Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2019-01-31 11:51:35
Croc is brokenly awesome because it plays towards RDM's strengths, namely natural access to high MAB gear. It makes RLB / Seraph competitive with CDC / Savage and makes Sanguine brutally powerful, against darkness weak monsters. The only real issue is Sword's limited magic WS selection, there isn't a Leaden Salute / True Flight / Cloud Splitter / Primal Rend / ect. like option to exploit, Sanguine is pretty strong but doesn't grow with TP.
What equipment are you using that makes RLB/Seraph competitive with CDC/Savage?
Same as Sanguine mostly, remember Croc has a 2x multiplier to elemental WS damage. Also use actual MAB weapons and not a Sequence / Almace / ect type combo. Then tac on Acumen / Maliase. Remember mDiff has no known cap while pDiff does.
By Asura.Byrne 2019-01-31 14:14:00
I always thought it was crappy that WHM gets Arise and BLM gets Meteor, but RDM got...Gravity II? We should have gotten something awesome. Like Pain from FF8, or Ardor. It could have been an awesome capstone level 99 spell that puts several debuffs on a target. It could be Attack Down, Defense Down, Evasion Down, Magic Evasion Down all under one unique debuff, that stacks with everything else. Gravity II was garbage upon release, especially since they added Distract II.
I think I used it a few times in Incursion when one popular strat was to just kite the megaboss while you killed the adds. It was also good for soloing some Orb fights on Easy/Normal, like some of the AAs.
Yeah RDM should of got an Impact like debuff that reduces all the targets attack/defense/evasion/accuracy/magic def/magic evd/ect.. stats by 20% or such. Have it be non-elemental and not something stupid like darkness.
And isn't it also somewhat insulting that SE said that they would fix Frazzle at one point because how situationally useless the Darkness element made it? Maybe that's what they are changing... It would be a welcome change, but I'd be a little miffed if they called that a "rework"
By Asura.Byrne 2019-01-31 14:33:28
Dual Wield
I would warmly welcome DW1. A native DW2 to RDM is in my honest opinion pushing boundaries. I wouldn't be entirely opposed to DW2, though.
DW1 on RDM would be next to worthless. You would have to give up so much in other stats like Store TP/DA/TA to make up for the difference in DW amounts that you would just end up /NIN anyway.
That said, this seems like exactly the kind of lip-service I would expect from SE.
DW 1 is so little that even at haste cap you would still need 26 DW to cap swing speed. Just imagine that for a moment.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-01-31 14:40:57
Dual Wield
I would warmly welcome DW1. A native DW2 to RDM is in my honest opinion pushing boundaries. I wouldn't be entirely opposed to DW2, though.
DW1 on RDM would be next to worthless. You would have to give up so much in other stats like Store TP/DA/TA to make up for the difference in DW amounts that you would just end up /NIN anyway.
That said, this seems like exactly the kind of lip-service I would expect from SE.
I doubt any realistic person would expect DW3 as a native trait, but I do think DW2 is completely reasonable and would be beneficial. You're correct that DW1 would be nothing more than lip service.
I've found the comments and suggestions regarding changes to either Composure (such as an attack bonus paired with the accuracy bonus) or Fencer (giving it to RDMs) are quite interesting and could be more of a boon to RDMs than just dual wield...we're just so used to using that tool for increases in DPS that's what we clamour for.
By Asura.Byrne 2019-01-31 14:43:19
Let's not forget that Square Enix, as boneheaded as some of their changes seem at times, have had the wisdom to not bother giving a job DW without giving it at least DW3 at 99.
DW2 would still be useful due to Ambuscade Capes being able to have DW10 on them, so like some have said, I think this could be quite helpful.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2019-01-31 15:29:26
Native DW2/3 would be pretty sweet, would then have the choice between /WAR for DPS or /SCH for utility. Hell I'd still like Curaga III to be made level 49 WHM and Light Arts to boost Regen at the subjob level. Variety isn't a bad thing.
