Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
By Afania 2018-08-07 11:51:24
Cerberus.Tacothecat said: »Here is Byrne pushing just under 30k without brd or cor,
The video that you linked has brd, cor and geo buffs. None of his ws demonstrates the potential that makes "50k isn't uncommon" or "rdm should toast cor" statement true. It's just normal savage damage on both cor and rdm with capped attack.
And you got mad at me for saying you are exaggerating, ok. Fine. I'm the immature one, everyone else can enjoy exaggerated info on forums. I'm out of this none sense since video disproves itself.
By SeekerStar 2018-08-07 12:09:28
Cerberus.Tacothecat said: »Here is Byrne pushing just under 30k without brd or cor, not sure what ws gear he has, I see he wasn't using tern+1 but in terms of ws dmg that won't be a large gain. But unsure of the rest of his ws set, looks like geo is idris, but having a 4-5 song honor March brd as well as a regal neck cor really make a huge difference in damage.
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Here is an old video I posted a while back (nearly 7 months ago, fyi that is a long time to uograde gear) before I started building my Savage Blade set and I still favored empy and cdc
Video is crap, but I wasnt using Camtasia like I should have, I used the Nvidia crap which I have learned not to do since.
YouTube Video Placeholder
Since then I have drastically improved my sets both tp and ws.
His (Byrne's) WS set is pretty similar to my own, except Metalsinger Belt (he has an Idris GEO/REMA BRD at will) and a 9% WSD pair of Chironic feet. Yes, I have Sequence.
The COR I tested against only had about 5k over me and I had an additional WS (target was Kabhanda); on the following mob (Belphegor or Taelmoth, idr which) # of WS were equal but again, I lagged behind about 6k/WS.
I possess zero WSD Chironic. This corsair is exceedingly well geared and I'm not even mad that I didn't "win", it showed me I still have improvement to make.
Re: melee RDM hate... If you don't like it, don't melee. Lots of us do. Lots of us are pretty good at it.
By Afania 2018-08-07 12:23:04
Nobody is hating on rdm melee. But this is public forum and any exaggerated info quickly turn into hearsay in community.
Someone said RDM "should toast cor" (implying RDM is one tier better DD than cor) and "50k isn't uncommon" (implying RDM pops 50k left and right when other DDs do 30k) is just exaggerating and twisting facts.
Pointing out facts are being twisted =/= rdm melee hate. God forbid people provide more accurate info.
@Seeker May I know why you often pop on the forums making assumptions that every posters are hating on RDM in every posts?
You do that in PLD thread when we discussed VD setup, you popped, made random comment implying pt not having RDM in pt = doesn't have skill.
Then you do that in dyna wave 3 thread implying any melee pt without macc buffs/debuffs = hating on rdm.
Then you do it here, in the middle of discussion about people exaggerating ws number, implying people are "hating" RDM melee.
I know RDM isn't a common job, and many people have biased opinion about it. But you are reading what's being discussed completely wrong by giving it a meaning that doesn't exist.
By SeekerStar 2018-08-07 12:31:07
Afania, if I had a *** I'd ask you to get off it. Since I don't, I'll share the sentiment instead.
You, personally, you, Afania the main COR with a widely displayed dislike of anything that resembles a red mage doing anything but Haste/Flurry/debuffs or whatever else, do not belong in a serious discussion on how to improve DD sets YOU said you'd never utilize.
I didn't jump in, I brought my testing up... or did you just see me and assume?
We all know what THAT does.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2018-08-07 12:32:35
Quote: You, personally, you, Afania the main COR with a widely displayed dislike of anything that resembles a red mage doing anything but Haste/Flurry/debuffs or whatever else, do not belong in a serious discussion on how to improve DD sets YOU said you'd never utilize.
if you search through post history, you would actually see that's not the case
By Afania 2018-08-07 12:34:28
You, personally, you, Afania the main COR with a widely displayed dislike of anything that resembles a red mage doing anything but Haste/Flurry/debuffs or whatever else
This is absolutely ballcrap. I think you mistake me as another person.
