Random Politics & Religion #17

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Random Politics & Religion #17
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Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-01-04 14:25:16
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No if *** could be turned into energy we would never run out.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-01-04 14:29:49
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
I've been reading Wikileaks twitter for some months and I've progressively lost more and more respect for them.

I'm all for more honesty and transparency from our governments, but not from them. They should be shutdown, they're not some bastion of morality.

Transparency and government does not compute.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-01-04 14:46:28
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fonewear said: »
Transparency and government does not compute.

Well that's just a foolish statement!

If government didn't compute we wouldn't be having this conversation. It's their lack of computing ability we're discussing!
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-01-04 14:50:22
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Government is the problem not the solution. You can say government does this or that. I'll take less not more !
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-01-04 14:51:21
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Without wikileaks no one would hold any government accountable for anything.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2017-01-04 14:51:36
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Confirmed: Valerie Jarrett is from an alternate dimension.

When asked about the Obama’s public personas, Jarrett said, “I think that they behave as the people who they are. What you see in public is the same thing I see in private. Do they feel responsibility because they’re historic figures? Yes, they do. But I don’t think it has made them be different than who they are. The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn’t had a scandal and he hasn’t done something to embarrass himself. That is not because he is being someone other that who he is. That’s who he is. That is who they are. And that is what really resonates with the American people.”

Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-01-04 14:52:46
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Confirmed: Valerie Jarrett is from an alternate dimension.

When asked about the Obama’s public personas, Jarrett said, “I think that they behave as the people who they are. What you see in public is the same thing I see in private. Do they feel responsibility because they’re historic figures? Yes, they do. But I don’t think it has made them be different than who they are. The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn’t had a scandal and he hasn’t done something to embarrass himself. That is not because he is being someone other that who he is. That’s who he is. That is who they are. And that is what really resonates with the American people.”

*** it man let's go bowling !
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-01-04 14:55:46
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Apparently Ivanka is going to live next to Obama in DC I wonder if they will be invited over for games of monopoly !

Server: Asura
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Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2017-01-04 15:28:26
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Coal replaced what .. the ... hell ...

Coal hasn't been replaced, not remotely close. It's the primary base load power source as NG/Petrol are too expensive and Solar/Wind isn't able to do base load. The proper replacement for Coal would be Nuclear but Progressives that that even more then Coal.
Posts: 17767
By Viciouss 2017-01-04 16:43:42
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If "progressives" don't want nuclear then why do conservatives scream war on coal? Of course th democrat party is pro-nuclear, the only reason we don't have more nuclear power is the Republican Party.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2017-01-04 17:10:53
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Viciouss said: »
If "progressives" don't want nuclear then why do conservatives scream war on coal? Of course th democrat party is pro-nuclear, the only reason we don't have more nuclear power is the Republican Party.

Wha... I'm trying to.... How did you... Wut?

Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-01-04 19:57:43
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Viciouss said: »
If "progressives" don't want nuclear then why do conservatives scream war on coal?
I'm trying to understand this, are you saying that progressives/liberals/democrats want nuclear energy? They are the biggest opponents to it, and use a very few sample size to justify their absolute hatred on the nuke.

Viciouss said: »
Of course th democrat party is pro-nuclear, the only reason we don't have more nuclear power is the Republican Party.
Given that you think the ceasefire between Russia and Turkey in Syria never existed (protip, it's still on), I'm going to ask you to put up or shut up.
Server: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11346
By Garuda.Chanti 2017-01-04 19:58:54
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Coal replaced what .. the ... hell ...

Coal hasn't been replaced, not remotely close. It's the primary base load power source as NG/Petrol are too expensive and Solar/Wind isn't able to do base load. The proper replacement for Coal would be Nuclear but Progressives that that even more then Coal.
What planet are you living on?

NG is WAY cheaper than coal. That's why so many power plants have been converted to NG. And why the remaining coal plants are the last to go online in heavy draw times.

