Exclusive Aion ingame screenshot
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 251
By Quetzalcoatl.Taxero 2009-09-24 12:20:30
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2009-09-24 12:24:13
haha, 3 hours and 33 minutes.
it's like HNM camping, and the reward is being able to play.
...nifty :D
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2009-09-24 12:25:44
oh I remember that garbage from other crappy MMO's I played =o
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 22442
By Ramuh.Haseyo 2009-09-24 12:35:07
Logging off must suck, knowing the wait after. c.c
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-09-24 12:36:34
I'm guessing people would just stay logged on to avoid having to wait to log back in. >.>
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-09-24 12:47:38
Oh the graphics look great there. Hopefully they get smart to add more servers if they put very few. Waiting in queue sucks.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 251
By Quetzalcoatl.Taxero 2009-09-24 12:51:15
Yes, people are setting up shops that don't get kicked for being idle with items that won't sell.
BTW, that queue started at 3h 56minutes...
that's 4 hours to troll random forums ;)
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-09-24 12:54:03
I hate when games have shops you set up. Silkroad online has that and the lag is so bad there because of all the players just having vending shops there for hours. 13 servers isn't enough, looking at the stats on the site it looks ridiculous with just that many servers.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 251
By Quetzalcoatl.Taxero 2009-09-24 13:13:31
worst thing is, this is just the headstart. Tomorrow the game will open up to people who didn't preorder. The developpers announced they will add 1 server to the NA and EU community each... one whole server...
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 57
By Lakshmi.Avinne 2009-09-24 13:35:04
My brother and I were talking about this... just keep talking about it on every board possible so word of mouth spreads and people stop playing...
(so I can log in :P)
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1234
By Gilgamesh.Tousou 2009-09-24 13:42:27
I... refuse... to play on my laptop!
Graphics are so horrid ; ;
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-09-24 14:06:38
Yeah... Aion didn't look that appealing to me. I'm glad I didn't bother if you're having to wait that long just to log in. >.>
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 8
By Kujata.Arasuta 2009-09-24 14:36:00
 started at 4.20mins lol,.....
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2400
By Garuda.Hypnotizd 2009-09-24 14:44:15
So besides the better graphics... whats appealing about this game? Just the newest toy so you have to play?
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 142
By Ifrit.Rikiyame 2009-09-24 14:56:12
Yeah, no other MMO in the world ever had login/server problems when it first started...
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5490
By Fairy.Tbest 2009-09-24 15:00:17
O.oa FFXI didn't when it was released in the US. :P
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 619
By Bahamut.Paulus 2009-09-24 15:00:26
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1339
By Garuda.Antipika 2009-09-24 15:16:15
Hypnotizd said: So besides the better graphics... whats appealing about this game? Just the newest toy so you have to play? It's like WoW 2 basically, except they added wings and a decent PvP system.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-09-24 15:21:29
Well from some things in the game how some say a mix of wow or other games etc. I think it has a little bit of differences but many bugs from what I'm reading atm.
When you die, you can either get resurrected by a player, home point to where your last saved point was and you lose a small amount of experience points with slowed movement and reduced attributes.
The way you move your character while in combat will affect your damage output as well as your defense.
A few things I do like so far from what little they have but I will still wait til more servers and bugs are fixed.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1339
By Garuda.Antipika 2009-09-24 15:27:23
Gameplay wise it's a wow like MMO. Lot of instanced areas (hell the whole server is instanced with "channels"). Fast gameplay that require the player to spam the same macros combination often, lot of kill tasks and fedex quests (talk to NPC A, see NPC B, deliver item X to NPC C, get instant reward)...
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2400
By Garuda.Hypnotizd 2009-09-24 15:36:57
Antipika said: Hypnotizd said: So besides the better graphics... whats appealing about this game? Just the newest toy so you have to play? It's like WoW 2 basically, except they added wings and a decent PvP system. So nothing then.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 340
By Valefor.Sketchkat 2009-09-24 16:00:42
I'm having fun with Aion so far, so I'll give my thoughts.
The battle system has more "impact" than most mmo's. Kinda tough to explain what I mean exactly, but in most mmo's when you hit something it doesn't matter how cool your weapon looks, when you hit something with it, it's like swinging a wet towel..there's no "oomph" to it. Aion does a pretty good job with making you feel the impact of attacks..not quite as much as FFXI or Age of Conan, but alot better than WoW or Warhammer.
The class system seems pretty cool so far, you pick one of 4 base classes(and one of two races), and at level 10 you choose a specialization. I picked the Priest class, and then upgraded to Chanter, which plays kinda like Red Mage so far: focusing on buffing, with some healing, and some melee ability.
The graphics are beautiful, of course. My pc can't run it very well at the highest settings, but even at mid-level settings it looks better than any mmo I've played. The music is really nice as well, and fits the settings well.
Finally, from a strictly gameplay point of view(so I'm not mentioning the queue thing), the only thing I don't really like is the chat system, which is like WoW's. You can filter out channels you don't want to see, but it just seems like a needlessly complex set-up to me. Too much random info being thrown at you all the time.
