Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
By Chimerawizard 2020-06-26 04:25:49
I'm trying to increase my AE dmg and don't want to swap thibron and wait an extra 1k tp.
I've tried both malevolence 10/10/8MAB/5 & levante dagger. For whatever reason, neither beats Tauret.
Could someone explain why? (or how to improve the set aside from Cait palug crown.) Code { main="Tauret",
ammo="Pemphredo Tathlum",
head={ name="Merlinic Hood", augments={'Mag. Acc.+25 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+25','Magic Damage +7','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+13',}},
body="Amalric Doublet +1",
hands="Jhakri Cuffs +2",
legs="Amalric Slops +1",
feet="Amalric Nails +1",
neck="Baetyl Pendant",
waist="Orpheus's Sash",
left_ear="Malignance Earring",
right_ear="Moonshade Earring",
left_ring="Epaminondas's Ring",
right_ring="Freke Ring",
back="Sucellos's Cape",} --WSD cape
By Drayco 2020-06-26 07:56:44
*disclaimer: I am by no means a FFXI math genius.
Magic damage plays a big part in AE dmg. Increasing that base damage plays a bigger part than increasing the magic attack bonus %.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 85
By Bismarck.Batton 2020-06-26 09:38:28
quick question regarding nuking sets and ele WS sets : Wouldn't Saevus Pendant +1 be a valid option instead of Baetyl Pendant ?
RDM cant equip it ;p
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 345
By Bismarck.Indigla 2020-06-26 09:59:02
I'm trying to increase my AE dmg and don't want to swap thibron and wait an extra 1k tp.
I've tried both malevolence 10/10/8MAB/5 & levante dagger. For whatever reason, neither beats Tauret.
Could someone explain why? (or how to improve the set aside from Cait palug crown.)
Think that's the best possible set atm (including crown), barring maybe some extreme DM augment. I noticed that too about the daggers, I just assume it's the magic damage stat at work.
By SimonSes 2020-06-26 11:04:50
*disclaimer: I am by no means a FFXI math genius.
Magic damage plays a big part in AE dmg. Increasing that base damage plays a bigger part than increasing the magic attack bonus %.
Its role in damage kinda depends on fTP of the WS.
Magic damage plays a huge role in casting spells with low base damage, but for Magic WS damage its limited by where it is in the equation.
Base Magical WS Damage = ((152 + floor((WeaponLevel-99)*2.45) + WSC) * fTP + dSTAT + Magic Damage (Statistic)
* disclaimer - I kinda guessing WSC for AE to be around 220. It can be slight higher or lower but probably not much.
So for example 1000TP AE it will be:
(421+WSC)*2 + dSTAT + Magic Damage
So Magic role is kinda important, because 217 from Tauret would be like +25% damage.
Now at 3000TP AE its less impactful because then we have:
421*4.5 + dSTAT + Magic Damage
So +217 Magic Damage went down to only being +11.5% damage
On some meta magic WSs, like for example Leaden Salute, Trueflight, Wildfire Magic Damage is even less important, because they have even higher WSC and fTP . Same for magic WSs made with Crocea, because augment on it actually increase WSC by 100%, so Magic Damage is not doubled.
By FaeQueenCory 2020-06-26 12:00:15
I just assume it's the magic damage stat at work. There's also the lack of INT (or in the case of Malevolence, less INT). Which for Aeolian Edge functions in the same way as STR does for a STR based WS:
40% INT mod; dSTAT = dINT/2 + 8
So Tauret's Mdmg+217 and INT+15 (all with Macc+40 and MAB+16) is gonna be hard to beat.
By SimonSes 2020-06-26 12:22:43
Which for Aeolian Edge functions in the same way as STR does for a STR based WS:
40% INT mod; dSTAT = dINT/2 + 8
dSTAT value of INT/2 is pretty weak tbh. That 15INT is like +7.5 dSTAT, which is like 0.35~0.6% damage for Aeolian Edge.
WSC is much more important here and on top of 15 INT, Tauret also has 15 DEX and AE is 40%DEX/40%INT actually. Thats total of 12 WSC, so around +2.5~2.7% total damage.
By Mrgrim 2020-06-27 03:09:36
Sup guys, can you guys give me some pointers on how many capes I'll need. Currently im gearing rdm on my alt as a pet project. Looking to see which capes I'll need and reasoning, also going all the way in. Thanks!
By Chimerawizard 2020-06-27 05:06:21
Next month I'll hopefully get the crown. Thanks for all the info everyone.
