Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-09-03 06:52:26
Wouldn't spell sort order be saved in your character's setting file? You can just backup your settings file manually.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2018-09-03 07:05:47
I get the feeling other people might mean different things from what I mean with Spell Mapping
This is a very very simple example of my BRD spell map
Code spell_maps = {
['Battlefield Elegy']='debuff',['Carnage Elegy']='debuff',['Magic Finale']='debuff',['Pining Nocturne']='debuff',["Maiden's Virelai"]='debuff',
['Foe Requiem']='debuff',['Foe Requiem II']='debuff',['Foe Requiem III']='debuff',['Foe Requiem IV']='debuff',['Foe Requiem V']='debuff',['Foe Requiem VI']='debuff',['Foe Requiem VII']='debuff',
['Horde Lullaby']='Lullaby',['Horde Lullaby II']='Lullaby',['Foe Lullaby']='Lullaby',['Foe Lullaby II']='Lullaby',
['Fire Threnody']='Threnody',['Ice Threnody']='Threnody',['Wind Threnody']='Threnody',['Earth Threnody']='Threnody',['Lightning Threnody']='Threnody',['Water Threnody']='Threnody',['Light Threnody']='Threnody',['Dark Threnody']='Threnody',
['Fire Threnody II']='Threnody',['Ice Threnody II']='Threnody',['Wind Threnody II']='Threnody',['Earth Threnody II']='Threnody',['Lightning Threnody II']='Threnody',['Water Threnody II']='Threnody',['Light Threnody II']='Threnody',['Dark Threnody II']='Threnody',
['Valor Minuet']='Minuet',['Valor Minuet II']='Minuet',['Valor Minuet III']='Minuet',['Valor Minuet IV']='Minuet',['Valor Minuet V']='Minuet',
["Mage's Ballad"]='Ballad',["Mage's Ballad II"]='Ballad',["Mage's Ballad III"]='Ballad',
['Advancing March']='March',['Victory March']='March',['Honor March']='Honor',
['Sword Madrigal']='Madrigal',['Blade Madrigal']='Madrigal',
["Hunter's Prelude"]='Prelude',["Archer's Prelude"]='Prelude',
['Fire Carol']='Carol', ['Ice Carol']='Carol', ['Wind Carol']='Carol', ['Earth Carol']='Carol', ['Thunder Carol']='Carol', ['Water Carol']='Carol', ['Light Carol']='Carol', ['Dark Carol']='Carol',
['Fire Carol II']='Carol', ['Ice Carol II']='Carol', ['Wind Carol II']='Carol', ['Earth Carol II']='Carol', ['Thunder Carol II']='Carol', ['Water Carol II']='Carol', ['Light Carol II']='Carol', ['Dark Carol II']='Carol',
['Sinewy Etude']='Etude', ['Dextrous Etude']='Etude', ['Vivacious Etude']='Etude', ['Quick Etude']='Etude', ['Learned Etude']='Etude', ['Spirited Etude']='Etude', ['Enchanting Etude']='Etude',
['Herculean Etude']='Etude', ['Uncanny Etude']='Etude', ['Vital Etude']='Etude', ['Swift Etude']='Etude', ['Sage Etude']='Etude', ['Logical Etude']='Etude', ['Bewitching Etude']='Etude',
["Army's Paeon"]='Paeon',["Army's Paeon II"]='Paeon',["Army's Paeon III"]='Paeon',["Army's Paeon IV"]='Paeon',["Army's Paeon V"]='Paeon',["Army's Paeon VI"]='Paeon',
["Adventurer's Dirge"]='Dirge',['Foe Sirvente']='Sirvente',["Sentinel's Scherzo"]='Scherzo'}
This is what I mean for "spell map". Most songs are grouped in categories because I need different songs under the same category to trigger the same midcast set.
This is the same logic in my RDM lua. Different spells fall into the same category, so I group them together with the goal of triggering the same midcast set.
For instance spells that get no benefit from Enf potency stat, or spells that do not benefit from enf skill or Int (other than the indirect macc conversion) etc.
After the generic midcast set is selected, I also equip specific pieces boosting specific spells, when necessary.
