The Black Sacrament -- A Guide to Black Mage
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-06-22 16:09:26
Rayke x3 is very important. We tried various setups as well, but ended with run cor brd geo sch blm. Hope for good Random Deals, 5/5 Loaded Deck merits
Is this is reference to using Rayke 3 times in the fight, or using Rayke with 3 runes? Because while Gambit benefits from multiple runes used, Rayke's effects are not improved by using more than one Rune. This is speaking particular on the Resist Wall aspects that Rayke negates, not special resistances- which aren't a factor in this fight. Special Resistances are lowered more with extra Runes.
In the heat of the moment, this can be quite advantageous as the RUN can start a portion of the fight with 3x runes up, use Gambit, pop just 1 rune and then use Rayke, meaning more time they are both active and potent.
Bahamut.Justthetip said: »It sounds like damage coming from you is fine but 20% seems like geo sch aren't nuking the best.
...or ruining your nuking moments/power with their own spells landing prior to yours during the times Rayke isn't up. Ongo in particular can be problematic with more than 2 nukers as you're constantly bursting on a long cyclical skillchain, so rarely does the infamous "Resist Wall" ever fully reset if things are going as planned. I'm not saying this is for certain, but it could be something worth contemplating, in particular if you just bumped up your BLM nuking gear. Let the support mages go to town with you during Rayke, but when its down, maybe have them let you get the spotlight.
By Vaerix 2021-06-22 16:49:11
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »Rayke x3 is very important. We tried various setups as well, but ended with run cor brd geo sch blm. Hope for good Random Deals, 5/5 Loaded Deck merits
Is this is reference to using Rayke 3 times in the fight, or using Rayke with 3 runes? Because while Gambit benefits from multiple runes used, Rayke's effects are not improved by using more than one Rune. This is speaking particular on the Resist Wall aspects that Rayke negates, not special resistances- which aren't a factor in this fight. Special Resistances are lowered more with extra Runes.
In the heat of the moment, this can be quite advantageous as the RUN can start a portion of the fight with 3x runes up, use Gambit, pop just 1 rune and then use Rayke, meaning more time they are both active and potent
Reducing SDT by 3 tiers is vastly important for this fight unless someone can show that Ongo has a 20% or lower stone SDT or 150% stone SDT. Starting at 50% SDT you receive addition magic burst damage based on SDT TIER (5%], Dropping resistance 3 tiers increases it to 50%. If Ongo has 25% natural SDT then a 3 rune rayke will reduce it to the 50% tier and give an extra 5% damage. 3x rune rayke is always the way to go unless every on of your casters is capping damage and only need rayke for the resist wall feature. While getting up a quick rayke with 1 rune sounds like a good idea to get it on recast asap, in the long run until someone has the exact SDT for Ongo vs Stone I think this is a very bad decision to make. gGambit lasts 96 sseconds, rayke lasts for 47 max, get all 3 runes up both times.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2021-06-22 18:45:31
Hah, just to report back on how things went. We cleared Ongo with 2 minutes left on the clock tonight. I'm not sure how much went differently, but we did get a full wild card JA reset tonight and I think things just came together a bit better. The gear upgrades certainly couldn't have hurt either, although I'm sure it wasn't the make or break point. Still, I'm just happy to have it done, and the upgrades will be welcome in the future I'm sure. Thanks for the tips all.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2021-06-23 01:15:52
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »Rayke x3 is very important. We tried various setups as well, but ended with run cor brd geo sch blm. Hope for good Random Deals, 5/5 Loaded Deck merits
Is this is reference to using Rayke 3 times in the fight, or using Rayke with 3 runes? Because while Gambit benefits from multiple runes used, Rayke's effects are not improved by using more than one Rune. This is speaking particular on the Resist Wall aspects that Rayke negates, not special resistances- which aren't a factor in this fight. Special Resistances are lowered more with extra Runes.
In the heat of the moment, this can be quite advantageous as the RUN can start a portion of the fight with 3x runes up, use Gambit, pop just 1 rune and then use Rayke, meaning more time they are both active and potent.. It does actually matter. If you check bgwiki links on Rayke and Resist
What most people read is:
Rayke will reduce the penalty for this by 50% (-60% → -30%) regardless of the number of corresponding runes used;
the same is gained from used x1 rune or x3 of the same runes in this case.
(My group did the same)
Which is just: Separate from the previous effects such as SDT, Rayke serves as a counter to the magic damage penalty for consecutive elemental spells
also known as the Nuke Wall.
