Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
By Aerix 2019-08-06 18:06:11
Hi guys, Red Mage was the last job I leveled and geared, but have not played it since before the last update (to abilities).
Would it be possible for anyone to give us a run down on the major changes, and what we should be looking to change in our sets? Along with how the job plays differently? That would be amazing, thank you. Also, cheers to Aerix for taking the time to figure out the potential of things post update.
I assume you mean the first RDM update this year? Well, the biggest change was made to Saboteur, allowing us to cast all our enfeebles under its effects for a whole minute. So our typical modus operandi is to open fights with Saboteur, then Frazzle 2/3 as necessary and then any relevant enfeebles for the fight--typically Distract III and Dia III being the first. They all get the enhanced duration bonus from Saboteur, so as long they don't get wiped early or partially resisted you should always be able to recast them with Saboteur up once they wear off naturally.
Other than that, we're absolute white damage monsters with our Enspell damage now. Composure was given a buff to increase Enspell damage, this patch added more via merits, Crocea Mors has a massive +500% multiplier and Ayanmo hands+2/Orpheus's Sash add another very noticeable boost (about +80-100 overall DPS when parsing on neutral mobs). Sanguine Blade also does insane amounts of damage (not DP Leaden levels, but still very good).
This means RDM is extremely capable in fights where magic damage is relevant, but even if you go full physical with Maxentius/BH, Naegling/SB or Almace/CDC to spam WSs, you can still put out excellent numbers with the Enspell damage being a decent bonus.
As far as buffing/healing goes, there haven't been any real changes aside from more +Duration stuff. We now have access to Phalanx II at full potency though, which could be useful to protect melees and WHMs, but most of the time the best you can do is cast it in full skill gear as coordinating with other to equip their Phalanx+ might be difficult.
Refresh III from like 22-23m to 26m How is your Refresh so long, is it not full 15mp/tic potency? I'm using Ammurapi shield, Amal+1 head, Atrophy body and hands, Empyrean legs and feet (tried the relic feet augment, they seem terrible), R25 Neck, Max Ghostfyre Cape. Am I missing something here?
This is the set I use:
ItemSet 353591
I'm guessing you may be missing Colada with +4% Duration or Gishdubar Sash when casting on yourself. The 23m duration may have been an overstatement though as I was only using the in-game buff timers to gauge it. When I cast it it did stay at 22m for a bit before dropping to 21m, however, so it's probably like 22m10s-22m30s or so before merits.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 1105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-08-06 19:49:14
Decided to post this here as special. My gimp *** RDM managing to pull this off, RDM solo Maju. Big thanks to Ruaumoko for helping me figure out strat.
I'm aware I only have +1/2 AF gear which is why I struggled to Blind without Saboteur. My RDM is far from top tier which is why I'm real happy I got this down.
But yeah, all of my sets need huge work which I am working towards so it'd be great to try again once my gear is good.
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Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Indigla 2019-08-06 20:12:01
Gishdubar Sash when casting on yourself Forgot it existed, thanks :-) Self cast refresh 3 is 25m+ now with 5/5 merits (no Colada)
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Agerine 2019-08-06 23:30:23
I’m going to assume that the new enspell augment on the Relic legs only works when they are equipped? Has anyone confirmed this yet? Would be lovely If it worked on casting but I feel as it won’t.
By Asura.Byrne 2019-08-07 03:37:00
Could always do pdt path on carmine feet
Ginsen isnt that big of a loss for 3dt if you need. I need to check my set
Cape + aya head/bod/hand * dring obvious swaps:
10+3+3+6+10 = 32
18+2ish needed from ammo/neck/ears/ring2/leg/feet
This is especially nice if you play RUN (and I'm sure many of you do) because it's HP and PDT, which can be nice for certain midcasts.
By FaeQueenCory 2019-08-07 06:33:09
I’m going to assume that the new enspell augment on the Relic legs only works when they are equipped? Has anyone confirmed this yet? Would be lovely If it worked on casting but I feel as it won’t. Yes, it's just while it's equipped. Same as the other enspell+ gear. (weapons are weapon specific, all other slots affect both hands)
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By Bismarck.Zuidar 2019-08-08 15:51:12
Isn't ironic that Bio wouldn't be affected by enfeeble duration since it's dark magic?
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By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-08-08 16:27:38
Thanks Aerix! RDM hasn't been a job I needed much this year, but I'll probably need it soon, so this advice is very helpful. Cheers.
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Rakukonpaku 2019-08-10 01:15:24
I’m going to assume that the new enspell augment on the Relic legs only works when they are equipped? Has anyone confirmed this yet? Would be lovely If it worked on casting but I feel as it won’t. Only when equipped, and it's only 1dmg per merit. So 5/5 is 5 dmg, with composure its 15 and composure/crocea its 40. Haven't had a chance to see how well it stacks up on something like Iroha yet.
