Dev Tracker - Discussion

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Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2018-09-02 00:03:59
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The camps in Inner are going to be a closely guarded secret by those who know them I'm afraid.

Not sure why, because the level of the mobs pretty much demands top-tier players to make it worth while. I doubt a group of low-CP jobs could go over and get it done, they strike me as camps for people who are already mastered and looking to upgrade REMAs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Topace
Posts: 771
By Asura.Topace 2018-09-02 00:32:49
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Yea a LS member of mine said the same thing.

It's not so much that I have a desire to party there more so I want to see the greatness of this "camp" that I hear about. I'll probably do a little more running around down there since I need to finish that Colonization reive RoE anyways.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2018-09-02 01:43:10
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Afania said: »
How slow can crab/pugil be? I can kill one in dho gate in 16 sec solo with 5 trusts with leaden > aeolian > leaden 3 step and it's dead in 3 ws. Don't even need brd nor geo buffs.

I can see camp size or cp per kill hindering cp per hour, but certainly not because of kill speed.

Foxfire said: »
A proper three-step skillchain typically kills them anyway when TP-burning.


Your 3 step with Leaden is one of the most damaging 3step out there and you need to only synchronize it with yourself. Not to mention you have master cor and top gear. You can't really expect that from every party tho. Let's say someone want to CP their low on gift and decently but not bis geared RUN, MNK, WAR, DRG etc.? Sure with RUN + WAR you can do Light (Reso and Upheaval), but without Aeonics, bis gear and gifts, those WSes wont do that much damage and if you add 3rd DD job you wont expect him to hold WS to not break the skillchain, will you? So usually for party, especially the party that ppl want to last for few hours, you will choose mindless spam with Reso, Upheaval, Stardiver and Vsmite/Raging with those jobs. Skillchains will happen, but definitely not as strong as your 3step and the mob will definitely fire off few TP moves before it will die.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: zerkles
Posts: 49
By Shiva.Zerkles 2018-09-02 05:56:18
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So find a three step between yhe 3 dds... a little communication and prep workgoes a long way. This way your third dd will have a ton of TP to close a fat sc, hell make it a 4 step.
Posts: 798
By Staleyx 2018-09-02 05:59:58
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Google ffxicalc. Makes finding chains easy.
Posts: 704
By kishr 2018-09-02 06:35:28
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This work too
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2018-09-02 08:23:25
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SimonSes said: »
Afania said: »
How slow can crab/pugil be? I can kill one in dho gate in 16 sec solo with 5 trusts with leaden > aeolian > leaden 3 step and it's dead in 3 ws. Don't even need brd nor geo buffs.

I can see camp size or cp per kill hindering cp per hour, but certainly not because of kill speed.

Foxfire said: »
A proper three-step skillchain typically kills them anyway when TP-burning.


Your 3 step with Leaden is one of the most damaging 3step out there and you need to only synchronize it with yourself. Not to mention you have master cor and top gear. You can't really expect that from every party tho. Let's say someone want to CP their low on gift and decently but not bis geared RUN, MNK, WAR, DRG etc.? Sure with RUN + WAR you can do Light (Reso and Upheaval), but without Aeonics, bis gear and gifts, those WSes wont do that much damage and if you add 3rd DD job you wont expect him to hold WS to not break the skillchain, will you? So usually for party, especially the party that ppl want to last for few hours, you will choose mindless spam with Reso, Upheaval, Stardiver and Vsmite/Raging with those jobs. Skillchains will happen, but definitely not as strong as your 3step and the mob will definitely fire off few TP moves before it will die.

The monster will almost always get off 1~2 TP moves, and Scissor Guard (+100% defense) / Bubble Shield (+100 MDB) / Water Wall (+100% defense) suck to deal with and just slow down the fights. The last time we fought Crabs was when 5K CP/hr was considered "amazing", the moment the community got better camps we used them.

Bats in Outer are much better and that camp can easily support 3 real parties or two real parties and 2 botting parties. The botting guys are piss easy to out pull and the entire time I've used that camp I've never not been able to get mobs. The difficult part is the group needs a puller usually a BRD and not a "sing songs and afk" BRD. It's a high speed camp that can get tons of CP fast, the highest I've seen is 10~11 milion CP/hr but that's pretty rare and common groups will see 5~8 depending on setup.

