Jack Of All Trades: A Guide To Red Mage

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Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
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By Aerix 2019-02-12 19:20:57
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Beatrica said: »
problem is u neeed a lot mag acc to hit reliable with enspells and esp with the uptade now they are a big part of the dmg, there is good gear with acc, mag acc, etc. so gear there are options, orpheus sash doesnt sound too impressive even if is +15% enspell dmg thats almost nothing compured to su4 sword and compusures what +600%?... i rather use a haste belt here, also sometime u'll need frazzle AND mag acc on ure set, also u dont want to frazzle EVERY lesser mob to have mag acc on ure enspells, that is not very effective as well

While you have a point, this falls into the same category as building Accuracy sets for physical melee TP. The above set I created was for maximum DPS with low Accuracy/Magic Accuracy requirements--for harder content you should always have a HighMAcc and MaxMAcc (incl. Accuracy) set to be able to swap into anyway. There's no one-size-fits-all TP set for all situations and overgearing MAcc for every fight has no benefits.

That said, a medium MAcc set with Jhakri Slops +2 could be something like this, which isn't half-bad imo, but I don't think it would beat the added white damage from Orpheus in low MAcc settings:

ItemSet 365083

This is a 12-hit build before rolls with Kaja Knife (which also has +35 MAcc). This overcaps heavily on Haste, but I couldn't find a better belt with any melee stats on them. Goading Belt seemed good, but the STP+5 isn't even close to lowering this build to 11-hit. However, it would also allow us to swap Ginsen for Kaja Bow for even more MAcc at the cost of TA+2% and slightly uncapped Haste.

Though in any case, with the MAcc requirements in mind, this means Volte would be strictly worse than Ayanmo+2/Jhakri+2 if we're trying to make Enspells useful in higher end fights.

Max MAcc TP set:

ItemSet 365085

14-hit build with Kaja Knife & Kaja Bow. I opted for double Chirich Ring+1 over Ayanmo/Etana Rings because of the STP. Regal Earring + AF+3 didn't seem worth it since no AF piece has both Acc and MAcc on it and Regal Earring doesn't make up for it.

Ayanmo feet+2 over Jhakri because it has higher DEX and even with the Haste belt the lack of Haste on Jhakri means the set doesn't quite cap. Also assuming Enspell MAcc scales with MND rather INT due to being White Magic, the Ayanmo+2 set bonus increases that further.

Any suggestions welcome.

Phoenix.Iocus said: »
Are you going TA or Dual Wield on the Taeon Pieces?

Triple Attack on Taeon pieces and the DW comes from the Ambu cape. While you could get +10% DW on both Taeon pieces together to get DA+10% or STP+10 on the cape, I don't think it would be worth it. The STP+10 is not enough to lower the x-hit build and the DA+10% is significantly devalued by Temper II. I'm happy to be proven wrong if anybody has the numbers for DA+10% vs. TA+4% under Temper II though.
Server: Ramuh
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By Ramuh.Austar 2019-02-12 20:56:56
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You can use my DW TP Per round simulation. Don't manually add raetic FUA rate, that's done automatically based on the MP and your selection.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2019-02-13 03:01:01
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Beatrica said: »
orpheus sash doesnt sound too impressive even if is +15% enspell dmg thats almost nothing compured to su4 sword and compusures what +600%?

Its affinity buff tho. Its multiplicative with those other buffs. To show you the bigget picture here. Composure on top of su5 sword is enspell damage +33%, so for su5 rdm, sash is almost as effective for enspell damage as half of composure.
By 2019-02-13 04:39:49
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By SimonSes 2019-02-13 05:26:30
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Beatrica said: »
i dont think enspells scale with mnd, i i think enspells acc is based on These stuff only: enemy magic Evasion to the element, casters mag acc when the enspell hits, thats it, very simple probably, u dont cast the enspell on the enemy, no reason it being affected by mnd

Im not here to judge if MND affects macc for enspell or not, but there is big whole in your reasoning that "u dont cast the enspell on the enemy, no reason it being affected by mnd"

There is plenty of examples in this game where your stats is checked against target stat during many things including melee, not only during casting enfeebling or elemental magic magic.

