November 2016 Version Update

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November 2016 Version Update
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Shiyo
Posts: 361
By Valefor.Kiaru 2016-11-10 07:00:06
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Purgonorgo Isle needs a HP/survival guide BAD
Posts: 4
By Jookie 2016-11-10 07:08:09
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Thanks, I must have missed it
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2016-11-10 07:24:03
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
Valefor.Prothescar said: »
not the worst set ever for BST/PUP.

Eh, it's not that great for PUP either.

The pet Macc is very strong, and may well be BiS for automaton nukes. That may be the best use of the set for PUP. But pet nukes are still going to be super niche in any case, so this is hardly a huge deal.

From a hybrid master/pet melee set perspective, it's kinda disappointing. Even more so in an update that improves H2H, likely making it far more beneficial overall to focus more heavily on master focused stats (aside from using a small number of pieces to cap pet haste). As for the mix of pet stats, accuracy is often not that huge of a concern for puppets anyway thanks to attachment versatility - so the pet DD stats that would have been much more interesting would be stuff like multiattack, store TP, etc.

Piece by piece from a PUP perspective:
Head: Decent pet Store TP option, but nothing mind blowing.

Body: Not bad. Actually rather solid from the master perspective, despite the lack of attack. But using as hybrid gear forces you to give up one of the better pieces of automaton melee gear (Pitre+1 body, with Pet: Acc/Racc+21 and Stp+13). Probably the one armor slot where PUP was least in need of a good and easy to obtain hybrid option, so it woulda been nice to see the piece with strong master acc/TA and pet DD stats show up in any of the other 4 slots...

Hands: High crit rate initially makes you think of the possibility of being good Stringing Pummel/Victory Smite gear... until you see the weak STR. Can safely stick to Ryuo/Herculean.

Legs: Nothing special, maybe adequate DT gear for pet tanking but no better than a sidegrade or stepping stone to previously existing Taeon/Rao options. Personally, I'd rather use either Taeon (my DT-4% is paired with Regen/Meva) or even NQ Rao for higher HP. Also, high acc on pet tanking gear is often a BAD thing, since the puppet gets TP faster and becomes more likely to screw up important SCs (say, SCH BLM setups).

Feet: Odd piece, potentially nice for certain hybrid setups looking at capping pet equipment haste without one of the existing 10% pieces (Ohtas or Ambuscade capes, most likely paired with 8% on Klouskap Sash). I might actually end up using this with Kenkonken, or non-Kenkonken PUPs could free up cape slot for a 100% master-focused back (say, DEX Acc/Atk DA). Specific use cases though.

Still not bad for BST

and as far as PUP goes its some gear that returning players can use as well as we can adapt to it in situations.

I Like the ACC on the body, but as you said Pitre+1 body, with Pet: Acc/Racc+21 and Stp+13 which would be better for when pet does WS

Now......... if they had ATK as well as ACC on it be alot better for

however, still may serve some purpose to have so much ACC+ and no ATK+ (Maybe for a TP set on high EVA Mob ?)

Square Enix loves to TROLL us with armor that does 1/2 of the job we need done.


Body is nice for a TP set for master !!!!! (Paired with some Herculean [Aug: Triple+4%] on each piece) would make a nice Triple ATK set ^^/
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2016-11-10 07:26:07
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Many months ago they changed the ratio at which DEX and STR convert to Acc and Att for one handed weapons and H2H.
It used to be 2:1 for 1H/H2H and 4:3 for 2H.

The changes they made:
DEX>Acc is now 4:3 for all weapon types and all slots (Main, Sub)
STR>Att is now 4:3 for 2H and 1H (Mainhand)
STR>Att is now a different value (can't remember) for H2H
I assume this value didn't change for H2H since there's no mention of it in the patch notes.

qRatio caps at 3.25 (normal) and 4.25 (crits) for 1H/H2H, whereas 3.75/4.75 for 2H.
If Saevel's assumption is correct now H2H falls in the second category as well.

Supposing this is right a fully buffed MNK or PUP will now deal roughly ~15% more damage than they did before.
Which is... nice? But I'm afraid nowhere close to what was needed for MNK and PUP. Realistically what they needed to change was about WS damage, white damage alone (while relatively relevant in the current metagame) was already okaish.

The buff to Smite is gonna affect a lot of jobs, not just MNK and PUP. It's gonna affect everyone who subs /WAR or /DRK as well.
Overall I think we can say it makes att buff stacking a bit less necessary to reach the cap. So in many situations you can avoid a Fury or a Chaos roll, or you can avoid Bolster maybe, and still reach the cap.
Furthermore this makes Minuets slightly more relevant since their value is static and added before the % bonus from other buffs, Smite included.

