Dev Tracker - Discussion
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1862
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-12-29 23:12:23
pets being OP again: Tie pet deaths to players, now if your pet dies, so do you
At least weakness. I would also accept death, but my pet better be Guile on PCP.
I honestly love this idea
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-29 23:32:17
I remember doing Gigelorum25 with it and it was a pretty harsh DPS check.
IIRC managing hate was tricky too b/c the MNK would hate cap because it dragged on so long.
I know plenty fought the T3s before they fixed the bug, but did anyone actually win vs a T3 prior to them fixing the WS wall?
Mischief's group did because they posted about it, and I'm pretty sure Bigtymer and Bakerboy's group beat it as well. I want to say my static at the time also cleared it when it was bugged WS wall mechanics, but I was not there for the clear. Pretty sure because we talked about how much easier everyone else was going to have it getting the clear after the fix was put in. I could be misremembering though, but I'm positive the first two groups I mentioned cleared it because I spoke to some of those in the second ground afterwards
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 118
By Bahamut.Boposhopo 2024-12-30 00:10:56
random things I'd love to see to balance the game a bit more away from the current cookie cutter meta - of course all of the above would also necessitate new content to play against :)
Naegling - lower the base weapon damage, acc, attack (or combination of all) and cap the number of attack per buffs you can receive. If I could, I would remove it from the game due to how braindead it made the game.
Summoner - all Blood Pact-derived skillchains/magic bursts can now break damage cap. Change Diabolos' Avatar Favor to be Regain instead of Refresh, and add a TP drain to his Bloodpacts. Raise summoning magic skill to A+. Redesign Mana Cede to give the entire party TP instead of just your summon.
Aeonics - Radiance/Umbra skillchains can now break damage cap. Magic bursts on Radiance/Umbra skillchains can now break damage cap.
Phantom Rolls - all rolls apply half their effects to pets. Previously pet-focused rolls apply half their effects to player characters.
Daggers/Katanas - in an effort to boost THF and NIN and a slighter buff to other jobs that use daggers, give these weapon types an inherent +15% critical attack damage buff. This aligns with these weapons being traditionally more assassin-y. I'd love to do this for bows too but Gandiva is already good enough!
Thief - redesign Conspirator to provide a flat and considerable Subtle Blow II buff (call it maybe 20% SBII and +25 accuracy). redesign Assassin's Charge to give a fading critical attack/triple attack buff that lowers over time (similar to Fan Dance for DNC). Add tons and tons of stealable items to mobs.
Ninja - Remove decay from Innin/Yonin. Raise ninjutsu skill to A+. FINALLY MAKE BLADE:HI BASED OFF OF DEX, not AGI!!!
Ranger - Similarly - update Vishnu's Radiance to be based off of AGI, not DEX!!! Make Eagle Eye Shot unmissable and give 3k TP.
Beastmaster - Allow Killer Instinct to be uncapped against NMs. Edit Clousplitter to be based off of STR/CHR and Primal Rend to be based off of STR/CHR. Add BST to receive Skillchain Bonus trait, up to Skillchain Bonus III.
Tandem Strike - give up to tier 3 Tandem Strike trait to SMN and PUP. Give all tiers of the Tandem Strike trait an additional STP bonus if both master and pet are attacking the same mob.
Puppetmaster - This requires way more of a comprehensive redesign than I can really theorize, but a big band-aid could be redesigning the Maneuver/cooldown system to have the automatons operate at full maneuver power much sooner in an encounter.
White Mage - Redesign Sacrosanctity to last for a set amount of time - probably 30 seconds. Remove Full Cure's consumption of all MP and just give it a decently high cost. Raise the cap of all Boost-Stat spells to further carve out a niche and differentiate from SCH.
All Relic Weapons - Rebalance all relic weapons to give a flat +40 accuracy, attack, magic attack bonus. Currently certain weapons get acc and no atk, and others vice versa. This would make them much more situationally useful.
He told me to post this and I'm too lazy to rewrite it so I'm just copying it from Discord.
So just to cover it in general cause you mention it a couple times, I don't really think removing the damage cap is a good fix. I've almost always believed there should be a fixed limit on the amount of damage you can do with a single attack for game balance. Otherwise you get ***like Remnant II where you can shoot a 9mil dmg railgun into a bosses head that maybe has 100k hp.
Naegling - Lowering acc/atk/base damage all unecessary, drop the damage increase from buffs from 1% to .6% and remove 40% of the attack bonus, this will bring it in line with most other Ambu weapons power.