Anyway, that's my 2 cents so far. It seems like it's fashionable for hardcore players of existing mmo's to bash any big new one that comes around, so I'm trying to give an honest opinion for people who are actually curious about it.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1339
By Garuda.Antipika 2009-09-24 17:21:05
Quote: It seems like it's fashionable for hardcore players of existing mmo's to bash any big new one that comes around, so I'm trying to give an honest opinion for people who are actually curious about it. It's more like hardcore players got enough experience playing MMOs so they can recognize if a game bring something new and really awesome, unlike the average consumer who played at best 2 to 3 MMOs in his life. I dunno how many MMOs did you play before trying Aion (by play I mean 3 months+ at least, make that 6 months if you don't play often), but the only fact that you consider the class system "pretty cool" probably means that you didn't play many games. The Aion class system is just a rip off of what we've seen in last decade. Same goes with the interface, same goes with the fighting style, same goes with the quest system, same goes with the material gathering, same goes with... everything ? Aion doesn't bring anything new, and that's the main problem. I ain't paying 50 euros to experience something old. Cause gameplay wise that's what Aion is : old. I'd like to know how I was able to handle the game correctly after like 1 minute of gameplay ? Make my macro, starts bashing mobs, reach lv2. How fast you reach lv2 is already a good indicator on how innovating a MMO gameplay is. Didn't take me 1 minute when I started T4C, DAoC, FF XI, PSO, PSU, RO, L2 etc. I had to figure how things were working before starting the brainless monster bashing. I won't congratulate Aion on its nice graphics also since NCsoft just used CryENGINE 1, it's not like they tried to innovate, they just took what's already existed, added wings to it, lot of marketing => success. The only pro of Aion for me are the customization possibilities, but Oblivion was just as great. As for the PvP, it will never be as good as DAoC RvR, only two factions = fail.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1234
By Gilgamesh.Tousou 2009-09-24 17:33:23
I heard some of the music... It brought back memories of the games I used to play.
My desktop is mouseless, so looks like I'm not messin' with it for some time.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 340
By Valefor.Sketchkat 2009-09-24 19:01:57
Antipika said: It's more like hardcore players got enough experience playing MMOs so they can recognize if a game bring something new and really awesome, unlike the average consumer who played at best 2 to 3 MMOs in his life.
I dunno how many MMOs did you play before trying Aion (by play I mean 3 months+ at least, make that 6 months if you don't play often), but the only fact that you consider the class system "pretty cool" probably means that you didn't play many games.
I'm going to assume you only read the last sentence of my post, because I specifically named 4 other mmo's I've played, and if you must know, I've also put alot of time into EQ(PC and PS2), PSO, and DAoC over the years. I have no intention of getting into some ridiculous forum fight with you, I was only trying to give my early opinion of Aion, based on a few days of playing.
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1698
By Kujata.Akeda 2009-09-24 20:59:11
Alyria said: I hate when games have shops you set up. I played RO and I HATED the shop feature sooo much. Wonder how long it'll take before people in that game start getting tells saying things like '10 gold for $80'
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1339
By Garuda.Antipika 2009-09-24 21:07:43
Sketchkat said: I'm going to assume you only read the last sentence of my post, because I specifically named 4 other mmo's I've played, and if you must know, I've also put alot of time into EQ(PC and PS2), PSO, and DAoC over the years. I have no intention of getting into some ridiculous forum fight with you, I was only trying to give my early opinion of Aion, based on a few days of playing.
It's not because you quoted couple of MMOs that it mean you played these a lot, not like I can read your mind and know what game did you play for an extended period of time. It's not because you like something that it makes you an "honest" reviewer while others are just "hardcore players who likes to bash new big MMO" and liars (well if you claim giving us an honest opinion so you suppose that others ain't). I don't even understand how can you find the Aion class system "cool" since you played DAoC seriously, it's exactly the same ? How cool is that ? Base class > level 10 > advanced class. Oh wait it was level 5 on DAoC, huge difference :< MMO shouldn't be like sports games add couple of feature, upgrade the graphic engine, change the box art and re-release it... Would be nice to have some originality.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 54
By Garuda.Hiroichirou 2009-09-24 22:22:38
Antipika said: MMO shouldn't be like sports games add couple of feature, upgrade the graphic engine, change the box art and re-release it... Would be nice to have some originality.
The way FFXIV is going to be soooooo original? >.>
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 679
By Lakshmi.Wardens 2009-09-25 00:03:34
hey that was a low blow. save that for http://www.ffxiah.com/forum/?topic_id=5068#230032 this thread. :P
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18
By Unicorn.Dragonspight 2009-09-25 12:32:59
Alyria said: Wonder how long it'll take before people in that game start getting tells saying things like '10 gold for $80' Didn't take them a day.. they're already sending tells like the FFXI's RMT tells back at their high point. They're even using the mail system (Think delivery box + POL messages) already.