Things got slightly better for H2H users but we're still nowhere close to where things should be?

Someone feel free to correct me please.

So in other words, they did NOT Fix H2H , just up the Range in which DMG can be delt ><

Great..................... are they afraid if they FIX Victory Smite and others we will Pummel on them !? >.>

This is a nice update but still doesn't bring MNK back to being END GAME Use.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2016-11-10 07:26:56
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
BTW, I'm already a little salty at the prospect of PUP getting on this pet set at the expense of potentially getting left off the "light DD" set. I guess if the H2H changes are strong enough, there's potentially some logic in not continuing to give PUP access to basically all of the same gear MNK gets (while also having a puppet that is now EASILY capable of more than making up for MNK's native JAs/traits). But it still brings me back to the bad old days of PUP getting excluded from DD gear and crammed onto garbage mage sets...

Considering S-E said they had 10 months of sets planned out, and we had the first 5 sets with Salvage models, it seems like this round might end up doing some sort of split of the light DD/ranged jobs from the original Denali/Homam sets. Tali'ah also shows that they aren't necessarily against completely changing the set of jobs from those that were on the old sets with same model.

1) Flamma: WAR PLD DRK SAM DRG (Heavy DD set)
2) Tali'ah: BST SMN PUP (Pet job set)
?) Goliard model? (mage set?): WHM BLM RDM BRD SCH GEO

And some mix of the 8 remaining "light DD"/ranged jobs (MNK THF NIN RNG BLU COR DNC RUN) across the Denali and Homam model sets? Will be interesting to see the breakdown. THF/RNG/NIN/COR is a pairing we've seen, so maybe stick them on the Denali-looking set? But that would leave a pretty odd mix of MNK/BLU/DNC/RUN for the other. I'm curious, at least...

Maybe they will create a set just for THF RNG COR NIN BLU RUN DNC MNK ?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: digoserra
Posts: 269
By Bahamut.Alexcennah 2016-11-10 07:45:06
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Bismarck.Kuroganashi said: »
Maybe they will create a set just for THF RNG COR NIN BLU RUN DNC MNK ?
They still have 2 sets for non-mages (Homam and Denali models).
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Trulusia
Posts: 1132
By Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia 2016-11-10 07:47:09
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And RUN/DRK with Lionheart gets better :>
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10481
By Ramuh.Austar 2016-11-10 07:47:53
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drk isn't on lionheart
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2016-11-10 07:48:03
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Bahamut.Alexcennah said: »
Bismarck.Kuroganashi said: »
Maybe they will create a set just for THF RNG COR NIN BLU RUN DNC MNK ?
They still have 2 sets for non-mages (Homam and Denali models).

True, was sorta hoping we would get : DA+ TA+ QA+ on same body 119 with ACC+ ATK+ >< but ya........ doubt it now

Also a bit upset they did not FIX Monk to its proper dmg :(

I may be wrong tho (HOPE I am)
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2016-11-10 07:55:24
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Ramuh.Austar said: »
drk isn't on lionheart
I think he means RUN subbing DRK.

DRK gets Smite II at Lv35 whereas WAR gets the same at Lv65.

Smite II: +14.8% Attack Bonus.
Last Resort: +25% Attack Bonus & 15% JA Haste.

+39.8% Attack Bonus blows Berserk from sub WAR out of the water. DRK sub also gives more STR. It also gets a pretty reliable Stun in the form of Weapon Bash.

DRK is probably a RUN's best sub for DD'ing now.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2016-11-10 07:58:04
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Quetzalcoatl.Trulusia said: »
And RUN/DRK with Lionheart gets better :>

/DRK was already an interesting sub for RUN, now I think it's going to be the better one for offensive power. 15% JA haste, 25% attack ontop of ~15% Smite II and it doesn't screw with your spell casting. I think the attack might be a good trade off from the 15 Store TP of /SAM. Even gives you another hate spell via stun.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10300
By Asura.Sechs 2016-11-10 08:10:34
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Ramuh.Austar said: »
drk isn't on lionheart
I think he meant RUN mainjob /DRK subjob.
/DRK provides Smite2 as a subjob, that's ~15% attack boost, plus Attack from JT, plus Last Resort and lolSoulEater.
Looks like quite a nice subjob for RUN.

/DRK => max attack and damage output, 2H delay reduction
/WAR => some attack, 10% DA
/SAM => STP, 10% JA haste, more STR, Sekkanoki, Meditate

/SAM is still awesome, if you're att capped it's probably gonna win. In other situations I dunno... if it helps you cut down your X-hit build maybe? Regardless, /WAR and /DRK are very interesting SJ options for RUN now, more than ever.