Dex vs Agi for crit rate
Agi vs Agi for ranged crit rate
Str vs vit for fSTR
Int vs Int for damage on some WSs

We know that macc on enspell is checked on hit, so there is nothing to believe that game doesn't check some other stats too.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2019-02-13 06:39:43
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Your missing the biggest part, enhancing skill during cast.
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2019-02-13 07:16:42
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Your missing the biggest part, enhancing skill during cast.

Regarding what? Skill during cast only affects the damage per proc.

In any case, whether MND affects Enspells or not is pretty much irrelevant, it's just a minor added bonus. Worst case, you still benefit from the slight STR increase for your physical hits.
Server: Asura
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user: Bodille
Posts: 41
By Asura.Netero 2019-02-13 16:32:42
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hey guys
not sure if this was discussed before but when it comes to spamming Savage Blade, hows Kaja Sword vs Sequence ?
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2019-02-13 17:56:29
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Asura.Netero said: »
hey guys
not sure if this was discussed before but when it comes to spamming Savage Blade, hows Kaja Sword vs Sequence ?

Sequence is better. Kaja only starts to be better above 2500TP
By Afania 2019-02-13 18:04:59
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SimonSes said: »
Asura.Netero said: »
hey guys
not sure if this was discussed before but when it comes to spamming Savage Blade, hows Kaja Sword vs Sequence ?

Sequence is better. Kaja only starts to be better above 2500TP

Even if you offhand TP bonus sword? You would be at 2250 TP with all the gears, more if WAR SMN in pt.
Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2019-02-13 21:26:24
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If you want to use jhakri+2 legs and goading belt you can use the green wyvern cheer for an extra 1% equipment haste. Mog Gardens aren't fun or fast if you haven't started them, but i use it to ease the requirements for making RNG melee sets and PLD. It's a nice little bonus.

It sadly doesn't help make any of the other builds any better since they usually need 2% haste for cap if not using a haste belt.

You can also just use the Ayanmo legs if you want to avoid taeon pieces. The acc/macc is decent and DT doesn't hurt. I'm currently using them with reiki yotai and earring to make sure i cap haste and delay when buffed. My hands are volte and i can easily self sc, but you can use ayanmo hands since enspell damage is your aim. And Sanguine doesn't SC anyways.

I was running jhakri legs and goading for a while until i got reiki yotai. I definitely prefer capping delay reduction now that I'm /nin and enspells got such an aggressive boost.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2019-02-13 21:32:12
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Afania said: »
SimonSes said: »
Asura.Netero said: »
hey guys
not sure if this was discussed before but when it comes to spamming Savage Blade, hows Kaja Sword vs Sequence ?

Sequence is better. Kaja only starts to be better above 2500TP

Even if you offhand TP bonus sword? You would be at 2250 TP with all the gears, more if WAR SMN in pt.

Even with TP bonus. Assuming you WS at 1000.

At 2250 SB main hit is 11.075 fTP, so 12.73625 with Kaja
At 2750 (with Sequence) SB main hit is 12.716, so Kaja wins slightly with fTP, but Sequence has higher base damage (even with counted in mnd on Kaja), so they would be about even on WS, but Sequence would still generate TP faster.
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2019-02-13 22:32:49
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Phoenix.Iocus said: »
If you want to use jhakri+2 legs and goading belt you can use the green wyvern cheer for an extra 1% equipment haste. Mog Gardens aren't fun or fast if you haven't started them, but i use it to ease the requirements for making RNG melee sets and PLD. It's a nice little bonus.

It sadly doesn't help make any of the other builds any better since they usually need 2% haste for cap if not using a haste belt.

You can also just use the Ayanmo legs if you want to avoid taeon pieces. The acc/macc is decent and DT doesn't hurt. I'm currently using them with reiki yotai and earring to make sure i cap haste and delay when buffed. My hands are volte and i can easily self sc, but you can use ayanmo hands since enspell damage is your aim. And Sanguine doesn't SC anyways.

I was running jhakri legs and goading for a while until i got reiki yotai. I definitely prefer capping delay reduction now that I'm /nin and enspells got such an aggressive boost.

