Dev Tracker - Discussion

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Dev Tracker - Discussion
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Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 229
By Ragnarok.Primex 2023-05-06 18:15:12
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Death threats against... didn't that automatically put one on a watch list?
Ding like a POTUS
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 229
By Ragnarok.Primex 2023-05-06 18:26:19
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I have an idea for a thread.
Your gaming chair in 2002/03 when you started playing FFXI, and what it looks like now.
"you" in the general sense. not you, you. Draylo.
Posts: 833
By Tarage 2023-05-06 20:53:57
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"You guys can't read! Stop having a different opinion than I do! I'll stop arguing when I feel like it! You're all sweaty nerds! I'm cool, not you! Wah!"
By Draylo 2023-05-06 21:18:18
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Tarage said: »
"You guys can't read! Stop having a different opinion than I do!

Draylo said: »
I meant before they even went ahead with the idea. I'm not "worried" really, I just feel like it was dumb and gave my opinion on it. Feels like it takes away from the game for me by giving everyone an almost identical item to a relic and it wouldn't have killed them to make it rusty or toonish looking or something instead.

My opinion isn't going to stop them from implementing it into the game, so don't worry. But we all know people are going to use that on mules to pretend they have Aegis, most won't even tell the difference. So to me it feels cheap thats all. Relics aren't a big deal at all anymore but I always hated the freebie crap they implemented thru the years so I feel like it just opens up to more REMA being lv 1 lockstyle items. (Also, I disliked the Mindmelter staff when it was implemented too, just felt cheap also.)

I made one comment and since have had to explain myself multiple times. I just don't get why people are upset others have a differing opinion lol. Really it just boils down to most don't give a ***because they really don't care about the games overall health and longterm stability and thats fine, but I don't get all the opposition to a damn opinion.

You mean the one that isn't the same color, kinda like how i suggested for this? This is the exact same model with a different face. You get over it, you don't have to oppose every opiniĆ³n on a vanity item. If you like it then good for you, I don't. Not to mention that item isn't a lvl 1 item from login points

Draylo said: »
So weird, its like people are reading but they are making the words appear how they want.

-Nobody said its prestigious to have an Aegis, its easy to get like almost everything in the game currently.

-Nobody is making a call to action, nobody is saying we should storm SE headquarters and stop the making of this shield

I am honestly am surprised this many dummies come to post crap to stop someone from writing an opinion. I literally wrote "I dont like the idea behind this shield" to have a swath of people coming out the woodwork to say "WHO CARES" in 10 different ways.

It has nothing to do with prestige or "filthy casuals" getting a lv 1 version of a relic. Its the image and integrity of the game, in my point of view.

Ask yourself,

- is it ok they add every single REMA as a lv1 vanity item and devalue the item in image and standing?

- is it ok they allow people to lockstyle to literally anything they want without obtaining it?

If you said yes to those two things, you probably don't give a ***about the games longevity, lore or probably anything.

I don't get how this is a hard concept, nor do I understand how so many people are coming to say "who cares" repeatedly. If you don't care why in the world are you trying to change an opinion, and a small passing by comment like "I dont like the idea behind this, its funny but it could have been a different color"

These whole few pages are just insane. Its like people are running with one line of comment and creating this entire fantasy.

Odin.Creaucent said: »
Nearly all the Relics have reskins already or models that very similar so what is the problem? The only ones that didn't were Aegis, Ghorn, Annihilator, Ragnarok and Gungnir.

No thats not true and barely lv1 cosmetic items from login points.

Draylo said: »
Seun said: »
Draylo said: »
Where do you draw the line between what is somehow not worth caring about and what is?

I understand that you don't appreciate the humor, but they don't take it as seriously as some of us do. They kinda had to use the model to make the joke. No need to escalate blood pressure.

Not escalating blood pressure, I left one comment and came back to "WHO CARES" 50 times repeatedly, I'd say the people trying to force their opinion care more. I made no call to action, I simply left my opinion that its a stupid idea. I still think it is but you don't see me trying to force anyone elses opinion. The majority couldn't care less if SE gave REMA away in login points directly, I think theres a real "who gives a ***" attitude permeating. I can't say I blame them given how little SE themselves care.

Tarage said: »
I'll stop arguing when I feel like it! You're all sweaty nerds! I'm cool, not you! Wah!"