SMN - I think most BPR could be fixed by just balancing TP scaling like WS on BPs. This would add additional benefit to building TP on your avatar, which leans more into SMNs kit of having your Avatar out constantly (building Favor stacks) and doing ***with your avatar. In the same aspect, I think both SMN, PUP, and BST would all be fixed as well by A) giving them a JA like DRG that lets them transfer buffs to their pet and B) GEO bubbles effect pets. Along with this I'd like to see a balance on staff WS increases FTP on some damage WS like Retribution, changing Shattersoul to fTP replicating, and a couple other changes I think would be really good. This would also benefit several other jobs that use staves, and increase the overall usefulness of staves as an alternative blunt DMG option instead of club or H2H.
Aeonics - I'd rather this lean more into benefitting Magic Burst DMG, and rework how MBs works in general. Nuke wall can go, and I think nukes from non-elemental magic sources all need a look at for increased burst DMG. No where near what BLM is, and with cooldowns like 20s on BP timers, random casts from Automatons, and some ninjutsu spells having insanely long CD, it would hurt elemental magic much. I'd want something along the lines of a 1.1x-1.3x increased SC dmg vs light/dark and instead of an increase on MB dmg, a reduction on elemental resistances similar to 1/?
Rayke just only inside a SC window and much weaker.
Phantom Rolls - Answered this kinda with SMN
Daggers I think are ok as they are, I think THF should get a slightly better Ambush bonus for being behind a target, otherwise they're ok.
Katanas need a WS rework more than anything, FTP doesn't make sense on a lot of WS and they're very inconsistent. IDK if there is a issue specifically with the WS modifiers themselves, or maybe just the gear NIN has access too. I haven't dug enough into NIN and Katanas there, but I don't think native crit fixes anything.
NIN/RNG update to Blade: Hi/Jishnu I 100% agree with. Innon/Yonin decay I agree with the removal, and EES unmissable good, 3K TP no, but also let it crit.
BST Outside of pet fixes I mentioned for SMN, I think Axe needs an update. BST is pretty ok, but Axes suck. Either more TP per hit, better WS, lower delay, something. When I swing an axe on my BST it feels like I'm moving in slow motion despite being capped haste, and the WS don't help. Calamity getting a TP scaling like Savage would change a LOT, but I also think slight delay reductions are in order for it too. Most high end swords sits 230-240, couple at 264. Almost all of the good Axes are 280+, bringing them down to like 270 would help a lot.
(adding it in here so I don't forget, about the SMN damage cap thing then only allow it during astral flow)
Tandem Strike - Agree
PUP same buff changes. Although not being able to control when your pet uses a TP move is rough, idk how to balance that better without just making it so PUP can control at least when a TP move goes off.
WHM - Full Cure I'd rather see more like Curaga V + Esuna with a full MP drain. Sacro I think is OK as it is personally, boost stats I think are OK as is too.
Relics - Yes, but I'd go slightly further and just a flat 50 acc/atk/macc/matk
Along with this I think giving SCH 1 more Stratagem, or decreasing their CD by 5s would be a good adjustment, add PLD to some other ilvl clubs, change some of the armor BRD and DRG have access to, give Swordplay JA haste for RUN, and some other stuff I think would be good
By buttplug 2024-12-30 00:23:44
New Gobbiebag Quests
Let's get those rookie numbers up
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 164
By Asura.Splendid 2024-12-30 01:09:07
Last year, my first Sortie static used a PUP tank for 8/8 runs for about 9 months. Worked well. We certainly had some fun.
By buttplug 2024-12-30 01:28:44
i like that unique pet idea for BST
Tie it in with Monster Rearing some how
Meet the new tank option
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 255
By Fenrir.Zenion 2024-12-30 02:00:12
pets being OP again: Tie pet deaths to players, now if your pet dies, so do you
Mist dragon for summoner or we riot. It would definitely encourage the classic FF style summoning, but I feel like either avatars need to be bulkier or the effects need to be bigger for this to be fair? I mean, I know when I go in to a fight where a mewing lullaby strategy is the way to go, the mob just looks at Cait Sith funny and I need a new cat.
Beastmaster seems like, thematically, it should be the job that gets to just let a pet die and shrug it off without consequence. Guess it's because the one in the job quest was a total ***.
Dragoon... isn't this already how dragoon works anyway?