Good call on the memento--I had completely forgotten about those. I personally prefer the Jumbotender one to give Trusts more staying power when soloing, so I'm not really a fan of changing it. But this is certainly worth consideration if MAcc turns out to be an issue even in the High MAcc set.

You're lucky to have Volte, but as mentioned before due to the lack of MAcc on them I'm not sure I would use them for an Enspell build, personally. I'd love to have them for a physical SB/CDC build, though.
Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2019-02-14 17:50:07
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I would take ayamno gloves immediately if i had the su5 sword. I can usually beat sanguine blade with savage or death blossom, but with double the damage to elemental ws and being able to spam them at 1000 tp would change that dynamic.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1871
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2019-02-14 19:06:02
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SimonSes said: »
Afania said: »
SimonSes said: »
Asura.Netero said: »
hey guys
not sure if this was discussed before but when it comes to spamming Savage Blade, hows Kaja Sword vs Sequence ?

Sequence is better. Kaja only starts to be better above 2500TP

Even if you offhand TP bonus sword? You would be at 2250 TP with all the gears, more if WAR SMN in pt.

Even with TP bonus. Assuming you WS at 1000.

At 2250 SB main hit is 11.075 fTP, so 12.73625 with Kaja
At 2750 (with Sequence) SB main hit is 12.716, so Kaja wins slightly with fTP, but Sequence has higher base damage (even with counted in mnd on Kaja), so they would be about even on WS, but Sequence would still generate TP faster.
Kinda forget that the second hit and any main hand doubles will be at effect ftp 1.15 with Kaja. Meaning your comparison is a bit skewed toward sequence
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2019-02-14 19:38:21
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
SimonSes said: »
Afania said: »
SimonSes said: »
Asura.Netero said: »
hey guys
not sure if this was discussed before but when it comes to spamming Savage Blade, hows Kaja Sword vs Sequence ?

Sequence is better. Kaja only starts to be better above 2500TP

Even if you offhand TP bonus sword? You would be at 2250 TP with all the gears, more if WAR SMN in pt.

Even with TP bonus. Assuming you WS at 1000.

At 2250 SB main hit is 11.075 fTP, so 12.73625 with Kaja
At 2750 (with Sequence) SB main hit is 12.716, so Kaja wins slightly with fTP, but Sequence has higher base damage (even with counted in mnd on Kaja), so they would be about even on WS, but Sequence would still generate TP faster.
Kinda forget that the second hit and any main hand doubles will be at effect ftp 1.15 with Kaja. Meaning your comparison is a bit skewed toward sequence

15% extra damage to triple attack procs is really evident on R15 Death Blossom compared to when it wasn't augmented. I can only imagime that would be the same for Savage Blade with this sword since it goes from 3 hits with dual wield to 7 hits with 2 TA procs.

I'm still not completely sold on losing 10 store tp from sequence. But considering how little work the ambu sword is vs making sequence without an aeonic ls, I'd say the ambu sword certainly has a place.

I'm going to check if the acc on R15 weapons counts for the offhand as well when i wake up. Since everyone is flocking to TotM offhands, the sword that gives more total accuracy would have a small edge in how high the content level could go before accuracy might become a problem.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2019-02-14 20:51:53
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Yeah.... Sequence is going to win for Savage spam guys, it gains a ridiculous amount of power going from 1250 to 1750, far more then 15%. And that alone is end of story. You don't gear for MA on savage blade, it's nice when it happens, but your not gearing for it as you have better stats to use. Kaja is for COR's, Fencer WAR's and maybe RNG's. All three of those have something in common btw. And no offhand TP Bonus sword is a very bad idea on anything worth us discussing, had some people attempt to pull that off and they did so poorly they switched back in shame. 250+ accuracy on 50% of your TP gain isn't something you casually throw away nor do you make everyone else suffer for it.
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2019-02-14 21:06:19
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I agree with the rest of your post, but RDM doesn't have to gear for MA because of Temper II.