(I also have a trigger to swap different level of macc, but this is beyond the point of what I'm discussing right now)
Also quite often in several slots what is best for one situation, is also BiS for other situations, but this too is beyond the point of having different sets ready within the logic of how my Lua works.
So yeah, my spell map for RDM is greatly outdated and I'm sure there's a couple of silly mistakes as well.
I was wondering if anybody was willing to share their own spell map so that I can update my own with just a few minutes work, instead of redoing it from scratch, which would likely take me quite a lot more time lol.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 771
By Asura.Topace 2018-09-05 08:37:14
Does the Almaric head serve any other purpose other then refresh potency. Was thinking of HQ it but then again...
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 162
By Shiva.Cziella 2018-09-05 08:45:46
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-09-05 09:23:43
It used to be a kickass macc piece, but it has been supplanted by AF+3 and Relic+3 now.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2018-09-05 13:58:19
Does the Almaric head serve any other purpose other then refresh potency. Was thinking of HQ it but then again... Aquaveil midcast.
It's also, depending on augs, an interesting option for macc. Nowadays RDM has better ones, but this doesn't make HQ Amalric a bad macc piece per se.
By Boshi 2018-09-05 14:53:51
of note:
Almaric coif +1 has a typo and is listed as 10macc lower than it really is.
(after reis came out they updated most abj gear from ruaun but there's a ton of typos on various pieces)
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 159
By Valefor.Gorns 2018-09-05 14:56:57
I get the feeling other people might mean different things from what I mean with Spell Mapping
This is a very very simple example of my BRD spell map
Code spell_maps = {
['Battlefield Elegy']='debuff',['Carnage Elegy']='debuff',['Magic Finale']='debuff',['Pining Nocturne']='debuff',["Maiden's Virelai"]='debuff',
['Foe Requiem']='debuff',['Foe Requiem II']='debuff',['Foe Requiem III']='debuff',['Foe Requiem IV']='debuff',['Foe Requiem V']='debuff',['Foe Requiem VI']='debuff',['Foe Requiem VII']='debuff',
['Horde Lullaby']='Lullaby',['Horde Lullaby II']='Lullaby',['Foe Lullaby']='Lullaby',['Foe Lullaby II']='Lullaby',
['Fire Threnody']='Threnody',['Ice Threnody']='Threnody',['Wind Threnody']='Threnody',['Earth Threnody']='Threnody',['Lightning Threnody']='Threnody',['Water Threnody']='Threnody',['Light Threnody']='Threnody',['Dark Threnody']='Threnody',
['Fire Threnody II']='Threnody',['Ice Threnody II']='Threnody',['Wind Threnody II']='Threnody',['Earth Threnody II']='Threnody',['Lightning Threnody II']='Threnody',['Water Threnody II']='Threnody',['Light Threnody II']='Threnody',['Dark Threnody II']='Threnody',
['Valor Minuet']='Minuet',['Valor Minuet II']='Minuet',['Valor Minuet III']='Minuet',['Valor Minuet IV']='Minuet',['Valor Minuet V']='Minuet',
["Mage's Ballad"]='Ballad',["Mage's Ballad II"]='Ballad',["Mage's Ballad III"]='Ballad',
['Advancing March']='March',['Victory March']='March',['Honor March']='Honor',
['Sword Madrigal']='Madrigal',['Blade Madrigal']='Madrigal',
["Hunter's Prelude"]='Prelude',["Archer's Prelude"]='Prelude',
['Fire Carol']='Carol', ['Ice Carol']='Carol', ['Wind Carol']='Carol', ['Earth Carol']='Carol', ['Thunder Carol']='Carol', ['Water Carol']='Carol', ['Light Carol']='Carol', ['Dark Carol']='Carol',
['Fire Carol II']='Carol', ['Ice Carol II']='Carol', ['Wind Carol II']='Carol', ['Earth Carol II']='Carol', ['Thunder Carol II']='Carol', ['Water Carol II']='Carol', ['Light Carol II']='Carol', ['Dark Carol II']='Carol',
['Sinewy Etude']='Etude', ['Dextrous Etude']='Etude', ['Vivacious Etude']='Etude', ['Quick Etude']='Etude', ['Learned Etude']='Etude', ['Spirited Etude']='Etude', ['Enchanting Etude']='Etude',
['Herculean Etude']='Etude', ['Uncanny Etude']='Etude', ['Vital Etude']='Etude', ['Swift Etude']='Etude', ['Sage Etude']='Etude', ['Logical Etude']='Etude', ['Bewitching Etude']='Etude',
["Army's Paeon"]='Paeon',["Army's Paeon II"]='Paeon',["Army's Paeon III"]='Paeon',["Army's Paeon IV"]='Paeon',["Army's Paeon V"]='Paeon',["Army's Paeon VI"]='Paeon',
["Adventurer's Dirge"]='Dirge',['Foe Sirvente']='Sirvente',["Sentinel's Scherzo"]='Scherzo'}
This is what I mean for "spell map". Most songs are grouped in categories because I need different songs under the same category to trigger the same midcast set.
