FFXI Finally In High Quality Graphics

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FFXI finally in high quality graphics
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Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Talym
Posts: 70
By Sylph.Talym 2017-08-17 14:47:15
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Where did you put the ReShade files in? The PlayonlineViewer folder or the Final Fantasy XI folder?

PlayOnlineViewer. Also verified that it was still working when running dgVoodoo, but I don't remember whether there was some specific thing that I had to do to get it working in the first place.

I ended up doing a bunch of testing last night and today, both a/b on the same system and side-by-side with my desktop and laptop sitting next to each other.

I'm still coming to the conclusion that dgVooodoo on its own is not affecting the image quality in a dramatic way, at least on my GPUs (GTX680 on desktop, 940M on laptop). The performance on the laptop is, of course, vastly superior running dgVoodoo, due to the Optimus issues.

This on the other hand, makes a VAST difference:

Leviathan.Isiolia said: »
One thing to check is that Windower, by default, forces a fixed ambient light level. There's also, by default, a toggle bound for it on F11...but a lot of Gearswap LUAs will end up binding that to something else, then unbind it when unloaded, etc. So, you may need to toggle it with a console command (or change the init file):

game_forceambientlight 0 (to turn off) or 1 (to turn on, the default)

I had already been running for years with the forced ambient lighting disabled, so perhaps that's why I haven't noticed a dramatic improvement, if that's something that you're all disabling now as well.

As for it being enabled by default, thinking back on various discussions with the other Windower guys, I could have sworn that the default in the init file was changed to 0 at some point, but it's possible that's not the case. Haven't been able to get confirmation on that yet.

I guess it's possible that dgVoodoo is causing the various effects to stand out more from the environment even when using the forced ambient lighting, and I really looked for that while testing, but wasn't able to come to a conclusion either way.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2017-08-17 17:09:22
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Sylph.Talym said: »
I had already been running for years with the forced ambient lighting disabled, so perhaps that's why I haven't noticed a dramatic improvement, if that's something that you're all disabling now as well.

It wasn't ambient lighting.

Sylph.Talym said: »
I'm still coming to the conclusion that dgVooodoo on its own is not affecting the image quality in a dramatic way, at least on my GPUs (GTX680 on desktop, 940M on laptop).

Sylph.Talym said: »
I guess it's possible that dgVoodoo is causing the various effects to stand out more from the environment even when using the forced ambient lighting, and I really looked for that while testing, but wasn't able to come to a conclusion either way.

You see what you want to see, or your GPU / drivers aren't working properly. I've set this up for a ton of people already and the response has been the same as mine, "wow that's pretty".

The effects stand out because it's actually doing light shading and particle effects properly where before it wasn't. It's very consistent and easily reproducible on my main system (GTX 980TI), backup system (GTX 760) and notebook (GTX 970M). I've posted screenshots showing the glowing effects. The easiest to see are the point aura's like HP crystals and Abyssea confluxes which come out much less flat looking. And the only thing I changed was dgVoodoo2.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Talym
Posts: 70
By Sylph.Talym 2017-08-18 00:10:11
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I don't know what to tell you, I feel like the appearance of waypoints and such has always been pretty much like what you had in the imgur album.

Here's some screenshots on the same system (GTX680) with both dgVoodoo on and off:

These are all grabbed from outside of Windower using the same method. dgVoodoo is definitely activating on the shots labeled as such - the watermark is there, but cropped out.
Server: Valefor
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user: Hoshizake
Posts: 4
By Valefor.Hoshizake 2017-08-25 18:03:33
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So I'm not sure why I'm having such bad fps problems...
i have a gtx 1070 and a 7700k at 4.7ghz so I shld be owning this game

I have the mod installed and using 1024 and 16x
I'm also using windower and have the super sampling checked and a few UI scaling options turned up abit.

Most people are saying this mod is allowing them to get much better fps but my game in general is just laggy; please assist
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: medao
Posts: 1
By Carbuncle.Medao 2017-08-28 17:34:47
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I would need some help I'm trying to run FFXI with dgVoodoo2. I moved the d3d8 dll to pol folder where pol.exe is located and added the config file trough the dgVoodoo panel with the DirectX vram to 1024.

I also left the watermark ticked to check if the new d3d8 is loaded but I never see any watermark displayed...

