Windower Won't Start! - Windower V4.3 And The Creators Update

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Windower won't start! - Windower v4.3 and the Creators Update
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Sperrit
Posts: 5
By Odin.Pyir 2017-04-28 19:04:52
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Fenrir.Caiir said: »
Hi Pyir,

We believe we have a fix for your problem. If the new launcher isn't pushed to dev when I get out of work, I can do it then.

Hi Caiir,

Thanks for replying. Do you know the status on this update? There was a small one this morning but still having the same problem. Thanks.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2285
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2017-04-28 19:39:11
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Here is my crash dump if this helps -
Posts: 28
By pankakes 2017-04-28 21:11:06
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Asura.Selindrile said: »

windower.play_sound() seems to be working fine, no crashes there
Same issue I reported earlier are still happening though, quoting here.

Asura.Selindrile said: »
I'm on the dev version, assuming it has to do with the new hook, but not sure, windows button is now not being intercepted by windower (Win7, borderless windowed), pulling up my windows bar instead of my normal macros that used that key, also the minimize command is not working.

Update: In some cases the windows key does work with some combinations, and doesn't pull up the start bar, like windows+I does the macro I have set up, but windows+M minimizes the next thing I would alt tab to in focus that isn't FFXI (when it should be my mount in game) and the windows key pressed and released alone brings up my start bar, so I presume the windows windows-key combinations are taking precedence, but if there doesn't happen to be one (like in the case of windows+i) it works?

That said, I've also noticed what seems to be a marked performance improvement.

Perhaps that is also "working as intended" due to it no longer faking fullscreen mode, unfortunately it makes some macros I've been using for years not work...

Update: Another thing that is perhaps also related, I've noticed when watching a video or stream on Google Chrome whether it be on YouTube or Twitch, wherever, (only while the new FFXI is up), if I move my mouse cursor across Google Chrome, the video lags SIGNIFICANTLY, though if my mouse is moving over anything over than Chrome, it's fine.

I've found a "fix" for this. The windows key shortcuts can be disabled with policy editor or a regedit if you don't have professional. This really sucks if you're accustomed to using windows key shortcuts, but it can be turned off and on. Regedit requires a reboot though, not sure about policy editor.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Radec
Posts: 151
By Bismarck.Radec 2017-04-28 22:08:16
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pankakes said: »
Asura.Selindrile said: »

windower.play_sound() seems to be working fine, no crashes there
Same issue I reported earlier are still happening though, quoting here.

Asura.Selindrile said: »
I'm on the dev version, assuming it has to do with the new hook, but not sure, windows button is now not being intercepted by windower (Win7, borderless windowed), pulling up my windows bar instead of my normal macros that used that key, also the minimize command is not working.

Update: In some cases the windows key does work with some combinations, and doesn't pull up the start bar, like windows+I does the macro I have set up, but windows+M minimizes the next thing I would alt tab to in focus that isn't FFXI (when it should be my mount in game) and the windows key pressed and released alone brings up my start bar, so I presume the windows windows-key combinations are taking precedence, but if there doesn't happen to be one (like in the case of windows+i) it works?

That said, I've also noticed what seems to be a marked performance improvement.

Perhaps that is also "working as intended" due to it no longer faking fullscreen mode, unfortunately it makes some macros I've been using for years not work...

Update: Another thing that is perhaps also related, I've noticed when watching a video or stream on Google Chrome whether it be on YouTube or Twitch, wherever, (only while the new FFXI is up), if I move my mouse cursor across Google Chrome, the video lags SIGNIFICANTLY, though if my mouse is moving over anything over than Chrome, it's fine.

I've found a "fix" for this. The windows key shortcuts can be disabled with policy editor or a regedit if you don't have professional. This really sucks if you're accustomed to using windows key shortcuts, but it can be turned off and on. Regedit requires a reboot though, not sure about policy editor.

Policy editor needs a reboot as well, but I can confirm it also works.
Server: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2017-04-28 22:15:48
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Is there a clean way to rollback windower to previous version? Have same error as Pyir
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dannyl
Posts: 1550
By Bahamut.Dannyl 2017-04-28 23:28:56
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I asked earlier on how to get a previous Hook dll but I don't think there is a archive anywhere. Sadly.

