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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Topace
Posts: 771
By Asura.Topace 2018-08-29 21:47:29
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In planning for Empy+2/3?

Give rng some god damn MAB gear ***.

The hell we have a Magic Mythic yet have to run to Herc for augments. Meanwhile cor is swimming in Mab Gear.
By 2018-08-29 21:51:35
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Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2018-08-29 21:59:59
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The news about the augmenting process is kind of a bummer.

If the Wave 3 boss doesn't actually get you RP, then beyond the first kill it's useless right?

And I've killed several of the bosses already, and you're telling me that I have to go back to Wave 3 just so the option shows up? That's stupid
By 2018-08-29 22:14:53
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By Afania 2018-08-29 22:45:36
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Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
The news about the augmenting process is kind of a bummer.

If the Wave 3 boss doesn't actually get you RP, then beyond the first kill it's useless right?

And I've killed several of the bosses already, and you're telling me that I have to go back to Wave 3 just so the option shows up? That's stupid

More importantly, SE killed their own "hardest content" 2 months after wave 3 release. Now majority of community will do omen for another 2 years.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-08-29 22:58:19
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I'm not upset they didn't go the JP route, but including drop items in dynamis AND omen? Give me a break man. Is that their way of giving an outlet for the not hardcore community? Sounds like a huge slap in the face for everyone who worked hard to get clears, if the point accrual process doesn't involve damaging wave 3 bosses. Who makes up these arbitrary requirements for upgrades? They are laughable and don't even logically connect.

Will wait and see how it is actually implemented, since it can change, but I'd feel slighted if this turns out to be true. Because we were led to believe the points were being tallied up this whole time
By 2018-08-29 22:59:49
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 487
By Asura.Beatsbytaru 2018-08-29 23:17:11
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FFXI being ran at a profit currently is a no ***kind of observation. The moment it gets close to taking a loss, they are shutting it all down.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: tonic316
Posts: 20
By Asura.Tonic 2018-08-30 00:20:22
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Asura.Beatsbytaru said: »
FFXI being ran at a profit currently is a no ***kind of observation. The moment it gets close to taking a loss, they are shutting it all down.

no way man.. the Japanese are different and honorable unlike the American pigs. They would run this game at a loss!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-08-30 06:35:29
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Anyone know when the last time there was an english translation of Freshly Picked?
Posts: 371
By Justuas 2018-08-30 06:58:02
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Anyone know when the last time there was an english translation of Freshly Picked?
Bahamut.Malothar said: »
-They're in the planning stages for Empy +2/+3 and updating old content, don't expect it soon
inb4 Abyssea 2.0
Posts: 256
By Brynach 2018-08-30 07:09:18
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Bahamut.Malothar said: »
-They're planning to offer a “choose your NM” option for Sinister Reign

/fap /fap /fap
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2018-08-30 07:29:18
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Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
The news about the augmenting process is kind of a bummer.

If the Wave 3 boss doesn't actually get you RP, then beyond the first kill it's useless right?

And I've killed several of the bosses already, and you're telling me that I have to go back to Wave 3 just so the option shows up? That's stupid

I was expecting something like this, no way would they let people preemptively unlock weapons before they are released. Too many of you guys got your hopes up that would you have access to this super exclusive gear when SE has been going in the opposite direction for a long time now.

So it's do damage to Wave3 MB to gain points to unlock the ability to upgrade or give JP for the same unlock. After unlocking the ability we feed ~mysterious new currency~ to the weapon to power it up. That ~mysterious new currency~ is gained from regular dynamis mobs and omen, which are the two more recent content systems.

The questions then become

1) How much damage needs to be done to count?
2) How much JP need to be given?
3) How much ~mysterious new currency~ is needed?
4) How frequently do they drop?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Barber
Posts: 35
By Asura.Solymr 2018-08-30 07:41:21
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5) is the currency sellable like dyna 1 coins? Or rare/ex like omen cards. And are they party drops or personal drops?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Whenever
Posts: 12
By Leviathan.Vyy 2018-08-30 07:42:40
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Why so ~mysterious~?SE?!

