Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2019-02-22 06:49:55
Got sources or a Dev post for that?
I have no problem finding dMND posts for all the enfeebles being changed and macc increased for distract and frazzle 1 and 2, but nothing official that mentions them changing MND to be macc on black magic spells even if they are enfeebles.
By Asura.Byrne 2019-02-22 07:05:14
It's that and Distract comes from black magic. If you're going gainMND for potency, you are giving up macc by not going gainINT. It's the same with pick kayk gloves over jhakri.
That's not how it works anymore.
Distract III and Frazzle III both use MND as it's accuracy and potency source. Most of our enfeebles are now MND based.
Yup, I actually suspect that many people's luas are returning INT enfeeble gear for Distract and Frazzle unless they thought to change it.
By Asura.Byrne 2019-02-22 07:08:39
Also hard pass on curaga 3. Don't take WHM jobs, they need job security or we will have even fewer competent WHMs.
You want to give us access to Cura 3 and Misery on /whm so we can help WHMs in bad AoE situations that's fine. But i dont want on command Curaga with no strings attached being on anyone but WHM.
Yeah, I mean my opinion is just one voice, but I agree too. I'd much rather RDM get some REAL REGEN SPELLS for *** sake! if for no other reason than I've always thought the enhancing job that gets exclusive access to Refresh II and III not even getting Regen III... like srsly, what the ***? RUNE gets regen IV but we don't even get III?
Eh, whatever, not worth getting that bent out of shape over, it just seems so backward.
By likard 2019-02-22 08:03:32
Another take would be to look at other mmos and how they handle the different healer types.
Whm is definitely the direct healing master atm. SE changed sch to be master of heal over time. One way rdm could be a unique healer would be ward/shield healing. Give stone skin 2 and stone skin-ga and phalanxga so that a rdm healer works more by mitigating damage ahead of time. Maybe do the reverse of solace and set the skins to heal on wearing? It would be a lot of work, but it would be unique and different so each of the current mages that can heal do so very differently.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2019-02-22 08:22:15
Got sources or a Dev post for that?
I have no problem finding dMND posts for all the enfeebles being changed and macc increased for distract and frazzle 1 and 2, but nothing official that mentions them changing MND to be macc on black magic spells even if they are enfeebles.
Those spells never used INT, ever. When SE created them they mentioned they were going to be MND based, you can check the RDM forums on the official website.
Only the "legacy" black magic enfeebles are still based on INT, so Poison / Blind / Dispel / Sleep / Gravity / Bind. The MND based ones are Slow / Paralyze / Silence / Distract / Frazzle, not sure about Inundation as I've never seen anything "resist" it and it's potency is static.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2019-02-22 08:32:52
Another take would be to look at other mmos and how they handle the different healer types.
Whm is definitely the direct healing master atm. SE changed sch to be master of heal over time. One way rdm could be a unique healer would be ward/shield healing. Give stone skin 2 and stone skin-ga and phalanxga so that a rdm healer works more by mitigating damage ahead of time. Maybe do the reverse of solace and set the skins to heal on wearing? It would be a lot of work, but it would be unique and different so each of the current mages that can heal do so very differently.
Wouldn't work in this game, our HP simply hasn't kept up with the monsters offense.
Shortly after Abyssea SE created the first Voidwatch NM's who had ridiculous offensive abilities, we're talking alliance wiping AoE moves that they would spam. We learned to deal with them two ways, first was using "hybrid DT" sets that let melee's do damage while still being pseudo tanks, the second was spamming fanatics drinks and chain procing to restock them. The old joke was that every fight SE created would have some combination of Amnesia, Gear Striping, Doom, Death, Petrify, Stun, Paralyze, Slow, Bind and Charm while also doing 1500 damage to everyone. This was back when we had ~1700 HP. Ever since then SE has maintained this design concept, each new boss did more damage then the last but our HP didn't grow by much. Now we are at a point where our HP is about half of what it needs to be to do anything other then a "kill it ASAP" strategy. Every non-tank is two or three hits away from death, even at max HP. You would need hundreds of HP per tick, or a "shield" measured in the thousands to be effective "healing" in current FFXI meta.
