Jack Of All Trades: A Guide To Red Mage

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Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
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Posts: 270
By eeternal 2020-07-28 04:59:03
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is it possible for slippers to get 10 STR - 4-5 WSD? burned 3k stones melee path and starting to question, whether it can or not
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2020-07-28 05:03:56
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Chironic Slippers?
Is WSD even possible with normal stones?
I thought WSD is possible only with Dark Matter on Chironic, and the cap is lower than that of stuff like Herculean or Valorous, where you get 10% max with DM.
BG-Wiki doesn't report WSD as a possible path from regular stones augmentation.

Furthermore I think on Chironic the cap is like 7%?
Not sure about it, don't think I've ever seen a Chironic with WSD from DM higher than 7.

Nvm that part, someone just showed me screenshot of 10% WSD on Chironic.
Posts: 270
By eeternal 2020-07-28 05:09:46
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damn ; ; I think your actually right.. only got 7% WSD on DM never exceeded that..

Thank you for the insight <3
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-07-28 05:43:14
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I've never seen anything higher than 3% on Chironic and 7% on Herculean :-P
Posts: 270
By eeternal 2020-07-28 05:53:55
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Feels bad sorry man.. maybe you were unlucky, but I definitely had plenty of 5 WSD from 2-3 stacks of DM

Not sure but isn't Jhakri Pigaches +2 almost the same if not better than 7% WSD slippers? it has 19+ STR plenty of acc and attack for BH
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-07-28 06:02:16
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spent the past two DM campaigns ONLY throwing a pair of chironic slippers at them for RDM. Best I ended up with was a MAB/macc+15, qa+2, wsd+3. Yeah sure it looks fancy but doesn't do jack ***compared to existing options.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2020-07-28 06:10:03
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
spent the past two DM campaigns ONLY throwing a pair of chironic slippers at them for RDM. Best I ended up with was a MAB/macc+15, qa+2, wsd+3. Yeah sure it looks fancy but doesn't do jack ***compared to existing options.
Me on the last 9-10 campaigns
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-07-28 06:11:26
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@Sechs- I say we stop funding Oseem's home improvement project of a new backsplash for his wifey's kitchen made of taupe, pellucid, and fern stones. She wants a "bohemian" feel.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2020-07-28 06:16:41
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I dunno man, I got lucky on the first 3-4 DM campaign, got a lot of refresh+2 and TH+2 on multiple pieces and... I guess I've been lucky?
(Granted I still get a plethora of TH+2 and Refresh+2 results even these days so I always assumed those 2 augs are simply not as rare as others?)

I've never missed a single DM campaign since then and tried oh so many times on Herc and Chironic but the best I could get was a semi decent WSD+7%/DEX+ Herc feet which I use for some WSs, a semi-decent Herc Feet with QA+3 and Acc/Att+20 that I use for TP (barely better than TA+4 Herc feet) and... 3% WSD Chironic which I use for nothing because they suck.

That's realistically way more than 9 DM campaigns, I dunno why my luck sucks so much with DM augs now, I keep getting TH+2/Ref+2 everywhere like there's no tomorrow.
Is it karma because I managed to get a lot of TH+2/Ref+2 augs during the first campaigns?
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-07-28 06:23:48
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dude I dunno. I see these people walking around with 2-3 +10WSD herc pieces in a single set with matching good stats....and the most memorable DM herc I've ever gotten was just some +47mab/+19macc herc feet, no WSD. Still great for RNG, but they're basically COR relic+3 feet without WSD.
Server: Asura
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user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-07-28 08:29:06
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They might:

1: Have a half dozen mules, giving them many times as many chances per campaign.
2: Get extra chances by purchases Dark Matters.
3: Be luckier than you.
Server: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2020-07-28 08:40:06
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Point 1 definitely makes a massive difference for people who worked hard to get their same-account mules access to Reisenjima, but it's a pretty recent thing. It's been up for what, the last 3 campaigns? And we've been having I think 15+ DM campaigns?

Point 2 is uhm, makes me roll my eyes. Even with infinite gil (which is unrealistic even for the richest people around) you'd eventually incur under material shortage and severely raise the price of Dark Matter in the process.
So other than a few couple more lucky attempts I wouldn't really think DM a reliable source of large amounts of additional chances

Point 3 stands of course but can't do anything about it, can you?
Server: Asura
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user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-07-28 08:44:40
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Someone who had 5 mules active for 3 post-patch campaigns and participated with 12 pre-patch campaigns (don't know the actual numbers, so going with your random values) doubles the amount of free DM augments received from all the campaigns. This also isn't considering that the 12-augment campaigns did not exist in the earlier campaigns, weighting later campaigns more, and that some people made (or simply have) a lot more than 5 mules. Some people get over 150 DM augments per day when PLUS is active.