Also, solar and wind where they work have been cheaper than coal for quite some time. Lately they have gotten cheaper than NG in certain markets. Its gotten so scary for Florida Power & Light that they have sponsored legislation that punishes people who have home solar.

In Sunshine State, Big Energy Blocks Solar Power
Florida center for investigating reporting (I have never heard of this organization)

Are Big Power Companies Pulling a Fast One on Florida Voters?
Utilities are backing a ballot measure they claim is pro-solar. Environmentalists say it's anything but.

Mother Jones, known member of the vanishing liberal media

"Currently, Florida is one of only five states in the nation that prohibit citizens from buying electricity from companies that will put solar panels on your home or business."

The Koch Brothers' Dirty War on Solar Power
All over the country, the Kochs and utilities have been blocking solar initiatives — but nowhere more so than in Florida

Rolling Stone

But as to nuclear, I saw an article in Scientific American maybe 15 years ago about Pebble-bed reactors that seemed to solve the waste problem, produce more fuel than they burned, and that fuel useless for bombs. Wiki link which I haven't even looked at but if this works WHY AREN'T WE BUILDING THEM?
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-01-04 22:46:31
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No one gives a ***about solar power we are trying to destroy the earth before Chelsea Clinton runs for office !
Server: Asura
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Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2017-01-04 23:49:59
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
NG is WAY cheaper than coal. That's why so many power plants have been converted to NG. And why the remaining coal plants are the last to go online in heavy draw times.
... holy ... no wonder your so ignorant..

Price per energy over the life of the plant overwhelming favors coal. Coal fuel is dirt cheap which is why we use it for base load. NG plants are cheaper to build though the fuel is more expensive, especially in smaller capacities that can be tailored to a regions energy demand. That is why they are used as swing and peak load power.

Solar and wind are both ridiculously expensive for total lifetime costs. Their powerfactor are so low that you need to overbuild you plant by at least 3x the requirement. A 100MW plant will only generate 15~20MW of power averaged. Where as a 100MW coal or gas plant will generate 100MW on demand. A 100MW solar plant in Arizona will only produce 19MW averaged. Other locations are even less, down to 10~11MW. Wind has even spotier record. Where both of these make sense is in reducing consumption by offsetting afternoon peak loads. Have PV cells built into buildings to reduce the cost of AC during the day. Or if there is a particularly empty piece of desert with a city nearby then build a PV plant and use that to offset the usage of that city.

But you aren't powering a society on magical "blue energy". Hard physics makes this pretty clear. Average energy consumption in developed nations have long since past the limit for "hope and change" energy. To get back there we would be in 19th century living conditions. Limited personal electronics, virtually no private transportation and limited industrialization.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2017-01-05 01:42:39
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Oh btw before anyone goes ape ***, I know power usage contains a time element and it's usually measured as MWh but for simplicity sake I used the above values because MWh is usually measured in the hundreds of thousands if not the millions annually.

Also a note on NG plants, they are only run a few hours every day to produce power to meet increase in demand and then shut off when that demand goes back down. So while they *could* produce full power for as long as they have fuel, they don't because that fuel is relatively expensive vs cheap coal. Coal furnaces on the other hand can't easily be ramped up / down without considerable waste though it's possible. Coal facilities are also more expensive to built because of those furnaces and the need to remove waste coal ash vs NG which has practically no waste disposal requirement and a pimplier furnace design. So you make big coal plants to supply 24/7 power with smaller NG/Oil plants to supply the increase of swing / peak power and are then turned off / down afterward. So to run a NG plant for swing / peak is cheap, to run it for base load would be expensive.

Solar / Wind doesn't fit into any of those categories because it can't be "on demand" and anyone relying on it would be forced to build additional plants to cover for when Physics asserts itself.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-01-05 09:40:11
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In other news:

New York Times, in it's continual dismissive behavior, now advocates open anarchy towards the government

The inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States is just two weeks away, so now is the time to begin making plans to send him the strongest possible signal that your opposition to the presidency he has foreshadowed will not be pouting and passive, but active and animated.