How does Last Resort and Desperate Blows work when you're /DRK?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: digoserra
Posts: 269
By Bahamut.Alexcennah 2016-11-10 08:11:09
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Bismarck.Kuroganashi said: »
True, was sorta hoping we would get : DA+ TA+ QA+ on same body 119 with ACC+ ATK+ >< but ya........ doubt it now
On Ambuscade? Unfortunately we will never get something on the league of Thaumas Coat in an event anyone can easily do.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Shiyo
Posts: 361
By Valefor.Kiaru 2016-11-10 08:14:52
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/drk is probably a better sub for lots of DD"s now when your pdif isn't capped.

THF, dnc, sam, drg, all benefit more from /drk than /war or /sam now I think

That's..super cool imo. 2h are no longer locked behind /sam only!
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Rydal
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2016-11-10 08:16:44
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Valefor.Kiaru said: »
/drk is probably a better sub for lots of DD"s now when your pdif isn't capped.

THF, dnc, sam, drg, all benefit more from /drk than /war or /sam now I think

That's..super cool imo. 2h are no longer locked behind /sam only!

That'd only be the case if they're using 2H weapons since Smite onyl affects 2H.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2016-11-10 08:18:10
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Bahamut.Alexcennah said: »
Bismarck.Kuroganashi said: »
True, was sorta hoping we would get : DA+ TA+ QA+ on same body 119 with ACC+ ATK+ >< but ya........ doubt it now
On Ambuscade? Unfortunately we will never get something on the league of Thaumas Coat in an event anyone can easily do.

That was wishful thinking XD
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10300
By Asura.Sechs 2016-11-10 08:18:52
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We should all go back to /DRG with Wyvern Earring!! (lol)
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Shiyo
Posts: 361
By Valefor.Kiaru 2016-11-10 08:19:27
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Ragnarok.Rydal said: »
Valefor.Kiaru said: »
/drk is probably a better sub for lots of DD"s now when your pdif isn't capped.

THF, dnc, sam, drg, all benefit more from /drk than /war or /sam now I think

That's..super cool imo. 2h are no longer locked behind /sam only!

That'd only be the case if they're using 2H weapons since Smite onyl affects 2H.
Isn't thf/drk and dnc/drk better in uncapped pdif situations than /war? Or unbuffed situations in general? Don't you not want more double attack on THF and it has heavy diminishing returns on DNC to the point that last resort(same attk power as berserk same uptime but also gives 15% JA haste) is better in unbuffed situations?

Last resort haste is for 2h weapons only. Nevermind.

Still drg/drk and sam/drk?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10009
By Asura.Saevel 2016-11-10 08:30:45
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Asura.Sechs said: »
How does Last Resort and Desperate Blows work when you're /DRK?

Last Resort used to give gives +15% Attack / -15% Defense from sub, then SE monkeyed with it and I'm not entirely sure now. I know it also gives +15% JA haste naturally, DB raise's that value to 25%. Need to check /DRK to see if it's 15% or 25% attack thought I'm leading toward 15% for LR.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10300
By Asura.Sechs 2016-11-10 08:36:06
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I seem to recall Desperate Blows was either a merit JT or a high level JT which then got moved to low level.
But clearly it has to be less effective the lower your level, so level49 DRK will have lower JA haste values?

Last Resort is sorta a mixture of Hasso and Berserk.
The problem I see with it it's not much in the def- which you can probably deal with, but with the fact you can't fulltime it.

For <3 mins Zergs (where your att isn't capped already) it's clearly the way to go though I'm afraid, just like you said.
Posts: 31
By Chyretta 2016-11-10 09:00:20
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Smite affects H2H plus 2hand so monk has it too.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Cherche 2016-11-10 09:09:30
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Valefor.Kiaru said: »
/drk is probably a better sub for lots of DD"s now when your pdif isn't capped.

THF, dnc, sam, drg, all benefit more from /drk than /war or /sam now I think

That's..super cool imo. 2h are no longer locked behind /sam only!
DRG already has Smite II natively. Best I can tell, nothing about the subjob hierarchy for DRG has changed.
By Verda 2016-11-10 09:15:15
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Sooo, ignoring all the people who are getting on MNK and being like nothing changed when they are not capping pdif to even measure the changes and people saying "it's probably tied with 2h ratio cap now", has anyone you know... actually tested it and has the new cap? It's pretty annoying when people jump to conclusions when they don't even know what the change is. 3.25/3.75 is about a 15% damage increase, so if you saw some 15k VS before (which I've seen others do on MNK) then you should see 17.25k now, or possibly more since crit damage involves multipliers.