Link me the post that I said RDM should just sit there in pt casting haste/flurr/debuffs in pt.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 79
By Cerberus.Tacothecat 2018-08-07 12:37:26
If someone doesn't want to believe rdm potential, let it be. If they argue with you, smile and walk away. Either they will stay blind or eventually come around.
This site has a history of people arguing about simple things due to denial or inaccurate spreadsheets being their only knowledge. Months later they all pretend it never happened and begin to see more and more people doing it.
Do what I do, ignore/block them and talk to the people that want to learn, share sets and information that would rather learn than argue.I have an ever growing blacklist on this website. Too many immature people that only read partial post and/or play word games.
Someone doesn't want to learn, ok. Wish you the best, I am going another path that doesn't involve that person.
By Boshi 2018-08-07 13:03:53
Posting a picture of an Omen run to brag about WS dmg while your samurai is averaging 14k is a joke.
Anyone that can't do 30k objective with a brd is aweful.
For savage it's (barring DM):
head: relic+3
body: relic+3
hands: jhakri+2 attack uncapped, af+3 attack capped
legs: jhakri+2
feet: jhakri+2
for CDC:
head: volte capped, taeon 3/3/2020 uncapped
body: volte>ayanmo barely attack capped, taeon 3/3/2020 uncapped
hands: volte attack capped, jhakri uncapped
legs: relic+3
feet: thereoid.
Average WS damage is what matters, not the single spike. Afania has a good history on this forum take your random attack out of here.
If anyone has to ask an LS how sweet your rdm dd does vs their DDs, the DDs suck. Again posting 30+k savage plades when a samurai is averaging 14-15k says more about the samurai than the rdm.
The blu spreadsheet is incredibly easy to convert for rdm.
I think without weapons max enhancing skill should be 613? This leads to 31% Temper, 103 base Enspell dmg. (with +11 sword this becomes 32%/105, with dw +11/+10 weapons this becomes 33%/106).
By Afania 2018-08-07 13:13:04
Quote: You, personally, you, Afania the main COR with a widely displayed dislike of anything that resembles a red mage doing anything but Haste/Flurry/debuffs or whatever else, do not belong in a serious discussion on how to improve DD sets YOU said you'd never utilize.
if you search through post history, you would actually see that's not the case
And I do the work for Seeker. Here are a couple of my post history about RDM job. I even bold the part that clearly says the opposite of what Seeker said.
Afania said: Rdm is a job that's handy to have at times, simply because many ambuscade content favors it. RDM can fit in many roles:
1) Melee: SC linker. Although RDM isn't the strongest DD, it does have ws in all lv2 SC categories , and inundatation that increases SC dmg. From my experience, it's extremely strong when paired with a cor using allies roll.
2) Support/debuff/crowd control: Ambuscade often has mechanics that favors RDM, such as needing silence, crowd control adds, or haste 2 melees. In that case RDM is often desired.
3) Main Healer: This is a tough role in melee pt due to the lack of strong curaga spells, even majority of career RDM that I know of rarely play RDM as main healer unless it's ranger or blm pt. That being said, with a bit more coordination with brd and geo spreading cure duty, it is quite doable even in melee pt. Using RDM as main healer in melee pt gets the benefit of inundatation and extra song slot via haste 2.
4) Nuke and mbing: Honestly it really works well in CP pt, anything endgame it's kinda meh.
5) "Tanking" or kiting/holding NM: If you are comfortable with enmity toggles, passionate career RDM do this quite often. Although you may have to ask others advice about how to pull this off correctly.
Gear wise, if you want to be versatile, you need tons of sets. Almost every rema has its use: murg for enfeeble, sequence for savage blade spam or closing high dmg SC via savage, almace for CDC spam BLU style, Excalibur for fusion ws, Mandau for dagger/piercing/mercy stroke force activate inundatation bonus with dagger.
RDM is kind of job that's extremely valuable if you are really good at it with tons of sets, but pretty damn useless if you are somewhat mediocre with a few sets or lacks knowledge in FFXI mechanics. Having pt with many Passion rdm in the past, I value strong RDM player as much as thf war BLU geo etc. So gl.