By tyalangan 2019-08-12 15:09:42
Aerix, (Or whoever might know) is Vitiation 200 enspell and 50% WSD? If it’s close to Crocea I may try to get it considering Crocea dps blows the other options away. Wasn’t it like 7400 vs 5500 dps for Naegling/Tauret? If it can get 5800-6000 I’d rather choose SU4 just for the variety.
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By Asura.Chiaia 2019-08-12 15:17:03
Duelist's Caps at 300 50%
Vitiation Caps at 400 75%
By tyalangan 2019-08-12 15:33:33
Duelist's Caps at 300 50%
Vitiation Caps at 400 75%
That’s even better than I thought. It has to be second on parse even with the 25% loss in sanguine damage.
By Aerix 2019-08-12 22:08:11
I already mentioned that before, but keep in mind that a lot of NMs have some sort of MDT or high MEVA/Dark resistance making Sanguine less useful. So you won't necessarily achieve the same kind of magic DPS as on Apex mobs.
But Enspells will almost always do well and you can just spam CDC with Su4/Su5 for decent damage. It's my go-to setup for fast VD Tenzens, for example. Enspells > Yaegasumi.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Gorns 2019-08-15 05:05:36
Decided to post this here as special. My gimp *** RDM managing to pull this off, RDM solo Maju. Big thanks to Ruaumoko for helping me figure out strat.
I'm aware I only have +1/2 AF gear which is why I struggled to Blind without Saboteur. My RDM is far from top tier which is why I'm real happy I got this down.
But yeah, all of my sets need huge work which I am working towards so it'd be great to try again once my gear is good.
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Gratz on the kill !
Would you mind to share the tips / strat / medicines used for this fight ?
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Shiraj 2019-08-15 05:18:10
Medicines I used Panacea and Remedy.
Backdraft is a fire based 6" radius attack centered around the person who has hate, in my case was AAHM. It also gives you roughly 200 HP/tick burn which is why you must Panacea.
Since Backdraft is centered on the tank, I stood behind to take as little damage as possible.
Remedy just for paralyze.
Mostly keep whm and AAHM with haste/refresh and try keep AAHM alive as much as possible. If AAHM dies, you run the risk of timing out due to focusing on Utsusemi over dps.
Savage Blade over CDC to avoid skillchains which cause level-ups.
Try and Weaponskill when AAHM doesn't have TP cos he will try and skillchain with you which actually caused Maju to level up for me that fight.
Before you go dps on Maju, Saboteur debuffs to him, Para, Slow, Dia, Distract, etc. If you're confident in your set, which I wasn't you can save Stymie incase AAHM dies and you have to Blind while tanking. If you want to Blind safely, but risk timing out more, then Bind/Gravity then Blind.
Good luck!
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 159
By Valefor.Gorns 2019-08-15 06:23:29
Medicines I used Panacea and Remedy.
Backdraft is a fire based 6" radius attack centered around the person who has hate, in my case was AAHM. It also gives you roughly 200 HP/tick burn which is why you must Panacea.
Since Backdraft is centered on the tank, I stood behind to take as little damage as possible.
Remedy just for paralyze.
Mostly keep whm and AAHM with haste/refresh and try keep AAHM alive as much as possible. If AAHM dies, you run the risk of timing out due to focusing on Utsusemi over dps.
Savage Blade over CDC to avoid skillchains which cause level-ups.
Try and Weaponskill when AAHM doesn't have TP cos he will try and skillchain with you which actually caused Maju to level up for me that fight.
Before you go dps on Maju, Saboteur debuffs to him, Para, Slow, Dia, Distract, etc. If you're confident in your set, which I wasn't you can save Stymie incase AAHM dies and you have to Blind while tanking. If you want to Blind safely, but risk timing out more, then Bind/Gravity then Blind.
Good luck!
Thanks alot!
Will definitely give it a few tries. ????
By Aerix 2019-08-15 10:13:09
I'm honestly impressed AAHM held hate so well against you the entire time. Of course the solo was great too, props to you.
In any case, maybe Selh'teus could be a very useful Trust for this fight to heal AoE damage and to keep Yoran's MP pool from running out too quickly, but he tries to skillchain a lot, so you'd have to keep an eye on his TP at all times. While Qultada doesn't aim for SCs intentionally, they can randomly happen too.
Perhaps Moogle (summoned after Yoran to make it follow him) could be a good choice? It'd be extra Refresh for him and one target fewer to keep alive.
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By Odin.Botosi 2019-08-15 10:29:20
I'm a little confused on how to gear RDM....
It seems like in order to go to most content as RDM... you need the gear that comes from that content.
I have all AF/Relic/Empy Reforged 119 +1, but getting +2's and +3's seems like it'll be really difficult. Nobody wants a +1 RDM in their party.
By Aerix 2019-08-15 11:04:39
I'm a little confused on how to gear RDM....
It seems like in order to go to most content as RDM... you need the gear that comes from that content.
I have all AF/Relic/Empy Reforged 119 +1, but getting +2's and +3's seems like it'll be really difficult. Nobody wants a +1 RDM in their party.