But x3 Rayke is:
Enemy specific elemental resistance will fall 1 tier per rune harbored while Rayke is in effect.
SDT and Magic Bursting
These ranks also effect Magic Burst damage. Percentages by rank are as follows:
Resist Tier : 5% 10%_15% 20%25%30% 40%.50%.60%..70%..85%.100%115%..130%..150%
MB Dmg:__+0%+0%+0%.+0%+0%.+0%.+0%+5%+15%+40%+50%+60%+85%+115%+150%
My groups guess is that Ongo is sitting at around the 50%~ (+5%MBDmg) Resist Tier.
And using 3 Rayke push that to 85% Which jumps MBDmg to 50%
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-06-23 03:23:54
I didn't not read it- I specifically mentioned that I was referring to the Nuke Wall and not special resistances. And considering my group got its first V15 Ongo win months ago using just 1 rune on Rayke, I didn't consider it an issue.
If others have noticed that Ongo has special resistances that are positively affected by extra Rune usage, by all means do it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wotasu 2021-06-23 03:57:34
We were doing maybe 9 Ongo's with 1 Rayke and nukes were far from stellar mostly 20k MB's, and timing out with around 50% left. Last try we did 3x Rayke and nukes were hitting stellar numbers during Rayke windows Got some bad Random Deals, but won with ~2 min left.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 256
By Asura.Essylt 2021-07-12 06:53:11
I'm looking at re-gearing my BLM due to LS having none for Ongo. After checking out the sets in the guide, I have a question - what are the suggested augment paths for Amalric pieces?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 977
By Bahamut.Justthetip 2021-07-12 08:04:53
I'm looking at re-gearing my BLM due to LS having none for Ongo. After checking out the sets in the guide, I have a question - what are the suggested augment paths for Amalric pieces? For both hands and feet go path D outside of maybe wanting the mp on boots could go path a. Hands for sure should be path D
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2021-07-12 10:24:52
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »I didn't not read it- I specifically mentioned that I was referring to the Nuke Wall and not special resistances. And considering my group got its first V15 Ongo win months ago using just 1 rune on Rayke, I didn't consider it an issue.
If others have noticed that Ongo has special resistances that are positively affected by extra Rune usage, by all means do it. Ongo has a 30% earth rank, which means it takes a 50% cut to earth damage. Removing the cut requires bringing it to 60%, which requires 3 runes on Rayke.
By Kasumuni88 2021-07-13 05:11:41
So last night we were doing Omen, and I was on BLM with full relic +3, full Agwu's for burst and Nyame for the odd melee situation with Claustrum. Fully augmented BiS Belt, rings and regal earring.
When I was casting nukes, they were literally hitting between 300-800 dmg and the odd 1.5k damage.
What on earth is going on? Has resist rates been increased? How can free nukes and even burst damage be so bad on Omen bosses? I actually felt embarrassed by how little damage was being done. Is there a catch to spell casting on these NM's?
By SimonSes 2021-07-13 06:04:15
Augmented Agwu? You had macc food and buffs? There was no much power creep in magic accuracy in past few years, so you still need macc. It's the same for melee. If you go to Omen boss with something like Sakpata without buffs, you will have floored accuracy.
By Kasumuni88 2021-07-13 07:28:44
I have the full relic +3 gear for free nukes. They have huge amounts of magic acc. Even when they do land it should be higher numbers but they seem to be extremely low.
By FaeQueenCory 2021-07-13 09:09:06
When I was casting nukes, they were literally hitting between 300-800 dmg and the odd 1.5k damage.
What on earth is going on? Has resist rates been increased? How can free nukes and even burst damage be so bad on Omen bosses? I actually felt embarrassed by how little damage was being done. Is there a catch to spell casting on these NM's? BLM for me has always been wild with the magic resists on nukes. My SCH and RDM with a lot less Macc in their sets hit more consistent numbers. I can't tell you why.
But I can say if your numbers are consistently low, especially for bursts, sounds like you have someone sniping your nuke wall. Is your GEO also nuking? Cause if so, your bursts are gonna get heavily reduced if they hit theirs first.
As for free nukes, given the large Meva Odyssey bosses have, especially at R15, you should just eat more Macc food and/or get more INT/Macc buffs. Even the ones who are "MB fights" are still not MB friendly.
There's also a possibility of not having Gambit or Rayke for these, which are a hard requirement if you are nuking an Odyssey boss.
