Crosspost: did some tests to determine how enmity adjustment works with Mana Wall's static -180 CE per hit reduction. Martel caught all my CE-loss-when-hit related errors and gave me all of the post-Adoulin enmity values for the spells used.
Sirvente's Effect on Mana Wall
BLM Enmity Tally
Stun (180)
Stun (180+180 = 360)
Mana Wall hit taken (Expected enmity after hit: 270 [Sirvente] or 180 [No Sirvente])
BRD Enmity Tally
Stun (180)
Carol x3 (60 + 180 = 240)
Carol x1 (20 + 240 = 260)
Mana Wall and Sirvente applied prior to pull
BRD Stun
BLM Stun
BRD Carol x3
BLM Stun
BRD Carol x1
Enemy wakes up
Hits BLM once (stoneskin)
Hits BLM twice (stoneskin)
Moves to BRD
If Sirvente works, then enemy moves after hitting BLM twice (BLM 270 > BRD 260).
If Sirvente doesn't work, then enemy moves after hitting BLM once (BRD 260 > BLM 180).
If Mana Wall enmity reduction is reliant on receiving MP damage, then enemy will not move until Stoneskin is broken.
Conclusion: Enemy moved after BLM took two hits for 0 MP damage. Sirvente reduces enmity reduction and Mana Wall enmity reduction happens regardless of MP damage taken.
+/- Enmity's Effect on Mana Wall
BLM Enmity Tally
Stun 180
Stun 180 + 180 = 360
Mana Wall hit taken (Expected enmity after hit: 135 [-Enmity] or 180 [No -Enmity])
BRD Enmity Tally
Carol x3 = 60
Carol x3 = 60 + 60 = 120
Carol x2 40 + 120 = 160
Mana Wall applied prior to pull
BRD Carol x3
BLM Stun
BRD Carol x3
BRD Carol x2
BLM Stun
BLM equips -50 enmity in gear
Enemy wakes up
Hits BLM once (stoneskin)
Moves to BRD
If -Enmity works, then enemy moves after hitting BLM once (BRD 160 > BLM 135).
If -Enmity doesn't work, then enemy moves after hitting BLM twice (BLM 180 > BRD 160).
Conclusion: Enemy moved after BLM took one hit for 0MP damage. -Enmity increased the amount of enmity reduced by Mana Wall. Inversely, +Enmity should decrease enmity reduced by Mana Wall.