I'm a nerd too, but not an angry one at least. I've said it countless times, people are allowed to have their opinions. Its apparently a handful that don't want me to have mine in peace lol. Really, reading isn't hard to do, I've read most posts here and responded to them after having read them.
Posts: 495
By Hopalong 2023-05-06 22:20:14
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You guys quote too much. I just skimmed a whole page and a half and it was quote quote quote so I didn't read anything because I've already read whatever was quoted once.

What's the current topic? Gang up on Draylo because he has an opinion fueled by a decade or more in the game?

One day to get Aegis vacillations (sure in a perfect world but gonna take a week probably) and yes, 20 mil gil?... gonna be more in time opportunity cost.

I'm gonna say I didn't understand the Aegis thing when I posted earlier. Someone came at me because they were pointing out harshly that it wasn't the same model, it had a smile on its face which I didn't know. So SE put a smile on an Aegis right and delivered as a joke? That's not terrible, but it ain't good use of their admitted zero developer time.

I mean how do they come up with this stuff. They're at a meeting with like three people (the ffxi staff) and they say, well, we have inventory problems reported by players (who cares because revenue), mainframe issues because old game (no money to fix), zero marketing to gain momentum (because SE trying to kill this game since forever), how bout structural fixes to ffxi? (no way since their current coders don't want to touch ffxi spaghetti with a ten foot pole), story issues (done with story?), and they come to the decision...

Lets put a smile on an Aegis!!!

The thing is, they don't need to be so cute and frilly modern to keep us playing and paying. They should just improve and market the game.
By Draylo 2023-05-06 23:09:27
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I only quoted myself to show how many times I had to say

"its just my opinion, nobody has to be forced to adopt it and if you have a different one that's great."

Really, I came into the thread with one line of an opinion and a bunch just jumped onto it lol. Then I had to defend my original post because people kept twisting my words.

I think its why people use sock accounts, you can't have a civil discussion because each time you get into one of these debates you get people who become jaded and use the whole past against you to influence their responses. They were foaming at the mouth thinking I was on some high horse and annoyed lowly plebs would get an Aegis of their own... in 2023. Just can't make this stuff up. I had to repeat myself 10 times on what influenced my opinion and it had nothing to do with others getting a shiny nor was I making a call to action for SE to stop the release of this shield.

I think the shield is funny, I said that from the start. Only wish it didn't look almost exactly like Aegis, which is just my opinion. I would have appreciated the joke better if it was rust colored or aged somehow with the face.
Posts: 833
By Tarage 2023-05-07 00:01:41
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I wish you'd realize that you aren't actually as slick as you think you are, and you are incapable of letting this go. Again, which is more likely, that LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE is misunderstanding you and not reading what you're saying, or that perhaps we get it, and we listed good reasons why what you think is stupid, and you're refusing to either A. accept that you are wrong or B. walk away.

Your ego is enormous. You can't let anyone think you aren't absolutely correct. And you'll go to whatever lengths you have to to try vainly to prove that to everyone else. "I had to defend my original post" is absolute ***. No one is holding your hands to the keyboard with a gun to your head going "MAKE THEM UNDERSTAND". And the sad part is, we DO understand, and we DO think you're HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE because of it.

I dare you to not reply to this, or any other post on the matter. I dare you to shut the hell up and go away. Prove me wrong. I know you can't.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2993
By Shiva.Thorny 2023-05-07 05:42:55
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Opinions are opinions, dude isn't wrong, he just feels differently. You guys are posting angrily about it and acting extremely condescending, there was nothing wrong with stating a different viewpoint in a polite manner. He's responding because you're being aggressive, not because he can't take being wrong. Get over yourself, you're not any less invested in this than he is. You were sitting at your pc at midnight on a Saturday trying to make someone else feel bad on an internet forum.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2023-05-07 06:42:39
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Mine wasn't about the bolded part that you added to the quote though.

- is it ok they add every single REMA as a lv1 vanity item and devalue the item in image and standing?

- is it ok they allow people to lockstyle to literally anything they want without obtaining it?

If you said yes to those two things, you probably don't give a ***about the games longevity, lore or probably anything.

But it was about this part in the same post.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 97
By Bahamut.Drumskull 2023-05-07 09:31:09
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YouTube Video Placeholder
Posts: 69
By AegParm 2023-05-07 09:32:35
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What a great case study on gamers and the lack of social skills the last several pages has been.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 473
By Asura.Wormfeeder 2023-05-07 09:47:25
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AegParm said: »
What a great case study on gamers and the lack of social skills the last several pages has been.