By Afania 2019-01-31 15:43:43
DW 1 is so little that even at haste cap you would still need 26 DW to cap swing speed. Just imagine that for a moment.
You guys ask too much lol, thats basically a complete revamp of the job and completely changed how rdm role is played if they get dw3 and maintain max melee dps with a mage sub. A backline rdm would be pretty much dead as there wont be any incentive to play rdm disengaged.
26 dw is not unrealistic to get via gears. Rdm can use Reiki Yotai, so ambu back, Reiki Yotai, suppa, carmine would get 28 dw. You would sacrifice 1-2 of above slot to get dw 10-11 for /nin already. Sacrifice 2 more isnt such a huge deal for a mage or war sub.
That being said I personally dont think rdm needs native dw anyways, for reasons mentioned above: It would completely change how rdm role is played. Personally I think the most beneficial change for the job would be giving Saboteur an elemental seal effect.
By Torzak 2019-01-31 16:30:14
DW1 on RDM would be next to worthless.
DW1 = free extra hit within WS's & at least you *can* get to the overall delay cap. I think that's far and away from worthless.
It also means you can do a significant amount of more interesting things while DD'ing in regards to a sub job:
RDM/WHM and have access to curagas, -nas, erase, reraise, etc.
RDM/WAR and get the free Double Attack job trait, Berserk, Aggressor.
RDM/DRK and have access to stun on a fast cast timer or access to absorb TP with mage oriented accuracy pieces.
The reason I say DW2 is borderline is because probably in most RDM DD setups (rdm/nin), literally *all you'd have to give up* is your ambu cape's slot for Store TP in exchange for 10 Dual Wield.
Lose 10 Store TP on your cape to get the 10 DW needed to stay delay capped, and for that swap you get Double Attack, Berserk, Aggressor. That's a pretty big win. Not just a little win.
I don't know about you, but I pretty readily keep up or surpass most people's damage while on RDM as it is.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2285
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2019-01-31 16:35:40
It would completely change how rdm role is played.
How the fk is this a bad thing??
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-01-31 16:53:48
any change to how RDM is currently played is going to be a good thing for most. The vast majority of RDMs I've seen over the years have been allowed to pass by with just maintaining haste/refresh cycles, toss a Dia3 and some supplementary cures. This is far from the capabilities of the job even now, let alone with a true boost to our melee capabilities.
There's no reason that fledgling RDMs can't be brought up to understand the true gift of the job isn't just a haste and refresh cycle, its the ability to fill in the gaps in a party setup a multitude of ways. Need another DD? RDM/WAR or RDM/DRK. Need a healer? RDM/WHM or RDM/SCH. Need a burster? RDM/BLM. The options continue.
Fundamentally changing the lackadaisical way the job is currently played can only be good in my eyes, and I believe in most.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
By Bismarck.Ringoko 2019-01-31 17:01:01
You guys ask too much lol, thats basically a complete revamp of the job and completely changed how rdm role is played if they get dw3 and maintain max melee dps with a mage sub. A backline rdm would be pretty much dead as there wont be any incentive to play rdm disengaged.
26 dw is not unrealistic to get via gears. Rdm can use Reiki Yotai, so ambu back, Reiki Yotai, suppa, carmine would get 28 dw. You would sacrifice 1-2 of above slot to get dw 10-11 for /nin already. Sacrifice 2 more isnt such a huge deal for a mage or war sub.
That being said I personally dont think rdm needs native dw anyways, for reasons mentioned above: It would completely change how rdm role is played. Personally I think the most beneficial change for the job would be giving Saboteur an elemental seal effect.
a> Let people dream! (But keep expectations low..)
b> If you can't stand the heat, stay out of my kitchen. >:]
By Afania 2019-01-31 17:49:48
It would completely change how rdm role is played.
How the fk is this a bad thing??
