Dev Tracker - Discussion
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9997
By Asura.Saevel 2019-11-26 18:00:38
Seriously it's that good, reduces hate gain and accelerates hate loss.
**Edit** This was all originally stated in the context of not knowing that Unity and most Merit Fights needs a whole other fix; See Martel's post below **End Edit**
Dirge is -32 enmity. That's it. It also requires a BRD. Do you know how many groups have DD's that can pull threat off a tank because they approach the threat cap that don't even utilize a BRD?
A BRD's Dirge should be a great asset to counter the other 3 songs worth of damage being provided to the DD, but it shouldn't be a flat out requirement for the whole game all because decay doesn't happen as fast as threat generation.
And the problem only gets worse with each gear option we're provided that's better than the last.
Not to mention Dirge, and the way you're bringing it up, is side stepping the problem of decay/generation balance to the point that it still renders something like Trick Attack pointless in this game. What tank says, "I sure could use that Trick Attack?"
-32 Enmity is literally -32% on all enmity generation, meaning it takes longer to hit cap for DD's. Better yet, -32 enmity also means you lose that much more (think Martel has the numbers) enmity when the monster hits you. So not only are the DD's taking longer to hit hate cap, but when they do pull hate they lose it after one or two attacks.
Now if your issue was specific to BC's and their powered up level 99 monsters then you can't really tank those. I'm talking about things that are CL135 and above where tanks are actually useful.
By Ruaumoko 2019-11-26 18:32:24
There so much PLD needs to fix it I’m just not hopeful it will be done. The picture shows the PLD using a Cure spell so maybe it’s getting a new trait which really amps up the hate Cures generate.
DRK picture shows a Scythe so perhaps they’re adjusting Scythe weapon skills like they did Hand-to-Hand. Always thought Entropy should have had a STR mod and that it should be Scythe equivalent of Resolution.
By Nariont 2019-11-26 18:36:12
Expecting the nin/bst treatment where they add what amounts to nothing or in nins case actually make it slightly worse
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1824
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2019-11-26 19:20:54
DRK picture shows a Scythe so perhaps they’re adjusting Scythe weapon skills like they did Hand-to-Hand. Always thought Entropy should have had a STR mod and that it should be Scythe equivalent of Resolution.
Its interesting, they've done a ton over the years trying to bring Scythe up, between Ratri and other attempts. But a Caladbolg spamming Torcleaver is still too powerful to top in most WS spam situations (I LOVE my scythes, including Liberator, when solo DD and can actively multistep, but in a zerg c'mon....is it even comparable?)
I'm not sure what they could do outside of changing some of the modifiers on Scythe WSs, and/or giving DRK a similar WSD bonus to what DRG got but have it only be on Scythe WSs. I really don't see changes to the Group 2 Merits- the jobs that have received those are ones who's merited spells were swapped to scrolls, and DRK doesn't have any of those. They could make some of those traits native (like Desperate Blows), but again, doubt it. I'd love more potent Absorb spells- hell, even if they increased the potency and brought back the decay over time, making firing an absorb spell right before a WS functional.
By ScaevolaBahamut 2019-11-26 19:30:01
Or sub DRG since it's good now. Or throw a couple of -enmity accessories in your WS set; the Legion earring works in Ambuscade so that takes care of that right there. The existence of an enmity cap sucks but the bigger problem is people don't want to use the tools we already have to manage it.
Really, the Malignance set is so powerful defensively for light DDs that I wonder how big a problem pulling hate on stuff like Dynamis trash even is anymore.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 39
By Asura.Airoh 2019-11-26 21:04:19
Maybe they'll add some synergy between PLD & DRK? Like if they are in a party together, DRK becomes an enmity battery for PLD... I would love that but totally not happening.
If they do fix scythe a bit, I really hope Apoc gains an edge to see more endgame use I wager enspell 2 adjustments since both of those jobs are going at the same time. Not sure what else. Everything is speculation at this point. Haha yeah but it's fun to speculate
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1824
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2019-11-26 21:23:33
Maybe they'll add some synergy between PLD & DRK? Like if they are in a party together, DRK becomes an enmity battery for PLD... I would love that but totally not happening.
If they do fix scythe a bit, I really hope Apoc gains an edge to see more endgame use I wager enspell 2 adjustments since both of those jobs are going at the same time. Not sure what else. Everything is speculation at this point. Haha yeah but it's fun to speculate
Job synergies are an interesting concept I've never thought once about.....but could completely revolutionize how we play. If implemented in a way that wasn't as simple as using the most popular jobs, but mix up synergies to include lesser-used jobs.
Your DRK+PLD enmity battery is very interesting. I'd also like to see something like a SAM+DNC in the same party gives an extra SC dmg bonus, or RUN+THF increases crit rate, RNG+BLM increases magic burst bonus II, RDM+BLU equals enfeebling potency.....I don't care right now about the WHAT of the concept, just the concept itself. Very unique and I don't think I've seen it mentioned before.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 175
By Bahamut.Empyrean 2019-11-26 23:09:59
Maybe they'll add some synergy between PLD & DRK? Like if they are in a party together, DRK becomes an enmity battery for PLD... I would love that but totally not happening.