Puppetmaster wouldn't make sense to die, but I can definitely see weakness for letting your puppet bite it.
By Felgarr 2024-12-30 08:50:46
Beastmaster - Allow Killer Instinct to be uncapped against NMs. Edit Clousplitter to be based off of STR/CHR and Primal Rend to be based off of STR/CHR. Add BST to receive Skillchain Bonus trait, up to Skillchain Bonus III.
Tandem Strike - give up to tier 3 Tandem Strike trait to SMN and PUP. Give all tiers of the Tandem Strike trait an additional STP bonus if both master and pet are attacking the same mob.
Axes suck ***. There's a reason why there is more Axe Skill+ than any other weapon. It's because an Axe user needs the skill to catch-up. For other Weapons SE raised the ceiling of jobs/combat...but for Axe, SE lowered the floor and created Axe Skill+ gear to play catch up. It's so gross.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3003
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-12-30 09:15:40
There's a reason why there is more Axe Skill+ than any other weapon
What do you mean by this? I can't think of almost any gear with axe skill+ on it, other than standard stuff like the Escha neck, some JSE (which every single melee job got), and the JSE earring (which shitloads of jobs got).
Is there some glut of axe skill gear...? I didn't realize there was anything special about it. All the Ultimate have the same skill as other weapon types.
I thought maybe Ody weapons, but they're all over the place from 242-255, with lots of weapons at 255 so it doesn't seem like an axe "problem" specifically..
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1862
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-12-30 09:56:46
It's not like there is H2H type weapon damage scaling on Axes with more skill. It's just attack and accuracy. WAR does fine with Axe. BST by comparison is not a WAR and falls short of the expectations even though they get every Axe REMA. The comparison gets worse because WAR offers a lot of personal damage and party damage with just warcry/tomahawk, and BST has difficulty covering the same level of party buffs and certainly falls short on the personal damage. Pet damage is not going to make up the gap either.
They could have made the JSE BST Axe WSs stronger or pet damage more competitive. But if they increase Mistral Axe and Calamity much further than WAR will walk all over Kalunga and Mboze's WS wall. And I really don't think they are looking to water down v25s any more than they already did. Keeps people busy.
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-12-30 10:11:15
Emp bst bodies have additional skill, emp war hands, emp bst earring.
I think there's an axe with augment skill + but I can't recall which.
It's not really anything to get excited about.
(Mnk emp hands have h2h+, nin emp legs have katana+, war body has ga+, rng feet have gun+, rng hands have archery+, dnc legs have dagger+ etc etc)
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4574
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-12-30 12:42:56
Axe sucks because they lack any good physical DMG scaling or crit based WS. Decimation and Ruinator are both multi-hit with acc based TP scaling.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-30 12:46:32
Sounds like you're Axing for a buff to Rampage, amirite?
Maneater/Woodville's axe sub Ridill (if you had one) days was peak WAR magnificent.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 60
By Phoenix.Michelob 2024-12-30 13:00:17
I weirdly expect an ilvl tessera saio.
I think they might hold off on this one to one day make an updated Provenance Watcher fight for ilvl versions of those items.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 964
By Asura.Iamaman 2024-12-30 13:04:52
Mischief's group did because they posted about it, and I'm pretty sure Bigtymer and Bakerboy's group beat it as well. I want to say my static at the time also cleared it when it was bugged WS wall mechanics, but I was not there for the clear. Pretty sure because we talked about how much easier everyone else was going to have it getting the clear after the fix was put in. I could be misremembering though, but I'm positive the first two groups I mentioned cleared it because I spoke to some of those in the second ground afterwards
Oh, Gigalorum you mean? Yea I know a few who beat it before they fixed the wall. I think it just took some shifting of strategy around to manage hate and figuring out who should WS. That and people remembering to remove the Def Down effects. It was definitely doable. The group I was running with got the clear swapping in SCH to deal with the hate issues on the day before they changed the wall. I missed out b/c I had a late conference call and they ran while I was on it, much to my irritation as it was one of those "this could've been an email" things, so I got mine a little after the fix. I actually didn't hate it, I thought it was an interesting change until they fixed it, but I was a bit salty I spent so many segments on failed runs knowing it would've only been a few tries if it had been implemented correctly
I was referring to the T3s though. I don't recall hearing anyone killing Xevioso or Kalunga before the fix in. IIRC the first T3 clear I remember seeing was Ruau's group using Ikenga's Axe and BLU vs Kalunga, but it was after the wall was fixed.
