Random Politics & Religion #23 (Fake News)
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-17 08:09:07
I can't keep up with the *** we need like a *** update machine.
The DNC already beat you to it, it's called CNN.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-17 08:13:27
Next up, President Trump kills a squirrel and it's the end of the world as you know it.
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By Nausi 2017-05-17 08:50:48
So how much will the media oversell a presidents alleged "hope" for an investigation that had already happened to be let go as obstruction of justice today?
I mean if comey felt it, it must be true?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-17 09:01:13
Actually, I'm surprised that nobody caught on the fact that Washington Post's "anonymous sources" were never in the room during the alleged meeting that those sources stated that top secret information was being discussed.
And people still want to believe these "sources" over the Secretary of State and a National Security Adviser who states otherwise?
By Nausi 2017-05-17 09:03:17
Hey did you know that by law if an FBI director feelz justice has been obstructed by anyone, he is required by law to inform the justice department.
Not doing so is a violation of federal law. If the alleged memo's characterization of the event IS true comey broke the law by not telling anyone about it.
By eliroo 2017-05-17 09:04:03
Yea because that should be the focus of the whole thing.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-17 09:09:36
Yea because that should be the focus of the whole thing. We don't know what the memo allegedly stated. Hell, we aren't even sure the memo exists.
But if it does exist, it hurts Comey's credibility (he doesn't have much of that left) more than it hurts Trump, because, if true, he was just handed a "get out of jail free" card to whitleblow to the DOJ about Trump AND Congress (mainly, Schumer) and be the liberal hero of the day. And this apparently happened back in February!
This memo thing is looking to be more of a hoax. Kindof like WP reporting is.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-17 09:10:12
Actually, ask yourself this:
What's worse, a government that lies to the people or a media that lies to the people?
By fonewear 2017-05-17 09:10:38
Actually, I'm surprised that nobody caught on the fact that Washington Post's "anonymous sources" were never in the room during the alleged meeting that those sources stated that top secret information was being discussed.
And people still want to believe these "sources" over the Secretary of State and a National Security Adviser who states otherwise?
Breaking news I'm the anonymous source...well was !
By fonewear 2017-05-17 09:12:49
Media lies you eat it up. The government lies you furrow your brow and say Impeach Drumpf !
By fonewear 2017-05-17 09:14:27
Actually most Americans don't follow this ***on a day to day basis. On borderline psychotics care this much about politics.
By fonewear 2017-05-17 09:15:21
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2017-05-17 09:20:20
Looks like Putin is willing to hand over records of the Trump/Lavrov meeting to Congress to prove the allegations wrong. It would be hilarious to see Putin of all people being the one to wholly discredit the WaPo.
By fonewear 2017-05-17 09:20:49
Could this be anymore sterotypical lol:
It's beyond party. It's our country and it's #treason. Don't swallow the kool-aid. Potty mouth warning. #impeach #specialprosecutor #unhackthevote
By fonewear 2017-05-17 09:23:56
I typed in #impeachtrump...still President...RAGE!!!!!
By fonewear 2017-05-17 09:29:14
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2017-05-17 09:35:38
Everyone knows that the only place online where you can truly change the world with your opinions is the FFXIAH P&R section. That's why we have this exclusive club of only the most brilliant minds.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go clean my toaster out with a fork.
By fonewear 2017-05-17 09:36:57
If you Impeach Trump you'll never which memes you will have destroyed...did you think of the memes...no you didn't.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-17 09:46:45
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go clean my toaster out with a fork. Make sure it's plugged in to see if it's working too while you clean it!
.....damn murder thread got me getting ideas. That and Ni.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2017-05-17 09:47:49
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go clean my toaster out with a fork. Make sure it's plugged in to see if it's working too while you clean it!
.....damn murder thread got me getting ideas. That and Ni.
Candlejack is down with killing people he doesn't like. That explains a lot, actually.
By fonewear 2017-05-17 09:48:53
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go clean my toaster out with a fork. Make sure it's plugged in to see if it's working too while you clean it!
.....damn murder thread got me getting ideas. That and Ni.
Where is the murder thread and why am I not in it ?
By eliroo 2017-05-17 09:50:01
What's worse, a government that lies to the people or a media that lies to the people?