Afania said: Rdm isn't a bad job by any means, and communities often exaggerate how bad it is whenever it's being mentioned. Mostly due to ppl rating this job without considering entire pt dynamics. Example being ppl claiming the job is bad DD because it doesn't outparse real DDs, without considering multi step sc. Or the job being bad healer, without considering that -NA or cure duty can be splited in pt.
Afania said: In last month's ambuscade vol1 D, our rdm closes 2 step light with 42k savage + 99999 light. It's incredibly strong just because of how SC works: damage multiply with SC buffs and bigger ws avg, and white damage or even ws frenquency isn't all that relevant. A setup with SC pushes RDMs melee dps comparable to other DD, even if other DD has higher ws frenquency and white damage.
Afania said: I'd argue that RDM is beyond inundation. I think as a melee it's capability is really underratted, and it's unfortunate that every melee RDM discussion turn into "RDM can't beat a WAR BLU DRK SAM lolno" or "If you can't parse high on RDM you suck" sort of drama, that no one really discuss the strength and weakness from a more objective pov.
Looking at my spreadsheet, at capped attack and 600 enhancing, RDM is around 90% of dps as almace/sequence BLU using 3 adhemar +1. In real FFXI the gap is probably bigger since RDM can't /WAR, so it'd have way less attack. But the real strength of melee RDM is survivablility. It has innate stoneskin, phalanx, emergency cure IV, magic def bonus trait, and more importantly ability to keep all that TA in full turtle mode, plus higher meva from mage gears. My full pdt- set on COR has zero multi attack, RDM would keep 30% TA in full pdt- set, which is A LOT.
Now that vex/attunement is nerfed, DD can't cheese dangerous NM by going all out with a GEO using defensive bubble anymore, everyone more or less needs to turtle more, I see RDM being a very strong support/DD job not just because all that TA in turtle sets, or stoneskin/phalanx/job trait, but also ability to addle II and save every DD's ***. personally, I'd be really, really surprised if community don't utilize RDM as a DD or support/DD hybrid more after this update.
Afania said: RDM: With attack buffs, aeonic or almace and DD gears from DM augments it's a lot stronger than most people give them credit for, while providing useful rdm debuffs and supports in pt. Also one of the hardest job to gear. If you are casual, avoid rdm like plague.
(Yes I said "If you are casual, avoid RDM like plague" in the end, but any serious rdm would know that's not hating the job, more like doing the job justice.)
And here's more link of myself, replying literally every single RDM questions on forum, or participate in DD RDM discussions.
There's a lot more, since I've been posting about various use of RDM for so long that it's damn difficult to track everything, especially on AH.com.
The most ironic thing is that when I worked my *** out and almost fighting for RDM's position in FFXI community by replying every single anti-post about RDM, Seeker didn't even post one thing about RDM back then.
And back then when I spreadsheeted melee rdm sets and post my findings/sets in this thread, Seeker didn't participate the discussion back then.
And now Seekerstar, appearantly just recently jump into RDM discussions, suddenly become the leading authority of serious RDM in the community while people who posted about the job for far longer history are not serious enough about RDM and just hating on the job.
There IS a reason why 2 people immediately disagree with you when you made claims that I'm anti RDM and hating the job. Because they actually read my posts.
If you read any of the RDM discussions for long enough, you would realize how wrong you are about my stance on RDM.
By SeekerStar 2018-08-07 13:15:07
I'll just take my random self right on out of this thread, then. If nobody wants to see how this person has deliberately tried to undermine any point, salient or no, that I bring up...well, I'll share knowledge elsewhere.
ONE sec, editing.
I'm going to find that post and edit it in.
By Afania 2018-08-07 13:24:24
Cerberus.Tacothecat said: »If someone doesn't want to believe rdm potential, let it be. If they argue with you, smile and walk away. Either they will stay blind or eventually come around.
I am here aruging with you, because I am WELL AWARE of RDM's potential.
