Dev Tracker - Discussion
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1869
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-12-03 09:45:36
Youtube > CC on > settings > autotranslate > engrish. Fancy updates are JP ONRY! This isn't FFXIV.
You can even translate the comments on the right if you want to see what people were saying during the stream.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3007
By Shiva.Thorny 2024-12-03 09:47:58
Y'all complaining, but 'short break' at least implies there will be an opportunity to get her back in the near future. Lot better than last time.
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-12-03 09:55:26
She'll be back in 2 years, sure. Why take her away at all.
Just a punishment for no real reason. She's drastically better than Ulmia in literally every way.
...If they would just proper "adjust" trusts, it wouldn't be such a big deal. Trusts having song +0 and paeon/ballad/prelude are just incompetent.
(Victory march at +0 is sufficient to cap haste.. when it's actually on and the bards survive having only 1500 hp, 0 meva and 0 DT)
They take her away, because shes SO good. but the other options are SO bad.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-03 11:09:31
The advantage to Cornelia isn't just that she comes with necessary haste, but also that she can't be killed, and thus, won't eat up precious MP from Trusts or bog down the ones who have an otherwise terrible AI. Just one less person in range that ever needs to be healed is a bonus because of how these trusts behave.
There's no logical reason to remove her from the game at all, besides to be ultra annoying to players and have one other thing they can dangle in front of player's faces. Matsui-P can be the
"special event trust". They could have even made Cornelia a permanent quest reward from something if they didn't want to blindly give her out to everyone (even Ygnas is annoying to unlock and most players don't have him still). Her removal also changes my gaming habits, as there are some things in do in the game only because I have access to her, and without her, those things are longer/more annoying and just not worth the effort. What a shame.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1869
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-12-03 11:24:31
She is definitely a boon to solo play and if they are going to adjust trusts, they should be in the direction of her instead of making her a special exception.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4608
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-12-03 11:51:02
There's no logical reason to remove her from the game at all, If we are to believe their reason that "they cant add any more trusts", hence why Cornelia and Matsui-P share ID when theyre active, is indeed true, I think thats a pretty logical reason.
Matsui-P, like all other DD trusts (except Shantotto), is hot garbage, but thats a different story.
At the end of the day, trusts arent supposed to be replacement for other human players, they're supposed to be inferior crutches so people soloing stuff have some form of support.
By Nariont 2024-12-03 12:00:32
If we are to believe their reason that "they cant add any more trusts", hence why Cornelia and Matsui-P share ID when theyre active, is indeed true, I think thats a pretty logical reason.
If only there was something like 20 or so DD trusts that collect dust that could be removed from the roster
By Kaffy 2024-12-03 12:15:19
Thanks to Thorny's addon I never had to see those worthless trusts any longer, my trust menu has like 15 in it. Now, removing them entirely would be even better.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-03 12:21:20
Thanks to Thorny's addon I never had to see those worthless trusts any longer, my trust menu has like 15 in it. Now, removing them entirely would be even better.
What addon is this?
If we are to believe their reason that "they cant add any more trusts", hence why Cornelia and Matsui-P share ID when theyre active, is indeed true, I think thats a pretty logical reason.
No, I don't believe this for one second, and neither does anyone else. Cuz they told us more wardrobes were impossible. Then released more wardrobes as a paid option. They told us race change was not possible/happening, but now it will absolutely be a paid option. Not being able to permanently release Cornelia just means they haven't figured out how to monetize it yet. If they could release a paid addon or expansion with her as the final prize to dangle, they absolutely would solve that "shared ID" smokescreen they are using. They fully understand how good and popular Cornelia is (which is why they have to take her away), so the simple and logical solution would be to give it to the players permanently, but they don't want to give up their bargaining tool.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4608
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-12-03 12:31:28
1-I opened with "if we are to believe" because they've lied in the past about ps2 limitations
2-They obviously limit Cornelia's access so they can remind themselves how much they have the playerbase whipped that despite all the disappointment, the players still give them their $12.95 per month for a service they hate.
By Kaffy 2024-12-03 13:02:15
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-03 13:06:08
Interesting. Curious: can't this addon be used in reverse to force the server to think the client has something they do not? I imagine there are check constraint in place to make sure that doesn't happen (or maybe Thorny already knows which actions you can force and won't share for obvious reasons).
