Blu Tanking

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Blu Tanking
Posts: 2729
By Nariont 2023-01-12 23:01:38
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
The reasons I would want /run for blu tanking have more to do w/ magic defense bonus trait, inquartata, barspells and valliance...

/Rdm still has 1 tempting thing, that is phalanx

Honestly feel its the reverse, where RUNs main pull is vallation/runes, everything else you can easily get in singualar spells, scouring spate is mdb3, saurian slide is inquartata 3 (/run only gives II), barpsells all come from /rdm too, which just leaves phalanx and for anything id throw a blu tank at i think phalanx easily outweighs barrier tusk.

I frankly wouldnt waste points on counter, or inquartata but flooring your parry to 14% isn't the worst thing and only takes 7 pts/1 slot vs counters 10/2, slide is also a decent/quick attack down but something like demoralizing roar works just as well.

The biggest problem youd have with blu tanking is they don't really have good spike hate unless im missing a party aoe like possibly winds that carries the usual 320 CE/VE many of blus buffs, but for building hate blus got it easy through its debuff aoes and fantod spam, that and just lack of HP in their enmity/casting sets but for older stuff like dyna or omen that shouldnt be too big a deal, specially with added ML HP
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-01-12 23:10:49
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Diffusion Exuviation has always been nuts for a quick hate spike. Diffusion on something more useful like Nat. Med or Barrier Tusk is also serviceable when coupled with the rest of BLU's already prodigious enmity kit.

As for counter, you can get something like 50-70% chance to counter with O.Counterstance and gear and whatnot. That isn't applicable all the time though. If you really wanted to try to counter tank you would probably want to sub MNK, can probably hit close to 100% with Counterstance itself.
Posts: 2729
By Nariont 2023-01-12 23:16:50
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aye diffusions an easy option, just tied to that awful 10 min timer, was wondering if maybe one of the natural aoes carried that.

As to counter i was just looking at traits +10% from O.C, didnt really dig into what a counter set would look like for blu since the malig/gleti/nyame/emp pieces are just so good defensively
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By Matic 2023-02-23 11:05:07
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
can probably hit close to 100% with Counterstance itself.

Counter cap is 80%, but yea shouldn't be hard to reach on BLU/MNK

and you can use Cocoon to negate the -50% def of counterstance which is kind of satisfying at least in theory.
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-03-16 08:49:59
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Gleti's mask - Counter 10
Bathy choker - Counter 10
Ambe Cape - Counter 10
Cornelia's Belt 0- Counter 5

Counter Trait from spells 14~16

Orcish counterstance, - Counter 10

59~61% counter so far, could use earrings/ammo slot for another 8 counter.

That seems a pretty decent counter rate without /mnk and counterstance.