I checked in the resource monitor of win10 and I don't see pol.exe loading the d3d8 dll instead I see both d3d11 and d3d12 dlls loaded.

I can't find what is wrong with my configuration. I have an Alienware 13 R3 with a Nvidia 1060.

PS: I'm sorry for my english this is not my main language.
Posts: 3
By medao 2017-08-29 06:13:11
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Carbuncle.Medao said: »

I would need some help I'm trying to run FFXI with dgVoodoo2. I moved the d3d8 dll to pol folder where pol.exe is located and added the config file trough the dgVoodoo panel with the DirectX vram to 1024.

I also left the watermark ticked to check if the new d3d8 is loaded but I never see any watermark displayed...

I checked in the resource monitor of win10 and I don't see pol.exe loading the d3d8 dll instead I see both d3d11 and d3d12 dlls loaded.

I can't find what is wrong with my configuration. I have an Alienware 13 R3 with a Nvidia 1060.

PS: I'm sorry for my english this is not my main language.

After some hours of testing I finally found a solution. d3d11 and d3d12 are loaded by pol.exe but when FFXI starts it makes the call to d3d8

Now I solved my problem by moving the d3d8.dll and config file to FFXI directory instead of POL directory. I didn't find why it checks the DLL in this directory as the exe is in POL directory.

Anyway the result/performance looks outstanding now!!!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2017-08-29 09:04:12
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Are you using Windower? The location of the .dll's changes based on if your using Windower or not.

With Windower
PlayOnlineViewer needs to have the files.

Without Windower
Final Fantasy XI needs to have the files.
Posts: 3
By medao 2017-08-29 16:00:16
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Are you using Windower? The location of the .dll's changes based on if your using Windower or not.

With Windower
PlayOnlineViewer needs to have the files.

Without Windower
Final Fantasy XI needs to have the files.

Without Windower so I have the reason now Thanks!
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2017-08-29 19:16:13
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This. is. awesome. I got it running on my laptop (Quadro something) and my desktop (980 Ti) and the benefits are great. There's a definite difference in effects with and without dgVoodoo. And my framerate seems smoother, particularly on my laptop, but on my desktop as well.

Question- to force options in NVIDIA control panel, should I point it at pol.exe? I don't want to change my general game settings, just tweak XI.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2017-08-29 19:38:52
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Make a profile in nVidia control panel for POL, should read "All Playonline games" or something. Settings you put in there are forced.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Diavolo
By Asura.Diavos 2017-08-31 19:50:01
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Is there a 1080p (or better) video anywhere showcasing the benefits of this in action (FPS, effects and all)? The 720p videos I saw on Youtube weren't doing the game or this wrapper any justice from what I could see.

Haven't played in a while, but nice to see the community is still putting forth efforts like this to improve the game.
By 2017-09-04 01:27:30
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Posts: 4
By AsuraRadd 2017-09-04 13:11:45
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Still having nasty issues with lag during bard songs and sometimes when switching to a different map. Anyone found a fix for this?
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Psion
Posts: 24
By Phoenix.Psion 2017-09-04 20:44:45
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ive yet to find a solution to the lag issue either... and sadly dgvoodoo doesn't seem to have affected it. i will randomly have fps dips from cap to 45 or 40 (with 60 fps) or 15-20 (with normal game fps). the actual lag seems even worse somehow, with monsters hitting from 25 yalms away, mobs suddenly warping as the game corrects where their position is, etc.

there doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to it, although ive noticed towns and beauceane glacier seem pretty laggy constantly.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2017-09-05 08:15:32
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What graphics cards are you guys using? I've only seen those issues with someone trying to use an Intel HD Graphics or a really old Graphics card that didn't fully support DX11.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Psion
Posts: 24
By Phoenix.Psion 2017-09-05 18:04:10
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AMD Radeon R9 390 Series here.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2017-09-05 18:15:33
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Make sure VSR is disabled. I know several people using the 390 with dgVodoo and zero issues.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Psion
Posts: 24
By Phoenix.Psion 2017-09-05 21:44:47
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it is disabled... and ive had this issue with or without dgvoodoo. ive yet to figure out why it does this D:

