Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 393
By Shiva.Xelltrix 2019-02-08 07:22:17
Composure is also looking like the physical accuracy got buffed. +70 Accuracy when I activate it, which is pretty sweet. At least, the BGwiki says it's only +39 (full JP) and I don't remember verifying that before today.
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By Asura.Saevel 2019-02-08 07:37:49
At least, the BGwiki says it's only +39 (full JP) and I don't remember verifying that before today.
And somehow people will still complain about RDM's "accuracy" due to "B skill". I'm hoping to see RDM put on newer WS gear in the future, stuff with STR/DEX/WSD/TA/DA/Store TP and so forth.
Earlier I said ~117 to be a fairly reliable enspell damage number, with Composure it's converted to 351 per hit. Croc adds 585 to that number for a total of 1053 on the first hand. Average ends up being 702 per swing, so yeah more then doubles melee DPS.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 86
By Asura.Shaedhen 2019-02-08 07:41:41
Regarding the weapon choice for magic accurary, I think it might be worth it to add vitiation sword as a "cheap" alternative. From what I see, vitiation/ammurapi is still better than raetic+1/enki (at least for the accurary part).
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-02-08 12:34:12
For melee red mages, what's the weapon landscape look like right now?
Crocea Mors/?
Murgleis/Almace for CDC spam
Sequence/Ternion Dagger for Savage Blade spam
Been away from red mage for a few months working on other jobs, but now I'm trying to figure out which weapon to go for next. Looks like su5 might be the most fun option (and a solid macc piece as well)?
By Torzak 2019-02-08 12:55:07
If you're CDC spamming you should be Almace/Ternion.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2019-02-08 12:59:07
RDM's best pure damage setup would be something like Croc/Malevolence and doing Sanguine blade. This is assuming the target is vulnerable to dark elemental WS. Both CDC and Savage suffer from the same issue, old low quality piecemeal WS gear tied to them. Sanguine just requires MAB/INT/MND gear with dark elemental affinity, something RDM has plenty of.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 241
By Valefor.Ophannus 2019-02-08 13:09:48
I kind of knew they would make Saboteur a static buff instead of a one-time use. It's really powerful, but now kind of makes Stymie worthless...
IMO they should make Stymie also last 30 seconds. To my knowledge there's no debuff that's difficult to stick that if it DOES stick shuts down the mob or drastically makes a difference, making it worth being on a 1hr timer. Like maybe if there's a boss that chainspells Meteor but is immune to stun but susceptible to silence, then maybe Stymie would have use when paired with Silence, but....
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 162
By Shiva.Cziella 2019-02-08 13:16:56
went out there as RDM, max enhancing skill gear (614) (No weapon swaps for skill)
Regular enspell : 306/Day Proc 336
Ayanmo +2: 357/Day Proc 392
Regular enspell : 816/Day Proc 897
Ayanmo +2: 952/1047
Max Enspell II: 1264/1390 (Ayanmo +2 on)
edit: on apex bats, no debuffs, only ayanmo+2 for enspell damage.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Asura.Nuance 2019-02-08 13:20:00
I use murg only when I need stupid magic accuracy. Stunning zerde with no languor or focus.
Almace/tern cdc spam
Sequence/magian tp bonus sword accuracy permitting for savage
Crocea/malevolence is usually my go to for most things tho. Ambuscade dagger if I need a little more melee acc for tp while retaining some mab etc.
Trying to make Excalibur useful but coming up short there.
By Aerix 2019-02-08 15:09:41
Since Enspell damage is so massive now, perhaps Crocea/Kaja Knife might actually be BiS over Malevolence due to the lower Delay, leading to more procs.
Multiattacking for 4k+ Enspell damage is not negligible. And Kaja will get another upgrade in the next 1-2 months anyway.
By Asura.Byrne 2019-02-08 16:47:30
Updated Saboteur related information in the node.
Edit: Also changed information of Saboteur's enfeebling magic accuracy to just magic accuracy in applicable sections
By Treizekordero 2019-02-08 17:09:59
The change to enspell damage has me more excited and intrigued than the dual wield trait I was hoping for. Hell even the saboteur changes were a nice addition.
By Asura.Byrne 2019-02-08 17:37:01
All in all it was more than I was hoping for, I consider this actually better than getting DW. I'm not sure how much magic accuracy Saboteur now gives, but given composure now also has a m.acc boost, and Sabo isn't limited to one spell anymore, I think being forced to use /blm solely for Elemental Seal will be much rarer.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10007
By Asura.Saevel 2019-02-08 17:39:51
I think being forced to use /blm solely for Elemental Seal will be much rarer.