Mostly Because it overlaps with blu. From my observation, both rdm and blu are "generalist mage" in SEs mind. but blu is designed to play engaged and spend more time meleeing than casting. Only very, very few scenerios that backline blu is optimal style.
While rdm froneline/backline ratio is more like 50:50 when when it comes to optimal playstyle. If SE encourage more frontline play, it will be more like 80 melee 20 mage. Most of the time melee will be more dominant.
From job variety pov, do we need anymore frontline jobs? We already have blu, nin, dnc, these jobs are already versatile melee jobs. I prefer a job with much heavier emphasis as backline job, instead of another job that heavily emphasis on playing as a melee dps. We have too many of these.
By Afania 2019-01-31 17:59:35
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »any change to how RDM is currently played is going to be a good thing for most. The vast majority of RDMs I've seen over the years have been allowed to pass by with just maintaining haste/refresh cycles, toss a Dia3 and some supplementary cures. This is far from the capabilities of the job even now, let alone with a true boost to our melee capabilities.
There's no reason that fledgling RDMs can't be brought up to understand the true gift of the job isn't just a haste and refresh cycle, its the ability to fill in the gaps in a party setup a multitude of ways. Need another DD? RDM/WAR or RDM/DRK. Need a healer? RDM/WHM or RDM/SCH. Need a burster? RDM/BLM. The options continue.
Fundamentally changing the lackadaisical way the job is currently played can only be good in my eyes, and I believe in most.
But rdm doesnt need THAT much change, thats my point. The job is fine as it is and I was honestly surprised that SE is buffing it. I think elemental seal JA would be nice, anymore than that isnt necessary.
I dont think rdm/war gets dw would be game breaking, but rdm/blm /sch /whm certainly well. Think about it, blu needs to set spells for aoe cure, erase and sleepga, and they cant change spells easily. DNC needs to cancel saber to do any sort of cures. What makes you think a job are allowed to maintain close to max melee dps, while doing crowd control, cures, or help with na with minimial dps sacrifice? Then change role in an instant with absolute zero sacrifice?
The choice between mage or melee sub is just....a choice. If you pick one you give up another, thats the point. Giving rdm dw3 means player no longer has to make such choice. Theyd just do 6k dps and every other mage stuff as a dps role on the same time. Its counter productive in an mmo.
I think people just want everything for their job at this point, with no regards on big job design direction as a whole lol. There is a reason why se keep job adjustments very small in the past, rather than a complete revamp everyone always wants.
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: » Need another DD? RDM/WAR or RDM/DRK. Need a healer? RDM/WHM or RDM/SCH. Need a burster? RDM/BLM. The options continue.
Rdm can already do all these without dw3. What you are asking is that rdm should be allowed to be played as dd with max dps AND do these different role on the same time. The answer is no because mmo job balance. There needs to be some kind of pentality for a job to change roles in mid battle, locking a roles max potential behind sj is the best way for this job.
By Asura.Byrne 2019-01-31 18:14:39
DW 1 is so little that even at haste cap you would still need 26 DW to cap swing speed. Just imagine that for a moment.
You guys ask too much lol, thats basically a complete revamp of the job and completely changed how rdm role is played if they get dw3 and maintain max melee dps with a mage sub. A backline rdm would be pretty much dead as there wont be any incentive to play rdm disengaged.
26 dw is not unrealistic to get via gears. Rdm can use Reiki Yotai, so ambu back, Reiki Yotai, suppa, carmine would get 28 dw. You would sacrifice 1-2 of above slot to get dw 10-11 for /nin already. Sacrifice 2 more isnt such a huge deal for a mage or war sub.
That being said I personally dont think rdm needs native dw anyways, for reasons mentioned above: It would completely change how rdm role is played. Personally I think the most beneficial change for the job would be giving Saboteur an elemental seal effect.
It works OK (with some compromises) at haste cap, but don't even get me started on if you only have haste 2.