::edit:: does supersampling from windower 4 cause this issue? i don't see how it could, but its the only real thing i can think of.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2017-09-06 16:40:16
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Has anyone have issues with the Xbox One controller and dualboxing with dgVoodoo installed? My controller doesn't seem to care which window is in the background and controls both of them, which has led to some funny but frustrating incidents. That wasn't a problem when I played a year and a half ago. I'm not sure if it's the wrapper or Xinput.

edit: it's Windower's new "Always use controller" option. It has to be turned off to dualbox with controller.
Posts: 4
By AsuraRadd 2017-09-09 16:38:43
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Asura.Saevel said: »
What graphics cards are you guys using? I've only seen those issues with someone trying to use an Intel HD Graphics or a really old Graphics card that didn't fully support DX11.

Sorry for the lack of response. I have a GTX 1080.

As for VSR, I believe Nvidia's equivalent of that is DSR, and its disabled. I only have this issue if I use the plugin.

I am also running the game is a very high resolution, however, as I have a 21:9 wide monitor. 3840x1600.

Ive tried adjusting everything I can think of with regard to vRAM, MSAA, etc.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Neuman
Posts: 7
By Asura.Neuman 2017-09-14 06:16:37
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It took me quite a long time to get this to work. I went through this entire thread but couldn't find solutions to all of my problems, however maybe I missed something. Anyways, if you are still having problems with this here is what I needed to do to get this thing working which I believe has not been covered.

People with optimus (like me, it sucks) you may need to select "all of them" under adapters to use. After this, normal FFXI finally ran and it looked quite nice. All other settings were the recommended settings throughout this thread.

Windower. After I got normal FFXI to run I then encountered problems here. For some reason I could not change the resolution in the Windower program so I edited settings.xml in the Windower4 folder by adding


between <profile name=""> and </profile>.
After this everything ran great.

Thanks guys.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1091
By Shiva.Darkshade 2017-09-25 18:25:48
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Anyone else try this and get the (-1) error that pops you back to PlayOnline? It thinks DirectDraw/DirectX aren't installed/fails to render anything. I remove the DLL from POL dir and it returns to working as normal. DX47 already existed in my wow64 folder. Windows 10, no option to unblock the DLL in properties.

EDIT: The config tool for dgVoodoo just needed to be run as admin so that it could save the config file to the PlayOnline dir. Once the config file was present it worked fine. Wouldn't recommend any level of anti aliasing at 4K in XI's engine, especially if you're trying to run 60FPS... it kills even i7 4790K+1080Ti
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 77
By Asura.Radamantis 2017-11-12 15:08:44
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Anyone knows why other charas and Mobs are grey like this?

I only use DGvoodoo, no Windower or else...

Server: Fenrir
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user: Skarwind
Posts: 3352
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2017-11-12 15:12:08
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Update of my own:
I ended up stopping the crashes on my main PC by putting it in compatibility mode btw.

Its now flawless.

No idea about the gray thing. Did you use any filtering options?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Casey
Posts: 178
By Ragnarok.Casey 2017-11-12 18:29:53
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Asura.Radamantis said: »

Anyone knows why other charas and Mobs are grey like this?

I only use DGvoodoo, no Windower or else...


Looks like drawdistance is set too low either in client or in config plugin.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: baozzer
Posts: 132
By Bahamut.Baozzer 2017-11-12 21:57:18
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Fixed w/ windower drawdistance who knows how to do it w/o it
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 77
By Asura.Radamantis 2017-11-13 11:14:51
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I would love to use Windower again, but i got so much lag from it that the game becomes nearly unplayable. ; ;
Posts: 28
By Kalmado7 2017-11-17 08:08:57
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I dropped the items in the Playonline folder (using Windower) but neither the watermark or splashscreen happen so I'm assuming it's not working? What am I missing here?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9998
By Asura.Saevel 2017-11-17 08:44:20
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There is more then just copy pasting them into a folder. You need to run the config and add the Playonline viewer folder to it. If you are running vanilla then you need to do this in the Final Fantasy XI folder.
Posts: 28
By Kalmado7 2017-11-17 10:36:59
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Asura.Saevel said: »
There is more then just copy pasting them into a folder. You need to run the config and add the Playonline viewer folder to it. If you are running vanilla then you need to do this in the Final Fantasy XI folder.
Thanks for the reply. I'll work on this later when I get home.
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