Random Politics & Religion #28: The Last One

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Random Politics & Religion #28: The Last One
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By fonewear 2017-10-14 16:03:28
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If you want to discuss British politics make your own damn thread. This is Murica !
By 2017-10-14 16:06:02
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By fonewear 2017-10-14 16:06:26
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Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
fonewear said: »
The last thing America needs is some tea and crumpet man trying to tell America what to do !
You have even less idea of what "America needs" than he does! You're just here to enjoy the suffering of the people that disagree with you lol

Donny please.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-10-14 16:08:35
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America doesn't need input from Canada either...
By 2017-10-14 16:10:56
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-10-14 16:19:36
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Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
Canada doesn't care what you need.
Then why is Canada putting their two cents into America's issues?

If Canada truly doesn't give a ***, then Canada can keep their noses to themselves instead of sticking it up our *** and calling it a prostate exam.
By 2017-10-14 16:31:10
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By 2017-10-14 16:38:49
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By fonewear 2017-10-14 17:48:23
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Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
Canada doesn't care what you need.
Then why is Canada putting their two cents into America's issues?

If Canada truly doesn't give a ***, then Canada can keep their noses to themselves instead of sticking it up our *** and calling it a prostate exam.
Once again you are mistaken.

I care about humanity. Of course if someone asks me what I think like you have, or discusses issues we all face together like various governments poorly handling mental health support, I'm going to chime in. I'm not against dialogue.

If you cared about humanity what the hell are you doing in the frozen tundra.
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By Asura.Saevel 2017-10-14 17:49:33
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Ruaumoko said: »
'd rather have accomplished people making sure legislation from career politicians is not self-serving than have some lunatic man-child threatening nuclear war over Twitter.
Except your government is designed to be as inefficient as it possibly can.

Besides, threats and action are two different things. Just look at North Korea for the past 10 years for a perfect example of that.

More like that past 30 years, they've been saber rattling for decades as way to extort money from western countries. How it works is NK makes a bunch of threatening remarks, then all the world talks about it and the big nations offer NK money in exchange for them "returning to the discussion table" where they pretend to actually care about a peace treaty. Few years later, they need more money and do it all over again.
By 2017-10-14 19:35:25
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-10-14 22:01:17
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Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
I care about humanity.
No you don't. If you cared about humanity, you would have already gone to join the Peace Corps, moved over to Africa, and gotten some form of Hepatitis already.

What you really care about is strutting around here pretending to be superior to everyone on the sole, misguided ideal that just because you are Canadian, you are better than us.

Come on now, that's some American-level ego there. Trump worthy.
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user: Nikolce
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By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-10-15 01:52:02
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Ruaumoko said: »
Whose language do you speak?

The same language we spoke when we left your pathetic, rain soaked, brexiting, stupid ***, wave whipped rock... spanish!

You're only sore because we took everything worth a damn with us when we bailed on your assbackwards orthadontist wet dream of a shithole.

you tea sipping inbred snaggletoothed son of an irish ***!
By 2017-10-15 03:19:06
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By Nausi 2017-10-15 05:44:21
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Ruaumoko said: »
If pissing off liberals is all you want from a presidency you're unbelievably irresponsible with politics and should give it a rest.

The pissing off is generally related to consistent victories in what is known as "the culture war". They aren't insignificant, and to actually have a president in office that pushes back against the liberal decay is pretty awesome.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-10-15 08:41:35
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Nausi said: »
Ruaumoko said: »
If pissing off liberals is all you want from a presidency you're unbelievably irresponsible with politics and should give it a rest.

The pissing off is generally related to consistent victories in what is known as "the culture war". They aren't insignificant, and to actually have a president in office that pushes back against the liberal decay is pretty awesome.

What is interesting to me is the more the left lashes out the more normal Trump seems to most Americans. Very few "real" Americans are part of the protest crowd. They aren't going to rallies or marches. They have ***to do. Only the young and dumb are protesting.
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user: Chanti
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By Garuda.Chanti 2017-10-15 09:39:21
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Ruaumoko said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Well, no matter what ***you say about us Americans, at least we aren't either like the Canadians or British.

If you want to talk about *** up political/social systems, we can always talk about those two.
I'm not sure what you're getting at here. The House of Commons and the House of Lords? The House of Lords gets some ire but it is ultimately a safeguard against governments pushing through legislation that is poorly thought through. I'd rather have accomplished people making sure legislation from career politicians is not self-serving than have some lunatic man-child threatening nuclear war over Twitter.
Lords? Accomplished? Selecting their parents is an accomplishment?

If so, then Trump is accomplished.
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-10-15 10:01:02
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I didn't know you could select your parent.

Why didn't anyone tell me that when I was born? I would have selected somebody better in that case!
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-10-15 10:47:27
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PnR boogie !

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user: AnnaMolly
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By Anna Ruthven 2017-10-15 12:01:51
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Imagine when we have the first weeaboo president. He stands at the podium with a Naruto Shippuden backpack and a Death Note hoodie over his Bleach t-shirt. He puts down his Pocky and addresses the nation. "Konnichiwa, America-chan." He proudly declares Golden Week a week-long holiday to be observed in America. His Hatsune Miku dakimakura is propped up proudly at his side as First Waifu of the United States of America.
Server: Garuda
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user: Chanti
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By Garuda.Chanti 2017-10-15 12:43:09
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I vaguely remember a SF story from the mid century with a not dissimilar premise.

Opening line:

"The next president of the United States nervously spun his propeller beanic."
Server: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11336
By Garuda.Chanti 2017-10-15 12:55:06
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Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-10-15 14:42:31
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Anna Ruthven said: »
Imagine when we have the first weeaboo president. He stands at the podium with a Naruto Shippuden backpack and a Death Note hoodie over his Bleach t-shirt. He puts down his Pocky and addresses the nation. "Konnichiwa, America-chan." He proudly declares Golden Week a week-long holiday to be observed in America. His Hatsune Miku dakimakura is propped up proudly at his side as First Waifu of the United States of America.

Thank you Donny !
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Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-10-15 14:43:48
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Anna Ruthven said: »
Imagine when we have the first weeaboo president. He stands at the podium with a Naruto Shippuden backpack and a Death Note hoodie over his Bleach t-shirt. He puts down his Pocky and addresses the nation. "Konnichiwa, America-chan." He proudly declares Golden Week a week-long holiday to be observed in America. His Hatsune Miku dakimakura is propped up proudly at his side as First Waifu of the United States of America.

Also I don't any of these reference and no I don't want to get them.
By 2017-10-15 14:44:49
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By fonewear 2017-10-15 14:46:27
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Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-10-15 14:48:39
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One more cause we don't dig on Canada enough:

Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-10-15 14:51:00
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Composite sketchy of average Canadian

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By Asura.Saevel 2017-10-16 07:21:13
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
I didn't know you could select your parent.

Why didn't anyone tell me that when I was born? I would have selected somebody better in that case!

According to the "current" progressive theory of everything, no success is earned, it's all random and any difference in success is purely the result of one party being born into the oppressor class and the other being part of the oppressed.

It's a ***theory that even the most cursory examination of history debunks, but it makes a great excuse to steal all the wealth of the successful and use it to buy votes from the unsuccessful while giving themselves all the power. Also makes a great platform on why the Progressive 4th Reich government should regulate and control everything to bring in their ideal Communist Government.

Handicapper General

That is the progressive concept of equality.
Server: Shiva
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user: Nikolce
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By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-10-16 09:30:38
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fonewear said: »

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