Random Politics & Religion #23 (Fake News)
By Nausi 2017-05-16 13:04:51
This classified info nothing-burger is still going? McMaster just shut you all down.
No one can even say what classified info was offered.
I can't believe libs are still this thirsty after icecream-gate.
By Blazed1979 2017-05-16 13:07:35
Breaking news on CNN:
 Because men wear clothes while women in the office these days wear skin.
By Viciouss 2017-05-16 13:08:22
So, tell us then Kara, what sort of oath violation did Trump make?
What was the classified information that Trump unclassified to the Russians? Even the WP couldn't say what it was, even though their "sources" stated that Trump shared intelligence secrets but didn't say what.
Even what the WP did say, doesn't pass the smell test.
The smell test? Your personal smell test? Well that means so much. Did you read the articles you quoted?
Quote: The Washington Post is withholding most plot details, including the name of the city, at the urging of officials who warned that revealing them would jeopardize important intelligence capabilities. They are withholding the classified intel because the WH asked them to, citing national security. So the Post went to the WH, told them they had the story and asked them for a comment, and the WH asked them not to divulge the actual classified info. And all of the denials, including the ones today, didn't bother to deny that Trump named dropped the threats. They have only managed to say that Trump didn't know where the information originated, because that somehow matters. It was smart to run McMaster out there instead of Spicer, but that was not a good press briefing.
And now Reuters has backed up the story. The only thing the WH can do is give the transcript to the Senate, which they are already asking for.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 13:11:10
So, tell us then Kara, what sort of oath violation did Trump make?
What was the classified information that Trump unclassified to the Russians? Even the WP couldn't say what it was, even though their "sources" stated that Trump shared intelligence secrets but didn't say what.
Even what the WP did say, doesn't pass the smell test.
The smell test? Your personal smell test? Well that means so much. Did you read the articles you quoted?
Quote: The Washington Post is withholding most plot details, including the name of the city, at the urging of officials who warned that revealing them would jeopardize important intelligence capabilities. They are withholding the classified intel because the WH asked them to, citing national security. So the Post went to the WH, told them they had the story and asked them for a comment, and the WH asked them not to divulge the actual classified info. And all of the denials, including the ones today, didn't bother to deny that Trump named dropped the threats. They have only managed to say that Trump didn't know where the information originated, because that somehow matters. It was smart to run McMaster out there instead of Spicer, but that was not a good press briefing.
And now Reuters has backed up the story. The only thing the WH can do is give the transcript to the Senate, which they are already asking for. Sooooo...
Gawd Vic, even you should see the *** the WP made. But you are still going to defend it anyway because, well, feels.
Tell us, how's your ice cream? Still salty?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 13:13:12
Hey Vic, defend this
Quote: Obama Ordered The U.S. Intelligence Community To Share Intel With Cuba
Just a month before the 2016 election, President Barack Obama signed a policy directive ordering the U.S. intelligence community to share sensitive U.S. intelligence with Cuba’s communist government, despite the fact that one of the top U.S. intelligence official had branded Cuba as one of America’s biggest espionage threats. The presidential policy directive, which was issued as part of the Obama administration’s efforts to normalize U.S. relations with the Castro regime, required the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to “exchange information on mutual threats with Cuban counterparts.”
“The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) will support broader United States Government efforts to normalize relations with Cuba, with Intelligence Community elements working to find opportunities for engagement on areas of common interest through which we could exchange information on mutual threats with Cuban counterparts,” the Obama directive stated.
The Obama administration put some flesh on the bones of the October 2016 directive by signing a January 2017 law enforcement agreement with Cuba officially committing the U.S. to sharing sensitive intelligence with the island nation’s communist regime.
“The memorandum signed Monday commits the U.S. and Cuba to sharing information, carrying out joint investigations and possibly stationing law-enforcement officials in each other’s countries,” the Associated Press (AP) reported just days before Obama left office. The AP report characterized the agreement as a “pledge to share intelligence with Cuban state security.”
USA Today noted that Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national security adviser, was physically present at the signing ceremony for the U.S.-Cuba intelligence-sharing agreement on January 16, 2017.
While the Obama administration’s plan to share U.S. intelligence with Cuban spies was immediately opposed by a handful of Republican members of Congress, the intel sharing agreement received scant attention from most mainstream U.S. media sources.
In its primary report announcing the initial Obama administration policy directive last October, for example, the New York Times did not even mention the controversial intelligence-sharing agreement with Castro’s government. That report ran on the front page of the newspaper the morning after the Obama directive was issued.