Now is the time to begin making your plans for the anti-inauguration.

Exclaiming your resistance, while necessary, is insufficient. Resistance is a negative position. While negativity in the face of this menace is justified and admirable, negativity alone is a fractional response. As with most things in a fully articulated life, balance is required. You need to augment your outrage with actions that are affirming, behaviors that reinforce principles and values.

When politics seem out of your control, remember that community and culture are very much in your control. We help shape the world we inhabit every day. A life is a collection of thousands of decisions, large and small, made every day. Make those decisions with purpose and conviction, especially for Jan. 20.

The point is not necessarily to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power, but rather to deprive it of oxygen and eyeballs; to plant a flag of resistance firmly at the opening gate. This doesn’t mean that people won’t attend or watch. They will. But every station that carries it, as many will, should feel the impact of your absence.

Just because succession of power in our fragile democracy isn’t denied by dictator or compelled by coup does not mean that the majority of Americans who voted for someone other than Trump, and view his ascension as an offense, should feel any pressure or compunction to bear witness to the pomp and pageantry surrounding the installation of a demi-fascist and full-blown demagogue as president.

This ceremony is part of a governmental apparatus meant to project a picture of seamless continuity and normalcy to Americans and the world.

But making Trump appear normal is contingent on public cooperation, which must be denied.

Here are some ways to make your opposition felt and bring forth some light on the impending Day of Darkness.

Protests are being organized all over the country, including in the capital itself. Join in. One group, under the banner “Not My President,” is even planning a silent protest at the U.S. Capitol. Then of course there will be the Women’s March on Washington the day after the inauguration. With more than 100,000 people saying they will attend on Facebook, and organizers estimating that they could get 200,000, this could be the largest anti-Trump rally yet.

If you can’t travel to Washington or if there are no protests being organized in your area, volunteer at an agency or nonprofit that serves a community or advocates on an issue that has been directly targeted by the incoming president. These range from women’s rights, to civil liberties, to immigrant outreach, to environmental protection.

If you can’t find a way to volunteer, donate. These groups will need as much funding as possible to defend themselves and their positions from a hostile administration and compliant Congress.

Coming from me this may sound self-interested, but please try to look over my obvious and admitted conflict to see that the press, even with all its flaws — particularly those exposed during this election — is one of the last lines of defense against corruption and a slide toward autocracy. Trump’s hostility to, and delegitimizing of, the press is a deliberate tactic meant to shield him against future discovery and disclosure.

As Frank Sesno, director of the School of Media and Public Affairs at George Washington University, said on CNN’s Reliable Sources last month:

“If Donald Trump is trying to inoculate himself in advance, it’s like giving himself a vaccine, to prevent the illness that’s going to come when the media turn on his tax returns if they get another leak on it, when they look at some of the business dealings as he’s talking to foreign leaders. There are all kinds of stories that you can imagine, that have already been written, some of them, and what he’s trying to do here is, as I say, sort of inoculate himself by demonizing media. So, don’t believe anything they say.”

Spend part of the day reading about the rise and fall of empires and how it always seems far-fetched and inconceivable until it actually happens. There are many books that address this topic, but if you want something shorter, try Andrew Sullivan’s “Democracies End When They Are Too Democratic,” a counterintuitive meditation on how tyranny can spring from populism, or my colleague Paul Krugman’s “How Republics End.”

But, by all means, read something. That is oppositional in and of itself when facing a frightening man who seems constitutionally averse to intelligence — from national intelligence to individual intelligence — and who is apparently, how shall I say this, far from a voracious reader.

If you must watch something on Jan. 20, try to find specific anti-inauguration counterprogramming. CNN this week reported one such effort:

“A group of entrepreneurs have banded together to create Love-a-thon, a Jerry Lewis-style telethon for the digital age. Love-a-thon will be a three-hour Facebook Live broadcast, beginning at 12:30 p.m. E.T. on Inauguration Day, January 20. The move is a part of an effort to raise money for three organizations — the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, Planned Parenthood and Earthjustice.”