To even see it you're going to have to have attack/defense ratio capped which for anything even near your own level takes at least a geo's full support to attack up/def down.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20
By Asura.Ryothen 2016-11-10 09:17:55
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So if /drk has more potential, Hasso + Last Resort is going to be nice for SAM. It would also be nice to have a bash JA again, haven't had Blade bash merited in a while. Guess I need to finally get around to leveling drk to 50 >.<
Guide Maker
Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-11-10 09:18:13
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Verda said: »
It's pretty annoying when people jump to conclusions when they don't even know what the change is.
I don't play monk and I'm not even subbed right now, but I can tell you for sure they added a hidden tail swing for mithra and galka.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10300
By Asura.Sechs 2016-11-10 09:21:11
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Verda said: »
when they are not capping pdif to even measure the changes
Byrth already measured, went from 3,25/4,25crit to 3,5/4,5crit.
It's a <10% DPS increase?
When you're not attackcapped you get a 7,5% more att bonus thanks to the new empowered Smite.

It's quite nice and it's clearly better than it was before, but at the same time it's nowhere close to what was needed for MNK and it's kinda an expected result.
Unless they decide to do something about H2H WS things won't change as they should, imho.
By Verda 2016-11-10 09:21:22
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
I don't play monk and I'm not even subbed right now, but I can tell you for sure they added a hidden tail swing for mithra and galka.
Finally, change I can vote for!

Asura.Sechs said: »
Byrth already measured, went from 3,25/4,25crit to 3,5/4,5crit.
It's a <10% DPS increase?
Ok Sechs thanks for sharing :D A ~10% increase to topend dps isn't bad imo but I can understand not thinking it's enough. On the other hand it kind of bothers me people are using the same tp set for MNK as BLU, it doesn't feel like time has been taken to actually optimize the setups for MNK which could get a lot more out of the job too. Anyway, no one ever wants to hear my view so absconding now.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Hiepo
Posts: 669
By Shiva.Hiep 2016-11-10 09:35:06
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My JP friend said that in the interview there was going to be an alternative way to get the Kupo Shield outside of the bonanza. Can anyone confirm?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10300
By Asura.Sechs 2016-11-10 09:35:46
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3,25/4,25crit to 3,5/4,5crit is less than 10%, I dunno more something like ~7%ish?
When you're not attack capped you have another small boost from the additional 7,5% att.

Regardless it's a good thing, we can't complain about it.
It's just that, as I was saying before, it doesn't really change anything about MNK's position in game atm.
And if you ask me, nothing's gonna change until they finally give up and decide to somehow boost H2H WSs =/

On the other hand it kind of bothers me people are using the same tp set for MNK as BLU
To be fair aside from different needs in terms of accuracy and attack to reach the caps, there's really nothing "special" with MNK atm.
I don't use the same set as BLUs because I'm dumb, but I see nothing wrong with people who do that, quite the other way around.
I mean arguably the only two "special" things for MNK are Impetus (for which you can overwrite your default set and equip Bhikku+1 body if you want) and Kick Attacks, which unlike in the past (where they used to awesome, highdamaging multiattack once per round) are kinda meh nowadays and worse than normal multiattacks. They do more or less the same damage as your fists only with footwork up.
I mean I don't really see the necessity to optimize MNK tp gearsets in any "special" way, other than making sure you're acc and att capped for the current target.

Are you trying to say say behind the lines is something like:
"People are like sheeps, someone eminent says MNK sucks, and everybody keeps thinking MNK sucks!" maybe?
If you are I can understand where you're coming from and I agree with your way of thinking.
MNK is probably not as bad as some people want to make it look like. People on these boards tend to hyperbolize and see things as black or white.
MNK wasn't THAT bad before, it's only better after this patch.
But at the same time -trust me- there is some legit concern about those complaints. While not THAT bad maybe, MNK really is in a bad position atm, even after this new update, which honestly wasn't really what MNK needed if you ask me.

If they kept the caps as they were before and simply boosted WS the scenario now could've been looking much better than it currently is =/
By Afania 2016-11-11 04:06:41
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Ruaumoko said: »
Ramuh.Austar said: »
drk isn't on lionheart
I think he means RUN subbing DRK.

DRK gets Smite II at Lv35 whereas WAR gets the same at Lv65.

Smite II: +14.8% Attack Bonus.
Last Resort: +25% Attack Bonus & 15% JA Haste.

+39.8% Attack Bonus blows Berserk from sub WAR out of the water. DRK sub also gives more STR. It also gets a pretty reliable Stun in the form of Weapon Bash.

DRK is probably a RUN's best sub for DD'ing now.

According to bg wiki drk sub also gives 2 ja with 1300 VE, for people playing tank DD hybrid.

There's also arcana circle for 5% more dmg when fighting against arcana.

Edit: 2 JA with 1300 VE, 1 with 900 VE.