New information from the Freshly Picked that aired this morning:
Pup Adjustments:
Adjustment of maneuver consumption type attachment to maneuver load type
Flame Holder / Ice Maker / Replicator / Economizer
Broken english, but from the update notes posted by Matsui, he said this: Puppetmasters are getting adjustments to certain attachments, with some getting their activation conditions changed from consuming maneuvers to generating burden.
RDM Merit Adjustments:
Enfeebling Duration
Enhancing Duration
Magic accuracy
Enspell effect
Immunobreak effect
Physical Acc
Alexander BCNM
Body stats
DEF 170
HP + 182
MP + 73
STR + 40
DEX + 21
VIT + 25
AGI + 33
INT + 37
MND + 25
CHR + 38
Accuracy + 25
Attack + 60
Magic Accuracy+ 25
Magic attack bonus+40
Magic damage + 60
Evasion + 96
Magic Evasion+ 129
Magic Defense Bonus +12
Haste + 5%
Counter +15
Fast cast + 10%
Subtle Blow+ 15
Regen (HP) + 13
Shield stats
Defense 65
Shield skill + 112
Recovery amount from Cure + 5%
Spell Interruption rate down 7%
shield activation rate + 15
Damage Taken -10%
War pld rdm bst
New lockstyle staff for ambuscade
New shirt, similar to the shadow lord shirt from last year

IRL version, probably going to be sold at their offline event end of august. they did one of these last year too. nothing interesting happened at it last year as far as development announcements.
SS campaign bringing back old campaign items if you missed them
Login campaign is also repeats this month