I have:
mnd/m.acc/haste/pdt --going to swap haste for wsd.*
enh.skill+10 / dur.+18% -- I could drop this thanks to the D.I. ear now. right, 642 is possible. would need +8skill/20dur to not need.
enh.skill+7 / dur.+20%
edit: I had haste in that slot for stun since I didn't know how much I needed and it was one of the first capes I made after ambu was released.
ItemSet 374049
caps recast w/ just haste2 & a march. I only have viti. sword since I'm a poor goldsmith who failed to make a signed crocea, so I'll swap body for malignance for cap haste. not sure but probably still need 26 to hit cap w/o 78% FC. Still missing some malignance from the set but ayanmo hits all the main points w/ just a bit of lost m.acc.
rdm stun is great for this month's ambu since I saw one dullahan start spamming NC at 80% and I never got a single resist.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2020-06-27 06:56:15
I wouldn't say you're gonna *need* all of those I'm about to list, it's up to you and how much you want to specialize
* Idle cape (Meva/DT etc)
* Nuke cape (INT/Macc/mdmg/Mab)
* Macc cape (MND, Macc, bonus slot, I put Cpot+10% on mine)
* TP cape (DEX, Acc/Att, PDT/DT and a relevant stat for your build. STP? DA? DW? If you go DA you can use the same cape for CDC too)
* CDC cape (DEX, Acc/Att and DA or Crit)
* Savage Blade cape (STR, Acc/Att, WSD)
If you're gonna go for Crocea Mors you Might need at least another cape, like the Savage Blade one but with MND?
I think for Seraph Blade you can use the Savage Blade one, not sure, I don't own a Crocea Mors myself °-°
Like I said you can combine some capes. The result will be slightly worse than two separate capes, but I still call it a nice compromise for inventory space.
By FaeQueenCory 2020-06-27 08:34:23
If you're gonna go for Crocea Mors you Might need at least another cape, like the Savage Blade one but with MND?
I think for Seraph Blade you can use the Savage Blade one, not sure, I don't own a Crocea Mors myself °-° I mean you could.... if you were super pressed for the space.
But once you have Crocea Mors, it's just better to have a STR/MND+30 Macc&Mdmg+20 WSdmg+10% (P)DT-5(10)% for Seraph.
Though they have the same mod for STR and MND, I noticed an uptick when swapping to the Mdmg. (I also have it on MND since I was suffering a bout of insanity when I made it and swore it had a dMND for the dSTAT term... it has nothing.)
Though if we're all super lucky in little over a week, Pukulatmuj +1 will get +20~50 fire Maff... and we can start doing insane things with Red Lotus Blade. And only need the INT-Mdmg-WSdmg cape for Sanguine + Lotus.
(You could also save space by having only a MND-Mdmg-WSdmg cape for both Seraph and Sanguine... but INT is better for Sanguine.)
By fillerbunny9 2020-06-27 09:12:48
If you're gonna go for Crocea Mors you Might need at least another cape, like the Savage Blade one but with MND?
I think for Seraph Blade you can use the Savage Blade one, not sure, I don't own a Crocea Mors myself °-° I mean you could.... if you were super pressed for the space.
But once you have Crocea Mors, it's just better to have a STR/MND+30 Macc&Mdmg+20 WSdmg+10% (P)DT-5(10)% for Seraph.
Though they have the same mod for STR and MND, I noticed an uptick when swapping to the Mdmg. (I also have it on MND since I was suffering a bout of insanity when I made it and swore it had a dMND for the dSTAT term... it has nothing.)
Though if we're all super lucky in little over a week, Pukulatmuj +1 will get +20~50 fire Maff... and we can start doing insane things with Red Lotus Blade. And only need the INT-Mdmg-WSdmg cape for Sanguine + Lotus.
(You could also save space by having only a MND-Mdmg-WSdmg cape for both Seraph and Sanguine... but INT is better for Sanguine.)
I thought that once you have Crocea Mors, that MND is actually better for Sanguine.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 62
By Asura.Bootus 2020-06-27 09:14:32
Maybe I haven't gone back far enough, but I don't think I've seen this really discussed.
Which of the Domain Invasion accessories are worth picking up for RDM?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 211
By Asura.Cicion 2020-06-27 09:38:10
Gishdubars Sash good for self cures and minor boost to refresh dur.
Ebani earrings good for ma eva set/idle and a dw piece to work with Reiki dw builds.
Vor Earring for skill based enfeeb potency.
Mimir ear if you care for another 1% triple attack from temper 2 and like to melee.
Mani Ear for higher aspir drains values as /sch or /blm and i think bio3 dot?
