IDK if I qualify for the "multi-boxer" tag you're referring to but I'm not at all opposed to any of the updates you suggest to trusts.
Minor point here but KoH already will do Haste 2 extremely consistently, basically robotically (lul)
I've mentioned it in 100 threads already, but I'm still amazed by people who insist on playing this game solo though. I get wanting to have better trusts for stuff like magian trials, CP, or other really trivial content, but there are a lot of complaints about (what I would consider) group content sucking with trusts...
For me, group content includes:
Ambuscade, Dynamis [D], Gaes Fete (past a certain point), Master Trials, Ody, Omen, Sortie, Vagary, UNM (past a certain point), some HTBF
I think pretty much everything else is solo content. It could be done with a group, but it's not really necessary and I primarily do it solo. This includes old dyna, salvage, anything in abyssea, magian trials, CP, EP, crafting, voidwatch, REMA stuff, etc.
I think it would be great if trusts worked a bit better and/or were a bit more potent, to allow players to have an easier time soloing the trivial stuff, including CP/EP. I don't think you'll get a complaint from most people about trusts being good enough to do solo *** a little bit faster.
Once you start talking about adjusting content (or trusts) to allow solo players with trusts to be able to do what I categorized as "group content" better, you've totally lost me. Those things are designed to be done with a group. You can still make (some) progress solo, but it's not
supposed to be comparable to doing it with a group. This isn't a single-player game and, despite the fact that many people insist on treating it that way, it's very hostile to strictly solo players. If you're having trouble clearing content with trusts, it's not because trusts aren't good enough, it's because the content you're trying to do isn't designed to be completed solo with trusts. It's supposed to force you to talk to other human beings.