Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
By tyalangan 2019-06-17 13:01:02
Damage2, CR5%~ (500 TP Bonus)
DEX15, ACC21, ATK11(subtracting from the difference of sequence’s 269 skill)
Not including the Naegling hidden attack buffs I would say Naegling wins there for CDC. Even more so with attack bonus from buffs.
By Torzak 2019-06-17 14:15:14
Unless you're going to run your specific gear set through the entirety of the equations (TP per hit, Triple Attack in TP set, Dual Wield, etc, there's no real point trying to math out a comparison of just the WS, because CDC damage by itself isn't the whole story.
Sequence has 10 Store TP going for it which is enough to be a serious matter to consider in terms of how much TP is gained from the WS itself, and further, how many hits required to land before WSing again.
Sequence will out WS Frequency Naegling
The 15 DEX on Naegling, however, will be more valuable than the 5% crit rate Sequence would bring to CDC.
By Aerix 2019-06-18 15:07:42
Not sure why Sequence vs. Naegling is even being discussed in the context of CDC rather than SB. As my parses from two pages ago showed, SB Naegling+Thibron beats out even CDC R15 Murgleis/Almace, and AM3 R15 Murg should easily beat out both Sequence or Naegling main just for CDC spamming.
Of course, if Light SCs are an absolute necessity (like Apex Bats or MBing), then I guess there's a point. In which case Naegling is very likely to win simply because RDM is a terribly Attack-starved job and the extra DEX+15 is a fairly substantial boost to WS damage. STP on Sequence is definitely useful, but depending on your x-hit or Samurai Roll, the STP+10 will only translate into TP overflow. Lastly, Naegling has considerably more Accuracy/Attack than Sequence in general, as 269 Skill isn't as powerful as people think it is.
From a Dev post:
Quote: Furthermore, the property “Weapon Skill+” and “Magic Accuracy Skill+” translates out as follows.
Weapon Skill +242: Attack +195, Accuracy +195
Weapon Skill +269: Attack +216, Accuracy +216
Naegling's 250 Skill translates to 201~ Attack/Accuracy, meaning it has 36~ more Accuracy and 15~ more Attack over R0 Sequence before the special Attack bonus from buffs. And those DEX/Acc/Atk bonuses apply to the offhand, too, which Skill doesn't.
By Torzak 2019-06-18 16:03:01
Not sure why Sequence vs. Naegling is even being discussed in the context of CDC rather than SB.
Because someone specifically asked a question about it.
Edit: Otherwise the obvious answer for CDC spam would have been get R15 Almace. There isn't anything better than that for CDC spam.
Edit#2: STP on Sequence is definitely useful, but depending on your x-hit or Samurai Roll, the STP+10 will only translate into TP overflow.
There's really not a such thing as x-hit for Dual Wield. I mean, you *could* try to approach things that way, but with all the TA, DA, and non-multi-attack attack rounds all being mixed in on TWO weapons per attack round, it's relatively pointless to look at DW jobs from a perspective of x-hit *builds*.
That's not me disagreeing with any idea of TP overflow, but it's basically impossible for that 10 Store TP to not speed up your WS frequency regardless of whatever x-hit ideas, or sam roll you might have. It's going to be flip a coin and you get TP over flow or flip a coin and you WS one attack round faster... basically no matter what.
By Aerix 2019-06-18 18:48:14
Because someone specifically asked a question about it.
Well, duh. I've read the previous page and I acknowledged there might be situations where the topic is relevant. My question, however, was rhetorical because neither weapon is particularly geared toward CDC and you can make a stronger/similarly powerful alternative simply by getting a Thibron off-hand. Even just the Accuracy from Ayanmo gear makes it useable in most content. And Jhakri is solid STR/MND/WSD gear that's easy and "free" to get for newer RDMs.
There's really not a such thing as x-hit for Dual Wield. I mean, you *could* try to approach things that way, but with all the TA, DA, and non-multi-attack attack rounds all being mixed in on TWO weapons per attack round, it's relatively pointless to look at DW jobs from a perspective of x-hit *builds*.
That's not me disagreeing with any idea of TP overflow, but it's basically impossible for that 10 Store TP to not speed up your WS frequency regardless of whatever x-hit ideas, or sam roll you might have. It's going to be flip a coin and you get TP over flow or flip a coin and you WS one attack round faster... basically no matter what.