If you don’t already know, find out who all your representatives in government are, from the local level to the national level, get their addresses, and send them a letter or an email expressing your views and explaining in no uncertain terms what you expect from them going forward. Warn that if they let you down, you will remember your disappointment at the polls. Public pressure has a very real impact on political power. Don’t be silent. Don’t be invisible. Make them remember your name.

Reach out to your friends and family — the people in what I call your “great sphere of influence.” First, let them know that you love them. This may seem mawkish, but in the wake of Trump’s hateful rhetoric, expressions of love and support are necessary. But beyond that, make sure that they too have an anti-inauguration plan. If they don’t, have them join you in yours. Also, make sure that everyone in your sphere is registered to vote.

You have the power to make anti-inauguration day an enormously effective first step on the path forward through an arduous four years, which promise to be difficult to navigate. Affirmative actions must be as much your guide and solace as resistance is your fuel and fire.

Remember your pre-Trump ideals and make sure that they survive into a post-Trump world.

Let's just hope that the advice they give won't turn into violence, like it did in Ferguson, all of the Occupy protests, St. Louis, Washington, Los Angeles, and practically every liberal hub in the country (cause, you know, nothing brings your point across better than in your own little echo chamber, and by going out of your safe space, people are going to argue against you. We can't have that now, can we?)
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-01-05 09:40:54
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fonewear said: »
No one gives a ***about solar power we are trying to destroy the earth before Chelsea Clinton runs for office !

Next Amendment should be "no more Clintons or Bushes in the White House."
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-01-05 10:07:24
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Ramyrez said: »
fonewear said: »
No one gives a ***about solar power we are trying to destroy the earth before Chelsea Clinton runs for office !

Next Amendment should be "no more Clintons or Bushes in the White House."

Getting Congress to make another amendment would require a small miracle.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-01-05 10:08:19
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Solar power is a pipe dream by hippies trying to save the planet for their illegitimate children !
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-01-05 10:10:22
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fonewear said: »
Ramyrez said: »
fonewear said: »
No one gives a ***about solar power we are trying to destroy the earth before Chelsea Clinton runs for office !

Next Amendment should be "no more Clintons or Bushes in the White House."

Getting Congress to make another amendment would require a small miracle.
Would also go against the Constitution.

Article V says hi.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-01-05 10:11:58
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They are talking about Russia hacking again (CNN)but again offering no real proof just endless babbling.
Server: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11346
By Garuda.Chanti 2017-01-05 10:12:28
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Ted Cruz says hi.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-01-05 10:13:54
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What will Bernie Sanders do if term limits actually happen ? Work at Wal Mart ?
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-01-05 10:14:02
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
Members of Congress can propose, but not make.

Geeze Chanti, I thought you, of all people, since you were there when they made it, would know the difference.
By 2017-01-05 10:27:13
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Post deleted by User.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-01-05 10:27:25
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I was going to post a thing about planned parenthood but our abortions discussions always end badly...so I'll just say Republicans bad and move on !

Basically the position is that the federal government shouldn't pay for abortions. It isn't even a debate about abortion itself. But people get hysterical and triggered if you mention abortion...
Server: Bahamut
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user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2017-01-05 10:33:39
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fonewear said: »

Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-01-05 10:42:51
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Even on supposedly reputable websites like Washington Post. The comment section very much looks like FFXIAH...it's like all our posters go to Washington Post...
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2017-01-05 10:48:43
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Candlejack said: »
Welp, right now the senate is speaking to the military intel community and the spy alphabet agencies concerning Russia's meddling in the election.
Kinda makes one wonder exactly what Trump is hiding in his tax returns that he wants no one to see, such as the fact Putin owns him because he owes the Russian banks tons of cash.
And this, boys and girls, is why drugs are bad, mmk?
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