I wasn't sure if anyone had cleared any of the T3 mobs while the wall was still "broken". Maybe Xevioso?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-30 13:36:51
I wasn't sure if anyone had cleared any of the T3 mobs while the wall was still "broken". Maybe Xevioso?
No I was talking about T3s
Update to fix WS wall was a few days later
The group I knew who were trying Kalunga V25 pre-wall didn't post about their clear, so maybe I am mistaken and they didn't get it in before the fix. Thought they did but might have confused groups.
By Shiva.Myamoto 2024-12-30 13:44:54
Beastmaster - Allow Killer Instinct to be uncapped against NMs. Edit Clousplitter to be based off of STR/CHR and Primal Rend to be based off of STR/CHR. Add BST to receive Skillchain Bonus trait, up to Skillchain Bonus III.
Tandem Strike - give up to tier 3 Tandem Strike trait to SMN and PUP. Give all tiers of the Tandem Strike trait an additional STP bonus if both master and pet are attacking the same mob.
Axes suck ***. There's a reason why there is more Axe Skill+ than any other weapon. It's because an Axe user needs the skill to catch-up. For other Weapons SE raised the ceiling of jobs/combat...but for Axe, SE lowered the floor and created Axe Skill+ gear to play catch up. It's so gross.
I am going to play the devils advocate here and argue axe does not suck at all. It's actually pretty damn good. You have multiple strong options unlike many other weapon categories.
Something being deemed subpar simply because its perhaps slightly less damage than Naegpeen savage blade doesn't make it shitty. You can punch great numbers using axe on BST.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4574
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-12-30 13:48:17
Sounds like you're Axing for a buff to Rampage, amirite?
Maneater/Woodville's axe sub Ridill (if you had one) days was peak WAR magnificent. Can you make Rampage do respectable numbers in 2024 tho?
Im just sayin that Ruinator and Decimation dont have to both be acc mod.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 964
By Asura.Iamaman 2024-12-30 13:54:27
Oh, my bad, I misunderstood. Good to know. I'd been curious for a while now about that.
We did try Ngai before they fixed it a few times and it seemed doable but they fixed it before we could really dial it in.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-30 14:42:17
Sounds like you're Axing for a buff to Rampage, amirite?
Maneater/Woodville's axe sub Ridill (if you had one) days was peak WAR magnificent. Can you make Rampage do respectable numbers in 2024 tho?
Im just sayin that Ruinator and Decimation dont have to both be acc mod.
No, Rampage sucks even with all the gear/buffs. To your point, I think they could do a general mass-WS overhaul to make some moves more interesting for sure. They did it with H2H before when it was noticed how much weaker H2H WS was vs other weapons. They obviously overcorrected terrible WS like Decimation with +120% WSD >.> so they understand certain moves are bad. It would be a welcome overhaul to increase the mods for old ws, or Merit Categories 3/4/5~ where you can specifically modify stuff directly. But something. Acc modifiers on any WS is outdated for 2024 with all the gear and buffs we have now
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4574
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-12-30 15:05:42
They gave Decimation a 120% WSD on Doli, and its still inferior to other commonly used multi hitters (granted the real common ones are mostly all crit based)
Whatd I miss?
By Nariont 2024-12-30 15:27:06
They gave Decimation a 120% WSD on Doli, and its still inferior to other commonly used multi hitters (granted the real common ones are mostly all crit based)
Whatd I miss?
Could be mistaken, as i dont sim or but was under the idea that deci can beat/compete with;
Smite(outside of stacked up impetus)
Unsure about CDC/evis, think war dolideci can match in averages but likely lose in spikes. Star/upheav should generally win, and reso too unless the atk reduction comes into play
By Dodik 2024-12-30 15:32:05
Axe does really well on Kalunga with a War using it so clearly axe is not the issue, lack of offensive buffs for bst is.
And bst doesn't have those buffs because smelly pet job.
By buttplug 2024-12-30 15:33:20
What do you guys want for future HTB fights?
Provenance Watcher?
By Nariont 2024-12-30 15:38:09
A proper Wyrmking Descends, give Bahamut some love instead of being 2nd fiddle to his reskin
Proper Waking the Beast too honestly, we got Divine Might II, dont see why we couldnt have gotten some of the other multi-boss battlefields
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1862
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-12-30 15:51:23
Bahamut, Provenance Watcher, Siren, Pheonix
Hades first form > second form, Balamor, Ingrid, Rosulatia, Sak'aja, Teodor, August. I'd take them that way over SR 2.0. Come up with some new mechanics.