There is such a thing as x-hit builds for DW, because I've experienced being stuck at something like 975-990 TP rather than 1k+ after a series of multihits countless times before I adjusted my gear to compensate. Additionally, it makes a noticeable difference in DPS whether you need 14-hits vs. 13-hits to reach 1k--even if you have tons of DA/TA with DW--as it can mean needing an entire extra attack round before you can WS if your multiattacks don't line up. Sure, it's random, but that doesn't mean you can't/shouldn't reduce the randomness.
Of course Samurai Rolls muddles that due its variability, but if you can't always have access to a COR buffer, then you should gear yourself accordingly.
By Torzak 2019-06-18 22:35:29
Aerix, your argument for why there is x-hit builds is valuable in a very limited way for a DW job that requires as many hits landed and as many varying possibilities in the way those hits land to get to the goal. Mostly because no matter what you do, it's possible for you to overshoot the mark that would have resulted in just enough TP to WS by 5 or more hits on RDM.
Don't mistake that for me saying to not throw on an extra bit of Store TP if you have access to it and it won't compromise your accuracy debilitatingly.
x-hit builds is a significantly more practical way of looking at things for 2-Handers as compared to DW jobs.
You're always going to find that in your gear set it's possible for you to be within basically one single swing from 1k TP. I mean... sim it out in your head if you have to; it's not hard to conceptualize.
10 Store TP of Sequence, which is probably adding 6TP per hit in many cases, is enough Store TP for *many* scenarios to have that goal post moved. Which as I said before and stand by, it means there's a chance that you either get to WS one attack round faster, or you get a bit more TP over flow. Net result = Sequence will have a higher WS frequency that Naegling.
I don't really care to get into a pissing contest about OTHER possible gearing options as it's related to the "rhetorical question" you asked. There are probably a multitude of ways to come up with a better result than to use either Naegling or Sequence for CDC spam. That's not the point of how or why I chose to answer the question. I chose to just offer some 2 cents on the question that was asked. Sometimes people don't ask a question to be told the obviously better option. Sometimes they ask a question just to satisfy their curiosity or sometimes just because it's the only gear options they have immediately available.
By Aerix 2019-06-18 23:34:09
Aerix, your argument for why there is x-hit builds is valuable in a very limited way for a DW job that requires as many hits landed and as many varying possibilities in the way those hits land to get to the goal. Mostly because no matter what you do, it's possible for you to overshoot the mark that would have resulted in just enough TP to WS by 5 or more hits on RDM.
There's a difference between missing or overshooting 1k due to multiattack procs and missing the mark because you're a couple of STP short of requiring the least amount of hits to WS.
Don't mistake that for me saying to not throw on an extra bit of Store TP if you have access to it and it won't compromise your accuracy debilitatingly.
Most pieces of RDM gear with STP have some form of Accuracy on them. And in the case of Anu Torque and Dedition Earring, they're almost always worth using despite the Acc loss. Honestly, Accuracy is rarely an issue for RDM compared to other jobs--we don't have a lot of gear choices to begin with that allow us to sacrifice Accuracy for faster TP gain. And we always have Distract 3 at our disposal.
x-hit builds is a significantly more practical way of looking at things for 2-Handers as compared to DW jobs.
Of course it's more relevant for 2-handers, but that doesn't mean you should neglect DW TP calculations altogether.
You're always going to find that in your gear set it's possible for you to be within basically one single swing from 1k TP. I mean... sim it out in your head if you have to; it's not hard to conceptualize.
I doubt I need to explain this, but while Store TP is very valuable, it also has diminishing returns. You can stack Store TP on gear up to a certain point after which the next tier to reach a lower x-hit build requires too much STP to make the swaps worthwhile (or even possible).
Given that RDM can already achieve 33% TA through Temper II alone, it's very much in our interest to gear for STP as much as possible as we're already more than competitive with other DD jobs with regard to multiattack.
That said, you want to need as few hits to 1k as possible as that will reduce your reliance on needing several multiattack procs in a row. The way DW utilizes STP for x-hit builds is different from 2-handers, but ultimately it follows the same logic and purpose. It doesn't matter if DW TP gain is very random. If you tweak your x-hit build so you only need 2 TA procs instead of 3 to reach 1k+, then you're effectively WSing faster on average.
10 Store TP of Sequence, which is probably adding 6TP per hit in many cases, is enough Store TP for *many* scenarios to have that goal post moved. Which as I said before and stand by, it means there's a chance that you either get to WS one attack round faster, or you get a bit more TP over flow. Net result = Sequence will have a higher WS frequency that Naegling.