If they do fix scythe a bit, I really hope Apoc gains an edge to see more endgame use I wager enspell 2 adjustments since both of those jobs are going at the same time. Not sure what else. Everything is speculation at this point. Haha yeah but it's fun to speculate Speculation, *** it. I am in.
First up, since Aquatic likes scythe so much.... fix scythe ws mods. be it better ftp or get them off mnd/int stats
Raise innate acc on drk allowing for calad to be used more freely in higher end content with lesser buffs, (looking at you wave 3)
Boost magic hit rate of absorb spells so they land on high end content without the use of DS/NV
drk merits? idk where to go on that one, problem being DS/NV is 5/5 I am sure other people can come up with great ideas for that one.
pld? idk, I would like to see some AoE flash and putting fealty on a 2 minute duration 3 minute timer. I think that would tighten up pld really fast.
By Jetackuu 2019-11-26 23:15:53
I'm probably going to be taken out by proxy.
By Felgarr 2019-11-26 23:24:59
I hope that Monk's Mantra stops overwriting Drain 3's Max HP Boost.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3676
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-11-26 23:58:46
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »Job synergies are an interesting concept I've never thought once about.....but could completely revolutionize how we play. If implemented in a way that wasn't as simple as using the most popular jobs, but mix up synergies to include lesser-used jobs.
Your DRK+PLD enmity battery is very interesting.
It's somewhat along the lines of Phantom Roll's bonus if you have the associated job in the party. Which was a bigger deal before substantial Phantom Roll+ gear, and is further watered down by COR relic hat giving a 50% chance of job bonus even without the job present, but it's still something.
Instead of Roll X + Job Y = bonus, that would be kinda cool to see Job X + Job Y = bonus.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-11-27 00:08:45
I wouldn't be too surprised if it's something as simple as removing the decay on Enlight/Endark.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2019-11-27 00:53:43
Here's my prediction:
PLD gets a trait to shield block rate. It gets 6 tiers of this trait.
DRK gets 2 tiers of this trait.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2803
By Cerberus.Anjisnu 2019-11-27 01:17:46
dark is gonna get something stupid like more attack
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 175
By Bahamut.Empyrean 2019-11-27 02:13:24
inc drk adjustment "we have now placed drk on lionheart"
By geigei 2019-11-27 04:20:11
inc drk adjustment "we have now placed drk on lionheart" And that's how you kill torcleaver.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 130
By Bahamut.Aquatic 2019-11-27 06:40:34
Maybe they'll add some synergy between PLD & DRK? Like if they are in a party together, DRK becomes an enmity battery for PLD... I would love that but totally not happening.
If they do fix scythe a bit, I really hope Apoc gains an edge to see more endgame use I wager enspell 2 adjustments since both of those jobs are going at the same time. Not sure what else. Everything is speculation at this point. Haha yeah but it's fun to speculate Speculation, *** it. I am in.
First up, since Aquatic likes scythe so much.... fix scythe ws mods. be it better ftp or get them off mnd/int stats
Raise innate acc on drk allowing for calad to be used more freely in higher end content with lesser buffs, (looking at you wave 3)
Boost magic hit rate of absorb spells so they land on high end content without the use of DS/NV
drk merits? idk where to go on that one, problem being DS/NV is 5/5 I am sure other people can come up with great ideas for that one.
pld? idk, I would like to see some AoE flash and putting fealty on a 2 minute duration 3 minute timer. I think that would tighten up pld really fast.
Remove scythe from game.
Reward/Voucher system for everyone who made a REMA scythe.
Make Great Sword DRK again.
I can only dream...
By SimonSes 2019-11-27 07:29:00
Maybe they'll add some synergy between PLD & DRK? Like if they are in a party together, DRK becomes an enmity battery for PLD... I would love that but totally not happening.
If they do fix scythe a bit, I really hope Apoc gains an edge to see more endgame use I wager enspell 2 adjustments since both of those jobs are going at the same time. Not sure what else. Everything is speculation at this point. Haha yeah but it's fun to speculate Speculation, *** it. I am in.
First up, since Aquatic likes scythe so much.... fix scythe ws mods. be it better ftp or get them off mnd/int stats
Raise innate acc on drk allowing for calad to be used more freely in higher end content with lesser buffs, (looking at you wave 3)
Boost magic hit rate of absorb spells so they land on high end content without the use of DS/NV
drk merits? idk where to go on that one, problem being DS/NV is 5/5 I am sure other people can come up with great ideas for that one.
pld? idk, I would like to see some AoE flash and putting fealty on a 2 minute duration 3 minute timer. I think that would tighten up pld really fast.