I love how when things break, they really break

ALT TAB between window mode is just awful now. /sigh
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: speedyjim
Posts: 177
By Odin.Speedyjim 2017-04-28 23:50:10
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Bahamut.Dannyl said: »
I asked earlier on how to get a previous Hook dll but I don't think there is a archive anywhere. Sadly.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Minjo
Posts: 199
By Fenrir.Caiir 2017-04-29 00:36:45
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Pyir, Dade, potentially others: I pushed a new launcher to dev and live that hopefully corrects your issue.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Ice
Posts: 307
By Sylph.Ice 2017-04-29 00:45:59
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Fenrir.Caiir said: »
Pyir, Dade, potentially others: I pushed a new launcher to dev and live that hopefully corrects your issue.

Doesn't fix alt-tab issue still. Manually replacing the hook.dll also won't let POL launch any more. Joy.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Minjo
Posts: 199
By Fenrir.Caiir 2017-04-29 01:02:59
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I appreciate all the feedback on the changes. I'd like everyone to know that while there were not very many observable changes, this switch over in attempt to allow our Win10 user base to continue playing was a fairly substantial undertaking.

We do apologize for any issues and are making our best effort to address them as possible. That said, when reporting an issue, the more information we have to work with, the better. As always, please provide a crash dump where applicable and please report issues on our official issue tracker. Thanks!

Just to sum up what I know, what's in the works, and what probably isn't going to be changed:

Windower now uses SquareEnix's window modes because it made more sense while transitioning our backend to do so. This has had a few side effects:

  • Mouse, keyboard, etc. inputs lagged severely. This is due to hooks that SE uses on the hardware for some reason that now affect you because FFXI is no longer "full screen" all the time. This should be addressed, and if you are experiencing odd lag, please close ALL POL and FFXI, and perhaps restart for good measure. If you are still having issues, please provide accurate and relevant information regarding your setup and problem.

  • The X button is not clickable. This is intentional. It is possible to re-add, but is not a priority.

  • Gamepad no longer works out of focus. This is intentional and based on SE's settings. There is now an option in launcher for this.

  • Certain keybinds no longer work (such as Windows key). This is because you are no longer in a technical fullscreen mode when the game is open, so Windows is handling the keypress. This is likely to remain as is, but there are workarounds as posted in this thead. Apologies for the inconvenience. It is possible it will be looked into once all issues are squashed.

  • Inputs remain held when you switch windows. We are currently aware of this and looking at potential solutions.

We also had some issues arise directly related to these backend changes, aka the reason this forum post exists.

  • Some plugins have stopped working, more on this in a bit.

  • Windower crashes while launching/POL crashes while loading. This should be addressed as of the current launcher release.

Certain plugins, current and deprecated, are experiencing issues. This is not a comprehensive list, this is just a known list of potential crashes:

  • WinControl : most commands will deadlock you. I believe I know the issue and this should be fixed relatively soon.

  • Text: Commands will crash you. This plugin is deprecated, it will not be updated. Please transition to the addon equivalent.

  • Logger : Can crash you and has been reported to cause severe lag. This plugin is deprecated, it will not be updated. Please transition to the addon equivalent.

  • Tparty : Can crash you. This plugin is deprecated, it will not be updated. Please transition to the addon equivalent.

By 2017-04-29 01:06:30
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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Sperrit
Posts: 5
By Odin.Pyir 2017-04-29 01:08:23
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Fenrir.Caiir said: »
Pyir, Dade, potentially others: I pushed a new launcher to dev and live that hopefully corrects your issue.

Fixed the issue I was having with POL crashing--thanks :)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 92
By Ragnarok.Alexhander 2017-04-29 02:33:37
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Still got some problem with window xp. Windower open the normal pol screen. Any suggestion?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Zyanide
Posts: 95
By Asura.Sesono 2017-04-29 02:55:23
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Windower doesnt start entirely on Win 8.1 system.... that intended?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 49
By Asura.Queenforever 2017-04-29 03:02:12
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Dont know but mine still crashes on windows 7 so im back on steam again i guess bye bye windower lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Zyanide
Posts: 95
By Asura.Sesono 2017-04-29 03:08:04
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Yeah seems like its too much to come up with a simple update or w/e the heck they did... just casues problems over problems.
Is there no testing involved when you change things so drastically?
I'm seriously angry that we didnt even have a choice to take that update (lol - more like a "break that ***") ...