Okay, let's assume you're decked out in whatever STP gear you can get and you've calculated that the next breakpoint requires something like 20+ STP to lower the amount of hits needed to reach 1k TP--but even with Sequence's 10 STP on WS you can't reach that.
Sequence has the same delay as Naegling. In what scenario exactly would Sequence have a higher WS frequency than Naegling when they require the exact same amount of hits to be able to WS? Sure, Sequence may have some TP overflow (which means very little to CDC), but that's not WS frequency. Sequence's STP won't magically lower the amount of hits needed when you've already accounted for it.
Even if Sequence adds just the right amount of STP to lower your x-hit (which is the reason you were advocating for it), then why are you arguing like x-hits builds for DW aren't a thing when that's exactly the same advantage the weapon provides, i.e. WS frequency?
I don't really care to get into a pissing contest about OTHER possible gearing options as it's related to the "rhetorical question" you asked. There are probably a multitude of ways to come up with a better result than to use either Naegling or Sequence for CDC spam. That's not the point of how or why I chose to answer the question. I chose to just offer some 2 cents on the question that was asked. Sometimes people don't ask a question to be told the obviously better option. Sometimes they ask a question just to satisfy their curiosity or sometimes just because it's the only gear options they have immediately available.
How is this in any way a pissing contest? I was just bemused why someone would ask which weapon is better for CDC when both weapons are typically used for SB. You interpreted my post the wrong way and replied with the most obvious conclusion anybody would reach. Of course it's being discussed because someone asked about it. Hence the "duh".
Regardless, I specifically answered the original question (and explained my reasoning) without defaulting to Almace as the best option or just saying "get a Thibron" and nothing else.
By Torzak 2019-06-19 09:38:49
Torzak: Don't mistake that for me saying to not throw on an extra bit of Store TP if you have access to it and it won't compromise your accuracy debilitatingly.
Aerix: Most pieces of RDM gear with STP have some form of Accuracy on them. And in the case of Anu Torque and Dedition Earring, they're almost always worth using despite the Acc loss. Honestly, Accuracy is rarely an issue for RDM compared to other jobs--we don't have a lot of gear choices to begin with that allow us to sacrifice Accuracy for faster TP gain. And we always have Distract 3 at our disposal.
First, you're saying all this stuff like I haven't played rdm since 2003 or like I didn't write one of the first damage calculators for this game.
Second, it's like you're arguing just to argue. There was nothing about what you quoted here that needed a counter point of view because there was nothing to counter. I said pretty clearly to use Store TP if you have access to it and if it won't be debilitating on accuracy. There *is* content that gets tackled with less than optimal support by various people, you know? I mean, what really did you add here except to sound hostile or insulting? I know I have Distract III. lol?
If you tweak your x-hit build so you only need 2 TA procs instead of 3 to reach 1k+, then you're effectively WSing faster on average.
To use your word and hostility from earlier... duh. Any Store TP or multi attack additions will result in you WSing faster. Are we really on a different page? Or do we just need to duke this ego chest popping thing out? I mean come on?
Sequence has the same delay as Naegling. In what scenario exactly would Sequence have a higher WS frequency than Naegling when they require the exact same amount of hits to be able to WS? Sure, Sequence may have some TP overflow (which means very little to CDC), but that's not WS frequency. Sequence's STP won't magically lower the amount of hits needed when you've already accounted for it.
Again, I already said basically the same thing using different words lol & you quoted me saying it. Many cases... many scenarios... I didn't say all.
which is the reason you were advocating for it
I mean, can you read? Because I was not in any way advocating for Sequence lol. At best, you could make an argument to say that I was saying they are similar enough with their respective minor advantages for CDC spam.
By Aerix 2019-06-19 10:05:14
Sheesh, you are sensitive as hell. I don't know how you got any sort of hostility from my previous post. Do you really think I'm being hostile merely because I disagreed with what you've been writing and mentioned that you pointed out the obvious?
Second, it's like you're arguing just to argue. There was nothing about what you quoted here that needed a counter point of view because there was nothing to counter. I said pretty clearly to use Store TP if you have access to it and if it won't be debilitating on accuracy.
I explained it in detail because you seem to think it's actually possible to "debilitate" your Accuracy by equipping Store TP, which isn't the case. Almost everything RDM can wear with Store TP on it also has a fair amount of Accuracy. And even if that weren't the case, you're acting like it's still 2003 where Accuracy swaps (or Distract 3) weren't a thing. People actually use Low Acc/Mid Acc/High Acc swaps nowadays. You may have written a damage calculator, but that doesn't make you infallible.