Remove scythe from game.
Reward/Voucher system for everyone who made a REMA scythe.
Make Great Sword DRK again.
I can only dream...
Now I really want them to make Scythe bis, just so you need to use it or gimp yourself with great sword :)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1824
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2019-11-27 13:10:24
Scythe DRKs be soundin' like Bow RNGs.....
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 175
By Bahamut.Empyrean 2019-11-27 14:41:04
inc drk adjustment "we have now placed drk on lionheart" And that's how you kill everything else. ftfy
By Taint 2019-11-27 18:35:32
inc drk adjustment "we have now placed drk on lionheart"
We have now placed DRK and PLD on Lionheart
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 269
By Shiva.Humpo 2019-11-27 19:08:29
inc drk adjustment "we have now placed drk on lionheart"
We have now placed DRK and PLD on Lionheart
Actually curious how that would compare vs a caladbolg....
By Asura.Veikur 2019-11-27 22:17:31
Lionheart has +50 Delay, +10 STP, +38 Base Damage, and ~15% stonger Torcleavers. Before accounting for potential TP overflow.
Caladbolg has +70 VIT, +20 STR and what is effectively doubled white damage.
So, probably a Lionheart win?
I don't think it'd be a massive gain, though.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2019-11-27 22:46:34
Torcleaver w/ AM3 R15 Caladbolg would beat R15 Lionheart unless Warcry is up. Lionheart comes very close when spamming Resolution if your attack is high enough to cap despite Reso's penalty w/ Sam and Fighter rolls, but it's still worse; two-hander Empyrean white damage is more significant than one might think. Lionheart wins without Warcry by a small amount if Caladbolg is only at AM1 or AM2, though.
There's also the various defensive bonuses 70 VIT gives you to consider (105 defense, small reduction in mob fSTR and crit damage), which can save your life on occasion.
By Asura.Veikur 2019-11-28 00:02:03
TPBonus +500 should beat a x1.1 Multiplier and +23 Base Damage for raw Torcleaver damage.
By Taint 2019-11-28 07:14:44
Emps have twice the white damage with AM3 up.
Lionheart’s delay and stp+10 is much easier to gear for than Cala.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10170
By Asura.Sechs 2019-11-28 07:31:19
So we have:
352 dmg, 480 delay
186 mdmg (lol)
Acc/Macc +30
TP bonus +500
315 dmg, 430 delay
155 mdmg
VIT +70, STR+20
Each have 10% damage bonus to their "related" WS.
Calad's lower delay makes it harder to reach for specific X-hit build, whereas that grants way more gear freedom on Lion because of 480 delay and STP+10.
On the other hand Calad's lower delay goes along very well with empy AM, that truly boosts white damage.
Lion's AM is pretty meh compared to that.
One offers bigger defense (does it really matter that much though, when you can MB Drain3 and shift to hybrid or full turtle sets?), the other offers more acc/macc for even more freedom in gearing.
They sound two pretty close options if you ask me, I'm surprised. On a hunch I would've called Lionheart the absolute winner, whereas I'm not so sure now.
Shouldn't Lion's Reso spam win in a zerg situation though? By far? Compared to Calad's Torcleaver spam?
I'd say between the two weapons Lionheart would be more versatile though.
All of this is moot talk anyway, we all know they will never grant DRK access to Lionheart :-P
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2019-11-28 07:46:38
Torcleaver has good enough ftp scaling that gearing for an x-hit build doesn't actually help your DPS (well, assuming Warcry/Crystal Blessing aren't up). Any benefit you get from slightly better TP > Damage ratios gets almost entirely counterbalanced by incurring WS delay more often. This is especially true when counting SAM roll and high multi attack rates, which stymie trying to go for a specific x-hit anyway (SAM roll's potency varies, and gearing for an X-hit doesn't do anything on any round where multi-attacks shoot you right past 1000 TP).
Torcleaver itself is also enough stronger as a WS with Caladbolg's bonuses that Lionheart's WS damage only beats it when you have enough attack to cap despite the attack reduction (which, with a 4.625 cratio cap and a 15% penalty, happens less than one would think even with DRK's attack). 50%-70%+ WSDMG is just too much for Resolution to overcome normally, even with 500 extra TP bonus. Lionheart Resolution does do more when fully attack capped with relevant rolls (Sam, AND Fighter's), but it's not by enough to overcome AM3 Caladbolg's white damage bonus.
The annoying thing is, Lionheart's AM would hurt it more than help in most situations; for DRK, Resolution's main benefit is a powerful (if not quite as powerful as Torcleaver) WS that doesn't have good SC properties, for when light SCs are bad (Lilith Ascendant and Lady Lilith's Gyves, Maju, Onchyophora, etc), but AM just gives it Light property anyway.
This thread is for discussion of recent news from the Dev Tracker - News thread. Keep it civil.
Original thread by Pantafernando archived here.