Jack Of All Trades: A Guide To Red Mage

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Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-08-07 20:53:45
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Im gonna double cause *** page 30. it literally takes a minute to load. what the *** guys.

That belt is bananas for magic ws then <.<;;;;;

Do a Trueflight with obi and without obi at melee range =o
Posts: 105
By aigulfe 2018-08-07 20:55:56
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How did it compare to like the obi with weather? Guessing that would still be stronger but any nuke where the weathercheck doesnt come into play the new thing wins.
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2018-08-07 22:43:31
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Some more testing:

Tenebral Crush
Eschan Stone: 16400
Orpheus's Sash (min. distance): 18006
Orpheus's Sash (11' distance, roughly max): 16790

Orpheus's beats Eschan Stone even at max casting distance for BLU nukes. Forgot to write down the numbers, but the difference was like several hundred more damage in favor of Orpheus's.

Edit: Checked my Windower logs; added the value for max distance.

Water V with Gain-INT
Naked waist: 13212
Hachirin (Watersday): 14532
Hachirin (Watersday/Rainstorm): 16428
Orpheus (min. distance, no Day/Weather proc): 15192
Orpheus (MD, Weather proc): 15744
Orpheus (MD, Day proc): 16710
Orpheus (MD, double proc): 17316

Leaden Salute
Eschan Stone: 16185
Orpheus (MD): 17563

My LS gear isn't great and I only have a perfect Doomsday instead of DP, though. Had to log before Darksday rolled around, sorry.
Posts: 105
By aigulfe 2018-08-07 23:18:09
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Good to know, thanks. Its definitely a must have pieces across a number of my jobs (COR, RNG, BLU, GEO, BLM, SCH, RDM lol)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2018-08-07 23:25:57
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Afania said: »

If you, or seeker, thinks you are more serious and represents the authority of RDM community better, feel free to send a tell to Rydal so you can update the guide. Because as far as I know of, I was the only person who ended up asked for such responsibility when he quit.

Actually I also have access to the node, and I actually update it, occasionally ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Also at attack cap, while 50K savage blade is not common, it's not all that rare, either (assuming a perfect set). RDM's savage blade potential sits above BLU for sure, and possibly above COR as well. As for the comment about RDM having lower white damage, RDM has enspells, and just about nothing in the game resists them.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not disagreeing with you outright, but there's no need to be so rude, saying that you simply haven't seen something and claiming that it is impossible is called an argument from personal incredulity. One of those logical fallacy things, if you recall.
Posts: 1570
By Aerix 2018-08-08 00:04:50
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Asura.Byrne said: »
Afania said: »

If you, or seeker, thinks you are more serious and represents the authority of RDM community better, feel free to send a tell to Rydal so you can update the guide. Because as far as I know of, I was the only person who ended up asked for such responsibility when he quit.

Actually I also have access to the node, and I actually update it, occasionally ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Also at attack cap, while 50K savage blade is not common, it's not all that rare, either (assuming a perfect set). RDM's savage blade potential sits above BLU for sure, and possibly above COR as well. As for the comment about RDM having lower white damage, RDM has enspells, and just about nothing in the game resists them.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not disagreeing with you outright, but there's no need to be so rude, saying that you simply haven't seen something and claiming that it is impossible is called an argument from personal incredulity. One of those logical fallacy things, if you recall.

Wait, what? Are you talking strictly about resistance for the Enspells in the sense that the damage isn't negated completely? Because a lot of stuff reduces the damage per hit to pitiful levels.
By Afania 2018-08-08 00:16:21
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Asura.Byrne said: »

Actually I also have access to the node, and I actually update it, occasionally ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Wasn't replying to you, nor I see how "Byrne has access" even relevant to the discussion when I was talking to the other guy. Plus I was the only person who asked for access for quite a while, henced I used past tense "when he quit", it implys right at that moment.

Anyways, this wasn't the point. I don't know why you feel like you have to comment on this when the discussion is already over 2 pages ago.

Asura.Byrne said: »
Also at attack cap, while 50K savage blade is not common,

Thanks for repeating the same thing that I just said.

Asura.Byrne said: »
it's not all that rare, either (assuming a perfect set).

This is contradicting to the last sentence, and your own video.