And also: you are elemental sealing Impact and also keeping Burn on it at all times, yes? Those go a long way. (and if you manage to get Crepuscular Cloak, then you won't have to rely so hard on your COR resetting your elemental seal.)
EDIT: oops. read that as odyssey. my bad. Omen stuff does have a lot of Meva too. I'm assuming Kei is who you're talking about? Most of my points stand, especially the burn part. Be sure to keep that on him. With Kei, the issue I would guess is that you're not using weather/klimaform? And potentially the GEO is doing more than just water/ice spam.
By Felgarr 2021-07-16 02:56:13
I thought I'd test out some updates to the occult acumen set, given that I just got Khatvanga and wanted to see if how well it performs in a Myrkr set with Khatvanga and Moonshade gives TP Bonus +7250. (Basically, free MP button for every Thunder 6).
Code xml
<set name="OccultAcumen">
<main>Khatvanga</main> <!-- Occult Acumen+30 -->
<ammo>Seraphic Ampulla</ammo> <!-- Occult Acumen+7 -->
<head>Mall. Chapeau +2</head> <!-- Occult Acumen+11 -->
<legs>Perdition Slops</legs> <!-- Occult Acumen+30 -->
<waist>Oneiros Rope</waist> <!-- Occult Acumen+2 percent TP/MP -->
<sub>Bloodrain Strap</sub> <!-- Store TP+6 -->
<neck>Combatant's Torque</neck> <!-- Store TP+4 -->
<ear1>Telos Earring</ear1> <!-- Store TP+5 -->
<ear2>Dedition Earring</ear2> <!-- Store TP+8 -->
<ring1>Chirich Ring +1</ring1> <!-- Store TP+6 -->
<ring2>Chirich Ring +1</ring2> <!-- Store TP+6 -->
<back>Taranus's Cape</back> <!-- Store TP+10 -->
<body augment="">Merlinic Jubbah</body> <!-- OA+11 MND+5 M.Acc+13 MAB+19-->
<hands augment="">Merlinic Dastanas</hands> <!-- OA+11 INT+3 M.Acc+28 -->
<feet augment="">Merlinic Crackows</feet> <!-- OA+11 M.Acc+ 10 -->
I don't use the Ambuscade Store TP+10 cape, so this set currently gives me 1082 TP. I haven't had luck getting to 1250 TP in gear so I had to use a SAM Roll for +40 STP, Basically, in this set, without SAM roll, a 437 MP cost Thunder 6 yields 1082 TP, which is enough to Myrkr for 705 MP back (amount return is equal to total MP in Myrkr set, and I'm at about ~2127MP in Myrkr set, which is ~36% MP return, because I'm just under ~2000TP with TP Bonus.
This is the Myrkr set I use, but AF1+3 hands and legs gives more MP (+106/+158 vs my +88/+105). The 2 AF1 pieces would give me +71 more MP and with Myrkr being a 20% MP, my 1000-2000 TP returns would go from 765-935MP to about 780-950 ...so not a huge deal.
Code xml
<set name="Myrkr">
<head>Pixie Hairpin +1</head>
<body>Nyame Mail</body>
<hands>Regal Cuffs</hands>
<legs augment="D20976940633860">Amalric Slops +1</legs>
<feet>Medium Sabots</feet>
<neck>Sanctity Necklace</neck>
<ear1>Etiolation Earring</ear1>
<ear2 augment="S560011397">Moonshade Earring</ear2>
<ring1>Mephitas's Ring</ring1>
<ring2>Mephitas's Ring +1</ring2>
<back augment="S26989593702692">Bane Cape</back>
Apologies for not being concise. TLDR:
1.) Use this set if you want free a MP button. You gain at least ~330MP in return for every Thunder6 -> Myrkr combo you do.
2.) Myrkr gradually gives you increasing MP and is not exactly a step function as BGWiki currently implies. (You don't get 20% MP for 1000-1999 TP, you get 20% MP at 1000 TP and increases from there onward).
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 300
By Quetzalcoatl.Jakey 2021-07-16 03:50:05
1.) Use this set if you want free a MP button. You gain at least ~330MP in return for every Thunder6 -> Myrkr combo you do.
2.) Myrkr gradually gives you increasing MP and is not exactly a step function as BGWiki currently implies. (You don't get 20% MP for 1000-1999 TP, you get 20% MP at 1000 TP and increases from there onward).