ToM offhand also only really works in overbuffed zergs--most of the time as a RDM you can't make up for the massive Acc loss in your offhand unless you Distract III every single target you fight. And even then it might not be enough depending on content level.
By Afania 2019-02-14 22:49:18
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Aerix said: »
I agree with the rest of your post, but RDM doesn't have to gear for MA because of Temper II.

ToM offhand also only really works in overbuffed zergs--most of the time as a RDM you can't make up for the massive Acc loss in your offhand unless you Distract III every single target you fight. And even then it might not be enough depending on content level.

I dont think rdm suffers from none ilv as much as people think it is, for 1 it can distract 3, for 2 the job maintains 33% TA in max acc set, something other jobs dont get.

I use double mad even if nobody uses tp bonus....Im a cor and I cant tolerate losing MA/WSD for acc swaps.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Agerine
Posts: 434
By Bahamut.Agerine 2019-02-14 23:52:44
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After changing to a more acc/Macc set up I was hitting 735 pretty close to each hit this VD ambu. Using SU4 and stew pot I am pretty sure I was over cap on Macc using Ayanmo/jack legs. I am far from ideal but happy to see my enspell numbers have closed the gap I was hitting the other night(77-616)
Server: Asura
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user: cicion
Posts: 211
By Asura.Cicion 2019-02-15 03:08:22
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Way i look at it as long as you have frazzle 3 on your gonna land unresisted ensplell hits 99% the time unless you using a enspell the targets strong to. I did some pokeing on vd ambu mobs occ on rdm with enaero was always doing capped damage of 255. Only piece in my tp sets giveing macc rly is Ayanmo Head+2.

Anyone with Crocea Mors or such weapons confirm the composure buff to enspells stack? Curious if it triples your spell first then adds on the 500% for enspell range of 1275ish in my case
Posts: 70
By Sgtsalt 2019-02-15 03:41:32
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The enapell buffs are additive. It's a 700% increase in total.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2019-02-15 04:22:00
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Sgtsalt said: »
The enapell buffs are additive. It's a 700% increase in total.
Pretty much this.

200% increase from Composure is added to Crocea Mors 500%.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2019-02-15 05:52:30
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
Kinda forget that the second hit and any main hand doubles will be at effect ftp 1.15 with Kaja. Meaning your comparison is a bit skewed toward sequence

I haven't forgotten about it. I just haven't provide enough details I guess.

I'm not gonna list it, but Moonshade TP bonus is added for all cases. Same for 27%WSD which is a minimum for RDM.

Without TP bonus sword at 1000TP:
Sequence fTP - 13.03 + possible 4.0
Kaja fTP - 10.42 + possible 4.6

Without TP bonus sword at 1500TP:
Sequence fTP - 16,12875 + possible 4.0
Kaja fTP - 14,98809375 + possible 4.6

Sequence also has slightly higher base damage, so it's definitely a better choice for a build without TP bonus sword.

With TP bonus sword at 1000TP:
Sequence - 18,35125 + possible 4
Kaja - 18,548 + possible 4.6

In theory Kaja looks like it might be better with TP bonus sword, but there are two things:
1. Sequence has 10sTP, which means you will WS with higher frequency or with higher TP
2. Your offhand and multi-attack from offhand hits will most likely miss. WS sets usually has much less accuracy, which is not a problem for main hit with +100 accuracy bonus, but 2nd hit and especially offhand hits with non-ilvl sword will probably have floored acc. So it's more like 17,35 + possible 2 with Sequence and 17,3980625 + possible 2.3 with Kaja. Since it's only 1.7% advantage for Kaja (with TA proc), higher base damage on Sequence would make it win. Sequence also gets more from WSD. So if you use some DM augment or Adouling ring, Sequence might get lead in higher SB damage at 1000TP even without including it's base damage advantage.

That being said I think overall Kaja sword IS better sword to pair with offhand, simply because with 30%+ TA, you will very often overtp even above 1250, making TP bonus on Sequence much less relevant.
Server: Phoenix
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user: androwe
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2019-02-15 06:37:16
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You get the +30 acc/macc on both hands for R15 mythics/aeonics. I assumed it was main hand only as per usual SE.

