
PC2 i9 9900k, Asus z390 motherboard, SSD1 Windows 10, SSD2 FFXI only, Asus 1080 ti 11gb, 4 instances of FFXI
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 25
By Lakshmi.Onimenokyo 2020-10-26 18:00:52
Since even the reduced sized lower jeuno is causing ppl trouble still, i removed it from the all in one, as usual there's a text of who made what in there :P
More recent version later in the forum
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 519
By Phoenix.Logical 2020-10-27 13:44:14
Mithra track pants is 339/34.dat yeah
Downloaded it and installed it just now, works for me.
First thing I can think of, did you unload XIpivot and reload it after adding the mod into the folder?
Xipivot sets up the file structure when it's launched, if you add mods in after the fact it won't change anything till you relaunch.
All DU does it redirect to the mithra dat numbers so it would still work (and if it's showing the normal armor for mithra it is), and if it's an issue with DU it would show some other armor like leather pants or something so it's probably not that.
Thanks, issue was mine entirely. Looks like I had this file already in a mod inside of another XIPivot folder and it was overwriting yours. Problem fixed. Much appreciated!
By RadialArcana 2020-10-30 10:20:34
By RadialArcana 2020-11-11 15:07:01
Necro Bump Detected!
[41 days between previous and next post]
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Bahamut.Draykos 2020-12-22 05:01:26
Wanted to revisit this since it's been several months since I stopped using HD dats, just to see if I could use these without black screens. First place I went was Lower Jeuno but I see that's been removed from the pack. Second place I went was Reisenjima and black screen right away. Went to replace the dat with the smaller version one but that file seems to already be in the pack. Hopefully I can just remove the trouble zones and live with what is left because it makes such a huge difference.
By NoStrife 2021-01-04 04:05:24
Just recently found this thread, and I wanted to ask: Does any of this actually work? I have essentially no experience with modding PC files or mods in general, so is it literally just a drag-and-drop like the OP says or....?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 351
By Fenrir.Aladeus 2021-01-04 04:33:54
ye. when i do it, i just replace the originals. second way is to back up the originals first and then copypasta. im not sure if you can set everything up with ffxipivot, but thats a thing too. it's been awhile since i messed around with my textures.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 70
By Asura.Akivatoo 2021-01-04 04:54:49
The most practical solution is to use XIPivot (it works on Ashita and Windower).
This allows to keep the original files and avoid any problem with the stability of the game.
XIPivot allows you to place in a separate folder the HD files.
More information here:
I take this opportunity to put the link to the DAT HD:
Maps in HD:
have a good game ;)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2021-01-04 09:29:23
XIPivot makes adding HD textures so much easier. The only issue is the fonts from XIView have to be loaded before Windower's luacore takes over so those still have to be applied manually.
Amelila did a lot of good work but there was a bug in one of his packs that would crash the client in a specific spot in Bastok I think. Does anyone remember which dat it was exactly that had to be removed?
By Asura.Akaden 2021-01-04 09:43:08
Amelila did a lot of good work but there was a bug in one of his packs that would crash the client in a specific spot in Bastok I think. Does anyone remember which dat it was exactly that had to be removed?