However atm Windower is not useable as it is simply not working at all. No Error Message given thus nothing to look into - it just doesnt work.

frustrating (and i thought ashita was bad^^)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 49
By Asura.Queenforever 2017-04-29 03:10:27
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i know i dont even know what do about it hence i went back to steam login as i get withdrawl from game lol

i dunno
Posts: 64
By Rife 2017-04-29 03:57:21
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Windows 10 User -

Game crashes if minimized and brought back up.

Never had this problem until the latest update
Posts: 32
By steelernation 2017-04-29 04:10:53
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So I can no longer multibox because of this new controller setting. Instead of it just controlling the box that's up and is focused on, it moves all characters at the same time, even if just one box is up.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: faelyn
Posts: 40
By Asura.Shyara 2017-04-29 04:19:27
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Ive restored my pc to 2 days ago before the 'improvements'. Disconnect internet, start up the number of windowers i wanna run and start playonline viewer, reconnect internet and log in. Work around for now that works for me :)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 92
By Ragnarok.Alexhander 2017-04-29 04:37:50
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On window xp windower send back to pol screen with disable windower
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Vesper84
Posts: 94
By Bismarck.Vespertaru 2017-04-29 05:03:28
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I am on vista and POL keeps crashing. Do I need to use a different version of windower? And if so, where do I get it? I didn't see one other than the developer copy on the windower site.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: faelyn
Posts: 40
By Asura.Shyara 2017-04-29 05:36:09
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Ragnarok.Alexhander said: »
On window xp windower send back to pol screen with disable windower
Im also on windows xp. Restore pc a few days so u have the previous windower hook.dll. DISCONNECT internet BEFORE starting windower and playonline viewer to avoid the auto-push update
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 92
By Ragnarok.Alexhander 2017-04-29 05:40:41
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So no other way to use The latest version?
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: bob
Posts: 160
By Valefor.Psykopat 2017-04-29 06:07:46
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Today I have the "Launching PlayOnline" message and it stays like that forever :(

Any way to get the version that was working 2 days ago before the hook update?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Minjo
Posts: 199
By Fenrir.Caiir 2017-04-29 06:23:45
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Posting that you crash is absolutely useless, and I encourage you not to post that unless you intend to post a crash dump with it. It doesn't help us and we can't fix anything.

Asura.Shyara said: »
Ragnarok.Alexhander said: »
On window xp windower send back to pol screen with disable windower
Im also on windows xp. Restore pc a few days so u have the previous windower hook.dll. DISCONNECT internet BEFORE starting windower and playonline viewer to avoid the auto-push update

1) Don't do this. 2) XP isn't officially supported any more. I encourage you to update your OS.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 92
By Ragnarok.Alexhander 2017-04-29 06:37:44
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I Will when i'll have Money for a new computer. But meanwhile?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Inxmonk
Posts: 371
By Ragnarok.Inx 2017-04-29 07:17:57
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Valefor.Psykopat said: »
Today I have the "Launching PlayOnline" message and it stays like that forever :(

Any way to get the version that was working 2 days ago before the hook update?

Same exact symptom here. Win10 Pro, 32-bit. Just sits showing "Launching Playonline" endlessly. This was after today's push-update.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6220
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2017-04-29 07:31:16
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Ragnarok.Alexhander said: »
I Will when i'll have Money for a new computer. But meanwhile?
Unsupported means that we no longer consider its compatibility and whether it works or not is no longer our concern.

We don't know the answer to "But meanwhile?", because we can't predict what you are going to do. Here are your options, as I see them:
1) using Vanilla
2) seeing if Ashita works with XP
3) not playing XI
4) continuing to use an outdated windower hook (but note that outdated hooks are also unsupported.)

You're free to do whatever (it's your 13.95/computer), but if you're using an unsupported hook or OS, don't expect problems you encounter to be fixed by us. We have enough on our plates supporting OSs released in the last decade.
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