By Carbuncle.Chevalierkraken 2019-10-03 20:23:35
actually I am working on a HD retexture of windurst water, It will be mostly an IA upscaled texture mod(with AI gigapixel and AI Sharpen) but with more realistic texture enlay into the vanilla texture.
the result is just excellent, realistic and faithful to the original and it's very easy to do.
but it will be a very HD mod, most of the texture with but 8 times bigger than the original, some of them 16, and only few element will be only upscaled 4 times.
When I will release the mod, I will release the final version (I finished it in febuary)of my Reshade preset.
for this final version, I have personalised the shaders using real world picture of landscape as reference(desert, canyon, forest, snow, daytime, sunset, dawn, night ) to mimic the most realistic aspect into FFXI.
the preset use 5 custom shaders not included into vanilla reshade, i'll post them with the preset.
the only issue with this realistic preset is it's ask a powerful PC(2014/15 gamer config minimum), my old PC (2012 gamer config) can only run it in 720p (in 1080, it run at 15 FPS at best) so I created a version of this preset for lower config (on my 2012 PC, I can run it in 1080 with FPS around 25), it will be released too.
If you have a 2015 gamer config however, you can run it 1080/30 FPS (but no 60 FPS hack, even on my newer PC, a 2017 gamer config around of the power level of a PS4 pro, I can only run it at 45 FPS)