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Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Carbuncle.Chevalierkraken 2019-03-30 14:54:35
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AI gigapixel have been updated and the result are even better than before

edit: with more tries, I choose to keep the previous version. the new version is more faithful to the original texture, but the old one was sometime more efficient to create new elements to very low quality texture.
The texture obtained with the new version of AI gigapixel are better quality but they have a cartoon look.
The new version is really made to enhanced pictures and drawing, not low quality texture.
however, I think that for character face, the new version is better(as face texture in FFXI are not realistic)

here is a comparaison of the result before (V3) and after(V4)
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Noxzema
Posts: 228
By Siren.Noxzema 2019-04-01 16:57:03
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Anyone else have Reisenjima break? Last night I zoned in and I was missing the zone, everything else loaded, but the zone itself was pitch black and I couldn't move.
Was just wondering if anyone else was experiencing the same before I tried reinstalling.
By 2019-04-03 16:15:47
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Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kensai98
Posts: 230
By Sylph.Darkside 2019-04-04 12:18:32
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Siren.Noxzema said: »
Anyone else have Reisenjima break? Last night I zoned in and I was missing the zone, everything else loaded, but the zone itself was pitch black and I couldn't move.
Was just wondering if anyone else was experiencing the same before I tried reinstalling.
Happened to me and my friend. I noticed it more often when I was loading multiple characters into Reisenjima. Taking off bump mapping helped the frequency go down but I ended up just going back to the non HD dat for that zone.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Noxzema
Posts: 228
By Siren.Noxzema 2019-04-04 14:03:53
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Nope, this is the only zone I've had the issue in, I tried relogging, and rezoning and nothing fixed it until I did a file check. I'm 99% sure that I had been in Reisen without an issue since installing the mod.

I was dualboxing at the time, but only 1 char was going to Reisen.

I'll try redownloading and retry and see, maybe it just got corrupted somehow.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 117
By Carbuncle.Razziel 2019-04-04 14:45:00
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yeah, it's busted for me too. It gets really annoying when I'm attending event with the LS. Feel bad that they have to wait for me to relog.... probably just gonna go back to the old dat fill for now.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Noxzema
Posts: 228
By Siren.Noxzema 2019-04-04 15:48:21
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Do you happen to know which .dat it is?
By 2019-04-16 22:45:19
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By 2019-05-05 12:39:46
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Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Senshi
Posts: 142
By Sylph.Wasenshi 2019-05-05 13:40:45
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Asura.Dexterm said: »
Can someone be kind enough to tell me the dat for glowy Epeo on a Mithra? Epeo is ugly imo and I want to swap it with Calad, but I am guessing it is a new dat since they added the glow to it? Thanks.
My Epeo mod includes the glow models though I do not know which file is for mithra but you could test 1 by 1
By 2019-05-05 15:35:09
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By 2019-05-17 10:33:47
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: habarnam
Posts: 19
By Phoenix.Habar 2019-06-05 15:33:12
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XI -View has these pointer mods, one from PoL the other from tetra master did anyone try to polish the res on those?

Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2019-06-06 17:48:07
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Would it be complicated to take Amelila's South Sandy zone and swap in the new version of the spiral pattern they made for lower jeuno into it.

I know they meant to update it themselves but I think they're gonna be on break for a while
By 2019-06-07 15:06:25
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Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Carbuncle.Chevalierkraken 2019-06-09 04:03:21
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for amelila mod, the main issue is the bump map and the NPC mod, without them, the loading are ok
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: balduran
Posts: 273
By Bahamut.Balduran 2019-06-25 15:21:12
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Siren.Noxzema said: »
Anyone else have Reisenjima break? Last night I zoned in and I was missing the zone, everything else loaded, but the zone itself was pitch black and I couldn't move.
Was just wondering if anyone else was experiencing the same before I tried reinstalling.

I've never had this problem before only until recently where I had to multibox for 1 day then this ***started to happen ever since, seems multibox was the reason it was triggered somehow. Even now without multiboxing I am randomly getting an encumbered character with a the pitch black screen when enterting reisin zone, and have to shutdown every time this happens, very annoying.

If I would re-check all files, is there a way to re-apply the HD pack excluding amelia's dats?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Galiber
Posts: 228
By Ragnarok.Galiber 2019-06-25 17:24:56
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I randomly get the same issue, usually enough to warp/rezone to fix it.
By 2019-06-26 07:28:46
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Posts: 33
By aashafox 2019-06-26 20:38:15
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Smaller file didn't help... this just started recently too..
Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2019-06-26 23:18:05
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aashafox said: »
Smaller file didn't help... this just started recently too..

if this has been going on recently only, try this:

By 2019-06-27 02:53:05
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Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: ryanx
Posts: 712
By Lakshmi.Ryanx 2019-06-27 07:55:13
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is there a download link for everything in one?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Nioooo
Posts: 26
By Phoenix.Beerus 2019-06-27 09:47:22
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Provided I wanted to do this, I am worried it will create a bit of lag when multiboxing. Anyone have any thoughts on that?
Posts: 33
By aashafox 2019-06-27 09:49:05
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This was happening with just 2 instances on the machine.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-06-27 10:02:48
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kireek said: »
Siren.Noxzema said: »
Anyone else have Reisenjima break? Last night I zoned in and I was missing the zone, everything else loaded, but the zone itself was pitch black and I couldn't move.
Was just wondering if anyone else was experiencing the same before I tried reinstalling.

Have you ever had this in Lower Jeuno too while using Amelilas dat?

Happens to me periodically on reisenjima and lower jueno. Zone is completely Black and I can't move character. Just run a //terminate and reload and it's fine usually.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Nioooo
Posts: 26
By Phoenix.Beerus 2019-06-27 10:18:45
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aashafox said: »
This was happening with just 2 instances on the machine.

I was worried about that, What kind of CPU are you running out of curiosity? Mine is A newer ASUS gaming laptop, I run 3 instances with no problems currently.
By 2019-06-27 12:27:50
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By 2019-06-27 12:30:32
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Posts: 65
By Ashleyz 2019-06-27 14:51:08
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I run 3 instances on PC1 and 2 instances on a PC2 and I have no problems with any HD modded dats. Even with Amelila's larger dats, I can have all 3 characters in the same zone and have no issues. I think it boils down to your PCs spec on whether it can handle all of the HD dats loaded at the same time. In all of Amelila's videos, it clearly states that you should have a SSD. I run all SSDs, PC1 is an i9 9900K, PC2 is an i7 9700k, and both have GTX 1060 with 6gb of ram.
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