Several lawmakers noted at the time that the intelligence-sharing deal with Cuba could result in the communist regime sending U.S. intelligence to Iran.
James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, testified to Congress just months before Obama inked his deal with Cuba that the Castro regime represented one of the top global espionage threats against the U.S.
“Targeting and collection of US political, military, economic, and technical information by foreign intelligence services continues unabated,” Clapper said in prepared remarks before the Senate Armed Services Committee in February of 2016. “Russia and China pose the greatest threat, followed by Iran and Cuba on a lesser scale.”
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, a Cuban-American member of Congress, characterized the Obama administration’s deal with Cuba as “reckless, dangerous, and contrary to U.S. national security interests.”
So, it's ok with Obama to do it, but not Trump? Ok.....
By Viciouss 2017-05-16 13:23:33
And you are going to attack it because feels. So far, those attacks are completely empty. Trump shared intel he shouldn't have with the Russians, and the best defense they can come up with is..he didn't know where the information came from. I mean, why does that even matter? He still shared the intel.
By Viciouss 2017-05-16 13:23:49
Meh mods help me out with that edit.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 13:25:26
Vic's lost it. Or he is audition to be a WP writer.
Either way, he's making ***up again.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-16 13:25:36
All it inferred is that Trump released classified information without saying what that classified information was.
In my opinion, that's the proper way for the press to handle classified information. Tell that to Flynn, Manafont, and Page.
The *proper way* is whatever way advances Progressive agenda the best.
Interesting note here, it's not possible for the President to "leak classified information", it's an oxymoron like dry water.
https://epic.org/open_gov/eo_12356.htmlQuote: Sec. 1.2 Classification Authority.
(a) Top Secret. The authority to classify information originally as
Top Secret may be exercised only by:
(1) the President; (2) agency heads and officials designated by the
President in the Federal Register; and (3)
Declassification Authority
(a) Information shall be declassified or downgraded as soon as national
security considerations permit. Agencies shall coordinate their review
of classified information with other agencies that have a direct
interest in the subject matter. Information that continues to meet the
classification requirements prescribed by Section 1.3 despite the
passage of time will continue to be protected in accordance with this
Order. (b) Information shall be declassified or downgraded by the
official who authorized the original classification, if that official is
still serving in the same position; the originator's successor; a
supervisory official of either, or officials delegated such authority in
writing by the agency head or the senior agency official designated
pursuant to Section 5.3(a)(1). [FN1] (c) If the Director of the
Information Security Oversight Office determines that information is
classified in violation of this Order, the Director may require the
information to be declassified by the agency that originated the
classification. Any such decision by the Director may be appealed to
the National Security Council. The information shall remain classified,
pending a prompt decision on the appeal. (d) The provisions of this
Section shall also apply to agencies that, under the terms of this
Order, do not have original classification authority, but that had such
authority under predecessor orders.
The President is both the highest classification and declassification authority. Trump writing down the nuclear launch codes on a piece of paper in front of the media is lawful declassification of a state secret. It may be extremely ill advised and all sorts of secondary considerations may happen regarding his mental condition for office, but the act itself is legal.
By that document also mentions about the handling, storing and processing of classified information, the policies that Hillary Clinton wantonly violated.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 13:25:53
Meh mods help me out with that edit. We don't even know what you are talking about.
By Viciouss 2017-05-16 13:26:20
Vic's lost it. Or he is audition to be a WP writer.
Either way, he's making ***up again.
What did I make up?
By Viciouss 2017-05-16 13:27:47
I guess Saevel didn't bother to read Kara's link, which already fully explained his entire diatribe.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 13:28:04
Vic's lost it. Or he is audition to be a WP writer.
Either way, he's making ***up again.
What did I make up? Everything.
Sure, I did say that the media is attacking Trump based on feels alone. That part is obvious.
The rest...well....
Here's the thing: Having me say all that is pretty much what the media has been playing all along. The only difference is that you didn't use "anonymous sources" as your screen for making ***up.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2017-05-16 13:29:04
Democrats clearly had him killed because of it. Seems that I grossly overestimated your capacity for satire.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 13:29:57
Democrats clearly had him killed because of it. Seems that I grossly overestimated your capacity for satire. You heard it here folks:
Pleebo thinks that death of a staffer is satire.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2017-05-16 13:33:06
You heard it here folks:
Pleebo thinks that death of a staffer is satire. This is dumb.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 13:34:27
You heard it here folks:
Pleebo thinks that death of a staffer is satire. This is dumb. Yes, yes it is.
Glad you caught on to your own argument.
