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Server: Asura
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Posts: 487
By Asura.Beatsbytaru 2018-08-26 19:56:54
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Asura.Frod said: »
you'll take your kick attacks +5 and like it.
"Augments Boost"

Augment would revert Boost back to what it was. MNK is now fixed w
By 2018-08-26 20:08:35
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By Chyula 2018-08-26 23:41:30
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Asura.Frod said: »
you'll take your kick attacks +5 and like it.

too low value, SE will be generous and give mnk higher value.

it'll be kick attack's attack +25
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2018-08-26 23:59:30
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Bismarck.Vize said: »
can someone read the translation to see if we just getting augments or if there will also be an increase in base dmg and will skill raise higher than 269 ??

Increasing dmg on first page with stats, when it's also increased with augment would be kinda stupid. So at least for damage, you get base increase via augments, dont count for any additional ones.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2018-08-27 01:30:59
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I just remembered that they mentioned Augments for RMEA weapons long time ago.
It was their explanation for the fact they "forced" us to Afterglow our weapons.
They said they were doing that so they could remove the space used to hold information about Afterglow yes/no, and use that space for possible (but not certain) future upgrades to RMEA through weapons.

Back then it felt like a sorry excuse to justify yet another timesink.
Now... I dunno. Maybe they really meant it, or maybe they didn't and they transformed what was an excuse into something real.
Regardless, this is really what we're getting.

Has it been confirmed there will be multiple paths for each weapon? Or "just" a single one?
Can't wait to see more info on the necks.
Really hope the difference between NQ, +1 and +2 is not gonna be huge, but who am I kidding here...
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2018-08-27 02:29:32
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Asura.Sechs said: »
I just remembered that they mentioned Augments for RMEA weapons long time ago.
It was their explanation for the fact they "forced" us to Afterglow our weapons.
They said they were doing that so they could remove the space used to hold information about Afterglow yes/no, and use that space for possible (but not certain) future upgrades to RMEA through weapons.

Back then it felt like a sorry excuse to justify yet another timesink.
Now... I dunno. Maybe they really meant it, or maybe they didn't and they transformed what was an excuse into something real.
Regardless, this is really what we're getting.

Has it been confirmed there will be multiple paths for each weapon? Or "just" a single one?
Can't wait to see more info on the necks.
Really hope the difference between NQ, +1 and +2 is not gonna be huge, but who am I kidding here...

SS in the thread only show single paths for REMA, but Dyna-D has multiple paths. So we know Dyna-D weapons have multiple, REMA is possible but unlikely, IMO.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2018-08-27 03:12:22
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That would suck for some Aeonics with weak WS. Not really excited about exentrator or shijin damage.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2018-08-27 03:32:40
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20% boost on Relic, 15% on Mythic and 10% on Empy and Aeonic, right?
That's supposing those boosts are gonna be the same for all weapons of the same category, and not specific bonus different on every weapon/WS.

I dunno, I guess this was probably easier/faster for them to do, but boosting some of those powerful WSs by even just 10% (Resolution, Stardiver, Rudra's Storm, Torcleaver, Chant Du Cygne...) sounds a bit lame. Especially for the multihit ones, supposing it's gonna work like the old WS boost, which applied to all hits and not just the first one like WSD stat.

I mean I dunno, all Relic WSs could use a damage boost and 20% is gonna be nice. Most (all?) mythic WSs needed 15%, which for many WSs is not even enough, so again it's welcome.
But 10% boost to stuff like Reso or CDC is scary, whereas a 10% boost to Exenterator is nowhere even close to being enough...

...but still better than nothing I guess.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2018-08-27 03:34:37
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On a side note, is CP/Exp campaign the only campaign we're getting in september?
Maybe it's just me being spoiled after years of multiple campaigns but it sounds like some really weak campaign if you ask me, if there really is nothing else to it.
By 2018-08-27 03:38:12
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Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: edrakali
Posts: 37
By Ragnarok.Alihasan 2018-08-27 03:50:14
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It's so that players unable to get wave 3 clears can work on the JP option instead to upgrade their REMA. Who knows how much JP are required.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2018-08-27 05:00:17
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Another question is, if that works offhand. 10% to Rudra on Twashtar doesn't really mean much, when it doesn't work in offhand. Aeneas TP bonus and higher base dmg will still be better to use as main weapon for Rudra. In less extension it's the same for cdc if you want to main hand Tizona. Tho BLU will have a lot to chose now with D weapons having 50% following attack path.

Also keep in mind relic weapons seems to have some job specific buffs on them (Once again Apocalypse have imo almost useless absorb casting time -20%), so some of them might still surprise us.

But for now it looks like:
Spharai - Final Heaven should actually be competitive at 1000TP at least with Impetus and Footwork down.
Veret - Even better to spam VS.
Godhands - Higher accuracy (assuming it will get +30 acc like Anguta) and still best for spamming Raging and Tornado.