Yep I'm not gonna use it anymore unless I need stuns cause I can just spam the debuffs during the 1min window of Sab, plus Sab's back up again in another 2min so no big deal for resists.
By Treizekordero 2019-02-08 17:43:06
All in all it was more than I was hoping for, I consider this actually better than getting DW. I'm not sure how much magic accuracy Saboteur now gives, but given composure now also has a m.acc boost, and Sabo isn't limited to one spell anymore, I think being forced to use /blm solely for Elemental Seal will be much rarer.
I'm starting to think this was better than DW as well. My main concern for RDM was allow it to have more freedom with subjobs.
Anyone try to see if the composure bonus transfers with rdm/sch aoe enspell? I guess that would be hoping for too much.
By Aerix 2019-02-08 17:46:28
Composure is the effect that actually adds bonus damage to Enspells, so the Enspells themselves don't get buffed (and thus other people can't benefit from it). This is also why Crocea Mors doesn't multiply the new values.
By waffle 2019-02-08 17:58:50
I feel obliged to mention that the Japanese notes don't mention macc for composure, only regular acc. That seems to be a typo in the English notes.
By Aerix 2019-02-08 18:01:19
I'm kinda glad if that's the case. While I obviously appreciate more MACC, I feel like we've got quite a decent amount now thanks to the Saboteur buff.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 36
By Asura.Jugsofholyness 2019-02-08 19:12:22
Is this listed by Rydal in the first post still the BiS for TPing?
Assuming I'm using the Crocea Mars instead of Sequence from that TP set, what is the best WS to use, and what set is BiS for said WS?
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2019-02-08 20:06:04
I use murg only when I need stupid magic accuracy. Stunning zerde with no languor or focus.
Almace/tern cdc spam
Sequence/magian tp bonus sword accuracy permitting for savage
Crocea/malevolence is usually my go to for most things tho. Ambuscade dagger if I need a little more melee acc for tp while retaining some mab etc.
Trying to make Excalibur useful but coming up short there.
Excal just got repaced by ambu bow for needing fusion. Plus it gets innundation to proc. Taeon pieces with racc and ws acc can make this work pretty easy. Bastok volte and raetic bangles are nice too.
They messed up the augs tbh. Excal needed like 250+ HP so you could justify the safety of an even higher static hp pool over su5 sword. Plus AM regen. But instead 10% block doesn't do much at all for RDM.
PLD it really only enters into the realm of theorycraft for PLD as some kind of combo with aeonic shield as a damage hybrid set that will get destroyed by RUN or paired with Aegis to get your block rate off the floor.....except Burt exists to just be better.
I'd love to R15 excal because it was the first rema i liked and im sentimental. I just dont see it happening until i get through all my other weapons and jobs.
Serious question: I'm usually lazy and use Murg with Sequence on longer fights for am3 savage blade spam with death blossom distortions. Sequence with tern or TotM TP bonus is significantly better or just marginally so? Murg is R15 and I'm probably not going to rank up sequence for awhile and I don't have a TP bonus sword to play with a parser. Ty for any info
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2019-02-08 20:12:59
All in all it was more than I was hoping for, I consider this actually better than getting DW. I'm not sure how much magic accuracy Saboteur now gives, but given composure now also has a m.acc boost, and Sabo isn't limited to one spell anymore, I think being forced to use /blm solely for Elemental Seal will be much rarer.
I'm starting to think this was better than DW as well. My main concern for RDM was allow it to have more freedom with subjobs.
I was strongly /dnc until this patch, but enspell damage makes /nin my default now. /blm for stun and consistent sleepga, /sch for getting fancy with manifestation or other obvious benefits.
I'm far too happy with what we got as our weird niche dd style to be upset about subjob restrictions. Plus we still have spell adjustments otw and a really good su5 weapon if you have cash to burn.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2019-02-08 20:49:08
please let this page the thread.
Why Regal Earring, without any reforge artifact in the set?
EDIT: Isn't Raetic staff a bad pick for such an expensive spell?
You're correct. You really only want to worry about m.acc so the stat down lasts longer or recast/conserve mp. I opt for macc personally. The spell doesn't really do damage vs it's mp cost.
Griv, ambu grip, regal gem, and gwati earring (if you want to afford the inventory). Most of the time you're using af body when going for m.acc, so it's probably left over from that. I'm love them to let us take twilight cloak to kupofried and learn it permanently.
You can do Murg with omen shield or su5 sword if you have it as well, but none of that is required for this and hardly adds benefit vs the cost of the items.
The only other real use of the spell is for occult accumen builds and i dont think its worth it on RDM.