Also would it completely change how to job is played? If they made frazzle 3 actually land on everything and adjusted Saboteur to have greater magic accuracy, there would be little reason to /BLM... In fact I hardly ever do in the first place because if you properly use your spells you can land just about everything on /NIN.
RDM isn't forced to play as a back line job in most cases unless you have bad gear or don't know that Marine Stewpot exists.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2019-01-31 18:19:52
Byrne said: I'll get right on that when I figure out how to equip two yotai's.
I mean he added it up right, so you could maybe not be a *** and dwell too long on an obvious typo.
By Asura.Byrne 2019-01-31 18:20:53
Byrne said: I'll get right on that when I figure out how to equip two yotai's.
I mean he added it up right, so you could maybe not be a *** and dwell too long on an obvious typo.
Less a typo and more just ambiguous grammar.
By Asura.Byrne 2019-01-31 18:23:48
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: » Need another DD? RDM/WAR or RDM/DRK. Need a healer? RDM/WHM or RDM/SCH. Need a burster? RDM/BLM. The options continue.
Rdm can already do all these without dw3. What you are asking is that rdm should be allowed to be played as dd with max dps AND do these different role on the same time. The answer is no because mmo job balance. There needs to be some kind of pentality for a job to change roles in mid battle, locking a roles max potential behind sj is the best way for this job.
Though you seem to be OK with how wildly unbalanced Corsair is, as being a Ranged DD, A Magical DD, A physical DD, and a top tier buffer at the same time. Maybe they should nerf it ;)
Or we could stop pretending giving RDM DW would somehow be game breaking... If BLU didn't have DW natively, and they mostly did BLU/NIN, people would say the same ***about BLU having DW is overpowered, but frankly it's not.
RDM/BLM would still make sense in the context of having Elemental Seal for Impact, or being able to guarantee Two/three spells landing instead of just one or two (depending on if you're using stymie or not).
RDM/WHM still gives access to na's and erase that you wouldn't get any other way, not to mention some basic curaga.
Just because that RDM would have DW and be ABLE to participate in melee would not invalidate the choice to not do so.
Having options is not a problem, it's supposed to be what RDM is all about.
By Cronnus 2019-01-31 18:25:24
"At the top of the list for 2019 are job adjustments. As our work with adjustments to damage formulae and equipment starts to die down, we're going to ramp up with various job adjustments to take their place. Our major direction for job changes is simple—rather than going for mere balance adjustments, we want to bring you some changes that make you stop and think, "hey, this is fun!" "
I really wouldn't bank on dual wield. Enspells to make it more fun? Or some form of AoE? Make it competitive with Geo and Bard? I just hope it isnt a massive let down lol.
By Asura.Byrne 2019-01-31 18:32:51
"At the top of the list for 2019 are job adjustments. As our work with adjustments to damage formulae and equipment starts to die down, we're going to ramp up with various job adjustments to take their place. Our major direction for job changes is simple—rather than going for mere balance adjustments, we want to bring you some changes that make you stop and think, "hey, this is fun!" "
I really wouldn't bank on dual wield. Enspells to make it more fun? Or some form of AoE? Make it competitive with Geo and Bard? I just hope it isnt a massive let down lol.
Well if they made RDM competitive with GEO or BRD in terms of buffs and debuffs, it really would be unbalanced because of how far ahead RDM is to those jobs in terms of DPS, not to mention that those jobs require REMAs to get those kinds of crazy results.
As far as AoEs are concerned, RDM seems to have very intentionally be left off of AoEs. No curagas, no nukega's, *** I'm surprised they even have diaga, and frankly it causes more harm than good in 90% of cases. So no, that one I seriously doubt.
