Jack Of All Trades: A Guide To Red Mage

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Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
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Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Indigla
Posts: 345
By Bismarck.Indigla 2019-07-21 07:08:34
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Nariont said: »
Only other possible swap i see is path d body to rep neck with jse+2 but i dont know if the mnd will beat the additional 4% received.

I don't think that would work because that would give up 12 mnd on the body path A for 15 mnd on the neck and lose 2% cure received in the process.
Posts: 2757
By Nariont 2019-07-21 07:19:40
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Aye, i forgot the 12 mnd on path a. Think thats it then

Edit: unless stikini +8 mnd/healimg skill can beat 3% received, doubtful but that looks to be the only slot you could make any possible changes to
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2019-07-21 09:12:57
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Suffering in base cure power, though since it's a melee cure and using heal received not such a big deal. Normally you want to hit around ~500 healing magic skill to reach the 700 cure power cap for Cure IV. 1 healing magic skill = 1 cure power, 2 MND = 1 cure power and 4 VIT = 1 cure power. This is the number that everything else is multiplied by so raising it by small values has a big effect on cures in general.
Server: Asura
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user: Cronnus
Posts: 267
By Asura.Outlawbruce 2019-07-23 06:55:32
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Rdm nerf coming August? Lol.
Posts: 2757
By Nariont 2019-07-23 07:06:05
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Likely just t2 merit changes, pups the odd one there, wasnt expecting a 2bd round for them
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2019-07-23 08:58:45
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Surprised they're doing RDM so soon. Would have thought they'd do BRD first since that one writes itself: +Macc and +duration.

Though I guess we can expect Macc+5/merit here. Really wish they'd cut them all down to 4~5 categories.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Isiolia
Posts: 475
By Leviathan.Isiolia 2019-07-23 09:23:51
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FaeQueenCory said: »
Surprised they're doing RDM so soon. Would have thought they'd do BRD first since that one writes itself: +Macc and +duration.

Probably makes sense for them to revisit RDM first, as all anyone is likely expecting from it is the same merit spells to scrolls treatment. Nice as that change will be for BRD, there might be further adjustments being considered for the job.

That said, it's not like they couldn't have gone and changed that for all relevant jobs in one update.
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2019-07-23 10:14:06
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Leviathan.Isiolia said: »
That said, it's not like they couldn't have gone and changed that for all relevant jobs in one update.
I don't think they have enough slavesinterns to have done that in one update. Just look at the amount of "oops" the NIN relic augments had/ve.... and that's just 2 augments!
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Siviard
Posts: 1328
By Shiva.Siviard 2019-07-23 13:03:51
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Nariont said: »
Likely just t2 merit changes, pups the odd one there, wasnt expecting a 2bd round for them

PUP has a RDM Automaton. So it's very likely the changes incoming for RDM will also affect PUP indirectly.
Server: Leviathan
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user: Isiolia
Posts: 475
By Leviathan.Isiolia 2019-07-23 13:10:57
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Shiva.Siviard said: »
PUP has a RDM Automaton. So it's very likely the changes incoming for RDM will also affect PUP indirectly.

Probably just makes more spells fair game for Automatons to cast, if RDMs no longer need to merit them.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Siviard
Posts: 1328
By Shiva.Siviard 2019-07-23 13:13:21
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Leviathan.Isiolia said: »
Shiva.Siviard said: »
PUP has a RDM Automaton. So it's very likely the changes incoming for RDM will also affect PUP indirectly.

Probably just makes more spells fair game for Automatons to cast, if RDMs no longer need to merit them.

Makes sense. As it stands currently, RDM Autos cast ye olde standard versions of Dia, Slow, Para, Bio, Blind and Phalanx. The merited RDM spells will most likely be added to RDM Automatons.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: appleboy
By Bismarck.Ringoko 2019-07-23 15:10:30
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Shiva.Siviard said: »
Leviathan.Isiolia said: »
Shiva.Siviard said: »
PUP has a RDM Automaton. So it's very likely the changes incoming for RDM will also affect PUP indirectly.

Probably just makes more spells fair game for Automatons to cast, if RDMs no longer need to merit them.

Makes sense. As it stands currently, RDM Autos cast ye olde standard versions of Dia, Slow, Para, Bio, Blind and Phalanx. The merited RDM spells will most likely be added to RDM Automatons.

If that's the case, the blm puppet would also be getting ancient magic... seems unlikely but the job adjustments havent been logical so far. /shrug
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Siviard
Posts: 1328
By Shiva.Siviard 2019-07-23 17:40:24
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Bismarck.Ringoko said: »
Shiva.Siviard said: »
Leviathan.Isiolia said: »
Shiva.Siviard said: »
PUP has a RDM Automaton. So it's very likely the changes incoming for RDM will also affect PUP indirectly.

Probably just makes more spells fair game for Automatons to cast, if RDMs no longer need to merit them.

Makes sense. As it stands currently, RDM Autos cast ye olde standard versions of Dia, Slow, Para, Bio, Blind and Phalanx. The merited RDM spells will most likely be added to RDM Automatons.