Just because I am not exaggerating like you and citing facts, doesn't mean I am hating.
Can I pop on the forum and make exaggerated claims like "My RDM pops 50k savage left and right and MB 99999k" to show that I love the job? Sure.
But this kind of exaggeration does more harm to the job in the eyes of community than good. It just makes the community hate the job even more.
If you want to improve RDM's position, spend more times on building better sets, answer peoples question. Rather than vomit exaggerations like "50k savage blade" then link a video that disprove itself.
I firmly believe I do that for RDM. Back then whe people didn't even know the correct way to gear DD RDM, I was the one who spent my time updating spreadsheets to figure out which gears are better, and participated in several DD RDM discussions.
Many of the modern knowledge about RDM gears like "offhand Terion" "don't DD with Murg" was concluded at that time, with info from spreadsheet, with several other posters like Boshi.
And ironically, you are using the knowledge came from those people(who uses spreadsheet to determine bis gears) to gear your RDM, while hating on spreadsheet, and my approach with spreadsheet?
What kind of contribution have you done in RDM community, regarding the DPSing? Link a few more posts that's more than "50k savage isn't uncommon"
If you, or seeker, thinks you are more serious and represents the authority of RDM community better, feel free to send a tell to Rydal so you can update the guide. Because as far as I know of, I was the only person who ended up asked for such responsibility when he quit.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 79
By Cerberus.Tacothecat 2018-08-07 13:34:33
Can't tell who boshi is replying to, looks like he is trying to reply to several people but rolled them all into one
By Afania 2018-08-07 13:35:34
Cerberus.Tacothecat said: »This site has a history of people arguing about simple things due to denial or inaccurate spreadsheets being their only knowledge. Months later they all pretend it never happened and begin to see more and more people doing it.
To someone that make claims of spreadsheet being inaccruate and use sequence/ternion build to DD anyways, here is the link to why this build become meta:

Top Rows: no additional buffs than ones below
Bottom Rows: corsair 11s on sam/chaos
Target Tojil for all of these.
(note: the way i did dagger i forgot i took off suppo so all of the results with a dagger about a single 1 dps short. I didn't feel like retaking all the ss just for that)
Capped magic haste, Dia3
composure on, Temper at 30%
sublime Sushi+1
gain-dex for almace, gain-str for sequence
generic geo frailty
The Colada used in the Almace comparisons is an extremely unrealistic dmg+20 dex+15 acc20 att20 da+4% and is there mainly to showcase the importance of offhand delay.
In this situation acc is capped, but attack is not quite capped.(which should favor ipetam over ternion)
For all of them I just left enspell at 30, it's hard to judge how much it'll do, for the majority of stuff this is an underestimate. Clearly higher enspell dmg favors ternion.
WS sets used:

Taeon: acc/att20, critrate3, critD3
note: only on the hands: jhakri+2 seem to win if attack is lacking

note: this set generally wins
at capped attack:
head despairD, ring Rufescent, hands Atrophy+3
additional note on tp sets:
Taeon body 20/20/7/7/2 beats ayanmo even on trivial fodder, but it's never a big gap.
Taeon hands 20/20/7/7/2 beat ayanmo even adjusting for 15 enspell dmg
dw cape generally wins, especially with sam rolls on. stp cape falls off very fast when sam roll comes on. Stp cape holds up better for sequence than it does for Almace (even da cape comes stronger with very low sam rolls). But in general the dwcape -vs- eabani/reiki -vs- suppo/carmineDleg gaps are very small.
For tp taeon 20/20/7/7/2 generally seems to win which is probably due to rdm's low attack. Only on trivial fodder does the critdmg+3% augment in that dusk slot seem to matter, which I was surprised about.
~~ Additional note: for same almace conditions:
no rolls: 1952.935
11sam/chaos: 3174.735
And look, info from spreadsheet!
You use the gear and bragged about 50k savages because someone else said it's the best offhand, someone else said it's best offhand because spreadsheet said so, and now you pop on the forum saying spreadsheets are inaccurate while using the exact same build as spreadsheet results. Ironic isn't it.