By Cronnus 2019-01-31 18:39:27
"At the top of the list for 2019 are job adjustments. As our work with adjustments to damage formulae and equipment starts to die down, we're going to ramp up with various job adjustments to take their place. Our major direction for job changes is simple—rather than going for mere balance adjustments, we want to bring you some changes that make you stop and think, "hey, this is fun!" "
I really wouldn't bank on dual wield. Enspells to make it more fun? Or some form of AoE? Make it competitive with Geo and Bard? I just hope it isnt a massive let down lol.
Well if they made RDM competitive with GEO or BRD in terms of buffs and debuffs, it really would be unbalanced because of how far ahead RDM is to those jobs in terms of DPS, not to mention that those jobs require REMAs to get those kinds of crazy results.
As far as AoEs are concerned, RDM seems to have very intentionally be left off of AoEs. No curagas, no nukega's, *** I'm surprised they even have diaga, and frankly it causes more harm than good in 90% of cases. So no, that one I seriously doubt.
I was thinking more of a JA that could turns spells to AoE. Making them a more competitive choice over say something like Cor? Is it really all that outlandish to think giving the party Temper II OVER something like giving the whole party an absurd amount of STP and regain? People would be begging for rdm just like they fo now for Geo and Bard and Cor. Granted it's a dream. Lol
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-01-31 18:54:23
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: » Need another DD? RDM/WAR or RDM/DRK. Need a healer? RDM/WHM or RDM/SCH. Need a burster? RDM/BLM. The options continue.
Rdm can already do all these without dw3. What you are asking is that rdm should be allowed to be played as dd with max dps AND do these different role on the same time. The answer is no because mmo job balance. There needs to be some kind of pentality for a job to change roles in mid battle, locking a roles max potential behind sj is the best way for this job.
Though you seem to be OK with how wildly unbalanced Corsair is, as being a Ranged DD, A Magical DD, A physical DD, and a top tier buffer at the same time. Maybe they should nerf it ;)
Or we could stop pretending giving RDM DW would somehow be game breaking... If BLU didn't have DW natively, and they mostly did BLU/NIN, people would say the same ***about BLU having DW is overpowered, but frankly it's not.
RDM/BLM would still make sense in the context of having Elemental Seal for Impact, or being able to guarantee Two/three spells landing instead of just one or two (depending on if you're using stymie or not).
RDM/WHM still gives access to na's and erase that you wouldn't get any other way, not to mention some basic curaga.
Just because that RDM would have DW and be ABLE to participate in melee would not invalidate the choice to not do so.
Having options is not a problem, it's supposed to be what RDM is all about.
As a huge proponent of ranged strats that abuse RNGs and CORs to the hilt, it pains me to agree with this comment...because right now there isn't a single job more overpowered in the game than COR. And it boils down to what you said- their ability to be top-tier from a distance physically or magically, be top-tier at close range physically, as well as provide unique and potent buffs. The only thing close is someone who has really super-built a melee BRD these days, and that's nowhere near as close due to the ease one can build a quality COR these days.
Not saying that "because COR is broken other jobs should be too" or anything like that foolishness, or "nerf COR", but the reason why I want RDM's dps abilities to be less tied to their subjob is so that a RDM can still perform certain roles while being able to be passable at melee damage. It is ridiculous that our dps is unacceptable if we want to be able to toss -na spells and curagas. Should it be top-tier in that case? Of course not, and again, most reasonable people aren't asking for that. They're asking for something respectable.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 771
By Asura.Topace 2019-01-31 19:22:59
Rdm Fencer days are coming
By Afania 2019-01-31 19:22:59
Holy crap at tons of posts resort to emotional argument 2hr later. I also love the fact that every.single.time when I post in RDM forum one of these replies brought up cor despite I never mention the job in entire discussion. You guys are obsessed with cor more than I do lol,
If you guys want to participate in job discussions, at least be rational and focus on points =.=
It works OK (with some compromises) at haste cap, but don't even get me started on if you only have haste 2.