Someone just linked your video, if 50k isn't that rare, we would see at least 1 50k savage in a 4 min video.

Prehaps I missed a 50k savage from your video? If I did then please tell me the time stamp of the 50k in the video.

Or prehaps we have different understanding of what "is not uncommon" "not all that rare" means. If you can't get one 50k in 4 min of spamming savage on apex with cor brd geo buffs, to me it's not common at all, and extremely rare.

I know a couple of NM just seems to take extremely high ws dmg than normal, such as one of the mid boss in Omen, escha kirin. I do not know why they take so much damage, more so than what math says what savage should be doing.

But I would say that's more of a special case if anything. And certainly doesn't impact DD RDM since other jobs can also pop high ws spikes in that situation.

Here is how you could prove I'm wrong. Try bloster frailty on apex mob, buff with chaos/dia4/fury, spam savage at 1000 TP for 5 min. Post gear sets, buffs, ws avg and ws spikes in a scientific way. Let math and evidence speak themselves for the reader.

If evidence prove me wrong because there are several 50k savages happened entire time, then I'll gladly admit I'm wrong in this case. Otherwise I don't think it's not unreasonable to call people out for misword things.

Back then when people argued about polearm hierarchy in DRG bg guide, or MNK subtle blow impact on kill speed. There were endless pages of pointless arguments and posts too.

As soon as sim/spreadsheet numbers are posted and videos are made, it's settled. I'm convinced 100% with 0 doubt. I went from very skeptical about people's claim on certain side, to 100% support whoever posted the evidence.

If you want to convince me that 50k isn't rare at all, prove it. Then I promise I'll admit I'm wrong in this case. I have several post history to prove that I generally eat my words if I'm proven wrong with math or evidence, so I'm not THAT stubborn about things.

Asura.Byrne said: »
As for the comment about RDM having lower white damage, RDM has enspells.

I don't think we talk about RDM white damage here at all.

Asura.Byrne said: »
but there's no need to be so rude,

Here is the thing, seeker said this:
SeekerStar said: »
Afania, if I had a *** I'd ask you to get off it. Since I don't, I'll share the sentiment instead.

You, personally, you, Afania the main COR with a widely displayed dislike of anything that resembles a red mage doing anything but Haste/Flurry/debuffs or whatever else, do not belong in a serious discussion on how to improve DD sets YOU said you'd never utilize.

Tacothecat said this:
Cerberus.Tacothecat said: »
Apparently you get into these immature debates often. I have zero desire to put up with that, blocking you, have a good life.

I didn't get "rude" until they start it first.

I think you are pretty biased for saying I'm rude but completely ignored the fact that they are the one being rude first.

If you ever see my post history, I don't go out and be rude at people for fun. I usually just point out someone's info being wrong, or misleading, or have an opinion that I disagree with and that I feel their opinion is way too subjective to the point that it could hurt the community. And I rarely resort to personal attack nor making assumptions when I disagree.

Then whoever got facts point out or feel I twist their words(usually because they misword things first, or didn't make things clear for the reader), got mad and resort to personal attack, and make claims that I'm directing toward them.

But no, it's either facts, or it isn't. If what I said isn't a fact, prove it with evidence. If you feel I twist your words, just clarify it again. I am always open to evidence and strongly believe that in forum discussions it's either evidence/facts or bust.

Asura.Byrne said: »
saying that you simply haven't seen something and claiming that it is impossible is called an argument from personal incredulity. One of those logical fallacy things, if you recall.

Except I've seen it, and I said over, and over, and over again that 50k is entirely possible, I just don't think it's common.. Here is what I wrote since appearantly you didn't read it.

Afania said: »
50k savage isn't normal number on both jobs, spreadsheet doesnt show such number and not even close, even with 55% wsd. Though in escha or on certain NM 50k spike could happen from time to time, it's certainly not a common thing with gears equip-able these days,

And pretty much all of the videos and evidences posted in this thread supported my opinion. Then Tacothecat got mad because of my statement above, which is not incorrect in any way, nor even rude.

If you want to jump into the discussion, at least read what other people wrote instead of twisting their words, or else you're just putting more fuel to the fire.