If that's the case, the blm puppet would also be getting ancient magic... seems unlikely but the job adjustments havent been logical so far. /shrug

To be fair, the BLM puppet never got access to the T1 ancient magic spells to begin with.
Posts: 6
By Nayr 2019-07-25 23:44:19
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Currently have these weapons, which is best for Solo Savage Blade and CDC Spam for MH/OH

Sequence R0
Ternion +1

Should I work to make Aeneas or Thibron?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2019-07-26 00:01:49
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From what you have:

Savage spam I’d say
naegling/ternion if you want speed
Naegling/Tauret for acc

CDC spam
Sequence ternion for speed
Sequence/tauret for acc

Definitely make a thibron. There will always be situations where you want it.

Don’t make Aeneas unless you want thf/brd/dnc. Rdm can’t use it
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Radiuz
Posts: 1274
By Bismarck.Zuidar 2019-07-27 10:30:57
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Gonna guess some changed merits

Dia/Bio Potency - -1% def/att down per merit
Enfeebling Magic Accuracy
Enfeebling Magic Potency
Phalanx Potency or Enhancing Magic Duration
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2019-07-27 11:41:48
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Honestly they could replace RDM T2 merits with emotes and we'd all still be ecstatic. Getting all the merit spells at max potency as scrolls is just awesome. Situational spells like Bio III, Phalanx II and Blind II could actually be used without nerfing the strong spells like Paralyze II / Slow II and Dia III (marginally).

Would still like to see MAB effect enspells and the magic sword WS's made significantly stronger, but oh well.
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2019-07-29 19:41:25
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Honestly they could replace RDM T2 merits with emotes and we'd all still be ecstatic.

You say that as though custom RDM emotes wouldn't be amazing. Who needs more combat power when you can show off instead?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Elizabet
Posts: 496
By Asura.Elizabet 2019-07-29 21:19:14
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I want my Crocea to continue swinging by itself building TP while I make sure my tabard's collar is properly aligned and pop'd. Is that too much to ask SE?
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2019-07-29 21:34:24
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Bismarck.Zuidar said: »
Gonna guess some changed merits

Dia/Bio Potency - -1% def/att down per merit
Enfeebling Magic Accuracy
Enfeebling Magic Potency
Phalanx Potency or Enhancing Magic Duration
Macc+5 per is a given. (Same for BRD next time.)

Pretty confident that Enspell dmg is gonna be one of them too.
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2019-07-29 23:53:40
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At this point Enhancing Magic Duration merits would be sort of wasted as SE capped almost all buffs at 30 minutes and you can reach that relatively easily even without perfect gear.

Which means that's exactly what SE is going to give us.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2019-07-30 01:50:27
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Yes you can reach 30m for some spells cast on yourself but there's several others where you cannot and quite frankly the highest utility of enha duration is for spells cast on others I'd say. With Composure up spells cast on yourself are nice regardless honestly.

I won't complain about stuff like Phalanx2, Ref3, Haste2 etc lasting longer hey.
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2019-07-30 03:08:20
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The above post was kinda tongue-in-cheek to make a joke. It would definitely be useful for Temper II, Phalanx, Enspells and spells cast on others (assuming it's general Enhancing Duration and not just on self), but assuming there are other options such as more MACC or Enspell damage there's little reason to merit duration.

Stronger spells will always be more valuable than a little more duration for buffs that already last ages and can be quickly recast if they do run out.
By Draylo 2019-07-30 03:13:03
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I've never casted Blind II before!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2019-07-30 04:14:00
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Aerix said: »
The above post was kinda tongue-in-cheek to make a joke. It would definitely be useful for Temper II, Phalanx, Enspells and spells cast on others (assuming it's general Enhancing Duration and not just on self), but assuming there are other options such as more MACC or Enspell damage there's little reason to merit duration.

Stronger spells will always be more valuable than a little more duration for buffs that already last ages and can be quickly recast if they do run out.
Well it depends on the options of course.
If there's Macc I'll totally go 5/5 on it.
We can go 5/5 in two categories!

Between Enspell and Duration I would have no doubts goin for the latter, but I don't have a Crocea Mors myself or I'd do the former of course.
Yes Enspell damage with Composure up is still nice even without Crocea Mors but meh, I don't melee often enough (love to!) to justify getting that over the QoL of longer duration.
Yes, I'm lazy and biased and longer duration buffs give me *** xD
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2019-07-30 06:46:40
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Man they've really cranked RDM into overdrive with the two updates they've given it. It's easily been the recipient of the best updates, by far.
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2019-07-30 13:30:58
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Avesta probably showed up at SE headquarters and now they're scrambling to try to appease him.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Highwynd
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2019-07-30 13:52:58
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I remember soloing so many things with Bio III/Poison II. Fun* times.

*Editor's Note: The times were *not* fun.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Topace
Posts: 771
By Asura.Topace 2019-07-30 15:01:01
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Bismarck.Zuidar said: »
Gonna guess some changed merits

Dia/Bio Potency - -1% def/att down per merit
Enfeebling Magic Accuracy
Enfeebling Magic Potency
Phalanx Potency or Enhancing Magic Duration
Damn that would be tough to choose from. I kinda don’t want them to be that good lol.
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2019-08-01 09:09:22
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Well, at least Dia Potency would be an automatic pick, always--especially for content where GEO debuffs are nerfed. The other choices would definitely be a lot harder, though.

Also, once we all have permanent Phalanx II 5/5 access, that means buffing everyone with it will be part of our standard rotation. Not exactly something to look forward to when you're already busy...
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