Also would it completely change how to job is played? If they made frazzle 3 actually land on everything and adjusted Saboteur to have greater magic accuracy, there would be little reason to /BLM... In fact I hardly ever do in the first place because if you properly use your spells you can land just about everything on /NIN.
RDM isn't forced to play as a back line job in most cases unless you have bad gear or don't know that Marine Stewpot exists.
1) not sure why haste2 only scenerio comes into discussion here. In endgame having only haste 2 is rarely the case.
2) the point of /blm is sleepga in dynamis, not ES. Since /sch sleepga has down time imo its not a better CC sub than blm.
In this case, a rdm with native dw3 can be the CCer in entire alliance while being a DD sitting in dd slot. Essentially its having 2 role in 1 slot, with absolutely zero sacrifice.
3) i never say rdm should be force as backline job. However I think dw3 will force rdm to be a frontline job because community will optimize. Right now the melee/backline ratio of rdm is just fine imo. It doesnt need to be more frontline than it already is.
By Afania 2019-01-31 19:31:54
Though you seem to be OK with how wildly unbalanced Corsair is, as being a Ranged DD, A Magical DD, A physical DD, and a top tier buffer at the same time. Maybe they should nerf it ;)
Im not sure where in this thread that I comment on cor should or should not be nerfed lol. I dont even know why its brought up.
But anyways, in your example, "Ranged DD, A Magical DD, A physical DD" are pretty much the same role anyways. "Buffing" is an action done before engage. Cor actually doesnt change role mid fight, they dont suddenly turn into CCer in dyna, then become a DD again, then turn into a healer, then switch back to DD, and repeat. Cor almost always do 2 rolls at start then just DD. They do nothing else except dd unless rolls needs reapply. Even dispel/sleep arent their main duty despite they can do it.
So your argument about cor is irrelevant to my point about job roles. If cor is too OP, its not because it can do multiple roles and switch on the fly with no penality, but because leaden salute is too strong in dyna D. Thats another discussion and it doesnt belong here.
If BLU didn't have DW natively, and they mostly did BLU/NIN, people would say the same ***about BLU having DW is overpowered, but frankly it's not.
But blus design philosophy is different from rdm. I dont want rdm to become another blu. I dont want another support/mage job thats default to be a melee job when we have 8 melee jobs, and even brd and cor are becoming more melee job than ever. You just want it that way, it doesnt mean the game needs it.
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: » It is ridiculous that our dps is unacceptable if we want to be able to toss -na spells and curagas. Should it be top-tier in that case? Of course not, and again, most reasonable people aren't asking for that. They're asking for something respectable.
Thats the point in mmo. Jobs has clear defined roles in pt, mmo 101. Blu needs to set spells entirely because of these reasons. Sj choice locked rdm into one single role, they can still change role on the fly but it wont be at max potential. Thats as good as it needs. A mmo doesnt need a job that takes the role of other member with 0 penality. You guys are arguing points from rdm players pov(I want X so the job is better), not mmo designers pov.
By Afania 2019-01-31 19:57:09
Is it really all that outlandish to think giving the party Temper II OVER something like giving the whole party an absurd amount of STP and regain? People would be begging for rdm just like they fo now for Geo and Bard and Cor. Granted it's a dream. Lol
Also no thanks to giving temper 2 to pt member. Everytime when I read such comment I wonder if they even care about game design lol.
Currently the hardest content difficulty is balanced with a pt with all 3 support(cor brd geo) present in mind and its already pain in the *** to do higher lv content missing ANY 1 support out of 3. As a result, a 6 man pt has 1 slot for DD, 18 man alliance has 4 slots for DD. Its already heading toward a bad direction for a game with 8+ DD jobs. Temper 2 on pt member just make it worse lol.
If rdm is as strong support as cor brd geo the difficulty will be balanced with having 4 support in mind. How will the alliance looks like that way? 2 DD slots for war drk nin mnk drg dnc thf sam in a 18 man alliance? Give me a break lol.