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 1052
By Shiva.Arislan 2018-08-07 13:41:34
Again posting 30+k savage plades when a samurai is averaging 14-15k says more about the samurai than the rdm.
That's what jumped out at me, too. XD
By Fendarin007 2018-08-07 14:06:58
Again posting 30+k savage plades when a samurai is averaging 14-15k says more about the samurai than the rdm.
That's what jumped out at me, too. XD
yeah what did i do boshi? I’m not Evan been involved in this discussion i was simple replying to aero's post about improving his tp sets so i posted sets and pic with some of the avg ws damage from those sets, hence why I quoted him in i wasnt bragging my friend.
this is the problem with the rdm forum page every time someone bring up rdm dd it goes crazy. good job aero ^^
By Afania 2018-08-07 14:19:30
this is the problem with the rdm forum page every time someone bring up rdm dd it goes crazy.
This, and I'm still waiting for Seeker to link me a quote saying this:
You, personally, you, Afania the main COR with a widely displayed dislike of anything that resembles a red mage doing anything but Haste/Flurry/debuffs or whatever else, do not belong in a serious discussion on how to improve DD sets YOU said you'd never utilize.
Did you back off after you learned that you can't find the post?
I think the most anti rdm melee statement I've ever made in life is saying rdm won't get a melee DD slot in endgame alliance zergs like woc or dyna wave 3 boss because it's often taken by war drk sam, unless your ls lacks talented DD.
Never said I'll never utilize rdm melee and my quotes clearly supports rdm melee in 6 man pt with sc setup being competitive to other dds.
By Fendarin007 2018-08-07 14:27:18
Cerberus.Tacothecat said: »If someone doesn't want to believe rdm potential, let it be. If they argue with you, smile and walk away. Either they will stay blind or eventually come around.
I am here aruging with you, because I am WELL AWARE of RDM's potential.
Just because I am not exaggerating like you and citing facts, doesn't mean I am hating.
Can I pop on the forum and make exaggerated claims like "My RDM pops 50k savage left and right and MB 99999k" to show that I love the job? Sure
But this kind of exaggeration does more harm to the job in the eyes of community than good. It just makes the community hate the job even more.
If you want to improve RDM's position, spend more times on building better sets, answer peoples question. Rather than vomit exaggerations like "50k savage blade" then link a video that disprove itself.
I firmly believe I do that for RDM. Back then whe people didn't even know the correct way to gear DD RDM, I was the one who spent my time updating spreadsheets to figure out which gears are better, and participated in several DD RDM discussions.
Many of the modern knowledge about RDM gears like "offhand Terion" "don't DD with Murg" was concluded at that time, with info from spreadsheet, with several other posters like Boshi.
And ironically, you are using the knowledge came from those people(who uses spreadsheet to determine bis gears) to gear your RDM, while hating on spreadsheet, and my approach with spreadsheet?
What kind of contribution have you done in RDM community, regarding the DPSing? Link a few more posts that's more than "50k savage isn't uncommon"
If you, or seeker, thinks you are more serious and represents the authority of RDM community better, feel free to send a tell to Rydal so you can update the guide. Because as far as I know of, I was the only person who ended up asked for such responsibility when he quit.
Afania sums it up in this post perfectly, thundercats I admire your work on rdm but don’t belittle someone for not beating cor in dps then expect not to get called out. I was really looking forward to some good discussions too, I can wait another year
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 79
By Cerberus.Tacothecat 2018-08-07 14:40:29
Only reason I saw that post was because of the quote.
Afania is exaggerating what I said, I said something wasn't uncommon, he took it to a freak out level and is making up things and putting words in my mouth.
I can guarantee you have no idea where I got BiS gear options, because it wasn't from this forum, the information I got was from someone that no longer even plays the game. Quit more than a year ago.
I didn't link a video to disprove rdm 50k potential, in fact I linked 2 videos, one being 7 months old, both being under buffed.
This goes back to twisting things to see them the way you want to see them.