For the other points: if you actually try to read and understand what I've written, you'd see what I meant. Hint: it has to do with calculating your x-hit so you don't end up at 990ish TP.
Anyway, we've already clogged up the thread more than enough. I'm done with you.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 161
By Bismarck.Ihinaa 2019-06-21 19:08:21
So I'm looking for a main weapon for my pdt set. Is Tutelary really the best thing to use? -pdt already covered in other slots.
edit: on second look, I think putting 50def on the amb back is the better choice. Is that what everyone else is doing?
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2019-06-21 19:25:05
Isn’t defense kind of a moot stat on anything that does enough damage to kill you since it’s not pdif but base damage?
Maybe a colada with block rate?
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2019-06-21 19:46:19
There's really not a such thing as x-hit for Dual Wield. I mean, you *could* try to approach things that way, but with all the TA, DA, and non-multi-attack attack rounds all being mixed in on TWO weapons per attack round, it's relatively pointless to look at DW jobs from a perspective of x-hit *builds*.
This is plainly wrong, Store TP is exactly the same for 1H as it is for DW as it is for H2H as it is for 2H. Store TP +5 is +5% to the base TP gain of a weapon, Store TP +10 is +10% and so forth. There is nothing special about DW that changes this fact, similarly MA is the same for all jobs and some 2H jobs can easily surpass 2.0 attacks per round / hand.
What's important here is total Store TP and Average Attacks Rer Round (AARP). Now getting AARP with lots of different kinds of MA is a PiTA but thankfully someone already made a calculator for it.
Save it to your documents, put in one sets values and it'll list your AARP along with a very important stat, Single Attack Rate. SA rate determines your variability in TP gain speed which effects how predictable your WS rate becomes.
Damage from WS spam becomes a game of min-maxing the twin values of TP Growth and Multi-Attack to achieve the higher TP per Second.
Now what "X-hit" does is enable the player to further tweak the balance of those two stats. You can't WS under 1K and different WS's have different optional growth ranges for over-TPing, allowing the payer to optimize their WS power by balancing between Store TP and Multi-Attack. Te only reason 2H spend so much time is that /SAM gives them +15 Store TP during both TP and WS allowing more freedom in gear choices.
If people want to play like a DD, they need to think like one.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Chiaia 2019-06-21 20:49:52
Solid info, not sure if you were trying to be funny or not since you have typos for either way but this gets my Seal of
By Torzak 2019-06-22 01:18:59
This is plainly wrong, Store TP is exactly the same for 1H as it is for DW as it is for H2H as it is for 2H. Store TP +5 is +5% to the base TP gain of a weapon, Store TP +10 is +10% and so forth. There is nothing special about DW that changes this fact, similarly MA is the same for all jobs and some 2H jobs can easily surpass 2.0 attacks per round / hand.
First, I didn't say Store TP functioned differently for any class of weaponry. What I did say is x-hit build is not really that great of a concept to apply to DW jobs. Which if you actually break things down, there's plenty of merit to not look at it quite that way:
You have TWO separate weapons on DW jobs that both can proc their own multi-attack. This means that going from one attack round to the next you have more room for variance than a 2-hand weapon has in terms of how many hits are going to land.
On DW you can QA the Main Hand & QA the off hand for 8 hits within the attack round. You could QA/TA for 7 hits, You could TA/TA for 6 hits, you could QA & DA for 6 hits, you could TA & DA for 5 hits, blah blah.
2-Handers will never be forced to deal with landing 7 extra hits beyond what's needed to WS. RDM does have to deal with that very real possibility. But let's say that's being too dramatic, because it's not like RDM is drowning in QA. Still, you can over shoot your WS mark by 5 hits quite realistically as a RDM.
This is why there's less validity (or "relatively pointless" as you quoted me as saying) in focusing on an x-hit build on a DW job as compared to a 2hander. The randomness of DW and Multi Attack isn't going to play nice with what you're aiming for. That doesn't mean you can't do *some* optimizing with Store TP to help with possible common occurrences of being 20 TP from WSing. But those occurrences are almost always going to crop up depending on what gear your cor has or what kind of aoe your target is doing, or if you're tanking, etc.
