In FACT I FIXED the Formula since the Formula was suggesting that NOBODY could possibly hit Capped MBD vs Ongo v15 yet Yuu did such repeatedly nonstop..... yet I jus dun understand?
Let's take a look. My numbers won't be perfectly optimal, but they should be plenty good enough.
I'll take an example high-end set from last page, using maxed out buffs.
+552 MAB (145 base, 371 from gear, 40 from trait, 50 from gifts, 30 from bolster entrust acumen, 61 from crooked XI Wizard's roll)
+468 MDMG (365 from gear, 23 from gifts, 80 from job points (20 from magic damage category, 60 from manafont category)
+40 Magic Burst Bonus (all from gear)
+73 Other MBB (13 from trait, 20 from job points, 17 from gear, 23 from gifts
+10 earth affinity (from merits)
671 INT (145 base, 350 from gear, 90 from bolster geo-int, 84 from SV etudes, 2 from food)
Ongo has both Burn and Impact on, for 425*0.8-63 = 277 INT
This gives a D value for Stone VI of 2500 (300 dINT value) + 94*3 (94 times the 300-400 dINT M value) + 468 (MDMG) = 3250.
He also has Vidohunir (-10 MDB) and Bolster Malaise (normally -90 MDB, but Ongo cuts GEO debuffs to 1/4, so it rounds down to -22 MDB) on, for 100-10-22 = 68 MDB. The MAB in gear and buffs adds to the 100 native MAB, leading to a MAB/MDB of (100+552)/68 = 9.588.
Triple Rayke is on and a 1-step skillchain is active, giving Ongo an earth resistance rank of 70% (30% base, then Rayke lowers it by 3 stages to 60%, then the skillchain itself lowers it another stage to 70%), which means the magic burst base multiplier is 1.75 (1.35 for 1-step SC, +0.4 for the resistance rank being 70%).
Total Magic Burst Bonus is 1+0.4 (MBB)+0.73(MBBII) = 2.13.
It's earthday and double earth weather is on, for a day/weather multiplier of 1.35.
Chasseur's Bottes +3-enhanced Quick Draw is active, as well as Gambit, multiplying damage by 1 + 0.31 + 0.3 = 1.61.
Damage Dealt = D × MTDR × Staff × Affinity × Resist × Resistance Rank Reduction × MB × MBB × Day & Weather × MAB/MDB × TMDA × Potency Multipliers
Summarizing the values:
D = 3250
MTDR = 1 (as there's only 1 target)
Staff = 1 (as no elemental staves are being used)
Affinity = 1.1 (due to +10 earth affinity)
Resist = 1 (we're assuming no resist)
Resistance Rank Reduction = 1 (as the current resistance rank is 70% during Rayke, which is not enough to force a 50% cut)
MB = 1.75 (due to the base MB bonus and the resistance rank MB addition)
MBB = 2.13 (1 + MBB + other MBB)
Day & Weather = 1.35 (due to double earth weather and earthsday)
MAB/MDB = 9.588 (652/68)
TMDA = 0.8 (due to V20 Ongo having -20% MDT)
Potency Multipliers = 1.61 (Due to the boost from Quick Draw w/ Chasseur's Bottes +3 and 3-rune Gambit)
Flooring between each step, we get:
3250 * 1 * 1 * 1.1 * 1 * 1 * 1.75 * 2.13 * 1.35 * 9.588 * 0.8 * 1.61 =
222138 damage
As shown, it's totally possible to hit FAR more than capped damage on Ongo with Stone VI. You can in fact be missing a decent number of the boosts/debuffs and still hit capped damage.