Um you're going to want to use AF body in your occult accumen set (if not using impact) personally I would just use the staff I want to nuke with, not swap weapons and myrkr as needed, only time I've used full occult acumen sets is with impact for quickly getting aftermath up.
Also thats how pretty much all ws's are listed on BG, the reason they list 1k, 2k, 3k amounts is not to imply a step function but because the slope between 1k-2k is sometimes different then 2k-3k for some ws's
By SimonSes 2021-07-16 06:26:27
Quetzalcoatl.Jakey said: »1.) Use this set if you want free a MP button. You gain at least ~330MP in return for every Thunder6 -> Myrkr combo you do.
2.) Myrkr gradually gives you increasing MP and is not exactly a step function as BGWiki currently implies. (You don't get 20% MP for 1000-1999 TP, you get 20% MP at 1000 TP and increases from there onward).
Um you're going to want to use AF body in your occult accumen set (if not using impact) personally I would just use the staff I want to nuke with, not swap weapons and myrkr as needed, only time I've used full occult acumen sets is with impact for quickly getting aftermath up.
Also thats how pretty much all ws's are listed on BG, the reason they list 1k, 2k, 3k amounts is not to imply a step function but because the slope between 1k-2k is sometimes different then 2k-3k for some ws's
I think he meant to use that set specifically to recover MP, not to damage and recover MP as a bonus. That's my guess at least.
Also yeah every WS has only listed break points for 1000/2000/3000 tp. Whatever if that's crit rate, ignore def, mp recovered or whatever else and the function is liberal between those break points.
By Felgarr 2021-07-16 08:56:59
Quetzalcoatl.Jakey said: »1.) Use this set if you want free a MP button. You gain at least ~330MP in return for every Thunder6 -> Myrkr combo you do.
2.) Myrkr gradually gives you increasing MP and is not exactly a step function as BGWiki currently implies. (You don't get 20% MP for 1000-1999 TP, you get 20% MP at 1000 TP and increases from there onward).
Um you're going to want to use AF body in your occult accumen set (if not using impact) personally I would just use the staff I want to nuke with, not swap weapons and myrkr as needed, only time I've used full occult acumen sets is with impact for quickly getting aftermath up.
Also thats how pretty much all ws's are listed on BG, the reason they list 1k, 2k, 3k amounts is not to imply a step function but because the slope between 1k-2k is sometimes different then 2k-3k for some ws's
I think he meant to use that set specifically to recover MP, not to damage and recover MP as a bonus. That's my guess at least.
Also yeah every WS has only listed break points for 1000/2000/3000 tp. Whatever if that's crit rate, ignore def, mp recovered or whatever else and the function is liberal between those break points.
Correct, it's a set to specifically recover MP in a pinch.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2021-07-16 09:25:17
Yes, but putting AF body on will reduce the MP it takes to cast the nuke without affecting TP gain, resulting in a bigger net gain on MP.
By Guyford 2021-07-16 12:27:46
Yes, but putting AF body on will reduce the MP it takes to cast the nuke without affecting TP gain, resulting in a bigger net gain on MP.
It depends on the target/buffs, there's not alot of macc in that set so if your thunder 6 is doing like 1k or less, AF body would only save you at most 20 mp, which is probably less than you'd get back from the 11 OA on merlinic body.
By Felgarr 2021-07-16 13:14:42
Yes, but putting AF body on will reduce the MP it takes to cast the nuke without affecting TP gain, resulting in a bigger net gain on MP.
It depends on the target/buffs, there's not alot of macc in that set so if your thunder 6 is doing like 1k or less, AF body would only save you at most 20 mp, which is probably less than you'd get back from the 11 OA on merlinic body.
Correct. I can test when I get home to confirm, but the goal for me is to get 1000 TP for Myrkr in a single cast.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2021-07-16 14:12:25
Thunder VI takes 437 MP without Dark Arts, which means 11 OA w/ 45 STP gives 69 TP. That adds 29 MP from Myrkr with 2127 MP, which means Thunder VI would have to do less than 1450 for the Reforged AF to lose. Even considering the relatively low MACC, that'd have to be a fairly hard resist for the Occult Acumen to win out. That's not impossible, but I'd think it'd only happen on the most resistant NMs.
By Chimerawizard 2021-07-16 14:35:29
Occult Acumen nuking is also good for cleaves in omen & dyna D.
ItemSet 380902
*cape: magic acc & stp.