This is the same logic in my RDM lua. Different spells fall into the same category, so I group them together with the goal of triggering the same midcast set.
For instance spells that get no benefit from Enf potency stat, or spells that do not benefit from enf skill or Int (other than the indirect macc conversion) etc.
After the generic midcast set is selected, I also equip specific pieces boosting specific spells, when necessary.
(I also have a trigger to swap different level of macc, but this is beyond the point of what I'm discussing right now)
Also quite often in several slots what is best for one situation, is also BiS for other situations, but this too is beyond the point of having different sets ready within the logic of how my Lua works.
So yeah, my spell map for RDM is greatly outdated and I'm sure there's a couple of silly mistakes as well.
I was wondering if anybody was willing to share their own spell map so that I can update my own with just a few minutes work, instead of redoing it from scratch, which would likely take me quite a lot more time lol.
This is the spell map I use for my RDM :
enfeebling_magic_acc = S{'Bind', 'Break', 'Dispel', 'Distract', 'Distract II', 'Frazzle',
'Frazzle II', 'Gravity', 'Gravity II', 'Silence', 'Sleep', 'Sleep II', 'Sleepga'}
enfeebling_magic_skill = S{'Distract III', 'Frazzle III', 'Poison II'}
enfeebling_magic_effect = S{'Dia', 'Dia II', 'Dia III', 'Diaga'}
skill_spells = S{
'Temper', 'Temper II', 'Enfire', 'Enfire II', 'Enblizzard', 'Enblizzard II', 'Enaero', 'Enaero II',
'Enstone', 'Enstone II', 'Enthunder', 'Enthunder II', 'Enwater', 'Enwater II'}
I haven't touched to the other ones.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2018-09-05 20:01:42
Ltng. Threnody and Ltng. Threnody II are broken in that spell map.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 86
By Asura.Shaedhen 2018-09-06 03:57:33
Hey guys,
I came back a couple of months ago and worked on gearing my rdm again (came from pre-abyssea era so there was a bit of work to be done).
I recently started to try some stuff solo, mainly Escha-Zi'Tah Tier 1,some UNMs, some HTMB, and warder of loyalty. For the most part I ended up successful after one or a couple of try. However, I feel like it could go much better too. I also have the feeling fights take longer than they should.
For the enhancing/curing/enfeebling parts, while I know it's far from perfect, I'm satisfied with what I have for now. I don't get much resists and I'm at around 16 mins haste/refresh.
One of my biggest issue is that I have trouble deciding what trusts I should use. For some time I have been using AAEV (HM for some fights), Iroha II, Shantotto II, Qultada and Yoran. Recently I tried to do some switching to add Ulmia and/or Joachim. But I'm still not sure what to use. Does it changes for each fight or is there a standard set I should keep for most of them ? I'm also wondering if I should or not use a tank trust. I find it useful for the beginning of the fight, when I'm landing my debuffs, but I usually take hate over time and have to slow down dps a bit to not end up tanking myself.
Another thing I'm wondering is what are the usual temporary items I should always have with me/use for Escha fights. I've done some fights with people that would go replenish them after each fight but I did not think of asking what they were grabbing at that time.
