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By 2019-01-08 20:07:23
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Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Hades.Kgb 2019-01-08 22:57:21
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kireek said: »


Level up (should be player and monster)
Job point
Merit point
New challenge on-screen text for records of eminence.

Amazing work , thank you
Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2019-01-08 23:37:02
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I like those new texts, look just like the old ones but cleaned up.
By 2019-01-09 19:48:30
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By 2019-01-10 16:29:30
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Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-01-10 16:51:04
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Damn, these are getting sooo good now. I will download the full pack once a bunch have been completed, but this is awesome work.

Side note: I just shed a tear for Courier Carrie. She was a true rider for YEARS and never once complained. They should do a CC anniversary and make her ilvl 145.

RIP to a legend right there.

Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Rassius
Posts: 3
By Odin.Medicat 2019-01-10 19:52:01
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Those automaton mods are absolutely gorgeous. All of your mods look amazing!

Would it be possible for you to make icon mods for Puppetmaster's maneuvers? XI view doesn't mod them at all, and not only are they ugly, but it's difficult to tell the difference between a fire maneuver and a light maneuver at a glance.
Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2019-01-11 10:26:42
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I'm not sure if he ever included this, but this is an awesome tool to distinguish stuff like this.
"Jeanpaul's .dat mods" google.

(the big "Status Icons" links takes you to where they're hosted and shows pics and more info, I can't access that page at work)
from "Jeanpaul's Dat Mod Workshop" thread (the pics atm aren't hosted)
Sylph.Jeanpaul said: »

Jeanpaul's Dat Mod Workshop

Feel free to look things over, try things out, and submit feedback and suggestions.

Status Icons

Special Abilties:

Mighty Strikes, Brazen Rush, Hundred Fists, Inner Strength, Perfect Dodge, Chainspell, Stymie, Asylum, Manafont, Subtle Sorcery, Invincible, Intervene (received)

Blood Weapon, Soul Enslavement, Unleash, Soul Voice, Clarion Call, Overkill, Astral Flow, Astral Conduit, Meikyo Shisui, Yaegesumi, Spirit Surge, Fly High

Mikage, Azure Lore, Unbridled Wisdom, Overdrive, Trance, Grand Pas, Tabula Rasa, Bolster, Widened Compass, Elemental Sforzo, Odyllic Subterfuge (received)

Stats Up/Down: Red = Up, Blue = Down

Physical Attack, Defense, Accuracy, Evasion, Magic Attack, Defense, Accuracy, Evasion

Subtle Blow, Store TP, Counter Bonus


Barfire, Barblizzard, Baraero, Barstone, Barthunder, Barwater

Barvirus, Baramnesia, Barparalyze, Barsilence, Barpetrify, Barpoison, Barsleep, Barblind


Enfire, Enblizzard, Enaero, Enstone, Enthunder, Enwater, Enlight, Endark

Elemental DoT's:

Burn, Frost, Choke, Rasp, Shock, Drown

Status Ailments:

Paralyze, Petrify, Gradual Petrify, Disease, Plague, Doom, Zombie (recovery prevention curse), Helix, Kaustra, Avoidance Down

WAR Abilities:

Berserk, Defender, Warcry, Aggressor, Retaliation, Warrior's Charge, Restraint, Blood Rage

MNK Abilities:

Boost, Dodge, Focus, Counterstance, Formless Strikes, Impetus, Perfect Counter

THF Abilities:

Sneak Attack, Trick Attack, Hide, Feint, Assassin's Charge, Conspirator

PLD Abilities:

Cover, Sentinal, Fealty, Divine Emblem, Reprisal*, Palisade*
*these two were implemented despite having unique icons

DRK Abilities:

Last Resort, Soul Eater, Dark Seal, Diabolic Eye, Nether Void, Scarlet Delerium (prepared, and activated), Consume Mana

RNG Abilities:

Sharpshot, Camouflage, Barrage, Velocity Shot, Unlimited Shot,
Flashy Shot, Stealth Shot, Double Shot, Decoy Shot

SMN Abilities:

Shining Ruby, Avatar's Favor, Cait Sith's Favor, Apogee, Perfect Defense, Earthen Armor, Endrain and Enaspir (Heavenward Howl), Curing Conduit, TP Bonus (Crystalline Blessing)

SAM Abilities:

Hasso, Seigan, Sekkanoki, Sengikori, Hagakure

BLU Abilities:

Diffusion, Convergence, Efflux, Unbridled Learning

DNC Abilities:

Drain Samba, Drain Daze, Aspir Samba, Aspir Daze, Haste Samba, Haste Daze,
Presto, Building Flourish, Climactic Flourish, Striking Flourish, Ternary Flourish, Contradance

RUN Abilities:

Vallation/Valiance, Pflug, Swordplay, Embolden, Battuta, Liement

GEO Abilities:

Lasting Emanation, Ecliptic Attrition, Collimated Fervor, Blaze of Glory, Dematerialize, Theurgic Focus, Entrust


Holy Circle, Arcane Circle, Warding Circle, Ancient Circle, Killer Instinct

Miscellaneous Job Abilities:

Issekigan, Futae, Sange, Triple Shot, Nightingale, Troubadour, Flurry, Spur, Phalanx

Divine Seal, Divine Caress (prepared, and activated), Sacrosanctity, Elemental Seal, Manawall, Cascade, Saboteur, Klimaform

Miscellanous Buffs:

Multi-strikes, Physical Shield (Fanatic's), Magic Shield (Fool's, One for All), Fast Cast, Addle, Transcendency (Primeval Brew),
Capacity Point Bonus, Regen, Refresh, Regain, Enmity Boost (Crusade), Pax (Enmity Reduction)

Bard Songs:

Paeon, Ballad, Minuet, Madrigal, Minne, Mambo, Prelude,
March, Mazurka, Scherzo, Etude, Carol, Resist Songs (Pastoral et al), Hymnus,
Sirvente, Dirge, Requiem, Lullaby, Elegy, Threnody, Nocturne

Corsair Rolls:

Corsair's, Ninja, Hunter's, Chaos, Magus, Healer's, Drachen, Choral,
Monk's, Beast, Samurai, Evoker's, Rogue's, Warlock's, Fighter's, Puppet,
Gallant, Wizard's, Dancer's, Scholar's, Bolter's, Caster's, Courser's, Blitzer's,
Tactician's, Allies', Miser's, Companion's, Avenger's, Naturalist's, Runeist's, Crooked Cards

Indi-Spell Buffs/Debuffs:

Fury, Precision, Barrier, Voidance, Acumen, Focus, Fend, Attunement, Haste,
Regen, Refresh, STR, DEX, VIT, AGI, INT, MND, CHR

Wilt, Slip, Frailty, Torpor, Fade, Vex, Malaise, Languor,
Poison, Gravity, Slow, Paralyze

SCH -storm II spells:

1) To-Do List:
2) Do some of these icons look familiar? They ought to, I shamelessly stole many designs from other games and only made things from scratch when I had to. This was done because I'm not that great an artist, as well as recognizability.
3) Few tiered statuses (ie: Protect I-V) have their own icon, even though they sometimes ought to. The icons are tied to the descriptions and ID numbers.

By 2019-01-11 13:48:35
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Creole
Posts: 139
By Asura.Creole 2019-01-11 20:11:35
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anyone got a full copy and paste for everything?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Deroth
Posts: 19
By Ragnarok.Deroth 2019-01-13 13:51:15
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Hey is there anyone able to repack the "everything" file for all these dats? the link for it is busted for me.
By 2019-01-16 14:57:49
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Posts: 18
By lazywolf 2019-01-17 10:14:23
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Anyone point me to icon replacements... need a link really. Don't want to replace the entire UI just the icons.
Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2019-01-17 10:44:52
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Literally scroll up like 5 posts.

edit: name checks out.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Akaden 2019-01-17 12:39:10
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lazywolf said: »
Anyone point me to icon replacements... need a link really. Don't want to replace the entire UI just the icons.
I would add that you need a *full* account on the website to download it. This involves registering as well as posting in the welcome thread before you can access the download link.

As a side note, been running this set for almost a week and I freakin' love it. Especially love that Songs and Rolls are so easily differentiable at a quick glance.
Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2019-01-17 13:12:59
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Asura.Akaden said: »
Especially love that Songs and Rolls are so easily differentiable at a quick glance.