Then we have Inner which is a whole new level of play since those mobs can be rough, but we hit 65K per kill somewhere around chain 10~13, without rings and without corsairs roll. Chains would continue into the 40's because of the elongated chain timer (it's based on monster level). But yeah the stat level required is pretty high, higher then most groups will be able to reach.
By Afania 2018-09-02 08:31:43
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SimonSes said: »
Afania said: »
How slow can crab/pugil be? I can kill one in dho gate in 16 sec solo with 5 trusts with leaden > aeolian > leaden 3 step and it's dead in 3 ws. Don't even need brd nor geo buffs.

I can see camp size or cp per kill hindering cp per hour, but certainly not because of kill speed.

Foxfire said: »
A proper three-step skillchain typically kills them anyway when TP-burning.


Your 3 step with Leaden is one of the most damaging 3step out there and you need to only synchronize it with yourself. Not to mention you have master cor and top gear. You can't really expect that from every party tho. Let's say someone want to CP their low on gift and decently but not bis geared RUN, MNK, WAR, DRG etc.? Sure with RUN + WAR you can do Light (Reso and Upheaval), but without Aeonics, bis gear and gifts, those WSes wont do that much damage and if you add 3rd DD job you wont expect him to hold WS to not break the skillchain, will you? So usually for party, especially the party that ppl want to last for few hours, you will choose mindless spam with Reso, Upheaval, Stardiver and Vsmite/Raging with those jobs. Skillchains will happen, but definitely not as strong as your 3step and the mob will definitely fire off few TP moves before it will die.

The context of this argument is outer v.s dho gate, so having not optimal gear/job is not relevant to the discussion. Also just FYI, the one who complained about cp camps here came from a server that cp shout scene is very very different from small servers.

People shout for a party of idris geo, REMA brd, REMA DD for outer (basically elite setup) on their server then come here complaining dho gate is bad because of kill speed on crabs because gears and setup are bad, which doesn't make sense. Because if they want to make pro outer argument then dho gate pt should apply the same standard.

Leaden isn't the only job that can 3 step, jinpu has similar power:

Since cp pt would have cor and geo anyways, even if cor is slightly lesser geared a 3 step with 2 DD, end with 3k leaden and using malaise should have similar power that kills crab in 3 step.

If crab uses tp move just dispel it, or mew it, it's not that hard to deal with that.

There are also bats in dho gate, and piercing DD like drg dnc thf should kill fast too.

So I just don't buy this "dho gate kills slooow" kind of argument when same lv of pt that you discribed without doubt kills even slower in outer. If dho gate has slow cp per hour, it's most likely because cp gain per kill, or competition. But not because dho gate crabs are harder to kill.
Posts: 161
By Teuphist 2018-09-02 10:26:01
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I just can't wait to see what PUP is getting with EMA update.
That is all.
Posts: 454
By Zeota 2018-09-02 10:54:25
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Shiva.Zerkles said: »
So find a three step between yhe 3 dds... a little communication and prep workgoes a long way. This way your third dd will have a ton of TP to close a fat sc, hell make it a 4 step.
That's what my last group did. We did Distortion into double Darkness. We didn't really need a magic burst since we were downing mobs consistently in the first volley. We did have 2 dancers, including myself, handling the 2x darkness for that sweet SC bonus. 60-90k double darkness for days!
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: zerkles
Posts: 49
By Shiva.Zerkles 2018-09-02 11:02:04
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Didnt mean to derail the dev discussion thread, either way thanks for the heads up on the Rakaz camps. Was able to cap DNC from 0 JP in about 8 hours with my 4 box set up <3

Zeota said: »
Shiva.Zerkles said: »
So find a three step between yhe 3 dds... a little communication and prep workgoes a long way. This way your third dd will have a ton of TP to close a fat sc, hell make it a 4 step.
That's what my last group did. We did Distortion into double Darkness. We didn't really need a magic burst since we were downing mobs consistently in the first volley. We did have 2 dancers, including myself, handling the 2x darkness for that sweet SC bonus. 60-90k double darkness for days!

4 thumbs up for DNC.

Related to recent dev news, those making Dynamis weapons, do you take your chances with shield enchantment?