Makes me wonder where Sagitta will place here. So far for me it looks like MNK should use Veret with Impetus up and spam VS. Then with Impetus down use Godhands and Tornado with Footwork up. Then with both down, use Godhands/Spharai/Veret and use Raging/FH/VS.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2018-08-27 05:06:55
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Asura.Sechs said: »
On a side note, is CP/Exp campaign the only campaign we're getting in september?
Maybe it's just me being spoiled after years of multiple campaigns but it sounds like some really weak campaign if you ask me, if there really is nothing else to it.

It's not Septemeber tho, It's ON RIGHT NOW. Started few hours ago, till 2nd September! Was a big surprise!
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2018-08-27 06:04:08
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Not sure why you type what it should be, when we have seen augments for all the scythe DREAM weapons and you know what base dmg they will have.

Apoc 383 5.8% increase
Liberator 364 10.3% increase
Redemption 367 3.67% increase
Anguta 387 4.59% increase
Su5 369 4.23% increase
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2018-08-27 06:10:38
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Siren.Sandraa said: »
SimonSes said: »
Not sure why you type what it should be, when we have seen augments for all the scythe DREAM weapons and you know what base dmg they will have.

Apoc 383 5.8% increase
Liberator 364 10.3% increase
Redemption 367 3.67% increase
Anguta 387 4.59% increase

Oh i see. Sorry i did not knew that

I mean they could still try to fix whole weapon category like H2H with those augments but I kinda doubt it. If anything, they will probably change something in h2h WSs faster.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2018-08-27 06:29:21
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Siren.Sandraa said: »
We know the base damage buff is not the ideal fix but that can reduces the distances "some". Non META Two-Handed weapons jobs should have a 80 - 100 base damage. Non meta one-handed weapons jobs should have 40 - 45 base damage "VS" META two-handed jobs 40 base damage and META one-handed jobs 20

Sort of, what's meta and not meta should not matter. RUN really isn't "meta" in most people's books, but giving Lionheart a huge buff would be a mistake.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2018-08-27 06:34:52
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Asura.Byrne said: »
Siren.Sandraa said: »
We know the base damage buff is not the ideal fix but that can reduces the distances "some". Non META Two-Handed weapons jobs should have a 80 - 100 base damage. Non meta one-handed weapons jobs should have 40 - 45 base damage "VS" META two-handed jobs 40 base damage and META one-handed jobs 20

Sort of, what's meta and not meta should not matter. RUN really isn't "meta" in most people's books, but giving Lionheart a huge buff would be a mistake.

Looking at Anguta Lionheart will have 351 dmg, +10% Resolution damage and +30 Accuracy/Magic Accuracy
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2018-08-27 06:43:45
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Not that I wouldn't be happy about a boost to my Lionheart, but it seems to me it's kinda unnecessary. Actually, potentially dangerous.

Which is why I'm seriously wishing that the augs will be made on a case-by-case basis, different for each weapon, instead of having pretty much the same augs for every weapon of the same category.

It's like someone already said before. Some WS totally need a big buff, but a couple of other WS in the same category are already too strong.
Really hope SE has done wise choices about this all.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Inxmonk
Posts: 371
By Ragnarok.Inx 2018-08-27 07:15:24
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I really want these new upgrades to shake up the relative standings within the overall meta; if everything gets roughly the same boost, then there's really nothing changed.

Getting to kill stuff a bit quicker is nice, as is having a new set of shinies to chase, but it'd be better if these made more jobs desirable for the harder content.
By 2018-08-27 07:34:17
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2018-08-27 07:38:59
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What is everyone smoking.... this is SE, spend all your time dreaming up your own personal stat boosts, then experience crushing despair when SE does the lazy thing.

You are getting

<Stat +> (The special stat the weapon has)
Skill 296 or 323 depending on how high wants our power base to be, maybe just Acc/Atk that would simulate the effect of +skill.
*The End*
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-08-27 07:44:40
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We already know we're getting more than that from the examples shown.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2018-08-27 07:58:54
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Asura.Saevel said: »
What is everyone smoking.... this is SE, spend all your time dreaming up your own personal stat boosts, then experience crushing despair when SE does the lazy thing.

You are getting

<Stat +> (The special stat the weapon has)
Skill 296 or 323 depending on how high wants our power base to be, maybe just Acc/Atk that would simulate the effect of +skill.
*The End*

You are being optimistic with that skill tbh :) That +30 acc/macc on Aeonic/Mythic might be all we can see.
By 2018-08-27 08:05:56
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-08-27 08:11:28
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I wonder if they talked about the process for Neck or D weapon augments in that video.
By 2018-08-27 08:17:31
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Malithar
Posts: 396
By Bahamut.Malothar 2018-08-27 08:24:40
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Valefor.Angierus said: »
I really hope that all tiers of necks can be augmented with the same crap.

They can, though the amounts will be higher for +1 and +2.
By volkom 2018-08-27 10:00:13
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I'm just hoping Caladbolg has some stupid augments
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