I wonder if mod can lock this thread for a bit, so peole stop jumping in and make random comment focusing at poking people and twisting people's words which are totally irrelevant and not contributing to the discussion.

This discussion should end 2 pages ago unless someone want to contribute something with spreadsheet math/videos/parses to prove something.
Posts: 1030
By SeekerStar 2018-08-08 01:28:53
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Even if I plopped my laptop down before your eyes and showed you, you'd find some (il)logical leap that supported its invalidation.

I'm from Asura and people are less toxic than some in this community.

I'm staying out of this section to let it sit out.

See ya on the flip side.
Posts: 517
By Davorin 2018-08-08 03:09:58
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Afania said: »
I wonder if mod can lock this thread for a bit, so peole stop jumping in and make random comment focusing at poking people and twisting people's words which are totally irrelevant and not contributing to the discussion.

This discussion should end 2 pages ago unless someone want to contribute something with spreadsheet math/videos/parses to prove something.

You're probably good at XI, and you might know what you're talking about sometimes, but your posts are insufferable.

You could've made a concise post refuting some sort of semantics(lol) about 50k weapons skills a day ago, but instead you're shitposting your reddit posts and quoting stuff no one cares about line by line. Work on your delivery, if you're really trying to help the community RDM better.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-08-08 07:16:48
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I find the opposite to be true; people are claiming blatantly wrong things and accusing Afania of things he is not, and Afania trying to demonstrate what is actually true using logic is getting him attacked for some reason.
By Afania 2018-08-08 07:24:04
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Davorin said: »
Afania said: »
I wonder if mod can lock this thread for a bit, so peole stop jumping in and make random comment focusing at poking people and twisting people's words which are totally irrelevant and not contributing to the discussion.

This discussion should end 2 pages ago unless someone want to contribute something with spreadsheet math/videos/parses to prove something.

You're probably good at XI, and you might know what you're talking about sometimes, but your posts are insufferable.

You could've made a concise post refuting some sort of semantics(lol) about 50k weapons skills a day ago, but instead you're shitposting your reddit posts and quoting stuff no one cares about line by line. Work on your delivery, if you're really trying to help the community RDM better.

"The ***posts" that you talked about is as useless as Seeker and Byrne's posts above in terms of contribution.

yeah, sure. I should have taken the drama between myself and Seeker to the PM and keep the board clean.

But Some people here are ridiculously rude in public, and I didn't start it, that I feel that I have to clairfy myself for personal things in the public as well rather than just silently admit things are just wrong or injustified.

Even after the discussions ended Byrne repopped again because he feels like he has to say something, that wasn't my fault. At least I suggested a test to prove that 50k savage is right, that's contribution? Lol.

SeekerStar said: »
I'm from Asura and people are less toxic than some in this community.

If you want to accuse others for being toxic after attacking another poster for no reason in public, settle it in PM please. Thanks.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 354
By Ragnarok.Phuoc 2018-08-08 07:32:14
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Well lets go deep into the 50k spike SB, the circumstances for this to happen as posted earlier require you to cap attack, 3k TP, a really good SB set and several STR buffs, and even then it happens occasionally to the point where it is anecdotical, on a situation where you are zerging something (lets say woc), you cap att and then you are lucky to get str songs and all the means of boosting mods further, at that point and doing it @3k tp, you will see it randomly but at the same time, the war-drk-sam-blu-dnc-thf next to you will do that dmg np.

RDM is great on the frontline, people often understimate the job and its potential but imo its 1 step below DD focused jobs, there's no problem in admiting it.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Arislan
Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2018-08-08 08:43:25
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- RDM is a viable DD, obviously not top-end, but viable,
- It may even be the best choice in certain situations (low-man, underbuffed, SC/indundation strats),
- A mage being able to hit (occasional) 50k WS is pretty cool,
- A SAM averaging 14k WS is kinda sad.

It seems like everybody agrees with the above points, so I have no idea what you guys are actually arguing about here.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: blade4
Posts: 202
By Fenrir.Surgator 2018-08-08 09:10:18
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Hi , it has been a long time i didn't play the game and i have just come back .

i was wondering how much time it will take aproximatly to make a relic , mythic or a aeonic weapon ? (not all togheter just an estimate of each).

Just to have a few ideal if i'm investing in this or going another path.