It's actually a bit of a pet-peeve of mine when people completely dismiss the value of Impact. It's 20% stat down, and on the Dyna Wave 3 bosses as an example, it can be maintained full time.
(Not to say that's what you're doing, just saying. It was missing from the guide entirely which is why I included it)
The earring is indeed better replaced with pure m.acc, as for the staff, it is going to be the best option for most people given that it is significantly cheaper than Crocea or Murgleis. That said, if you do have them, your priorities change, but I don't expect that someone that has one of those weapons wouldn't already know that sort of thing, which is why it's not mentioned,
Didn't think it needed saying.
Then we're just rubbing each other the wrong way on accident. I really enjoy using Impact and think it should be used more often by people other than me. Murg is somewhat diminished with the Sabo changes making sticking debuffs easier, but i still like to overkill macc to avoid resists on things like manifestion break when it matters. It's still BiS even if it's price tag is somewhat unreasonable.
By Aerix 2019-02-08 21:07:29
Asura.Jugsofholyness said: »Is this listed by Rydal in the first post still the BiS for TPing?
Assuming I'm using the Crocea Mars instead of Sequence from that TP set, what is the best WS to use, and what set is BiS for said WS?
Looks like a fairly outdated set as Colada isn't BiS for anything currently.
Personally I use Chironic hands/Reiki Yotai to cap DW over spending my Ambu cape augment on it. It's not a big difference, but Delay reduction doesn't cap unless you have +11 DW in gear, which cape alone doesn't provide.
Maxed Temper II also provides so much TA that the value of DA/TA on gear is diminished, so Petrov and Taeon Hat are imo best replaced with Chirich+1/Ilabrat and Ayanmo head+2 for more STP/Acc/Atk to allow for Attack or STP food.
By Asura.Byrne 2019-02-08 23:50:17
Volte Harness is worth a mention too if you can get your hands on it... good luck with that though.
By Asura.Byrne 2019-02-08 23:53:04
Though it's also worth mentioning that if you are doing Crocea Mors Sanguine build, your aim is to hit 1000 TP as quickly as possible, so TP overflow does you little to no good. AFAIK Sanguine only gives you more % of damage dealt as healed HP based on TP rather than increasing damage.
So based on that certain pieces may rise or fall depending on what offhand you are using (i.e. if you are using malevolence) if it has a drastically different delay from some other offhand you may be using
By Aerix 2019-02-09 00:28:57
Another thing to consider for Sanguine Blade is that, by stacking Accuracy gear, it might allow you to skip Sushi in favor of MAB food such as Cehuetzi Snow Cone or Grape Daifuku.
Edit: Also given how hard Enspells now hit, maybe Ayanmo hands +2 are finally viable for TP builds just for the sheer white damage it could pump out (who said RDM needs Attack? lol). Ayanmo hands+Yotai+SuppaEabani would work pretty well and by dropping Dedition Earring you won't have as much TP overflow.
Three pieces of Ayanmo (assuming no luck with Volte) would give pretty massive Accuracy and DT, basically doubling as a Hybrid at the same time. Possibly enough Accuracy to eat Snow Cones for most content.
By Asura.Byrne 2019-02-09 00:38:03
Eabani even if you're wanting to be more surgical about it
By Aerix 2019-02-09 00:39:28
Eabani even if you're wanting to be more surgical about it
Totally skipped my mind, but those are definitely superior as they don't reduce TP/hit and provide HP/MEVA for defense.
By Aerix 2019-02-09 00:50:50
So this is what a heavy Enspell TP set might look like, without Volte:
ItemSet 364969
A second Chirich+1 over Hetairoi might be viable depending on Accuracy needs and whether switching to Kaja Knife for lower Delay may require a little more STP to reduce the x-hit build.
Edit: Had to adjust the set from Ayanmo head+2 to Taeon Head as it wasn't capping gear Haste. Running Volte Head with Ayanmo Hands +2 would also require Volte Legs to cap Haste.
Also, if my calculations are correct, double Chirich+1 with Kaja Knife would be necessary to always have an 11-hit build with non-unlucky SAM roll above a 3. A lucky or 11 would push that down to a 10-hit build.
Malevolence off-hand hovers around a 12 or 11-hit build depending on rings and SAM roll.
By aisukage 2019-02-09 01:03:59
Personal recomendation would be:
swap out the belt for Windbuffet for a more MA
Carmine Legs to make up for the loss of Dual wield and a lot more Acc
Suppanomimi instead of Eabani if you want a bit more Acc (sword skill so sword only) and the that last 1 DW to cap on DW when haste capped.
Feel like these changes will give more MA and a lot more ACC with Carmine set bonus aswell.