Finally, Fenderiann, i assume you were talking to me, but you got the name wrong, either way, I was not belittling anyone, I was merely stating they will get better results the more time and effort they put into a job, in this case rdm.
I wouldn't mind getting called out if I was wrong, but since another person has even said they have hit 50k on rdm, as well as I have done, that is additional validation. Not that I need to really go out of my way to make a point for randoms on the internet.
I really, honestly 100% don't care if someone does not believe me, I was just here to give some hope and advice to the people that actually care. For everyone else? Eh, I have better things to do with my time than to keep up an immature Internet forum scuffle with people that haven't even played with me and have zero idea what I can actually do. I have a core group of very good players that I run with, they know what I can do, and they are very happy to take me rdm melee
By SeekerStar 2018-08-07 14:43:39
this is the problem with the rdm forum page every time someone bring up rdm dd it goes crazy.
This, and I'm still waiting for Seeker to link me a quote saying this:
You, personally, you, Afania the main COR with a widely displayed dislike of anything that resembles a red mage doing anything but Haste/Flurry/debuffs or whatever else, do not belong in a serious discussion on how to improve DD sets YOU said you'd never utilize.
Did you back off after you learned that you can't find the post?
I think the most anti rdm melee statement I've ever made in life is saying rdm won't get a melee DD slot in endgame alliance zergs like woc or dyna wave 3 boss because it's often taken by war drk sam, unless your ls lacks talented DD.
Never said I'll never utilize rdm melee and my quotes clearly supports rdm melee in 6 man pt with sc setup being competitive to other dds.
No, post search on this site (not Reddit, Spicy'd ban my *** from /r/FFXI in two seconds probably because he doesn't like my friends (?!) Don't get that) is about as intuitive as my mom trying to use uTorrent... and I'm searching your posts on a shitty mobile.
So calm down.
By Afania 2018-08-07 14:52:35
Cerberus.Tacothecat said: »Only reason I saw that post was because of the quote.
Then you should really unblist people if you intend to stay in an argument. Otherwise you can't read any posts that put you at an disadvantage.
Cerberus.Tacothecat said: »Fully buffed, 50k Savage is not uncommon on rdm, the ws is very exploitable
You said something isn't uncommon, a negative in front of uncommom = common.
Cerberus.Tacothecat said: »I didn't link a video to disprove rdm 50k potential, in fact I linked 2 videos, one being 7 months old, both being under buffed.
You linked 2 videos, one hitting 35k savage blade at capped pdif with geo brd cor. One hitting less than 30k in escha, with vorseals and temps.
None of these videos shows "50k savage isn't uncommon" remotely true. There is a huge jump to make up the 10-15k ws damage difference with gears that we have. You aren't just going to magically do 15k more ws damage by stacking cor brd geos and cap attack.
and I clearly said 50k is doable, they are just uncommon. When you said 50k is not uncommon, I disagree then you got mad. ok.
Cerberus.Tacothecat said: »I can guarantee you have no idea where I got BiS gear options, because it wasn't from this forum, the information I got was from someone that no longer even plays the game. Quit more than a year ago.
And maybe that person who got the info from Boshi's spreadsheet results. You think people in ffxi magically know what the bis gears are? They do maths, and spreadsheet do maths too. You are just attacking spreadsheets because it's a convinient way to win a FFXI internet argument, not because it's inaccurate like you said.
Majority of meta gears for DD in endgame community are still built with spreadsheet results, most people in game just follow them.
How many people copy Ejiin's sets to gear SAM? How many people copy Boshi's set for RDM? How many people follow Langly's set to gear NIN? Or BLU RUN sets from job guides? Afaik they all use spreadsheets to build their sets.
Cerberus.Tacothecat said: »I really, honestly 100% don't care if someone does not believe me, I was just here to give some hope and advice to the people that actually care. For everyone else? Eh, I have better things to do with my time than to keep up an immature Internet forum scuffle with people that haven't even played with me and have zero idea what I can actually do. I have a core group of very good players that I run with, they know what I can do, and they are very happy to take me rdm melee
You are acting as if others who thinks you are exaggerating doesn't know anything about RDM, despite other career RDMs like Boshi call you exaggerating in this discussion too?