By Viciouss 2017-05-16 13:37:41
Sure, I did say that the media is attacking Trump based on feels alone. That part is obvious.
The rest...well....
Here's the thing: Having me say all that is pretty much what the media has been playing all along. The only difference is that you didn't use "anonymous sources" as your screen for making ***up.
You are out of your element again. You tried attacking the WaPo and failed. Using the excuse of they didn't even reveal the classified intel that Trump shared, probably because it is still classified but you and nausi don't know anything about that. It is likely that the exact threat that Trump foolishly namedropped will never be shared with the public because that would mean sharing it with ISIS and we..well, at least the US military, isn't in the business of helping them out. I don't think Trump wants to be in that business but he could have briefly been when he shared that intel.
You can keep trolling for our entertainment but it was obvious you don't know anything after you posted this nonsense:
Terrorism and aviation security is not classified information....
You just made that up.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 13:49:08
I can't counter somebody else's reason with my own, so I'm going to pretend knowledge over something that obviously will be proven wrong. There, was that so hard to admit to?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-16 13:49:55
Or it has to do with how Nausi goes crazy when people talk about Russia and how there is no evidence because it would have been leaked already, but yeah democrats clearly killed that guy.
It's to demonstrate a double standard where anything suspicious that might implicate high ranking Democrats is ignored while anything a Republican does, specifically the non-Republican President Trump, is amplified up to twelve with liberals howling how it's the end of the world and he should be immediately removed from power.
I point that stuff out to demonstrate how hypocritical, ignorant and dumb most of you are. You guys then attempt to attack me, while completely forgetting that I did the same to the Conservatives back in 2008.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 13:50:21
Or it has to do with how Nausi goes crazy when people talk about Russia and how there is no evidence because it would have been leaked already, but yeah democrats clearly killed that guy. Where's the investigation? All we are asking is for an investigation to occur.
For all we know, it is occurring. Media refuses to report it though. It's not Anti-Trump.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2017-05-16 13:53:19
You don't think the police are investigating a murder?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 13:54:57
You don't think the police are investigating a murder? How would we know, the liberal media isn't reporting it.
I guess we should all stop depending on certain news sources for actual news, and look towards conservative news outlets, since they are the only ones who care to report news.
By Viciouss 2017-05-16 14:08:16
I can't counter somebody else's reason with my own, There, was that so hard to admit to?
Lol, you haven't presented any reasoning at all. You don't like the media, well boo hoo. The WH isn't even denying Trump shared the intel. They have gone to great lengths to deny Trump shared the source of the intel, because he didn't know it, but they don't deny he passed along intel that he shouldn't have.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 6949
By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2017-05-16 14:10:54
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 6949
By Lakshmi.Zerowone 2017-05-16 14:12:04
I can't counter somebody else's reason with my own, There, was that so hard to admit to?
Lol, you haven't presented any reasoning at all. You don't like the media, well boo hoo. The WH isn't even denying Trump shared the intel. They have gone to great lengths to deny Trump shared the source of the intel, because he didn't know it, but they don't deny he passed along intel that he shouldn't have.
But now we all the know sources nation of origin.
By Viciouss 2017-05-16 14:13:12
I can't counter somebody else's reason with my own, There, was that so hard to admit to?
Lol, you haven't presented any reasoning at all. You don't like the media, well boo hoo. The WH isn't even denying Trump shared the intel. They have gone to great lengths to deny Trump shared the source of the intel, because he didn't know it, but they don't deny he passed along intel that he shouldn't have.
But now we all the know sources nation of origin.
We do? I mean, I'm sure it was the Israelis, but I hadn't seen that.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-05-16 14:14:21
I can't counter somebody else's reason with my own, There, was that so hard to admit to?
Lol, you haven't presented any reasoning at all. You don't like the media, well boo hoo. The WH isn't even denying Trump shared the intel. They have gone to great lengths to deny Trump shared the source of the intel, because he didn't know it, but they don't deny he passed along intel that he shouldn't have. A) The "intel" that was revealed was mainly policies the two countries can work together to accomplish (aka terrorism and aviation security). Both of which are not classified subjects. McMaster and Tillerson already stated that there was no classified information (aka methods) discussed. With the level of derangement you and your ilk seem to portray against Trump, I would believe McMaster and Tillerson over Washington Post. At least they don't remain anonymous.
B) Did you just state that Trump shouldn't have intel over security of this nation? Well, that's not surprising since you think Trump should be impeached over a scoop of ice cream.....
Node 285
The last one went on long enough so I'm gonna go ahead and restart.