So in the end, and for DW, the real best option is to put the piece of gear with the biggest bang for the slot, in the slot, while ensuring you've got appropriate DW amounts in the gear set. Your best option isn't going to be trying to finesse Store TP to the same extent that a 2-Hander would.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Elizabet 2019-06-22 02:08:11
The problem, is that there isn't really a rule of thumb to go by to equate each stats (acc, atk, multi-atk, store TP) in relativeness to each other and say this piece is worth 10 DPS points and that piece is worth only 9 DPS points. Because that won't stay true all the time as the rest of the gear evolves. Its actually part of what makes FFXI so fun to me. (The side grade and optimization game instead of clear cut vertical upgrades)
What Savael say is correct in the sense that a X-hit build is still relevant because once you hit enough STP for your average attacks per round, the weight for STP falls off a cliff. It's the same idea for Dual Wield + once reaching delay cap, or acc if you already reach 95% cap.
But what Torzak is saying is also correct in saying that it's a better idea to go for bang for buck but really the issue is that's its hard to look at any given piece and scope it into a bang for buck hierarchy agaisnt something else.
The only thing you can do here for certainty is plug all your gearset into a spreadsheet / dps sim and swap pieces in and out to compare.
At the end of the day what's important is TP per sec, and how much that enables your WS frequency. All the while surviving enough to actually be in melee range and not tank the floor / be a mp sponge.
By Nariont 2019-06-22 04:54:04
War/drk/drg/sam all your 2 handers have equally high levels of MA to "ruin" an x-hit most of the above have well over 60 da/nice chunk of ta/smidge of qa, any ohmf these proccing will easily put you into overflow which is fine since more tp is generally welcome for the ws' in play, but you still build for x-hit for just the slimmest chance ma didnt proc, if you get more tp than needed awesome but sutting at 950 instead of 1k sucks.
All this applies to dw jobs, higher varience of ma doesnt mean forego a garunteed result and like 2 handers lots of dw ws benefit from overflow. Aa for randomness in dw, well thats hopefully what your varying dw tp sets account for if haste is fluctuating, if not yeah that can lead to some frustrstion. End of the day id rather aim for a 10 round x hit and end up with 7~8 round due to ma, then do a 11~12 round cause my ma didnt kick in for whatever reason
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By Asura.Geriond 2019-06-22 08:21:01
2-Handers will never be forced to deal with landing 7 extra hits beyond what's needed to WS. RDM does have to deal with that very real possibility. But let's say that's being too dramatic, because it's not like RDM is drowning in QA. Still, you can over shoot your WS mark by 5 hits quite realistically as a RDM. No, but you can overshoot by 3 hits, which with a 2-handed weapons will often give more excess TP than 7 DW hits.
Anyway, back to the main topic, whether shooting for an X-hit is beneficial depends not on DW or MA, but on what WS you're using. For WSs with negligible or no damage benefits to additional TP, like CdC, X-hits are completely worthwhile. For WSs with moderate or strong dependence on additional TP, then they're often not worth shooting for specifically, even if the TP > Damage is technically most efficient at 1000 TP, due to incurring the 2 second WS delay more often.
By Cronnus 2019-06-28 17:28:14
So does Freke's compete with Epaminondas's ring for sanguine blade now?
Server: Sylph
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By Sylph.Wasenshi 2019-06-28 17:40:24
So does Freke's compete with Epaminondas's ring for sanguine blade now? Tested unbuffed close but not as good about 21k vs 22k on Apex crabs
By cuddlyhamster 2019-06-30 16:08:23
noobie question from a noobie rdm
front page suggests to land frazzle2 before putting up potency frazzle3. is the only reason for this is to have a skill/macc frazzle2 set and a potency frazzle3?
Is it equally fine to cast a skill/macc frazzle3 and have a toggle or something to switch to potency for a follow up cast?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
By Bismarck.Ringoko 2019-06-30 16:18:43
noobie question from a noobie rdm
front page suggests to land frazzle2 before putting up potency frazzle3. is the only reason for this is to have a skill/macc frazzle2 set and a potency frazzle3?
Is it equally fine to cast a skill/macc frazzle3 and have a toggle or something to switch to potency for a follow up cast?
You can go Frazzle 2 to Frazzle 3 but not Frazzle 3 to Frazzle 3. You'll get "No Effect" if you go Frazzle 3 to Frazzle 3. Applying Frazzle 2 is like a stepping stone if you're having issues landing Frazzle 3.
By cuddlyhamster 2019-06-30 16:22:41
noobie question from a noobie rdm
front page suggests to land frazzle2 before putting up potency frazzle3. is the only reason for this is to have a skill/macc frazzle2 set and a potency frazzle3?