You'd be surprised; I know people that sometimes buy over a hundred dark matters per month, and the current supply already takes big spenders into account. There are numerous people who have billions upon billions of gil stockpiled and have little to spend them on other than the endless DM augment grind. On Asura, Dark Matters are currently selling at a rate of about 1200 per month, which is far more than what people buy for crafting or armor upgrades.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2020-07-28 09:03:31
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Asura.Geriond said: »
Someone who had 5 mules active for 3 post-patch campaigns and participated with 12 pre-patch campaigns (don't know the actual numbers, so going with your random values) doubles the amount of free DM augments received from all the campaigns. This also isn't considering that the 12-augment campaigns did not exist in the earlier campaigns, weighting later campaigns more, and that some people made (or simply have) a lot more than 5 mules. Some people get over 150 DM augments per day when PLUS is active.
Yes but I absolutely agree with this.
That point alone is a massive source of additional chances for DM good augs.

The point I was making though (and I think Cele too?) is that I've personally seen people with that many good augs even before the same-account-augment thing became a thing.

Granted, who knows, maybe those people envy me for the luck I've had with the plentiful Ref+2/TH+2 augs I've received and that they can't seem to get?
I mean, could be. ***is random anyway.
Posts: 270
By eeternal 2020-07-28 10:02:06
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Sorry Sechs.. don't really intend to make u feel sad but I just got this after 20-24 DM.. not bad still not 7%.. I think if you hoard some DMs .. you'd def get good augments .. btw all these and never saw TH.. so I guess RNG?
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2020-07-28 10:11:26
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
Someone who had 5 mules active for 3 post-patch campaigns and participated with 12 pre-patch campaigns (don't know the actual numbers, so going with your random values) doubles the amount of free DM augments received from all the campaigns. This also isn't considering that the 12-augment campaigns did not exist in the earlier campaigns, weighting later campaigns more, and that some people made (or simply have) a lot more than 5 mules. Some people get over 150 DM augments per day when PLUS is active.
Yes but I absolutely agree with this.
That point alone is a massive source of additional chances for DM good augs.

The point I was making though (and I think Cele too?) is that I've personally seen people with that many good augs even before the same-account-augment thing became a thing.

Granted, who knows, maybe those people envy me for the luck I've had with the plentiful Ref+2/TH+2 augs I've received and that they can't seem to get?
I mean, could be. ***is random anyway.

I mean, the system is as the system is. My greater frustration actually is that RDM has no native way to achieve +WSD on Reisenjima gear.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2020-07-28 10:14:49
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eeternal said: »
Sorry Sechs.. don't really intend to make u feel sad but I just got this after 20-24 DM.. not bad still not 7%.. I think if you hoard some DMs .. you'd def get good augments .. btw all these and never saw TH.. so I guess RNG?
I've seen so many TH+2 I lost count, on both Chironic and Herculean.
Didn't keep them all but I swear I've seen more than 20 TH+2 for sure, but I think it's actually higher than that.
Similar numbers for Refresh+2

I rarely seem to get WSD in general, and whe I do it's trolling numbers like 1-2% lol. I wasn't joking when I said I've seen 7% only once, on herculean, and I still have and use that piece (which is nice but nothing stellar really)

Oh btw I've done all the DM campaigns released so far.
Posts: 9203
By SimonSes 2020-07-28 11:00:51
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Oh btw I've done all the DM campaigns released so far.

From 2 DM campaigns so far >.>
Im augmenting for BRD tho, not for RDM >.>

Posts: 270
By eeternal 2020-07-28 11:34:52
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gonna give sechs a heart attack simon lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10286
By Asura.Sechs 2020-07-28 11:50:23
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Not really. Feet are nice, I'm liking the first hands a lot. I prefer volte for the other slots.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 266
By Asura.Aburaage 2020-07-28 16:13:56
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quick question, for Impact, do I just use macc set minus the head/body? or is there a specific set for it?
Posts: 270
By eeternal 2020-07-28 17:45:34
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you can find bis set here

Server: Asura
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user: Crion
Posts: 397
By Asura.Nuance 2020-07-28 19:40:19
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eeternal said: »
you can find bis set here


Aside from the 30% haste sets and the capped haste sets that I have not got around to fixing
Server: Bahamut
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user: Turambar
Posts: 13
By Bahamut.Turambar 2020-07-28 20:21:16
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Just re-subbed after having quit in 2013 (FF14 ARR launch), and had a red mage question since that was always my main. I assume that Temper II overwrites Temper when cast, but I haven't had any luck finding verification on this. They don't stack, right?