By Nariont 2024-12-30 16:02:59
Can throw in some of the for-fun fights of old too like the serpent generals or the trion/volker/ajiddo fight
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-30 16:06:29
Axe does really well on Kalunga with a War using it so clearly axe is not the issue, lack of offensive buffs for bst is.
And bst doesn't have those buffs because smelly pet job.
I think its a combination of buffs and gear. I feel like BST could benefit from higher Fencer tiers than WAR, especially since WAR gets a shield and empy3 with TP Bonus AND Fencer on it. WAR has Savagery on top of all that. Berserk is a wash since BST gets it too with Sheep's Rage. The real reason BST is left off of Fencer+ stuff and isn't given many OP self-buffs is because SE is hesitant to make BST DPS on par with a real DPS, because then you'd only ever use BST and Snarl all of your hate onto your pet. Their vision for BST is different than how players want to use them. You make BST dps on par with WAR, then you have a DD that can eliminate 100% of their hate twice a minute. They aint doing that
At the very least, BST's limited pool of self-buffs should be extended to their party members, but even that is super minimal. The only one that really matters is Attack Bonus? Maybe 25% Haste 25MDB from Zealous Snort if that even caps magic haste with HM (maybe Marcato). Berserk from Sheep is a huge penalty party members might not want, and the defense/stoneskin/mdt/evasion from other pets is really not a gamechanging buff like Warcry is for others. The BST problem is their pets are just pussies, lol. You need something that can actually deal damage, or has self-enhancing moves the master can benefit from. (Scorpions)
Outside of Attack bonus +25 from a Lynx, the only self-ready move BST can get some use out of is Wild Carrot. IMO, that should be 1 charge instead of 2, so BST can somewhat backup heal like DNC can do in certain setups. 2 Charges means you can't spam it and keep people alive, so it's pretty much useless. Stoneskin from Crabs should be something higher, like how it is on NM crabs. 1500+ stoneskin would be cool enhancement to the party (basically one tp move). Idk, I feel like there's not enough buffing pets for BST to even matter. They were on the right track at first even allowing that, then they never followed up and BST stayed right where it was.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10008
By Asura.Saevel 2024-12-30 16:10:59
They gave Decimation a 120% WSD on Doli, and its still inferior to other commonly used multi hitters (granted the real common ones are mostly all crit based)
Whatd I miss?
Could be mistaken, as i dont sim or but was under the idea that deci can beat/compete with;
Smite(outside of stacked up impetus)
Unsure about CDC/evis, think war dolideci can match in averages but likely lose in spikes. Star/upheav should generally win, and reso too unless the atk reduction comes into play
Decimation is an absolute monster on WAR/NIN, just don't a multi-hit or high STR off hand. It benefits greatly from multi-attack procs, which is why its mediocre on DRK/BST/RNG/RUN.
With belt / gorget you get 1.945 multiplier per hit. Adding in Dolichenus makes it effectively 4.279 per hit (2.2 multiplier). Three main hits plus one off hand hit for a total of 17.116 worth of damage with the first getting a slight bump from whatever latent WSD is around. You can add an additional four hits with TA / DA procs for a theoretical total of 34.232 fTP, though that's not realistic. WAR can reliably get at least two DA procs though for 25.674 worth of FTP on the bottom with 29.953 if a TA procs somewhere along the way.
Of course that's just part of the equation, the base damage is going to be fairly low with only Weapon DMG + fSTR + 60% STR.
~50K decimations are very common with the occasional 60K+ happening, MS makes it silly but MS makes everything silly. SB spam still beats it due to double 50% mods plus TP Scaling plus WSD bonus's. Seriously if +WSD applied to all hits of a WS, even at 50% potency, Decimation would shoot to the top.
By Nariont 2024-12-30 16:11:35
The BST problem is their pets are just pussies, lol. You need something that can actually deal damage, or has self-enhancing moves the master can benefit from. (Scorpions)
Will always be mad that after all this time, not a single jug pet is a scorpion, not even going into all the other pets bst can technically charm but has no jug equivalent to like dhalmels which would basically be improved rabbits with healing breeze and their own atk boost/def down etc
This thread is for discussion of recent news from the Dev Tracker - News thread. Keep it civil.
Original thread by Pantafernando archived here.