The whole of the internet is a case study in social skills. Not just gamers.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 97
By Bahamut.Drumskull 2023-05-07 12:33:19
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MAYBE new weapons will be able to be agumented like SOA Skirmish weapons, the prime i mean
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Negan
Posts: 2320
By Bahamut.Negan 2023-05-07 13:13:00
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AegParm said: »
What a great case study on gamers and the lack of social skills the last several pages has been.
By 2023-05-07 14:00:12
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Post deleted by User.
By 2023-05-07 14:29:20
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Post deleted by User.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Zeig
Posts: 1694
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2023-05-07 15:16:06
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Ragnarok.Primex said: »
I have an idea for a thread.
Your gaming chair in 2002/03 when you started playing FFXI, and what it looks like now.
"you" in the general sense. not you, you. Draylo.
Mine is sitting in a corner, used as a mini table
Posts: 3650
By Taint 2023-05-07 15:31:12
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Bahamut.Drumskull said: »
MAYBE new weapons will be able to be agumented like SOA Skirmish weapons, the prime i mean

Old Weapon Cases and Old weapon Cases +1. Random augments for Random Prime weapons.

You will like it.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 58
By Cerberus.Stereo 2023-05-07 15:54:44
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Hopalong said: »
Lets put a smile on an Aegis!!!
"Smile"? I've only seen that kinda face looking up at me, at knee length, usually about to make me feel some kind of special happy.
Forum Moderator
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Vyrerus
Posts: 15952
By Asura.Vyre 2023-05-07 16:04:22
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A topic ban here, a topic ban there.
Posts: 4028
By Blazed1979 2023-05-07 16:11:51
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I'm talking about getting my shoes shined man.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Richybear
Posts: 1400
By Fenrir.Richybear 2023-05-07 16:31:13
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Bahamut.Negan said: »

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2023-05-16 06:10:00
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Yuck. They did an update overnight. When you go to mule you'll get d/c'd.

To fix the text files in roe
By Dodik 2023-05-16 06:38:28
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By LightningHelix 2023-05-16 07:43:25
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oh good it's not just me that's crashing on login then

roe text fix (and possibly enabling the may 16th moogles?) update may or may not have broken everything, who can say?

edit3: got some semi-conclusive results below, if you don't have framerate uncapped in config like a moron (like me) we're not hitting the same cause
-I will error 3001 upon zone if I have literally nothing but the "config" plugin loaded. doesn't seem to matter where I'm zoning - tested with jeuno hp and the windurst waters-sarutabaruta zone line in both directions - might matter if there's a NPC in loading range but I forget the zone line teleports that don't have goblin footprints so I can't go that deep
-not getting error with everything else loaded (and I mean everything in my addons and plugins folder no matter how sketchy or useless)

my best guess is the frame rate option, which I am testing now... nailed it
setting it to 2 or 1 on my character OR global is fine
setting it to 0 on my character, weirdly, does not crash, but also doesn't go into effect until I hit config safe
setting it globally to 0 is NOT fine and crashes on any zone line.
also I apparently had it set to 0 globally what on earth I like 60 fps not the fast-walk

so uh, don't uncap your framerate Eiryl. not that you did? I bet that's not the cause of yours. but mine was sure as hell PEBKAC.

edit: yes, I updated my files, I've been in and out of POL about ten times testing this to make sure I had clean windower boots rather than loading and then unloading a plugin juuuust in case (btw loading and unloading config on the title screen with uncapped frame rate just uncaps its frame rate forever, it doesn't seem to fix itself on the way out)
By Dodik 2023-05-16 08:30:58
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There's an update to game files, make sure you restart FFXI.
Posts: 847
By Lili 2023-05-16 09:40:56
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LightningHelix said: »
setting it to 0 on my character, weirdly, does not crash, but also doesn't go into effect until I hit config safe
setting it globally to 0 is NOT fine and crashes on any zone line.

This is known behavior, having uncapped framerate during zone transitions will make the game think minutes are passing without you entering the new zone, and timeout you. This is because, as common in the ps2 era, the game timing is tied to framerate for a certain number of things, and a blackscreen can be rendered easily at 200-300 fps. If you have fps display active, you can see numbers with 3 or even 4 digits!
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: gennss
Posts: 52
By Ragnarok.Gennss 2023-05-16 13:51:18
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Do we know what they changed in the update?
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