Finally, what do you think should be the most important gear I am currently missing ? What should be my priorities ?(I am currently working on both Fotia items)
Here is my current melee set :
ItemSet 361137
Weapons should be inverted. Colada has Store TP+3,DEX+9,Accuracy+10,Attack+18,DMG:+17, Cape has DEX+20,Accuracy+20,Attack+20,Store TP+10, Carmine is Accuracy+12,DEX+12,MND+20
Here's my CDC set (and besides a very few swaps, my general WS set):
ItemSet 361138
Taeon is Accuracy+19,Attack+19,Weapon Skill Acc.+15,Crit. hit damage +2%
I've been trying to follow for the most part the guide but it was a bit hard for me to get different sets for different situations directly so I've been trying to get something hybrid between haste/accuracy/... that could get me going for now.
Anyway, thanks in advance for any input. =)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10287
By Asura.Sechs 2018-09-06 08:07:13
Ltng. Threnody and Ltng. Threnody II are broken in that spell map. Yeah it's a one year old file, but it's the only one I had at work :D
Been fixed ages ago, but stayed broken for quite a long time I have to say!
By Asura.Byrne 2018-09-06 12:08:50
I'm also wondering if I should or not use a tank trust. I find it useful for the beginning of the fight, when I'm landing my debuffs, but I usually take hate over time and have to slow down dps a bit to not end up tanking myself.
Think of it this way, if having hate slows down your DPS, and that's important to you, why would you want the fight to start off that way?
By Boshi 2018-09-06 13:51:52
Ternion Dagger +1
carmine feet +1
karieyh isn't going to be good for cdc.
Scroll thru the past this has been covered a lot.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 86
By Asura.Shaedhen 2018-09-07 02:54:02
Thanks for the input. I will have that in mind.
Going back in the thread helped me find some useful info indeed. I did not went too far in the first time around because at some point the discussion was a bit messy and I stopped there. Turn out what I needed was like one page after that. :)
A couple more question though :
- Why is Karieyh not good in cdc case ? Because critical rate/dmg is better than the weapon skill damage + ? Or is there something else I am missing ?
- Would raetic knife (or blade) be a valid option in my case or is it too soon ? Considering my current gear, the fact that I don't have refresh III yet, and not all the refresh effect from escha either.
By Boshi 2018-09-07 08:13:31
"weapon skill damage" only works on the first hit of a ws.
That means for 1/2 hit WS this is massive.
Some multihit ws only have their ftp bonus apply to the first hit despite being multi-hit (upheaval), wsd still works great here.
CDC has it's FTP modifier transfer thru all hits (means the base dmg mod works on every hit, most ws this only works on first hit and the rest are just normal multi attack)
FTP replicating multi-hit WS
(Fotia neck/belt the "weapon skill damage" is a poor translation/explanation, fotia adds +0.1 ftp to every hit, for WS like CDC this is masssive.)
Also offhand /nin adds an extra swing. So CDC begins as a 4hit ftp-replicating ws. Before any gear with temperII about 1/3 of these are at least 6 hits already. Not to mention that it can crit each hit.
The WSD only applies to the first hit, a very minor boost to cdc's total dmg.
savage blade: 2 hit, massive damage % on that first hit.
cdc: 3 hit, ftp replicating
death blossom: 3 hit, not replicating
Requiescat, 5 hit, replicating
Knights of Round: 1 hit
Mercy Stroke: 1 hit (despite misleading animation)
evisceration: 5 hit, replicating
extenterator: 4hit, replicating
WSD sucks on cdc/evis/exten/vorpal/req, good on the rest of them.
At your current level I would assume Raetic is not gonna be a good move for you. Also for Rdm kris over blade. This is a specialty weapon for zergs under unique situations.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 86
By Asura.Shaedhen 2018-09-07 08:27:29
Thank you so much for the detailed explanation. It makes much more sense now.
By Quendi210 2018-09-10 01:57:17
Duelist's Torque +2 Augment
Rank 25: INT+15 MND+15 Enhancing Magic Duration +25% Enfeebling Magic Duration +25%
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2018-09-10 17:06:30
Anyone have an idea about murgleis augment ?