With that in mind, it's impossible to use HoT's or shielding, they would just die anyway. The only possible healing method in FFXI is direct because people's HP tends to drop by half or more at once. Which again is why Curaga III would be so damn important, it immediately brings people out of the danger zone of being killed in the next few seconds and buys time to replenish their HP further. Last night I main healed RDM/SCH in Dynamis and jesus it was non-stop casting. My MP never went under 75% of max but I was constantly casting spells and abusing accession timers for defensive buffs. Curaga III would of made my life so much easier, big blast -> Curaga III instead of me using educated guessing to know which DD to cast Cure IV on first, then second, then third.
But hey almost capped my Croc and +2 neck.
This is from someone who's playing different MMO's and has done healing, tanking and DPSing in games where those other methods are viable. We can't expect FFXI to be a game it's not and have to adapt to it's current balance instead of wishing for an entirely different game.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2019-02-22 09:00:41
Got sources or a Dev post for that?
I have no problem finding dMND posts for all the enfeebles being changed and macc increased for distract and frazzle 1 and 2, but nothing official that mentions them changing MND to be macc on black magic spells even if they are enfeebles.
Those spells never used INT, ever. When SE created them they mentioned they were going to be MND based, you can check the RDM forums on the official website.
Only the "legacy" black magic enfeebles are still based on INT, so Poison / Blind / Dispel / Sleep / Gravity / Bind. The MND based ones are Slow / Paralyze / Silence / Distract / Frazzle, not sure about Inundation as I've never seen anything "resist" it and it's potency is static.
I'm going to go search for that. I land distract easily but I've had a well maintained RDM since they started Dyna D. I've also never had a resist on Innundation unless something was magic immune. Addle is MND as well.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 79
By Cerberus.Tacothecat 2019-02-22 09:10:59
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 148
By Bismarck.Rwolf 2019-02-22 09:19:49
This might help.
Official Forum post about enfeebles.
BG Magic Testing
Edit: lol beat me to it. Funny it's the same format.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2019-02-22 10:25:39
Is saying that Distract and Frazzle are exceptions because they get potency from MND while being a black magic enfeeble. Not that they use MND for macc.
I searched all the version updates and RDM forums that had dev posts. They only mention dMND for potencies. They don't address macc being linked to a stat. I'd love for MND to be macc on these spells, but I'm pretty sure this is just wishful thinking. You pick accuracy or potency on your gain spell.
I personally pick INT because it makes breakga land /sch in wave 3 and I've never had a problem landing distract 3 right after the mobs are disabled, even when i forget to use my stewpot until we get to the boss.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2019-02-22 10:28:25
but I'm pretty sure this is just wishful thinking.
No just you being dense. dSTAT is magic acc at a rate of dSTAT/2 when your over/under 10 from the target, tested to death over the years.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2019-02-22 10:30:21
but I'm pretty sure this is just wishful thinking.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2019-02-22 13:09:42
RDM could have been designed to be a healer that heals by using their two greatest strengths, Enhancing and Enfeebling, reducing the amount of healing needed. Firstly by allowing Bio and Dia to stack (devs probably thought RDMs would be using Bio tactically, but didn't account for just how *** good Dia is...), buffing the hell out of Phalanx and Phalanx II so it reduces damage by a flat % say 10-15% and stacks with gear, letting RDM have Blinkga/Stoneskinga, and letting Addle also reduce magic attack. Then, give RDM another debuff or two that reducing damage straight up.
Then, they could give RDM an enhancing spell or AoE spell that buffs healing received% on party members. So, you can't give RDM Cure V? Fine. But you can give them a spell that they can cast on others that boosts your Cure IV by +25%, or allows that Cure IV to spread to nearby players for "splash" healing -- turns your Cure IV into a Curaga that heals nearby players by 30% of what the target healed for.
In hindsight now that I've played FFXIV for 4 years, I look back at XI and see how there's really only 2 or 3 tank jobs, 1 real actual healer, and like 20+ DPS or hybrid DPS. They had so many ways to make SCH, DNC, and RDM into equitable healers, but they chose to make them half as effective, making those jobs pointless for anything but low-manning stuff like Assaults or Skirmish, or for blitzing things like Neo Nyzul where a WHM was useless because they didn't contribute anythign but pure healing.