Meili Ear for higher cures power that Rdm isn't caping/ Cursna
Snotra ear one of our best enfeebling earrings.
Embla Sash. Great buffing piece for enhancing spells and for fc/recasts
Volupsa Tathlums one of our highest melee acc swaps for ammo.
By SimonSes 2020-06-27 10:04:58
If you're gonna go for Crocea Mors you Might need at least another cape, like the Savage Blade one but with MND?
I think for Seraph Blade you can use the Savage Blade one, not sure, I don't own a Crocea Mors myself °-° I mean you could.... if you were super pressed for the space.
But once you have Crocea Mors, it's just better to have a STR/MND+30 Macc&Mdmg+20 WSdmg+10% (P)DT-5(10)% for Seraph.
Though they have the same mod for STR and MND, I noticed an uptick when swapping to the Mdmg. (I also have it on MND since I was suffering a bout of insanity when I made it and swore it had a dMND for the dSTAT term... it has nothing.)
Though if we're all super lucky in little over a week, Pukulatmuj +1 will get +20~50 fire Maff... and we can start doing insane things with Red Lotus Blade. And only need the INT-Mdmg-WSdmg cape for Sanguine + Lotus.
(You could also save space by having only a MND-Mdmg-WSdmg cape for both Seraph and Sanguine... but INT is better for Sanguine.)
I thought that once you have Crocea Mors, that MND is actually better for Sanguine.
You thought good. With Crocea 1MND is +2.75 dmg, while 1INT is only +2 dmg.
By FaeQueenCory 2020-06-27 11:10:21
I thought that once you have Crocea Mors, that MND is actually better for Sanguine. Well, I suppose under the right conditions it can wind up being better (against something with very high INT).
But when INT+30 isn't below the target's INT (or start below the target's INT), INT should be better.
30 INT gives Sanguine: +60 base damage
30 MND gives: +15 base damage... but always 15 base damage regardless of the target's INT.
However, all that 30 INT needs to do to match 30 MND's contribution is put you 8 INT over your target's INT.
Given that the rest of your Sanguine set should be heavily INT focused, you should likely always exceed the target's INT in basically everything but 150+ stuff (e.g. W3 Dynamis).
And even then, I'm just assuming 150 stuff has enough INT to reduce your dINT to small amounts; if not zero it out.... though I don't think it's that big.
I dicked around with it after I got Daybreak and found INT still pulling ahead by a substantial amount. Not world shatteringly so, just more than enough less than for me to keep the INT cape.
It's also dependent on how the rest of your set looks. Like if your set is INT starved, then the MND will show a lot better (as you're below the threshold for where the dSTAT is always positive).
All the more reason we need a fire affinity offhand with INT like Daybreak's MND...
Server: Asura
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Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-06-27 11:31:06
Crocea Mors multiplies the part inside the parenthesis by 2.
With Crocea Mors, 30 MND gives 30 * 0.5 * 2.75 * 2 = 82.5 base damage.
At most, 30 INT gives 30 * 2 = 60 base damage.
Equal amounts of MND always wins when you're using Crocea Mors, and my testing backs this up as well. Your testing must have had a flaw in it.
By SimonSes 2020-06-27 11:47:16
I thought that once you have Crocea Mors, that MND is actually better for Sanguine. Well, I suppose under the right conditions it can wind up being better (against something with very high INT).
But when INT+30 isn't below the target's INT (or start below the target's INT), INT should be better.
30 INT gives Sanguine: +60 base damage
30 MND gives: +15 base damage... but always 15 base damage regardless of the target's INT.
However, all that 30 INT needs to do to match 30 MND's contribution is put you 8 INT over your target's INT.
Given that the rest of your Sanguine set should be heavily INT focused, you should likely always exceed the target's INT in basically everything but 150+ stuff (e.g. W3 Dynamis).
And even then, I'm just assuming 150 stuff has enough INT to reduce your dINT to small amounts; if not zero it out.... though I don't think it's that big.
I dicked around with it after I got Daybreak and found INT still pulling ahead by a substantial amount. Not world shatteringly so, just more than enough less than for me to keep the INT cape.
It's also dependent on how the rest of your set looks. Like if your set is INT starved, then the MND will show a lot better (as you're below the threshold for where the dSTAT is always positive).
All the more reason we need a fire affinity offhand with INT like Daybreak's MND...