If anything I think alliance should have less supports and more DD, not the other way around....
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2019-01-31 20:12:12
RDM isn't forced to play as a back line job in most cases unless you have bad gear or don't know that Marine Stewpot exists.
RDM will be in mage mode on anything really dangerous, their debuff and support is far too useful. On stuff CL135 and under they can melee well enough.
By Asura.Byrne 2019-01-31 21:32:21
Holy crap at tons of posts resort to emotional argument 2hr later. I also love the fact that every.single.time when I post in RDM forum one of these replies brought up cor despite I never mention the job in entire discussion. You guys are obsessed with cor more than I do lol,
It's because people know how invested you are in your COR, and that you have a pretty obvious double standard for what you consider fair.
Were they to give COR native DW3, it would be strong, but I hardly think people would be crying about how unbalanced it is, so why are we saying that about RDM?
Frankly, I don't care that COR is the way it is, just stop shitting in everyone else's cheerios.
Also you wonder why it comes up in conversations about job balance. Jobs are balanced with respective to other jobs. The fact that it comes up isn't just obvious, it's necessary, and the fact that it frustrates you is what is truly illogical.
But blus design philosophy is different from rdm. I dont want rdm to become another blu. I dont want another support/mage job thats default to be a melee job when we have 8 melee jobs, and even brd and cor are becoming more melee job than ever. You just want it that way, it doesnt mean the game needs it.
Which just shows you don't understand the design philosophy of BLU to begin with, it isn't designed to be "just another generic DD". It's designed to be self sufficient, and in many ways BLU and RDM are intentionally similiar. In fact this is part of what made their decision to only recently throw a bone to melee RDM a bit of a head scratcher when you consider how worthless it's enfeebles used to be in early Adoulin era.
You can think of Blue Mage, like a selfish red mage, that has many of the same types of buffs, but can only use them on themselves, and unlike RDM's mostly single target arsenal, the majority, or at least large portion of BLU's relevant spells are AoE, unlike anything RDM has. And yet, they are on most of the same gear, and share 90% of each other's weapons to include ultimate weapons... You really think that was a *** accident? I'm honestly curious...
Like this honestly feels akin to if someone were complaining that COR was on Snapshot gear...
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1859
By Phoenix.Iocus 2019-01-31 22:23:17
"Fun" improvements:
1. Frazzle landing on most things
2. Death Blossom's additional affect being more than -10 meva
3. Death Blossom's damage scaling with TP
4. Enspell 2s giving attack and accuracy like enlight/dark
5. Innundation lowering the nuke wall like Rayke
6. Blind giving a static miss chance
7. Quick magic job traits to go with our JP category to go above the 10% cap
8. Spontaneity being on a shorter cooldown
9. Impact coming off that old cloak
10. Uriel Blade or another MAB WS for Crocea Mors to really exploit
11. Flaming Arrow not requiring /RNG or other hybrid WSs to use
12. Arching Arrow to be able to land on real mobs so I can use Innundation by myself with Exhalted Bow +1
13. Fencer 3 or better
14. Fencer or Shield Mastery giving JA haste so 1h jobs aren't so bad off
15. Access to good offensive melee shields
16. DW
17. AOE my +55 Gain Spells to party members
18. Hastega 2 or a Haste spell that caps magical haste
19. Being able to use Mandau in my offhand and get the attack and access to Mercy Stroke *dreaming*
20. The augs on Excalibur to be +100~200 HP if they dont make using a shielf on RDM attractive
21. Dia and Bio 3 to stack
22. Stun
23. Sleepga 1 2 and Breakga, because my enfeebling is higher than yours!
24. Reraise
25. Resist petrify trait to do anything
My battery is dying on my phone, so I'll stop there. Id rather COR be OP than just a buffer. BLU will be bandwagon as soon as empy +2/3 gives them their set bonus back. RDM will still not occupy the same space as them no matter if we got every thing i just listed.
