V1 is Goblins, V2 is Shadow Dragon

V1 is Orcs, V2 is Damselfly

Mizuta making another song it seems for TvR

Term Filter
Allowing the ability to use regular expressions (regex)
Any characters enclosed in [ ] brackets will be searched
Alphabet/numbers/hiragana/katakana is supported
Can be used with extensions added in March's term filter updates

Prime Weapons
New enhancements are possible by clearing TVR's story in May
New weapon skills will be added and attached to them. Sounds like rehashes of old animations but new names. Could be wrong. Kind of like how some bonanza weapons have different names.

Ingame events
Free login May 12-22
Bonanza May 17-June 15
Aman trove silver voucher campaign May 22-June 5
April login campaign are repeats of the last 3 months as typical

Ebook version of articles published on Famitsu.com back during ffxi's release. By Yasuhiro Nagata. Takayuki Mizushina's 4-panel manga is also added.
Purchasable here https://bookwalker.jp/series/404745/