I’m adopting that term from now on “MNC” thanks Saevel!
By 2018-08-30 08:32:59
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Posts: 256
By Brynach 2018-08-30 08:37:29
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DirectX said: »
Brynach said: »
Bahamut.Malothar said: »
-They're planning to offer a “choose your NM” option for Sinister Reign

/fap /fap /fap
I think this is a great idea BUT not at the same weak *** level content. If you get to choose your NMs the content should be boosted significantly to like 135/140 ilvl. Also with better drop rates... and less Arcelia calling bosses every 2 seconds.

That would be cool. I could alternatively go for a SR battle royale.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2018-08-30 08:52:55
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How would the drop rates be "better" since it's a single personal pool where you pick an item? If you mean altering the pool such that it favors an item you prefer, not likely going to happen.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-08-30 08:55:07
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Asura.Saevel said: »
How would the drop rates be "better" since it's a single personal pool where you pick an item?

double the chance of capped augment or something would do fine

but even selecting hero is a huge improvement, SR is an unholy RNG-fest that doesn't challenge even the most casual of players but still requires dozens to hundreds of hours of grind
Posts: 256
By Brynach 2018-08-30 09:06:24
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Asura.Saevel said: »
How would the drop rates be "better" since it's a single personal pool where you pick an item? If you mean altering the pool such that it favors an item you prefer, not likely going to happen.

I think he was implying that a fight at a higher level should/could have items drop with higher-average augments on them.

But if I can choose a run that has Ingrid every time, I MAY actually see some capped Malevolences in this lifetime.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-08-30 09:33:19
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So over achievers who went above and beyond to clear all wave 3 bosses get the same advantage with unlocking this quest that everyone else with a job point stored has? Amazing. I bet JP players complained that NA players would have upgraded weapons as soon as the update hit, and they had to reverse course immediately. You know whenever there is a change that doesn't make any logical sense, it's because a JP player complained about something NAs were doing and it would not give a fair advantage (for them). Because the hints up to this point were kind of specific...until they weren.t

Willing to believe this isn't how they originally drew it up, but they changed it at the 11th hour. They didn't think so many people would clear wave3 so soon, so they said "*** it, we'll just regurgitate the grind through ANOTHER currency players have to divvy up even more in Dynamis and Omen".
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-08-30 09:36:05
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We haven't seen the amounts yet. They could always use a system like potpourri and require thousands of JP, to the point that doing wave3 bosses gives a considerable time save.

Wave3 is also likely to be the best way to earn the currency, so any practice farming it is useful. Don't be so pessimistic until you see what it actually is.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-08-30 09:40:51
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »
so any practice farming it is useful

Do you honestly think players were spamming wave 3 for practice?? They threw in another currency (Reenforcement points) at the last minute, which puts everyone basically at the same point in the weapons upgrade process. Nobody has an advantage. If you've damaged the boss enough to unlock augments, cool, now farm RP. If you haven't, there's a JP campaign going on right now that will allow you to stockpile a few hundred for when the update hits. Then you can farm RP when update hits.

Everyone is literally at the same point in this race, if you followed one of the above points above. The question I want to know is does Omen Card Farming path accrue points. That might be the best better way to earn them if so (vs the normal boss path), since that floor has more monsters than floor 4
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2018-08-30 09:49:02
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A few hundred is hopelessly optimistic. Most players are already sitting on 500/500 for their most used jobs. I would be utterly shocked if it's less than 2000JP.
By volkom 2018-08-30 10:04:36
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it should be 1 million beastmen and kindred seals
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2018-08-30 10:23:43
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Brynach said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
How would the drop rates be "better" since it's a single personal pool where you pick an item? If you mean altering the pool such that it favors an item you prefer, not likely going to happen.

I think he was implying that a fight at a higher level should/could have items drop with higher-average augments on them.

But if I can choose a run that has Ingrid every time, I MAY actually see some capped Malevolences in this lifetime.

Ok so a new pool of items with different augments or powered up versions of what already exists. I can see that happening as a welcome addition.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2018-08-30 10:26:05
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Willing to believe this isn't how they originally drew it up, but they changed it at the 11th hour. They didn't think so many people would clear wave3 so soon, so they said "*** it, we'll just regurgitate the grind through ANOTHER currency players have to divvy up even more in Dynamis and Omen".

Which is why I never put any real energy into our group doing Wave3 and instead opted to continue our strategy of farming gear / regular currency. I had a sneaking suspicion something like this would take place.
By 2018-08-30 14:09:19
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By 2018-08-30 14:12:25
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