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3726
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2024-12-03 13:18:31
Matsui-P, like all other DD trusts (except Shantotto), is hot garbage, but thats a different story.
I'm on the Perma-Cornelia train just like everyone else, but I certainly wouldn't call Matsui-P hot garbage. He's all right with me. This is not a matter of Matsui being awful, it's just that these two trusts don't need to be mutually exclusive.
Matsui has some pretty nice benefits, especially that one of his functions is basically to act like a better Ayame: holds TP to open lv3 SCs for the player based on your previous WS, and he gains TP fast with good accuracy. Pretty nice to help boost the player's overall DPS (including SCs, of course). In addition to the SC functionality, his MBs aren't game changing or anything but they do add significantly more damage than most DD trusts. And you get some extra utility with Matsui attempting to stun TP moves. All pretty good stuff, and I do regularly find opportunities where I have an extra trust slot and can use him effectively.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-03 13:24:33
He's lightyears better than every other DD trust and it's not even close, it's just that DD trusts in general are terrible anyways. The advantage Matsui-P has is that he's practically unkillable by physical damaging moves, since he will always try his best to keep shadows up. This makes him an ideal partner for lower level players leveling or soloing some easy CP. He also has Migawari, so he very rarely gets one-shot. If he's buffed to the max like a player and has max Moogle Mastery, his damage is actually incredible, but that's kind of silly to mention, because there's no practical scenario that exists where you'd max-buff a trust and have access to Moogle Mastery to appreciate his damage. He's probably helpful to solo Sgili RP or something, but useless in Gaol overall. I can't think of many places I would use him in place of a buff/healer trust tbh.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3007
By Shiva.Thorny 2024-12-03 13:43:06
Interesting. Curious: can't this addon be used in reverse to force the server to think the client has something they do not? I imagine there are check constraint in place to make sure that doesn't happen (or maybe Thorny already knows which actions you can force and won't share for obvious reasons).
You can force whatever you want to show up in your menus as far as JA, WS, traits. Server still won't let you use them though, you're just sending bad data.
Magic gets filtered based on your job, so forcing your character to know it won't make it show up on the menu unless appropriate. At one point in time there was an exploit with BLU spells being usable at inappropriate times, but that'sb een fixed.
By Nariont 2024-12-03 14:06:03
1-I opened with "if we are to believe" because they've lied in the past about ps2 limitations
I think i recall that they did hit the hard limit on spells, assuming trusts take a spell slot anyway, iirc they had to fenangle the code to get siren added in.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3726
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2024-12-03 14:22:21
I can't think of many places I would use him in place of a buff/healer trust tbh.
I run into a decent amount of situations where I have enough healing and adequate buffs (especially in any situation where you don't require Ulmia/Joachim and their unpredictable +0 marches), freeing up a slot where Matsui-P is often in the mix.
Basically, my thought process tends to be:
(1) Am I able to cap haste from myself/other players + other trusts?
(2) Do I have sufficient healing?
(3) Can I skip having a trust tank?
If answers to all are yes, I tend to use Matsui.
Some examples of setups where I use Matsui-P:
I'm solo on BLU and can cap my own haste with Flutter+MG. Maybe I'll use Sylvie, Monberaux, Koru (mostly for Dia III purposes), Qultada, Matsui
I'm solo on RDM (Haste II on myself, RDM enfeebles without needing a trust RDM)... maybe I'll use [UC trust] + both trust BRDs (in hopes one of them will have a march up) + tank/Qultada/second healer + Matsui-P
I'm solo/duo, on NIN RUN PLD and using Sylvie trust. She uses Indi-Haste (28.8%, or 294.something/1024) for those jobs, so you can cap haste with just a Haste I spell (which even Sylvie herself can provide) or better.
A big one for me is that I often dualbox or duo with ??? + BRD, meaning I can safely ignore both trust BRDs at all times and my 4 trust slots might be something like Healer/RDM/COR/Matsui.
Or I'm somehow otherwise able to cap delay with just Haste II spell and no need for Marches, from some combination of stuff like Hasso, DRG/wyvern trait, DRK using Apoc or Last Resort, DNC using Sambas...