Thank you in advance!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-08-08 09:18:40
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With reduced cooldown tags on assaults and einherjar, how long it takes to make relics and mythics depends almost entirely on how good your gil-making methods are. Last I checked, to get the base 75 weapon, it takes about 50 million to get a relic, and about 150 million to get a mythic (and about 50-60m more for each to get to 119 AG).

For Aeonic weapons, if you can find a good group that does runs, it can be done in an evening or two if you have 50,000 beads already. If you don't have a group, you can generally buy clears for around 100-150m if on an active enough server.
By Afania 2018-08-08 10:10:43
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Shiva.Arislan said: »
It seems like everybody agrees with the above points, so I have no idea what you guys are actually arguing about here.

Nothing is being argue about, just Byrne and Seeker decided to take a jab at Afania while not making any points relevant to savage blades.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: blade4
Posts: 202
By Fenrir.Surgator 2018-08-08 11:17:49
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let move on guys! let just move on!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-08-08 11:55:12
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While updating the Windower Timers plugin I noticed something Composure caps Barspells to 30 minutes on self but not others.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2018-08-08 12:26:14
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You sure it's a cap and not that you cast barspells in +composure gear/set? Because your party members would get that bonus but not you.

Now if you cast in all skill gear or enhancing duration gear, that's another story.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-08-08 12:30:39
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
You sure it's a cap and not that you cast barspells in +composure gear/set? Because your party members would get that bonus but not you.

Now if you cast in all skill gear or enhancing duration gear, that's another story.
I'm sure.
Guildwork Premium
Posts: 110
By Quendi210 2018-08-08 12:43:06
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There also seems to be a point that the duration of Gain spells gets truncated because I should be getting a longer duration. The math says it should be over 35 minutes but getting only over 33 minutes.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2018-08-08 12:48:09
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While I'm getting capped barspells with composure, composure is properly tripling my gain duration.

10-11 minutes without composure, 32-33 minutes with.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-08-08 13:00:32
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Quendi210 said: »
There also seems to be a point that the duration of Gain spells gets truncated because I should be getting a longer duration. The math says it should be over 35 minutes but getting only over 33 minutes.
Try using this to see if you just mathed it up wrong. http://chiaia.optic-ice.com/Enhancing%20Duration.html
Guildwork Premium
Posts: 110
By Quendi210 2018-08-08 13:24:28
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Here's the result
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-08-08 13:30:04
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Quendi210 said: »
Ok, next question? Was your 33mins the in-game status timer or the Timers plugin? I'm currently fixing the plugin if that's where you got that from it's already been fixed in my copy.
Guildwork Premium
Posts: 110
By Quendi210 2018-08-08 13:36:01
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Asura.Chiaia said: »
Quendi210 said: »
Ok, next question? Was your 33mins the in-game status timer or the Timers plugin? I'm currently fixing the plugin if that's where you got that from it's already been fixed in my copy.

In game timer. I haven't used Timers for my RDM for exact values in a while since it's usually behind updates.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2018-08-08 14:17:06
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Quendi210 said: »
Asura.Chiaia said: »
Quendi210 said: »
Ok, next question? Was your 33mins the in-game status timer or the Timers plugin? I'm currently fixing the plugin if that's where you got that from it's already been fixed in my copy.

In game timer. I haven't used Timers for my RDM for exact values in a while since it's usually behind updates.
Composure isn't tripling the +20 seconds we get via JPs on Gain spells o.O I get 15:20 with Comp up naked. gd Spaghetti code

edit: i'm the one that had figured out the math for all the enhancing duration stuff interactions and i just double checked with haste i get a flat 10 minutes (ticks down to 9 right away.)

nice catch
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-08-08 14:49:02
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Asura.Chiaia said: »
edit: i'm the one that had figured out the math for all the enhancing duration stuff interactions and i just double checked with haste i get a flat 10 minutes (ticks down to 9 right away.)

I'm a little confused, wouldn't that mean that Composure IS factoring the +20 seconds duration in the equation? Wouldn't the time be 9:20 if it wasn't factoring the +20 seconds?

Edit: OH, I see what you're saying. It's just not factoring on the Gain Spells. It's working fine on Haste.
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