Further, are all NQ versions ***? (aside from ones with special effects like Cor dagger)
Posts: 2757
By Nariont 2018-09-02 11:33:01
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Would depend on how much weaker the sugs will be, think they said necks would be so id assume same for dyna weps, if theyre not terribly so, could see the nq/hq1s still having some value
Posts: 570
By dustinfoley 2018-09-02 21:22:30
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Afania said: »
SimonSes said: »
Afania said: »
How slow can crab/pugil be? I can kill one in dho gate in 16 sec solo with 5 trusts with leaden > aeolian > leaden 3 step and it's dead in 3 ws. Don't even need brd nor geo buffs.

I can see camp size or cp per kill hindering cp per hour, but certainly not because of kill speed.

Foxfire said: »
A proper three-step skillchain typically kills them anyway when TP-burning.


Your 3 step with Leaden is one of the most damaging 3step out there and you need to only synchronize it with yourself. Not to mention you have master cor and top gear. You can't really expect that from every party tho. Let's say someone want to CP their low on gift and decently but not bis geared RUN, MNK, WAR, DRG etc.? Sure with RUN + WAR you can do Light (Reso and Upheaval), but without Aeonics, bis gear and gifts, those WSes wont do that much damage and if you add 3rd DD job you wont expect him to hold WS to not break the skillchain, will you? So usually for party, especially the party that ppl want to last for few hours, you will choose mindless spam with Reso, Upheaval, Stardiver and Vsmite/Raging with those jobs. Skillchains will happen, but definitely not as strong as your 3step and the mob will definitely fire off few TP moves before it will die.

The context of this argument is outer v.s dho gate, so having not optimal gear/job is not relevant to the discussion. Also just FYI, the one who complained about cp camps here came from a server that cp shout scene is very very different from small servers.

People shout for a party of idris geo, REMA brd, REMA DD for outer (basically elite setup) on their server then come here complaining dho gate is bad because of kill speed on crabs because gears and setup are bad, which doesn't make sense. Because if they want to make pro outer argument then dho gate pt should apply the same standard.

Leaden isn't the only job that can 3 step, jinpu has similar power:

Since cp pt would have cor and geo anyways, even if cor is slightly lesser geared a 3 step with 2 DD, end with 3k leaden and using malaise should have similar power that kills crab in 3 step.

If crab uses tp move just dispel it, or mew it, it's not that hard to deal with that.

There are also bats in dho gate, and piercing DD like drg dnc thf should kill fast too.

So I just don't buy this "dho gate kills slooow" kind of argument when same lv of pt that you discribed without doubt kills even slower in outer. If dho gate has slow cp per hour, it's most likely because cp gain per kill, or competition. But not because dho gate crabs are harder to kill.

Just to give you an idea of the ridiculousness of this statement. I have a very decent mid geared cor. 200 jp, aeonic, regal neck, fettering blade, blurred dagger +1.

With 5 trusts, i can barely get the tp needed to 3 step 50% of the time, and when i do it definitely doesnt kill the crabs. 20k leaden -> 6k aeolian -> 5k distortion -> 20k leaden -> 43k darkness. Targets at 50%.

My 5 trusts are bard x 2, king, aaev, and yorna.

Gear wise its mostly herc with +4 TA. My leaden set is pretty spot on, only upgrades are +3 relic body/feet and that new belt. Maybe its possible with real people to buff you but not with 5 trusts. i dont see my leadens suddenly going from 20k to 40k damage.

1200 acc, 1800 range acc.
By Afania 2018-09-02 21:38:10
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dustinfoley said: »
Afania said: »
SimonSes said: »
Afania said: »
How slow can crab/pugil be? I can kill one in dho gate in 16 sec solo with 5 trusts with leaden > aeolian > leaden 3 step and it's dead in 3 ws. Don't even need brd nor geo buffs.

I can see camp size or cp per kill hindering cp per hour, but certainly not because of kill speed.

Foxfire said: »
A proper three-step skillchain typically kills them anyway when TP-burning.