Using a UC trust other than Sylvie also tends to free up spots, since there is one less good buffer vying for one of the trust positions. And sometimes I avoid using Qultada despite his buffs, due to his strong propensity for messing up SCs. Both of those removals from the list of potential support trusts makes some room for Matsui.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1869
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-12-03 14:22:43
If it's like the number of maps, they literally added a secondary flag to denote that it was different and doubled the number of maps possible. When they say they can't, it only means they can't do it right now without making changes that can have systematic implications. Their turn around time for bugs isn't good, I can understand not wanting to open that can of worms without motivation.
We'll probably see something about them revamping trusts in the next year because the JP reported themselves as a majority soloer. That's their motivation, if you think it's anything else then you're completely fooling yourself.
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-12-03 14:44:17
Biggest annoyance I had with the matsui trust is he'll only make light/dark
If your weapon has bad synergy, you can't fall back on a multi stage 2 or stage 2 into 3. Plus he's locked into a ws, like ayame, so any multistep is out anyway. unless your multistep is only 1 ws.
Plus starting every enemy with a burn is a waste. his burn is what, -5 int, maybe 7.
(Base elemental debuffs need to be increased literally 10x)
By Felgarr 2024-12-03 15:31:52
Thanks to Thorny's addon I never had to see those worthless trusts any longer, my trust menu has like 15 in it. Now, removing them entirely would be even better.
What addon is that?
By Seun 2024-12-03 16:30:07
Copenelia. She's immortal, but you still have to position yourself to keep the other trusts alive, so it's mostly pointless.
By Kaffy 2024-12-03 16:55:14
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 174
By Asura.Gweivyth 2024-12-04 16:43:39
Cornelia is cool and everything but honestly the "real" reason she's good is that she's totally mindless - you don't ever have to consider which Trust you're going to use in that slot, it's always just going to be Cornelia.
We can basically all haste cap reasonably without her. We're all just lazy and don't want to have to think about how to do it.
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-12-04 16:49:05
Correct, shes the ONE trust that actually works as they should.
(the other "geo" trusts do too, they're just largely useless)
That's why its bad shes temporary. Shes never going to cast indi-precision or indi-refresh because unlike literally every other trust, her gambit system works correctly. That which should be the absolute barest minimum is the absolute peak.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-04 17:33:25
I wouldn't have as much of a problem with Cornelia going away if Sylvie wasn't casting bubbles based on your job. Sylvie's easily my favorite trust and could definitely be used instead of Cornelia for Haste situations, but that means I would need to start doing things on NIN instead of RDM (or have to suffer using a poorly coded BRD trust).
I suggested years ago that Trusts should undergo the "Fellow" system treatment, where you could alter their behavior slightly. That would make some of these terrible trusts at least have a useful role for when you use them, instead of the crappy programming they come with.
By Nariont 2024-12-04 18:37:25
We can basically all haste cap reasonably without her. We're all just lazy and don't want to have to think about how to do it.
Not really the players fault the brds decide its tine to swap to ballads/paeons because other trusts burn their MP or cant handle an aoe. Alternativelty not the players fault trusts are at war with each other on giving the player haste 1st, even if 1 is haste 2 while the other is haste 1. Cornelia turns a general annoyance into almost a non-issue, not even going into if trusts have job related lockouts i.e mages only getting ballad/refresh or cors only preludes/flurry
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1869
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-12-05 05:57:52
They really need joachim to do melee and ranged specific songs and ulmia does mage specific spells. But like actually do a good job about it and give them 3 songs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2024-12-05 07:41:40
They really need joachim to do melee and ranged specific songs and ulmia does mage specific spells. But like actually do a good job about it and give them 3 songs.
I would switch it up, Ulmia doesn't use MP to cast spells and would be best just doing melee / ranged. Joachim use's MP and would be better doing March / Ballad.
In all cases Paeon needs to just be removed entirely.
By Karl87 2024-12-05 08:18:00
Joachim been sitting on that lv85 pink harp forever lazy mofo needs to get those horns/hmp farmed
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-12-05 08:26:49
Ulmia actually has Daurdabla lockstyle too right?. Easiest update in the world if they're going to have +0 song potency is too give one of them a third song. That would make sense and not really break anything, but would give you a unique reason you summon her besides Scherzo.
It's kind of the same reason why nobody bothers to call the other Corsair trust Luzaf, he doesn't use phantom roll, making him completely worthless. Wasted opportunity yet again
This thread is for discussion of recent news from the Dev Tracker - News thread. Keep it civil.
Original thread by Pantafernando archived here.