Game is out long enough and we have enough players reaching top end community. We more or less already seen what a job could do when played at max potential. If people question 50k savages being common, it's probably because it's too far beyond common sense.
So Get off your high horse that only you know best.
By Afania 2018-08-07 15:09:49
I'm perfectly calm, and I already know which post that you are referring to, and addressed it in the last post.
I think you just read the surface of a post and misunderstood what I really meant. or you got the wrong person.
My issue isn't you misread posts or got the wrong person, but about you making assumptions on people that you don't even know. You jump into conclusions about people because you read 2 sentences of their posts somewhere, and not even the whole thing.
I already linked you tons and tons of posts about my stance on RDM which all contradicted what you said about my RDM stance, I haven't hear one explanation about you regarding this:
You, personally, you, Afania the main COR with a widely displayed dislike of anything that resembles a red mage doing anything but Haste/Flurry/debuffs or whatever else, do not belong in a serious discussion on how to improve DD sets YOU said you'd never utilize.
You think "I" would never utilize melee RDM. But the only post I ever made that has connection to it was "in higher level content" RDM probably will never utilize melee sets because WAR DRK SAM often takes the spot in alliances in an endgame shell with talented DDs.
I'm describing what's happening in endgame scene from objective pov that has nothing to do with my preference, but you read it and take it to the next level by assuming it's my preference or my choice because I have personal hatred toward RDM. Then immedately assumed that everything I post (including asking about leaden salute macc in dyna wave 3) has something to do with hating RDM.
You see the issue here? There is a damn good reason why as soon as you throw out random attacks by claiming I am a rdm hater multiple people disagreed with you.
I made several comment about melee playstyle is less useful than mage playstyle, and DD spots are frenquently taken by another DD in higher level endgame, so it's ok to skip melee sets if you don't bring RDM to everything. and that does not have equal meaning as "I" will never utilize melee RDM, or tell serious RDM never build melee sets.
I just don't understand how you jump into the conclusion that i'm a rdm hater immediately after I asked a question about leaden set macc.
If nobody wants to see how this person has deliberately tried to undermine any point, salient or no, that I bring up...
No, I don't have an issue with "you", you think too much. I rarely got personal on forums, it's 95% about the content of the posts and only 5% about with people if they are people I know in game so I get to joke/tease them.
I usually call out posts that has incorrect info or not following the topic, or have opinions that I disagree with, it has nothing to do with the posters themselves.
By SeekerStar 2018-08-07 15:47:19
That's the post I was indeed referring to, and I only know you here, not on Reddit... and Reddit has so many trolls it makes Asura look like Sunday school. Therefore I take almost anything said in that venue with not a grain, but a nugget of salt. After cursory inspection that does seem to be you, unless you have an evil twin in Redditland.
FWIW I thank you for finding/recognizing the reference; I about killed myself trying to read itsy print like that.
I didn't jump to conclusions at all. I based (and continue to base) my thoughts on the way you come off toward me (seriously, just because Asura.Seekerstar has few contributions does not mean that I never contributed from another server, so I'm no more random than you)
I believe in the instance you speak of (MACC for Leaden) concerned something that pretty much every COR tells me re: Frazzle 3 interactions with Leaden.. it might help, won't hurt, could help avoid resist, and you're casting it anyway...
That's all. Me, sharing info. You jumped my ***for it, though.
A RDM can physically (not ranged, obviously) DD anything a corsair can. I will stand by that until you pry the awesome hat from my dead head. (A joke. It's been one long *** day.)
By Afania 2018-08-07 16:13:58
I believe in the instance you speak of (MACC for Leaden) concerned something that pretty much every COR tells me re: Frazzle 3 interactions with Leaden..
And here is the thing: You are not wrong to share info about RDM frazzle potentially being more potent than GEO debuffs. But the way you worded it has assumptions in it.
Why in the hell are you using GEO debuffs in an area where they're the next best thing to ineffective?