Your 3 step with Leaden is one of the most damaging 3step out there and you need to only synchronize it with yourself. Not to mention you have master cor and top gear. You can't really expect that from every party tho. Let's say someone want to CP their low on gift and decently but not bis geared RUN, MNK, WAR, DRG etc.? Sure with RUN + WAR you can do Light (Reso and Upheaval), but without Aeonics, bis gear and gifts, those WSes wont do that much damage and if you add 3rd DD job you wont expect him to hold WS to not break the skillchain, will you? So usually for party, especially the party that ppl want to last for few hours, you will choose mindless spam with Reso, Upheaval, Stardiver and Vsmite/Raging with those jobs. Skillchains will happen, but definitely not as strong as your 3step and the mob will definitely fire off few TP moves before it will die.

The context of this argument is outer v.s dho gate, so having not optimal gear/job is not relevant to the discussion. Also just FYI, the one who complained about cp camps here came from a server that cp shout scene is very very different from small servers.

People shout for a party of idris geo, REMA brd, REMA DD for outer (basically elite setup) on their server then come here complaining dho gate is bad because of kill speed on crabs because gears and setup are bad, which doesn't make sense. Because if they want to make pro outer argument then dho gate pt should apply the same standard.

Leaden isn't the only job that can 3 step, jinpu has similar power:

Since cp pt would have cor and geo anyways, even if cor is slightly lesser geared a 3 step with 2 DD, end with 3k leaden and using malaise should have similar power that kills crab in 3 step.

If crab uses tp move just dispel it, or mew it, it's not that hard to deal with that.

There are also bats in dho gate, and piercing DD like drg dnc thf should kill fast too.

So I just don't buy this "dho gate kills slooow" kind of argument when same lv of pt that you discribed without doubt kills even slower in outer. If dho gate has slow cp per hour, it's most likely because cp gain per kill, or competition. But not because dho gate crabs are harder to kill.

Just to give you an idea of the ridiculousness of this statement. I have a very decent mid geared cor. 200 jp, aeonic, regal neck, fettering blade, blurred dagger +1.

With 5 trusts, i can barely get the tp needed to 3 step 50% of the time, and when i do it definitely doesnt kill the crabs. 20k leaden -> 6k aeolian -> 5k distortion -> 20k leaden -> 43k darkness. Targets at 50%.

My 5 trusts are bard x 2, king, aaev, and yorna.

Gear wise its mostly herc with +4 TA. My leaden set is pretty spot on, only upgrades are +3 relic body/feet and that new belt. Maybe its possible with real people to buff you but not with 5 trusts. i dont see my leadens suddenly going from 20k to 40k damage.

1200 acc, 1800 range acc.

Since cp pt would have cor and geo anyways, even if cor is slightly lesser geared a 3 step with 2 DD, end with 3k leaden and using malaise should have similar power that kills crab in 3 step.

Someone already made a comment of slightly lesser geared cor can't 3 step solo kill crab and pugil with 5 trusts. I already addressed it by suggesting the pt bring a geo for more buffs. And I think it's totally legit to compare the kill speed with real player v.s an outer pt with real player too.

I generally use 2x blurred HQ instead of sword when I solo multi step so ws are more likely to connect. Are you using Sam roll too?
Posts: 570
By dustinfoley 2018-09-02 21:53:57
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Even then do your leadens really do 40-50k with just 5 trusts, cause with blurred +1 you give up magic dmg, and MAB. With a 2nd regal cor buffing me with wizard buff, i just dont do nearly enough damage with just trusts.

killed 30 crabs, LS dmg was between 20-25k depending on tp.
Posts: 52
By sabrtooth 2018-09-02 22:02:45
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If only a ninja master job can pull off the same 3 step SC with heishi and kujaku+1 T.T
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2018-09-02 22:15:58
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If you can't 3-step on ninja or (especially) corsair, you're doing something very wrong.
By Afania 2018-09-02 22:42:15
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dustinfoley said: »
Even then do your leadens really do 40-50k with just 5 trusts, cause with blurred +1 you give up magic dmg, and MAB. With a 2nd regal cor buffing me with wizard buff, i just dont do nearly enough damage with just trusts.

killed 30 crabs, LS dmg was between 20-25k depending on tp.

You don't actually need to do 40 to 50k to 3 step crabs. 30k is enough to finish it off because darkness sc amplifies.

Here is an SS of 3 step on crab on thundersday, using sam+cor roll(since cp pt), 2 blurred +1, and 5 trusts that you see in SS. Basically absolutely minimal buffs. The first leaden (43527) is done with 1700ish tp, the last one (30460) is much closer to 1000(but still a little bit over tp). Crab died after last 30k leaden because darkness damage amplifies to 74k darkness.