By Afania 2019-01-31 22:34:02
Holy crap at tons of posts resort to emotional argument 2hr later. I also love the fact that every.single.time when I post in RDM forum one of these replies brought up cor despite I never mention the job in entire discussion. You guys are obsessed with cor more than I do lol,
It's because people know how invested you are in your COR, and that you have a pretty obvious double standard for what you consider fair.
Were they to give COR native DW3, it would be strong, but I hardly think people would be crying about how unbalanced it is, so why are we saying that about RDM?
Frankly, I don't care that COR is the way it is, just stop shitting in everyone else's cheerios.
Also you wonder why it comes up in conversations about job balance. Jobs are balanced with respective to other jobs. The fact that it comes up isn't just obvious, it's necessary, and the fact that it frustrates you is what is truly illogical.
If you think Im shitting everyones cheerios or think I apply double standard toward cor because cor is my main in game, then you either dont know me very well or just take things too personal. Either way, you are wrong.
Just let me clairify my stance regarding job balance, because it seems that you(and everyone else who involved in blu balance drama in 2015/2016 with me). My stance about job balance is very simple: Im against any dramatic design direction change that fundementally change how a job functions or interact in a pt setting.
I care less about certain job having drastically dps advantage in a content. I may be annoyed if community bandwagon it, but I wouldnt think the problem is so drastic unless se doesnt fix it in new content.
In the case of cor, the situation is pretty much identical to smn in 2016. Smn is OP in 2016 because their dps completely bypass aeonic nm mechnics. Cor is op in 2018 because their dps is so much stronger than every other DD in dyna D.
But from long term perspectice, this "their dps is so good that they are op" are very easy fix once new content comes out. Nirvana SMN became dead as soon as dyna D came out because mechanic doesnr favor conduit zerg. So leaden salute being op doesnt bother me slightest because Im at least 90% confident that in next wave of endgame content(empy revamp probably), leaden salute wont be nearly as effective as dyna D.
Thats how se fix dps job in the past. Mnk, Sam, thf, bst, blm, smn and now cor, these job were op for 1 or 2 year then things change. Its not double standard, its just an issue that se will eventually fix that theres nothing to worry about.
Trust me, you can complain how cor is op now, as soon as se release a content with NM that takes 3% darkness dmg, everyone that bandwagoned a DP would ask SE to make mythic storage for them because dp will be worthless.
If you think I have double standard toward cor, maybe you can search my post history on OF and cor thread, when community repeatly ask for 3 rolls 5 years ago, or pianissimo ability for rolls, I was the only person who said "NO!!!!!" Because 3 rolls or pianissimo fundementally changed how a job is played, and how they interact with every other job.
Overall Id say Im happy with how ffxi currently works and I see no problem that is so damn serious that needs major revamp of a job that changes the fundemental mechanics. If nothing is broken, then nothing needs to be fixed or else theyd risk creating more holes in a system thats already working quite well.
If you think Im against change because Im a passionate rdm hater or apply double standard on cor then you got it all wrong, lol. Its the other way around, I think you view ffxi has a system full of problems that needs to fix, and I dont agree with that.
If nothing is fundementally wrong, then nothing needs fix, especially drastic playstyle change like native dw3.
By Afania 2019-01-31 22:43:27
Which just shows you don't understand the design philosophy of BLU to begin with, it isn't designed to be "just another generic DD".
I never say BLU is designed to be another generic DD like war. I only said BLU is designed to be more melee oriented "versatile mage" while rdm being less of a melee than blu. Its also utterly obvious with jobs gear access, and traits. SE simply wanted blu to be more of a melee than rdm.
You are basically asking se to change the design philosophy of a job completely, when current design direction has no real issue. Its like asking se change war back to a tank like 2002 when se clearly want war to be a dd.
Why do you want se make changes thats so drastic?