Is it equally fine to cast a skill/macc frazzle3 and have a toggle or something to switch to potency for a follow up cast?
You can go Frazzle 2 to Frazzle 3 but not Frazzle 3 to Frazzle 3. You'll get "No Effect" if you go Frazzle 3 to Frazzle 3. Applying Frazzle 2 is like a stepping stone if you're having issues landing Frazzle 3. ok, thanks for the quick responce
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 161
By Bismarck.Ihinaa 2019-07-04 16:32:07
Here's my current RDM PDT set
ItemSet 367577
Cape has augment of vit+30, def+50, eva/meva+20.
I tried out Deliverance+1 and let myself get beaten up by apex crabs(which is my baseline for this) for awhile. After several thousand hits, Genmei Shield had a lower damage per hit taken by a significant margin. Deliverance+1, being a size 2 shield has a block rate of around 9.8-9.9% while Genmei, being size 1, is at around 24-25%. The Atrophy feet+3 takes my block rate (using Genmei shield) from around 10-ish% to 24.5% on these crabs, which is nice.
I tried out Thureous Earring vs Impregnable earring and after several hours, the difference was insignificant and practically unnoticeable. Went with Thureous Earring because it has hp/mp on it.
Only thing that bugs me is that I'm at 58% pdt. I could swap out the Loricate torque+1 for something else. Maybe Unmoving Collar+1 for 10~ more def or Sanctity Necklace for more hp/mp.
Anyone see any other improvements I can make?
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-07-04 16:50:13
You can go with an Su4/5 sword and change Etheral to Genmei sense etheral does pretty much nothing
~150 hp boost
By Boshi 2019-07-04 16:50:23
Resin aug onto cape
If you’re really gonna do this shield thing hing hardcore might as well get Excalibur
I’m not a fan of ethereal either
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 161
By Bismarck.Ihinaa 2019-07-04 17:11:31
What Su4/5 sword has more defensive stats than Shikargar? The +11vit adds about 16def as well. I threw on my Sequence with a dark ring and my damage taken didn't move all that much, so having an ilvl weapon didn't lower my damage taken.
And oh boy, I did not know Excalibur has that augment.
Well, I already don't want to finish off my three other daggers, but I guess I could consider throwing excal in after they're done.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
By Bismarck.Ringoko 2019-07-04 17:47:56
What Su4/5 sword has more defensive stats than Shikargar? The +11vit adds about 16def as well. I threw on my Sequence with a dark ring and my damage taken didn't move all that much, so having an ilvl weapon didn't lower my damage taken.
And oh boy, I did not know Excalibur has that augment.
Well, I already don't want to finish off my three other daggers, but I guess I could consider throwing excal in after they're done.
HP +130
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Karbuncle 2019-07-09 17:10:27
Apologies as I'm sure its been brought up I just can't find it.
I'm looking for some help on a Stun set for Zerde, I haven't done it on RDM, but the Job Mastered RDM I did it with seemed to have got resisted a lot... which comes my concern.
I imagine I just want to pile on as much Magic Accuracy as possible, but I'm wonder how Dark Magic Skill weighs in on it, thanks!
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Topace 2019-07-09 17:26:13
Apologies as I'm sure its been brought up I just can't find it.
I'm looking for some help on a Stun set for Zerde, I haven't done it on RDM, but the Job Mastered RDM I did it with seemed to have got resisted a lot... which comes my concern.
I imagine I just want to pile on as much Magic Accuracy as possible, but I'm wonder how Dark Magic Skill weighs in on it, thanks! You could get away with cap dark skill and a good macc set.
This is what I use for zerde stun
ItemSet 367623
and I don't think I ever got resisted. You could use that SR club instead of grio for the +10 dark skill assuming you got good augs. And make sure Zerde has Frazzle on it that combine with Languor and or warlock roll(depending on how your shell does it) you should hardly ever get resisted.
By FaeQueenCory 2019-07-09 17:29:58
Shouldn't be getting resist floored during chainspell now that saboteur lasts 1min.
The first stun is the most important, so should be Stymied... if not both Stymie and Saboteur.
But after the first one, there should be a languor on him in some form. Either a second GEO or at the very least entrusted.
Can do this in mostly just RF+2 stuff. Artifact's set bonus helps, but only so long as they have Macc on the piece already.
Basically so long as every piece is >30 Macc in every slot, you should be fine.
Oh. And don't forget your tropical crepe.