Teamwork equals using BRD, GEO and RDM to land debuffs that are NOT reduced in effectiveness. Course, I know you think red mages are useless, but it's your funeral, not mine. Using my enfeebling sets and Thernody2 of an appropriate element, you can land Frazzle/Distract3 and use your geos to enhance.
Just FYI, I can not control whether we have a RDM in dyna alliance or not, nor who will pop for dyna, nor what job will be used by linkshell leaders. What I feel about a job can't change anything about how things are done because reasons. So when you throw out random attacks like "You think red mages are useless" in a leaden discussion, it's just damn rude.
In past couple of dyna run or so, we never have any RDM. (Despite I actually offered come RDM, I ended up had to play COR for statue one shots). And the reason why we don't have any normally has nothing to do with people hating RDM, but has something to do with every member with RDM geared needs to play another job in the alliance, and we can't control who pops and who don't. Further more we don't have any career RDM that only plays RDM but not another job that needs to be used in dyna wave 3, such as DP COR, max BRD, Yagrush WHM, idris etc. So as a result, expecting a rdm every single dyna run is just unrealstic, and that has nothing to do with hating on RDM. We just go with what we have.
And even then, I am not the leader, nor I organize pts and decide on what jobs we are going to bring to dyna. So if pt doesn't use RDM, then it has nothing to do with me hating on it.
So when you make statements like this when you share info:
I know you think red mages are useless,
It comes off as being offensive and condescending, because you are assuming the result of the lack of frazzle 3 is due to myself thinking RDM being useless in dyna, when in fact it is not, more like I can't have RDM. You could just have share the info about RDM in dyna while leaving that sentence out.
Anyways. No, I don't hate RDMs, nor many other people who post on the forums. you need to stop assuming everyone on the planet are RDM haters if they don't have RDM in pt or refuse to agree with unrealstic claims like savage blade hit 50k.
By geigei 2018-08-07 16:22:49
It looks to me you guys trying hard to convince others rdm can dd, does someone give a fk? no.
By Afania 2018-08-07 16:29:59
It looks to me you guys trying hard to convince others rdm can dd, does someone give a fk? no.
Sometimes I wonder if those people has Persecutory delusions...
Didn't use RDM in events because nobody has them: "You think RDMs are useless if you dont' use it!"
Tell people 50k savage blade is exaggerating: "Hating on RDM melee!" "You don't know RDM's potential q.q"
That's almost like teenagers feeling special and demand others to say they are special otherwise they'll blow up schools.
But no, you are not special, nor people give a ***. Play RDM if you wish, don't personal attack others if they don't have rdm in pt. You are just giving RDMs a bad name by hijacking several threads to sell RDM using tactics to belittle others. It's annoying.
By Aerix 2018-08-07 16:34:21
It looks to me you guys trying hard to convince others rdm can dd, does someone give a fk? no.
It looks to me like you're trying too hard to troll, yet you aren't very good at it.
By Afania 2018-08-07 16:43:58
That's all. Me, sharing info. You jumped my ***for it, though.
yup, I did. Because I think it's a douchey move to randomly pop in a discussion, throw out comments like "you think RDM is useless", "melee RDM hater", then told me to gtfo of the discussion, when the discussion originally had nothing to do with you. It's like DirectX in MNK forum all over again.
Leave personal attacks out of your posts when you share info, people would appreciate it a lot more.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 788
By Valefor.Yandaime 2018-08-07 17:23:18
*waits for best opportunity to throw chair...*
By Aerix 2018-08-07 20:27:15
By the way, I don't want to interrupt your intense debate, but here's some initial testing on the new Orpheus's Sash.
Water V
No Belt: 13152
Eschan Stone: 13305
Orpheus (14' to max distance): 13278
Orpheus (13'): 13410
Orpheus (1.93' and below): 15120
Between 13' and 1.93' it adds roughly 130~ damage to the nuke for every 1' you move closer.
So yeah, hands-down strongest nuking belt in the game now.
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-08-07 20:52:12
Oh my damn.