Random Politics & Religion #23 (Fake News)
By Nausi 2017-05-16 14:15:18
The family's spokesperson is a DNC hack. It doesn't make the situation any more pleasant smelling for the sniff test.
By fonewear 2017-05-16 14:24:26
It's a vast right wing conspiracy just ask Hillary:
YouTube Video Placeholder
By Nausi 2017-05-16 14:24:38
You don't think the police are investigating a murder? You don't think an investigation could be corrupted for the sake of politics?
By Viciouss 2017-05-16 14:26:31
McMaster and Tillerson already stated that there was no classified information (aka methods) discussed.
No they didn't. Their full statements yesterday:
Quote: Secretary of State Rex Tillerson:
"During President Trump's meeting with Foreign Minister Lavrov a broad range of subjects were discussed among which were common efforts and threats regarding counter-terrorism. During that exchange the nature of specific threats were discussed, but they did not discuss sources, methods or military operations."
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster:
"The president and the foreign minister reviewed common threats from terrorist organizations to include threats to aviation. At no time were any intelligence sources or methods discussed and no military operations were disclosed that were not already known publicly."
Both of those statements clearly deny that Trump shared sources, (which was never the accusation) but they never come close to denying that Trump shared classified intel. Furthermore, McMaster clearly avoided answering whether or not the intel that was discussed was classified or not, just a few hours ago.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6949
By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2017-05-16 14:27:01
You don't think the police are investigating a murder? You don't think an investigation could be corrupted for the sake of politics?
This the part where we say "Russia" or "Buttery mails" in hopes you make a connection?
By Viciouss 2017-05-16 14:29:17
You don't think the police are investigating a murder? How would we know, the liberal media isn't reporting it.
I guess we should all stop depending on certain news sources for actual news, and look towards conservative news outlets, since they are the only ones who care to report news.
OK, from Fox News: McMaster changes his story
By fonewear 2017-05-16 14:30:51
McMaster and Tillerson already stated that there was no classified information (aka methods) discussed.
No they didn't. Their full statements yesterday:
Quote: Secretary of State Rex Tillerson:
"During President Trump's meeting with Foreign Minister Lavrov a broad range of subjects were discussed among which were common efforts and threats regarding counter-terrorism. During that exchange the nature of specific threats were discussed, but they did not discuss sources, methods or military operations."
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster:
"The president and the foreign minister reviewed common threats from terrorist organizations to include threats to aviation. At no time were any intelligence sources or methods discussed and no military operations were disclosed that were not already known publicly."
Both of those statements clearly deny that Trump shared sources, (which was never the accusation) but they never come close to denying that Trump shared classified intel. Furthermore, McMaster clearly avoided answering whether or not the intel that was discussed was classified or not, just a few hours ago.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 14:33:45
You don't think the police are investigating a murder? How would we know, the liberal media isn't reporting it.
I guess we should all stop depending on certain news sources for actual news, and look towards conservative news outlets, since they are the only ones who care to report news.
OK, from Fox News: McMaster changes his storyYeah, he went from saying that the story WP wrote was false to the story WP wrote was false.
Big change! Impeachable even!
By fonewear 2017-05-16 14:34:32
Trump lied that's it I want my vote back !
By fonewear 2017-05-16 14:35:30
Any minute now Trump is going to be impeached I'm just waiting...maybe Friday.
By Viciouss 2017-05-16 14:35:46
Like I said, no reasoning coming from KN at all. Now he is even denying his favorite news source.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 14:38:41
Like I said, no reasoning coming from KN at all. Now he is even denying his favorite news source. You obviously didn't read the article.
It was a sensational title, but the article itself said nothing.
So, tell us, what changed in his story? He didn't deny that intelligence (unclassified and known to everyone in the room) was given across both parties. He didn't say that those in the room weren't present.
All he said was that the WP story was false, and then he said it was false. What changed?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2017-05-16 14:39:19
You don't think the police are investigating a murder? look towards conservative news outlets, since they are the only ones who care to report news. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time... thanks man...
By eliroo 2017-05-16 14:40:05
Or it has to do with how Nausi goes crazy when people talk about Russia and how there is no evidence because it would have been leaked already, but yeah democrats clearly killed that guy. Where's the investigation? All we are asking is for an investigation to occur.
For all we know, it is occurring. Media refuses to report it though. It's not Anti-Trump.
There is no evidence or it would have been leaked by now! This is a political witch hunt!
I find it sad that these clowns don't see the irony in their statements.
By eliroo 2017-05-16 14:41:03
Like I said, no reasoning coming from KN at all. Now he is even denying his favorite news source.
All he does is either write a cheap one-liner or make huge paragraphs with bold words that usually could be summarized in a single sentence.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 14:44:32
So, you guys done with ad hominem attacks and want to get back to the topics, or are you guys going for another round of circle jerking?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2017-05-16 14:46:02
Like I said, no reasoning coming from KN at all. Now he is even denying his favorite news source.
All he does is either write a cheap one-liner or make huge paragraphs with bold words that usually could be summarized in a single sentence.
And endless ad hominems are better?
By fonewear 2017-05-16 14:47:06
This entire thread is a dumpster fire but no one is saying we should put it out !
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 14:47:07
Like I said, no reasoning coming from KN at all. Now he is even denying his favorite news source.
All he does is either write a cheap one-liner or make huge paragraphs with bold words that usually could be summarized in a single sentence.
And endless ad hominems are better? That's all they have left.
They can't defend any points with their own....
By fonewear 2017-05-16 14:48:13
You're wrong cause I'm tired and I don't want to hear it !
By fonewear 2017-05-16 14:49:19
You do know that being right on the internet doesn't do anything right? You don't get fabulous prizes. No one is impressed but never stop trying to be right !
By Viciouss 2017-05-16 14:50:42
So, you guys done with ad hominem attacks and want to get back to the topics, or are you guys going for another round of circle jerking?
Uh, waiting on you? You haven't said anything accurate or relevant to this topic.
Also, whats up with the new WH position on the location of the Western Wall?
By fonewear 2017-05-16 14:50:59
Maybe FFXIAH can implement micro transactions that if you get like 10 likes on a post you get a quarter.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 15:00:16
Uh, waiting on you? You haven't said anything accurate or relevant to this topic. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not accurate or relevant.
You still fail to even address what the inaccuracies you accused me of making are. Other than your usual "no u!" comments.
Also, whats up with the new WH position on the location of the Western Wall? What position?
All I see is a staff shooting his mouth off.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 15:00:49
Maybe FFXIAH can implement micro transactions that if you get like 10 likes on a post you get a quarter. This isn't youtube!
Don't turn this thread/section into youtube comments!
By eliroo 2017-05-16 15:02:20
Like I said, no reasoning coming from KN at all. Now he is even denying his favorite news source.
All he does is either write a cheap one-liner or make huge paragraphs with bold words that usually could be summarized in a single sentence.
And endless ad hominems are better?
Considering the argument was already about KNs character, that isn't an Ad hominem. Again though, you are learning his special skill very well "Fallacy misuse".
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 15:05:47
Considering the argument was already about KNs character, that isn't an Ad hominem. Um, yes it is.
Because, you know, the topic shifted from talking about Trump Russian "leaks" to offhanded personal attacks on me.
Then again, that happens quite often. So often I quit caring.
By fonewear 2017-05-16 15:10:42
There is no emoticon for what I'm feeling.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 15:11:21
There is no emoticon for what I'm feeling.
By fonewear 2017-05-16 15:12:06
Pretty close ! I feel like a woman trapped in a man's body...
Node 285
The last one went on long enough so I'm gonna go ahead and restart.