Also, not strictly red mage related, but they've never implemented an item search to search your inventory have they?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2020-07-28 20:23:51
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Bahamut.Turambar said: »
Just re-subbed after having quit in 2013 (FF14 ARR launch), and had a red mage question since that was always my main. I assume that Temper II overwrites Temper when cast, but I haven't had any luck finding verification on this. They don't stack, right?

Also, not strictly red mage related, but they've never implemented an item search to search your inventory have they?

Temper II overwrites.

There's a findall addon in windower.
Server: Asura
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user: Demmis
Posts: 1656
By Asura.Chiaia 2020-07-28 20:29:17
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Bahamut.Turambar said: »
Also, not strictly red mage related, but they've never implemented an item search to search your inventory have they?
If you use Windower I highly recommand the findall addon over the in-game one they added it's vastly superior especially in you have mules for holding stuff. That said /itemsearch "Name of Item" works for vanilla users to some extent.

I do believe Ashita has one much like Windower's also if that's your cup of tea.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Turambar
Posts: 13
By Bahamut.Turambar 2020-07-28 20:56:27
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Thanks for the quick responses. In 14 the /itemsearch can take partial names. Is that also the case here? e.g. /itemsearch "Joy" would find Joyeuse?

edit nm ignore. I'll just try it lol..
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2020-07-28 21:47:56
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Asura.Nuance said: »
eeternal said: »
you can find bis set here


Aside from the 30% haste sets and the capped haste sets that I have not got around to fixing

Haha I was just about to comment on those. Particularly the enspell builds could use a sanity check; I believe the first one only has 22% gear haste. I would find swapping legs from 9 haste malignance to be questionable. The second set has 23 gear haste but is devoid of any dual wield (so I'm assuming it's designed for haste cap, and should be named as such) I swap in carmine DW legs for enspell below haste cap so I don't have to use Yotai (6 from legs and 5 from suppa is a perfect 11, though it requires pinion to offset gear haste.)

You could do DW 9 Taeon boots as they have higher gear haste and swap out cape for Store TP 10. There's 9 on malignance boots and 10 on a cape; 10 DW on cape vs 9 DW on Taeon feet but with an extra gear haste. I personally would stick with the malig legs over the enspell+ legs, as while adding more damage is helpful, it's probably not worth being more than 1% off swing speed cap. Those tiny margins cause a counterintuitive large difference in damage; which is why swing speed is generally considered first priority... this is especially true on enspells because you are shooting yourself in the foot by adding 5 extra base damage if now every attack round has a longer gap between it, it lowers both TP and enspell damage.

EDIT: While people are sharing Chironic WSD stuff...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Crion
Posts: 397
By Asura.Nuance 2020-07-29 01:09:21
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Appreciate the input changes shall be made.

But as I've stated before pages back I made this for myself as I'm a visual person and it was never actually intended to be shared with anyone other than people I know that bug me about what to use on the job.

It ain't great, but idc :(

Edit: or maybe I did share it myself idr... i is dumb.

Also nothing is labeled or explained aside from some weapon choices because I am super lazy
Posts: 5
By Goursat 2020-07-29 04:23:33
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Asura.Nuance said: »
Appreciate the input changes shall be made.

But as I've stated before pages back I made this for myself as I'm a visual person and it was never actually intended to be shared with anyone other than people I know that bug me about what to use on the job.

It ain't great, but idc :(

Edit: or maybe I did share it myself idr... i is dumb.

Also nothing is labeled or explained aside from some weapon choices because I am super lazy

Could you comment on the choice of Amalric Nails +1 (path A/D) over Vitiation Boots +3 for magical WS (Seraph, Aeolian, Sanguine)? Per Simon's earlier post, the tradeoff is:

+13STR, +12MND, +9INT, +12DEX, +23macc (relic) vs 7MAB (amalric).
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