If you can hit 25k without geo, then with nq geo you will not have an issue hitting 30k and close 74k darkness, which kills a crab.

So I'm still not seeing how "slow" can dho gate pt be, unless you are really really under geared, in that case you aren't getting into rak pt either.

If you need advice on how to consistently connect 3 step or improve leaden set, I suggest you post in cor job thread since this is dev tracker and I feel this cp camp discussion has dragged on long enough.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-09-02 23:01:34
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sabrtooth said: »
If only a ninja master job can pull off the same 3 step SC with heishi and kujaku+1 T.T

Kujaku +1 is utter garbage. It's only redeeming value is if you're not getting hasted, and then it's kinda useful. That's not even a serious Katana and I would not recommend it to anyone. You don't even skillchain any faster with it. Garbage weapon.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-09-03 03:02:37
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So just going to toss out a theory for upgrades:

If you've killed Wave 3 boss you unlock augments on that weapon type for all weapons.

If you haven't killed Wave 3 boss you can pay 500 stored JP to unlock a particular weapons augments.

This would save a LOT of time to reward the people who have cleared wave 3 boss, and give a decent grind for others meaning you need 2600 JP to start working on any weapon augments.
Posts: 371
By Justuas 2018-09-03 03:35:12
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New rewards to Omen huh
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2018-09-03 03:42:37
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Then we have Inner which is a whole new level of play since those mobs can be rough, but we hit 65K per kill somewhere around chain 10~13, without rings and without corsairs roll. Chains would continue into the 40's because of the elongated chain timer (it's based on monster level). But yeah the stat level required is pretty high, higher then most groups will be able to reach.
Your BRD gets one hell of a work-out at that camp.

Worth it but man it takes a lot out of you.
By 2018-09-03 03:51:43
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Post deleted by User.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Topace
Posts: 771
By Asura.Topace 2018-09-04 07:59:39
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September Omen ・ Add new rewards -
September Wanted Battle ・ Add new rewards

Wonder what this means?

Continuing on, we’re expanding the synthesis system with Aurum Tomes. You can now add augments to boost the potency of certain powerful items even higher. Simply select an upgrade route from among three options to create a weapon best suited your preferred battle style!

They're talking about the Dyna weapons here right?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Taint
Posts: 109
By Asura.Sirtaint 2018-09-04 08:03:55
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Asura.Topace said: »
September Omen ・ Add new rewards -
September Wanted Battle ・ Add new rewards

Wonder what this means?

Continuing on, we’re expanding the synthesis system with Aurum Tomes. You can now add augments to boost the potency of certain powerful items even higher. Simply select an upgrade route from among three options to create a weapon best suited your preferred battle style!

They're talking about the Dyna weapons here right?

Omen = items for REMA upgrades
Wanted = Pluton/Beitsu/Rift items
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Suteru
Posts: 508
By Asura.Suteru 2018-09-04 08:04:00
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Omen is getting Dynalixir style items (in addition to Dynamis D of course), and UNMs are getting Plouton/Beitetsu/Boulders. (Mentioned in the translation of Freshly Picked someone posted a bit back)

And yes, Aurum Tomes are the things you need to craft the Dyna weapons.

So did anyone notice the RP levels got to 25 on the REMA augments? I wonder how many +2s you'll need to upgrade. 5? 10? What's the calculation method for the current -lixirs and can it be extrapolated to level 25?

edit: Did the math. You need 24,580 RP to get to Rank 25. ~12 and change Dynalixir +2s.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Topace
Posts: 771
By Asura.Topace 2018-09-04 08:19:05
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Will the UNM give cases/parcels or individual Plutons/Beitetsu/Boulders?
Posts: 1030
By Foxfire 2018-09-04 08:19:32
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Depends how it scales. Peep mezzotinting for values.
By 2018-09-04 08:21:47
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Post deleted by User.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Suteru
Posts: 508
By Asura.Suteru 2018-09-04 08:24:46
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I don't know how exactly to explain it, but the RP per rank is +10 of the previous increase. So Level 13 > 14 is 750 and 860, which is +110, so +120 to 860 and you get 980.

If this holds true, you'll end up at 24,580 total RP for level 25. +2s won't even get you a full level after level 21.
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