This, and the Geo- having their own logo and colored like the brd ones
Posts: 18
By lazywolf 2019-01-17 21:32:44
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Asura.Akaden said: »
lazywolf said: »
Anyone point me to icon replacements... need a link really. Don't want to replace the entire UI just the icons.
I would add that you need a *full* account on the website to download it. This involves registering as well as posting in the welcome thread before you can access the download link.

As a side note, been running this set for almost a week and I freakin' love it. Especially love that Songs and Rolls are so easily differentiable at a quick glance.

You have to have a full account... what is this 2008? Thanks for solving my problem :)
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2019-01-18 00:13:47
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Don't go thru the trouble of downloading that version. SE has updated the icons since:

Posts: 1186
By Boshi 2019-01-18 10:41:00
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Shiva.Arislan said: »
Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2019-01-18 11:50:41
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You guys do amazing work breathing cosmetic life back into this game.

Up until yesterday I had real quick load times in the areas where the HD overhaul is installed (installed for about a month), now I’m getting some serious delay.

Should I just allocate more than 1024MB?
By 2019-01-18 18:39:30
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Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Carbuncle.Chevalierkraken 2019-01-19 13:51:50
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Hello, since some week I was working to do some HD face for the character using Let's enhance, the result was really great even if using photoshop was needed because the result was noisy. But Yeasterday, I discovered Topaz AI Gigapixel, and it's even better.

AI giga pixel can resize by 2000% every image with nearly no loss in quality nor artefact, in just one click. the program can even resize the images by pack

actuay making a face or equipment mod only ask 5 minutes and if the result is not as perfect as a manual upscale, it's really impressive and ask so few time than I recommand you to use it.

the program cost 99$, but it merit its price, you should at least try the trial version


with that, everybody could make HD mod and the work could be much more fast!!!
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 25
By Lakshmi.Onimenokyo 2019-01-19 19:22:14
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Ragnarok.Deroth said: »
Hey is there anyone able to repack the "everything" file for all these dats? the link for it is busted for me.

Yep here you go, All HD mods in 1 drag and drop, up to and including January. Ill go back and fix that old link too, forgot to do that :x


(Current as of 3/13/19)
By 2019-01-20 12:52:29
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Akaden 2019-01-21 16:46:30
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Lakshmi.Onimenokyo said: »
Ragnarok.Deroth said: »
Hey is there anyone able to repack the "everything" file for all these dats? the link for it is busted for me.

Yep here you go, All HD mods in 1 drag and drop, up to and including January. Ill go back and fix that old link too, forgot to do that :x

I installed this megapack but alas! it has the icons and font from xiview that I hate. Any chance of an upload without that? I really enjoy the HD textures but I find this font unreadable and the icons and ui "enhancement" even worse than stock.
I don't consider xiview a part of the HD overhaul since it wasn't included in the other megapacks until this point.
By 2019-01-21 20:21:08
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Posts: 65
By Ashleyz 2019-01-22 00:32:05
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YouTube Video Placeholder
By 2019-01-22 07:09:12
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Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Lilianna
Posts: 1223
By Lakshmi.Avereith 2019-01-22 09:22:42
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Lakshmi.Onimenokyo said: »
Ragnarok.Deroth said: »
Hey is there anyone able to repack the "everything" file for all these dats? the link for it is busted for me.

Yep here you go, All HD mods in 1 drag and drop, up to and including January. Ill go back and fix that old link too, forgot to do that :x

Installed this for kicks and not even going to check what it installed. I want to be surprised and be like "Whoa, that's different alright"

That seems like it would be the best part
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Carbuncle.Chevalierkraken 2019-01-22 13:50:12
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kireek said: »
Ashleyz said: »
YouTube Video Placeholder

I think AI upscaling is useful in some ways, especially for getting rid of noise on images and if the base image has a decent amount of detail. I find it hard to believe that people will think it's useful for zone re-textures on ffxi though.

Here is an original texture ripped from a zone in full size as used by the game: (128 x 256)

Don't bother clicking the image to make it bigger, this is full size.

AI upscaled

The problem is, there is so little to actually work with in the base image that it's really hard for the AI to make something out of it.

Also another problem I think Amelila will face is they are going from full texture replacement with photographic real grass and wall textures to blurred AI upscales. The difference between zones done one way to zones done the other way is going to be really jarring and will look completely different.

It's clear you have not tried AI gigapixel, your exemple pics is not made with it but maybe waifu or Esrgan.

AI gigapixel is way more powerful
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