Phoenix.Dabackpack said:
»The news about the augmenting process is kind of a bummer.
If the Wave 3 boss doesn't actually get you RP, then beyond the first kill it's useless right?
And I've killed several of the bosses already, and you're telling me that I have to go back to Wave 3 just so the option shows up? That's stupid
I was expecting something like this, no way would they let people preemptively unlock weapons before they are released. Too many of you guys got your hopes up that would you have access to this super exclusive gear when SE has been going in the opposite direction for a long time now.
So it's do damage to Wave3 MB to gain points to unlock the ability to upgrade or give JP for the same unlock. After unlocking the ability we feed ~mysterious new currency~ to the weapon to power it up. That ~mysterious new currency~ is gained from regular dynamis mobs and omen, which are the two more recent content systems.
The questions then become
1) How much damage needs to be done to count?
2) How much JP need to be given?
3) How much ~mysterious new currency~ is needed?
4) How frequently do they drop?