Basicaly what Geriond said. Try testing it again. Maybe you tested it before you ranked it up.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2020-06-27 11:50:49
Random Testing on level 21 Damselflies:
298 INT, 272 MND (Baseline values):
318 INT, 272 MND (+20 INT):
298 INT, 292 MND (+20 MND):
By FaeQueenCory 2020-06-28 08:47:13
Crocea Mors multiplies the part inside the parenthesis by 2.
With Crocea Mors, 30 MND gives 30 * 0.5 * 2.75 * 2 = 82.5 base damage.
At most, 30 INT gives 30 * 2 = 60 base damage.
Equal amounts of MND always wins when you're using Crocea Mors, and my testing backs this up as well. Your testing must have had a flaw in it. It's quite possible that I simply misremembered. Like I said, it wasn't testing, it was just dicking around and was (what feels like) centuries ago now.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2020-06-28 13:07:43
I had the same results Geriond had, instead I was just changing from Gain-INT to Gain-MND for a 55 point difference, was very noticeable on Sang Blade. Croc only doubles the base Magic Damage component not the entire WS so it's effects don't include the dStat mod.
By SimonSes 2020-06-28 15:27:07
I had the same results Geriond had, instead I was just changing from Gain-INT to Gain-MND for a 55 point difference, was very noticeable on Sang Blade. Croc only doubles the base Magic Damage component not the entire WS so it's effects don't include the dStat mod.
Actually dstat is part of base Magic Damage, so your wording here is wrong.
What you meant is Crocea path C bonus only doubles (most likely, it requires some more math to be 100% sure) the WS's fTP value and dstat is not multiplied by fTP while WSC is.
By Torzak 2020-06-28 15:37:28
So Tauret/thibron > Tauret/levante even? Searched the thread and couldn't find much discussion on it. Was gonna farm today and test sometime this weekend.
Feb 5
Lakshmi.Buukki said: RDM AE set and that one looks super duper swee. Can't tell you how many Levante Daggers i've tossed over the years and probably won't ever get a capped Malevolence, but I want to try that one something :D
Torzak said: You'll probably have better luck with Tauret/Thibron. I only ever off-hand Levante to Croc if I'm targeting Wind Damage specifically for single target (enspell).
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: Some people farm Omen and stuff with AE, this set would be for something like that, to get the most out of your AEs.
Torzak said: You're going to get more out of your AEs using Tauret/Thibron. Go try it.
Basically three manning:
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 86
By Asura.Shaedhen 2020-06-29 00:00:37
quick question regarding nuking sets and ele WS sets : Wouldn't Saevus Pendant +1 be a valid option instead of Baetyl Pendant ?
RDM cant equip it ;p
Ah damn, seems like I wasn't really awake when I looked at it. ^^'
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 62
By Asura.Bootus 2020-06-30 13:19:35
Hey all, I'm having some problems with Gearswap.
Some of my gear doesn't swap in and I can't figure out why.
sets.engaged = {
head={ name="Taeon Chapeau", augments={'STR+4', 'DEX+4', 'Accuracy+19', 'Attack+19', '"Triple Attack"+2%'}},
body="Ayanmo Corazza +2",
hands="Aya. Manopolas +2",
legs={ name="Carmine Cuisses +1", augments={'Accuracy+20', 'Attack+12', '"Dual Wield"+6'}},
feet="Ayanmo Gambieras +1",
neck="Sanctity Necklace",
waist="Windbuffet Belt",
right_ear="Brutal Earring",
left_ring="Rajas Ring",
right_ring="Petrov Ring",
back={ name="Sucellos's Cape", augments={'DEX+20', 'Accuracy+20', 'Attack+20', '"Store TP"+10'}},}
This is my melee set at the moment (It's garbage, but ya gotta start somewhere). The Taeon's Chapeau and Cape don't swap in. My other capes swap just fine for my other sets so I don't know why this one never does. Any ideas? I don't think I formatted it wrong, but if I did please tell me... I'm worried I did something weird with the augments.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 316
By Ragnarok.Lowen 2020-06-30 13:36:36
I'm no gearswap pro, but my first question would be, do you have other engaged sets defined and if so, what offense mode are you defaulting to?
By Sgtsalt 2020-06-30 13:37:43
Right now I don't have other engaged sets defined, and this is my default.
Edit: Nevermind, figured it out! I had multiple capes in the one inventory and it was getting confused, and I didn't layout the augments on Taeon Chapeau correctly.
By Mrgrim 2020-07-03 17:39:14
When it comes to Aeolian Edge, what attribute stat you gents aim for when it comes to capes. Int or Dex? Currently I am using my sanguine blade cape for it, and realized I've yet to make an AE cape, so looking for some guidance!