By eliroo 2019-02-22 13:14:39
Its sort of a trade off. XI allows for more specialization while XIV focuses on balance and homogenization but you have less overall niches. As a result the less viable jobs in XIV are still considered pretty bad but the difference is negligible. The downside is that in XIV nothing feels special.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2019-02-22 15:11:21
The problem with only have 1 specialized healer in XI was that WHM was a guaranteed slot in every party endgame because other jobs didn't have the healing power or the AoE power that WHM did. So whereas WAR/DRK/DRG/BLM/SMN/SAM/MNK/RNG/DNC/BLU were interchangable for DPS slots for the most part, WHM was a guaranee. And for early and more recent content where people use actual tanks and not DPS with hybrid sets, they were required and guranteed (though it shifted from being PLD/NIN to NIN/DRK during CoP. I don't think it was until Rhapsodies that tanking with an actual PLD or RUN made a comeback. You just stun locked everything in Legion for example.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2019-02-22 15:18:20
or allows that Cure IV to spread to nearby players for "splash" healing -- turns your Cure IV into a Curaga that heals nearby players by 30% of what the target healed for.
This is the only sensible alternative to just making Curaga III at 49.
To be honest I have zero issue with single target healing right now, Cure IV is nearly instant cast and heals more then enough HP to prevent death. Multiple people suddenly being under 50%HP on the other hand is a very dangerous situation cause I can only get to them one at a time or use a very weak AoE cure spell.
Why couldn't SE let us have Raetic rod...
By Asura.Byrne 2019-02-22 17:23:59
Every non-tank is two or three hits away from death, even at max HP. You would need hundreds of HP per tick, or a "shield" measured in the thousands to be effective "healing" in current FFXI meta.
This is not to mention the majority of them have a significant double attack or triple attack trait :(
By Asura.Byrne 2019-02-22 17:33:21
Got sources or a Dev post for that?
I have no problem finding dMND posts for all the enfeebles being changed and macc increased for distract and frazzle 1 and 2, but nothing official that mentions them changing MND to be macc on black magic spells even if they are enfeebles.
Those spells never used INT, ever. When SE created them they mentioned they were going to be MND based, you can check the RDM forums on the official website.
Only the "legacy" black magic enfeebles are still based on INT, so Poison / Blind / Dispel / Sleep / Gravity / Bind. The MND based ones are Slow / Paralyze / Silence / Distract / Frazzle, not sure about Inundation as I've never seen anything "resist" it and it's potency is static.
I'm going to go search for that. I land distract easily but I've had a well maintained RDM since they started Dyna D. I've also never had a resist on Innundation unless something was magic immune. Addle is MND as well.
It's pretty easy to remember, now.
White Magic = MND
Black Magic with the exception of frazzle and distract = INT
On the page that shows that Blind is supposedly mind based, there is a correction in the comment section that states:
08-27-2015, 06:32 PM
Unless things changed in the last two months your values are incorrect Camate.
Blind and Blind II is dINT, not dMND.
For Blind the exact values cap at +120 dINT giving 50 reduced accuracy and -73 dINT giving 5 reduced accuracy.
For one merit in Blind II the exact values cap at +120 dINT giving 90 reduced accuracy and -78 dINT giving 15 reduced accuracy. Each additional merit has same max/min dINT values and just bumps up the accuracy down by 1.
For exact values from min to max in testing for Slow/2, Blind/2, Distract3 see the thread: http://www.bluegartr.com/threads/125602-more-magic-testing.
In every single case, the spell is modified in potency by the same stat that modifies it's accuracy. There is no good reason to assume that Frazzle and Distract are exceptions to this.
I've been using MND for my Distract and Frazzle capes, and I've gone on the record here before you spoke as also having little to no issue landing them in wave 3, with no food up.
By Aerix 2019-02-22 18:02:33
SE has made a ton of very questionable decisions over the years, but making Distract/Frazzle use two different attributes for their MACC and potency would be too ridiculous even for them.
By Ryoski 2019-02-22 18:54:54
Crocea Mors Path C. Can anyone tell me the augment stages of Rank15 and rank 20? surely it doesnt just start at
Route C (Main hand only)
[1] Sword enhancement spell damage +500%
[2] Elemental weapon skill damage +100%
[3] DMG: +7
but i cant find info anywhere. thank you
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2019-02-22 19:07:12
The same augments as the NQ and HQ1.
By Quendi210 2019-02-22 19:25:12
Crocea Mors Path C. Can anyone tell me the augment stages of Rank15 and rank 20? surely it doesnt just start at
Route C (Main hand only)
[1] Sword enhancement spell damage +500%
[2] Elemental weapon skill damage +100%
[3] DMG: +7
but i cant find info anywhere. thank you
Sword enhancement spell damage is 20% per rank.
Elemental weapon skill damage is 4% per rank.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2019-02-22 19:36:48
Got sources or a Dev post for that?