Easy question. A government that lies to people is far more devastating than media lying. Though both are equally as bed. I find it hard to believe that multiple media sources would lie about the same thing, though I'm certain it has happened.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-17 09:51:26
Why Don't Reporters Care Who Killed The DNC's Seth Rich?
Quote: Scandal: Here's a story that would seem ripe for media bloodhounds to pursue. A disgruntled insider may have leaked damaging information about his employers, and was later murdered on his way home by two unidentified assailants.
Put President Trump's name somewhere in the mix and it would be the latest scandal-to-end-all-scandals, capturing wall-to-wall coverage, eliciting new calls for independent prosecutors and impeachment, and probably making Jimmy Kimmel cry again.
But since the person involved worked for the Democratic National Committee, it's being ignored by everyone in the press except a cadre of conservative reporters.
The story involves Seth Rich, a DNC staffer who was gunned down near his home in Washington, D.C., last July — shot twice in the back by two assailants seen following him on a security camera, in what has been described by police as a botched robbery, although the killers didn't take anything from Rich. His murder remains unsolved.
Less than two weeks after Rich's death, Wikileaks started releasing the DNC emails that exposed how the DNC had tried to thwart Bernie Sanders' campaign. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange repeatedly insisted that Russia was not his source, and even offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of Rich's killers.
At the time, Assange's claims were dismissed as utter nonsense.
But on Monday, the local Fox 5 affiliate in Washington reported that a private investigator hired by Rich's family says there is "tangible evidence on Rich's laptop that confirms he was communicating with WikiLeaks prior to his death." The investigator also alleged that the local police were involved in an effort to cover up this fact.
Fox News then reported on Tuesday that "an FBI forensic report of Rich's computer — generated within 96 hours after Rich's murder —showed he made contact with WikiLeaks through Gavin MacFadyen," who was director of WikiLeaks living in London at the time.
According to Fox, the federal investigator said "44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments between Democratic National Committee leaders, spanning from January 2015 through late May 2016, were transferred from Rich to MacFadyen before May 21." (Rich's father says his son wasn't involved in the leaks and believes the police report.)
Why does any of this matter? Because if it's true that Rich was the source of the leaked DNC emails — and not Russia — then the entire Russia-worked-with-Trump-to-hack-the-election story starts to fall apart.
The entire "scandal," after all, stems from the claim that Russia was behind the DNC hack, which proved embarrassing to the DNC and to Hillary Clinton. As we have noted in this space, the Russia hacking claim has always been a bit flimsy, since it rested on the word of a private contractor hired by the DNC itself, findings that the FBI couldn't independently verify since it wasn't given access to the affected server.
What's more, if Rich were the source of the Wikileaks leaks, it means his death could have been the result of something far more sinister than a robbery-gone-wrong.
This is, in other words, a story full of questions that need to be answered. But outside of Fox News, the Washington Examiner and a few other outlets, it's being ignored by mainstream news outlets that are thoroughly wedded to the Russia/Trump conspiracy narrative.
The indifference being shown by them toward Rich's death speaks volumes about today's corrupt and biased press.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2017-05-17 09:51:40
Let's see... Got a headline article here:
"Top Republican senator invokes Watergate scandal after Comey memo emerges"
Wait, wait, hold on, go no further, I think I've got this one.
"Let me guess.... John McCain and/or Lindsey Graham."
Woo! I win again!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-17 09:52:06
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go clean my toaster out with a fork. Make sure it's plugged in to see if it's working too while you clean it!
.....damn murder thread got me getting ideas. That and Ni.
Where is the murder thread and why am I not in it ? In Rook's pants
By fonewear 2017-05-17 09:56:39
I'm too sober to understand that murder thread. I'll have to read it later today when I'm drunk.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2017-05-17 09:58:20
Which leads me to believe that WP will do anything it takes to get Trump impeached, even if they outright lie on a daily basis to get it done.
And the one thing preventing their credibility from dropping to Weekly World News levels? Confirmation bias.
By fonewear 2017-05-17 09:58:26
This is what happens when you fully embrace feminism:
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Node 285
The last one went on long enough so I'm gonna go ahead and restart.