*merlinic: occult+10 or better, dark matter stp+occult is possible though not likely.
If you're doing any AoE spell, I'd still suggest the af+3 body. The rest of the time, yeah magic acc so low it might not return much.
ItemSet 363536
*cape: int & wsd.
if there's nothing to aspir for mp back:
ItemSet 326816
How much mp is needed for 1k TP?:
occult acumen=150+ (assuming minimum occult+10 merlinic)
sTP=41+(sam roll:42~98)
no sam: 1000/1.5/1.41= 473mp (impact ...)
sam(unlucky)+7: 1000/1.5/1.83= 365mp (blizzaja+/blizzard6+) who doesn't have regal neck by now?
cc sam(perfect)+8: 1000/1.5/2.39= 279mp (am1,am2,ja,comet,blizzaga3+,thunder5,aero6+)
If using tacticians as well, can assume 2 ticks of that between every ws increasing the pool of potential nukes further.
Misers is also good. Just think, that myrkr won't leave you with 0TP, you'll have up to 370 w/ a perfect+8. (unlucky+7: 125)
edit: apparently oneiros rope is +20, not +2, so even better.
By 3rbii 2021-07-19 20:06:49
can anyone suggest an updated gear guide
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By Elikins 2021-09-04 01:20:47
Looking at making my precast set for nuking better, could anyone post an up to date set please? And is the elemental magic casting time -14% on Wicce Petasos +1 etc the same as fast cast?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2021-09-04 04:06:59
No, the elemental magic casting time -14% on wicce petasos is the same as Elemental Celerity, meaning it reduces elemental cast time but has zero effect on recast time. Fast cast is a separate category.
And to answer your question this is the ideal fast cast set, and what I use myself.
ItemSet 381720
Fast cast + 10 on the JSE cape obviously. You can get +7 fast cast with fern stones on the merlinic, or +6 fast cast with any other stones. I have two pieces with + 7 and 3 with +6 myself.
Note that you don't actually need the whole set to maximize fast cast. Fast cast caps at 80%, and in my case I don't even own the enchanter's earring or sapience orb because I have 80% without them. I just added them to the set as reference pieces. in my case it's
5/5 Merlinic -- 19 base fast cast
cape - 10
belt - 5
rings, neck, and malignance earring - 14
That's 48 fast cast already, meaning you only need + 32 fast cast in merlinic augs to cap, and that can be done with just 2 fern augs reaching 7 and 6 on the rest, which as I said is exactly what I have. Capping fast cast without outside help is very doable nowadays.
By Elikins 2021-09-04 05:25:27
Thanks for the quick respsonse, ill work towards some more merlinic gears, regarding that set, do you cast your elemental magic with that as precast also? I am abit confused as to where those elemental magic casting reduction items would be used.
So im thinking in an ideal world having 80% Fast Cast and if possible have some gears to reduce elemental casting time? Thanks again.
By Seun 2021-09-04 06:48:22
I am abit confused as to where those elemental magic casting reduction items would be used. Thanks again.
Two players start to cast the same elemental spell at the same time. Player A is wearing all fast cast, but player B is wearing all elemental cast reduction gear. Both of these players will complete the cast at the same time. However, Player A will be able to cast that same spell again before Player B.
Fast cast is ideal, but only in situations where you need to recast that same spell quickly. If you have higher value on your ele cast reduction gear and you don't care about recast, using that is functionally the same thing or better.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2021-09-04 08:02:06
As mentioned, fast cast and elemental magic cast time serve an identical function in hitting the 80% cast time reduction cap, however fast cast has the added bonus of reducing spell recast timers as well. Plainly put, fast cast is simply superior to elemental celerity effects. You always want fast cast in place of elemental celerity if you can get it. Especially since fast cast applies to all schools of magic.
Fun fact - Blm actually has a base elemental celerity V job trait, which is 30% elemental magic spell speed. So if all you care about is reducing elemental magic cast time, you need just 50 more cast time reduction between both elemental cast time and fast cast. Elemental celerity only affects elemental magic cast speed, making it one of the more useless job traits in the game. It's great for a new blm starting fresh of course, but once you get some equipment it quickly loses its value.
By Elikins 2021-09-04 09:27:56
Ok i understand completely now, i didnt realise they actually both contribute to the 80% cap, i am gearing for Ongo, i just wanted to make sure i had the appropriate precast sets etc, and wasnt missing anything on the elemental casting reduction. My precast set is now 80/80 FC Thanks guys.