By Boshi 2018-09-10 17:26:54
enfeeb potency wasn't in the augment list. (***)
rdmy ones
10/11 sound like they'd be crocea
10. Enfeebling magic recast delay -%d
11. Enhancing magic recast delay -%d
15. Sword enhancement spell damage %+d%%
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2018-09-11 00:07:51
REMA augemnts for RDM:
Mandau: Dmg+7, Mercy Stroke+20%, Triple Atk Dmg+10%
Excalibur: Dmg+9, Knights of Round+20%, Chance of successful block+10
Murgleis: Dmg+17, Death Blossom+15%, Acc/Macc+30
Almace: Dmg+5, CDC+10%, DEX/MND+20
Sequence: Dmg+8, Requeiscat+10%, Acc/Macc+30
By Aerix 2018-09-11 02:54:07
Looks like Almace/Ternion+1 might be the new go-to weapon combo for CDC spam, rather than Murgleis/Almace.
Crocea Mors Path B/Almace might be even better, though, as Follow-up attack+1 actually stacks with Temper II and we'd still have plenty of TA on WS...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 41
By Asura.Netero 2018-09-11 07:06:29
REMA augemnts for RDM:
Mandau: Dmg+7, Mercy Stroke+20%, Triple Atk Dmg+10%
Excalibur: Dmg+9, Knights of Round+20%, Chance of successful block+10
Murgleis: Dmg+17, Death Blossom+15%, Acc/Macc+30
Almace: Dmg+5, CDC+10%, DEX/MND+20
Sequence: Dmg+8, Requeiscat+10%, Acc/Macc+30
What about Crocea Mors ? It has 3 paths right ?
By Boshi 2018-09-11 10:46:21
path A/B are the same on all 1h weapons except for the dmg amount.
Path C is going to be:
-Enfeebling magic recast delay -%d probably 25%
-Enhancing magic recast delay -%d probably 25%
-Sword enhancement spell damage %+d%%
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2018-09-11 10:53:39
Looks like Almace/Ternion+1 might be the new go-to weapon combo for CDC spam, rather than Murgleis/Almace.
Crocea Mors Path B/Almace might be even better, though, as Follow-up attack+1 actually stacks with Temper II and we'd still have plenty of TA on WS...
Almace/Ternion was the go-to even pre-augments.
By Aerix 2018-09-11 20:29:50
Looks like Almace/Ternion+1 might be the new go-to weapon combo for CDC spam, rather than Murgleis/Almace.
Crocea Mors Path B/Almace might be even better, though, as Follow-up attack+1 actually stacks with Temper II and we'd still have plenty of TA on WS...
Almace/Ternion was the go-to even pre-augments.
I'm not fully convinced of that, especially if the sole evidence are the spreadsheets since they tend to value white damage too much.
Guess I'll have to spend some time parsing both setups once I finish and AG my Murgleis.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 162
By Shiva.Cziella 2018-09-11 21:09:52
these were nq path C for dynamis sword
sword enhancement spell +300%
elemental weapon skill dmg % (doesn't say a number)
i'm guessing nq is 300, hq, 350, hq2 +400% and the 3rd augment +DMG like all others
By Boshi 2018-09-11 21:57:44
o weird i assumed it'd be the enhancing enfeebling to match the neck
my bad
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 79
By Cerberus.Tacothecat 2018-09-11 22:03:57
First time I have done any real playing lately, but I wanted to show this since there are some doubtful people. This literally just happened about 15 minutes ago. And I know there are some aspiring rdm that want to see this.
I did not have temper on due to the buff copy, I also did not have brd or geo str buffs, this was just regal neck cors, rema brds, and idris geo with self buffs and sublime sushi
By Afania 2018-09-11 22:08:51
Since its apparently episode 3 of savage blade drama months go....
Glassy gorger and Kirin are 2 NMs that seem to take abnormally high ws dmg. Besides Fu of course.
So I'm already aware 50k ws is possible on that....on more than a couple of jobs.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2018-09-11 22:24:04
Specifically, Gorger takes +50% Slashing damage (Craver takes extra piercing, Thinker extra blunt).