I have no problem finding dMND posts for all the enfeebles being changed and macc increased for distract and frazzle 1 and 2, but nothing official that mentions them changing MND to be macc on black magic spells even if they are enfeebles.
Those spells never used INT, ever. When SE created them they mentioned they were going to be MND based, you can check the RDM forums on the official website.
Only the "legacy" black magic enfeebles are still based on INT, so Poison / Blind / Dispel / Sleep / Gravity / Bind. The MND based ones are Slow / Paralyze / Silence / Distract / Frazzle, not sure about Inundation as I've never seen anything "resist" it and it's potency is static.
I'm going to go search for that. I land distract easily but I've had a well maintained RDM since they started Dyna D. I've also never had a resist on Innundation unless something was magic immune. Addle is MND as well.
It's pretty easy to remember, now.
White Magic = MND
Black Magic with the exception of frazzle and distract = INT
On the page that shows that Blind is supposedly mind based, there is a correction in the comment section that states:
08-27-2015, 06:32 PM
Unless things changed in the last two months your values are incorrect Camate.
Blind and Blind II is dINT, not dMND.
For Blind the exact values cap at +120 dINT giving 50 reduced accuracy and -73 dINT giving 5 reduced accuracy.
For one merit in Blind II the exact values cap at +120 dINT giving 90 reduced accuracy and -78 dINT giving 15 reduced accuracy. Each additional merit has same max/min dINT values and just bumps up the accuracy down by 1.
For exact values from min to max in testing for Slow/2, Blind/2, Distract3 see the thread: http://www.bluegartr.com/threads/125602-more-magic-testing.
In every single case, the spell is modified in potency by the same stat that modifies it's accuracy. There is no good reason to assume that Frazzle and Distract are exceptions to this.
I've been using MND for my Distract and Frazzle capes, and I've gone on the record here before you spoke as also having little to no issue landing them in wave 3, with no food up.
I could always make another cape. It certainly isn't going to hurt me. The real question is to even bother with kayk hands or +1 knowing empy hands are probably going to replace them?
By Aerix 2019-02-22 20:38:19
Even if Empy +3 were released next month (highly unlikely), it would be extremely expensive to upgrade for the first couple of months. Kaykaus hands +1 are pretty cheap right now, so it's a pretty decent upgrade that will last you quite some time.
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-02-22 20:42:11
Not that they hold ANY form of consistency, but it's at least likely they wait until november(ish) for emp+3 since omen and dynamis both hit at the same(ish) time
Feel like they may have actually learned from the original reforging which happened way to close together. and since dyanmis is such a huge steaming turd they NEED to stretch that content out.
By Ryoski 2019-02-22 21:58:13
Thank you guys i really appreciate the confirmation. cheers!
ty Saevel and Quendi210.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2019-02-23 02:53:03
I assume it won't happen until the end of the year as well. They are currently doing maintenance in the form of job adjustments and giving people time to catch up with their jps if they haven't figured out how to do wave 3 or just dont have a ls/ access.
20 mil on my server isn't that bad for cure potency ii since i already have the+1 body. I think that alone might be worth it. The general thought i was having is will i have any content till empy upgrades come out that will require it? It can't see that, but the empy upgrades themselves might be rough at the start.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2019-02-23 02:59:12
Does anyone know if the main page of this guide gets updated? The stoneskin pants can be updated with Shedir pants for an additional +15 potency over haven hose. That seems like such an obvious oversight. I noticed it when i went searching for a cure potency set
By Asura.Byrne 2019-02-23 03:19:17
Does anyone know if the main page of this guide gets updated? The stoneskin pants can be updated with Shedir pants for an additional +15 potency over haven hose. That seems like such an obvious oversight. I noticed it when i went searching for a cure potency set
Now that you mention it, there are numerous issues with that set. I'll fix it.
Edit: Adjusted the node... Hopefully I didn't make a horse of things.
I removed enhancing gear, as far as I can tell it seems you hit damage resistance cap with no gear at 99, so it seemed a bit superfluous. You can probably just fill in the rest of the slots with DT.
Server: Odin
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Posts: 5
By Odin.Andryy 2019-02-25 16:59:05
ItemSet 365292
Hands = Path D
Taeon = RAcc/Ratk+20 Snapshot+10
Cape = AGI+20 RAcc+30 RAtk+20 STP+10
Any thoughts, besides Volte?
Have yet to work on WS set...