Unfortunately, that's the reality for most jobs these days. That's why a lot of newer players take up less gear-intensive jobs like WHM, GEO, roll-only/melee COR or sometimes Aettir RUN to get into groups to farm the gear they need for their actual jobs.
Although, with Trusts and some melee gear like Taeon and Jhakri/Ayanmo you should be able to solo farm Omen cards to upgrade your Artifact gear to +2 at least. Relic gear can be upgraded to +2 simply by entering specific Dynamis-D zones, after which you can technically just buy all the necessary items from the AH (but it's extremely expensive).
By FaeQueenCory 2019-08-15 11:11:52
I have all AF/Relic/Empy Reforged 119 +1, but getting +2's and +3's seems like it'll be really difficult. Nobody wants a +1 RDM in their party. You should be mostly fine. 4/5 empy is ideal for enfeebles. 4/5 empy is ideal for enhancing.
Get you a cure potency set, /sch and you're already golden for any content that needs a RDM and doesn't want them to DD.
The only thing you can't do atm is probably chainspell stun a Zerde. Literally everything else is within your grasp.
What weapons do you have? That's probably the thing holding you back. Especially on Odin.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 69
By Odin.Botosi 2019-08-15 11:32:00
I have all AF/Relic/Empy Reforged 119 +1, but getting +2's and +3's seems like it'll be really difficult. Nobody wants a +1 RDM in their party. You should be mostly fine. 4/5 empy is ideal for enfeebles. 4/5 empy is ideal for enhancing.
Get you a cure potency set, /sch and you're already golden for any content that needs a RDM and doesn't want them to DD.
The only thing you can't do atm is probably chainspell stun a Zerde. Literally everything else is within your grasp.
What weapons do you have? That's probably the thing holding you back. Especially on Odin.
Hmmm ok. I just didnt want to hear any complaints if I joined a pick up group as Rdm. I have a naegling/maxentius. I need an enfeebling weapon still; I'm assumine a Grio.
By Boshi 2019-08-15 11:45:45
maxentius is honestly probably better than grio.
4/5 empy is ideal for enfeebles. 4/5 empy is ideal for enhancing. Not really sure what this sentence is about.
-Body for all enfeebs except the pure macc ones (bind, sleep, ect)
-hands for Poison2/fraz3/distract3 & saboteur
that's about it for empy's use enfeebling
By Boshi 2019-08-15 11:47:28
While on the subject figure'd I'd copy this over from the other topic to main rdm one:
(in regard to rdm enfeeble gearing):
A-pure macc no potency mod
B-potency from: Mnd & "Enfeeb Potency" gear
C-potency from: Int & "Enfeeb Potency" gear (see previous post)
D-potency from: Enfeeb Skill & "Enfeeb Potency" gear
Poison II
***(Poison I caps at 500 Enfeeb, thus can equip as cat F)
E-potency from: Enfeeb skill, Mnd, & "Enfeeb Potency" gear
Frazzle III
Distract III
***(tier's 1/2 have very low cap on enfeeb skill thus can equip as cat B)
F-potency from "Enfeebling potency" gear only
Dia (dmg/tic not def-%)
unsure about Inundation (would have to test if neck&ammo bring higher than 1.2)
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sirris 2019-08-15 12:32:25
I'm a little confused on how to gear RDM....
It seems like in order to go to most content as RDM... you need the gear that comes from that content.
I have all AF/Relic/Empy Reforged 119 +1, but getting +2's and +3's seems like it'll be really difficult. Nobody wants a +1 RDM in their party.
I think a lot of players now are too focused on pure BiS gear and not seeing progression. Don't forget that there's Ambuscade armor and weapons, Geas Fete drops, crafted gear, and Unity drops to gear you up before you hit Dyna-D/etc. You can build some workable sets for red mage enfeebling and enhancing without touching +2s and +3's.
Also, you should be welcome, even at +1, into card farms and Dynamis midboss clears. You can do so much for alliance content on RDM. I love bringing red mage for that stuff.
By Boshi 2019-08-15 14:16:04
AF to +2 is pretty simple. Can farm cards alone even or with a friend
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By Asura.Elizabet 2019-08-16 12:38:54
Looks like we're getting the relic merit category augments fixed.
Good for the boots for sure. For the gloves, I guess it's good for temper / enspell if you also merited enhance duration since it would mitigate a bit the loss of duration from AF+3.
By Boshi 2019-08-16 12:50:09
interesting.. Wish they'd flip the nin head/feet too lol
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-08-16 12:52:40
Complain about it more. They might.
By Aerix 2019-08-16 14:02:46
Hopefully they'll just fix augments for both jobs in the same patch. NIN really needs it.
In any case, if they switch the augments for hands/feet that would make those pieces absolutely perfect.
Server: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Indigla 2019-08-20 00:12:22
Regarding /WHM, is Curaga II base hard capped at 220hp? I couldn't really find info on upper caps for the curagas. Wondering if the most one could ever hope to get out of it as RDM/WHM is a 360hp cure with full Kaykaus +1 and perhaps a little more from weather/day permitting.