Ambu sword is cheap and dirty, Sequence is not but probably turns out better in the end. But even that is hard to say considering we don't know what the next ambu upgrades are or even if REMA will go past R15. Future speculation is always a mystery with SE.
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2019-02-15 08:03:59
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SimonSes said: »
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
Kinda forget that the second hit and any main hand doubles will be at effect ftp 1.15 with Kaja. Meaning your comparison is a bit skewed toward sequence

I haven't forgotten about it. I just haven't provide enough details I guess.

I'm not gonna list it, but Moonshade TP bonus is added for all cases. Same for 27%WSD which is a minimum for RDM.

Without TP bonus sword at 1000TP:
Sequence fTP - 13.03 + possible 4.0
Kaja fTP - 10.42 + possible 4.6

Without TP bonus sword at 1500TP:
Sequence fTP - 16,12875 + possible 4.0
Kaja fTP - 14,98809375 + possible 4.6

Sequence also has slightly higher base damage, so it's definitely a better choice for a build without TP bonus sword.

With TP bonus sword at 1000TP:
Sequence - 18,35125 + possible 4
Kaja - 18,548 + possible 4.6

In theory Kaja looks like it might be better with TP bonus sword, but there are two things:
1. Sequence has 10sTP, which means you will WS with higher frequency or with higher TP
2. Your offhand and multi-attack from offhand hits will most likely miss. WS sets usually has much less accuracy, which is not a problem for main hit with +100 accuracy bonus, but 2nd hit and especially offhand hits with non-ilvl sword will probably have floored acc. So it's more like 17,35 + possible 2 with Sequence and 17,3980625 + possible 2.3 with Kaja. Since it's only 1.7% advantage for Kaja (with TA proc), higher base damage on Sequence would make it win. Sequence also gets more from WSD. So if you use some DM augment or Adouling ring, Sequence might get lead in higher SB damage at 1000TP even without including it's base damage advantage.

That being said I think overall Kaja sword IS better sword to pair with offhand, simply because with 30%+ TA, you will very often overtp even above 1250, making TP bonus on Sequence much less relevant.

You misinterpreted what I was saying and went crazy trying to justify yourself. I was only saying that in your specific example(I.E. TP Bonus offhand) Kaja sword has even more effective fTP than Sequence because it's extra hits (with Kaja only) have the +15% bonus damage. I was not making a case for Kaja over Sequence in all situations.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2019-02-15 09:23:59
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Phoenix.Iocus said: »
You get the +30 acc/macc on both hands for R15 mythics/aeonics. I assumed it was main hand only as per usual SE.

Ambu sword is cheap and dirty, Sequence is not but probably turns out better in the end. But even that is hard to say considering we don't know what the next ambu upgrades are or even if REMA will go past R15. Future speculation is always a mystery with SE.

DREAM weapons will likely be upgraded to 20 and then later 25 for ranks. Quest weapons (that's ambu) will get one more power bump that puts them right under DREAM weapons.

So the new acronym is QREAMD, which I totally stole from someone else.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2019-02-15 09:28:34
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Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
You misinterpreted what I was saying and went crazy trying to justify yourself. I was only saying that in your specific example(I.E. TP Bonus offhand) Kaja sword has even more effective fTP than Sequence because it's extra hits (with Kaja only) have the +15% bonus damage. I was not making a case for Kaja over Sequence in all situations.

I went crazy? What? lol
I guess some people think that writing more than one sentence is going crazy this days.

I haven't misinterpreted your post at all and haven't justified myself too. In my first post I even had Kaja having more fTP with just main hit, so I don't know what are you talking about.

The reason that I, how you called it "went crazy", was not only because I wanted to answer you, but also to provide more detailed info for everyone here. It's a guide thread.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 79
By Cerberus.Tacothecat 2019-02-15 09:40:20
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Just wait til next month when SE screws up and puts ambu weapons above rema weapons. Then we will have to wait 6 months before SE makes a fix.
Server: Asura
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user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-02-17 23:29:28
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Revision, whats the sleepga duration with no enfeeble+ just 2 minutes with sab up?

This ambu is straight garbage and the rdms are ***
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