Random Politics & Religion #11
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2016-09-27 10:01:43
No, what's more important is why the stance was changed. If someone changes stance simply because of political climate, it shows that they're insincere and are willing to barter their own integrity in exchange for votes. How can you tell why they've changed? don't get me wrong I usually seem to think the worst of politicians in general regardless of which side they're on but you can't really know why they've changed their mind and at this point you're just making up your own narrative...
I think if theyve at least made it to the right path then that's progress in itself but then again the right path seems to be thought of as opinion as well most of the time lol...
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 13641
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-09-27 10:01:52
No, what's more important is why the stance was changed. If someone changes stance simply because of political climate, it shows that they're insincere and are willing to barter their own integrity in exchange for votes.
So like I said, you rather vote for the bigot who has a shitty stance because he's "sincere" in his stupidity, instead of the one who has a proper stance but only because of the public opinion.
Twisted logic.
Why I'm voting for Trump has little to do with Trump. Regardless, what you just said is the reason I was even considering the possibility of voting for Sanders. I would absolutely rather vote for a sincere person with some out-there views than Politician-with-a-Mask-#7345739, because when we vote for the latter we get screwed practically every single time.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2016-09-27 10:03:25
What kind of twisted logic is this. The proper thing is voting for the bigot who's stance "supposedly" didn't change for political reasons even if it's a shitty stance?
Clinton did a full flop on gay marriage ... like 3 or 4 years ago it doesn't matter. What matters is what her stance is right now. Good, now that Trump had "flipped" his stance on immigration where he isn't going to deport all the illegals like the media said he said, and instead going to make it easier for them to obtain citizenship, like he originally said, you can't decry "flip flop"
Because that would make you a hypocrite...again. If he did change then yeah that's fine with me... Realizing you made the wrong choice and working to correct it... Just like Hillary would have to trump would have to work towards realizing his new stance as well..
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13641
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-09-27 10:05:13
How can you tell why they've changed? don't get me wrong I usually seem to think the worst of politicians in general regardless of which side they're on but you can't really know why they've changed their mind and at this point you're just making up your own narrative...
It's not a hard science. It's not always easy to tell when someone is genuine and sincere in their "evolution" to a new stance. But let's look for a moment at the person in question, Hillary Clinton. Genuine and sincere aren't exactly adjectives that she embodies, so she doesn't get the benefit of the doubt in my book.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-09-27 10:05:23
What kind of twisted logic is this. The proper thing is voting for the bigot who's stance "supposedly" didn't change for political reasons even if it's a shitty stance?
Clinton did a full flop on gay marriage ... like 3 or 4 years ago it doesn't matter. What matters is what her stance is right now. Good, now that Trump had "flipped" his stance on immigration where he isn't going to deport all the illegals like the media said he said, and instead going to make it easier for them to obtain citizenship, like he originally said, you can't decry "flip flop"
Because that would make you a hypocrite...again. If he did change then yeah that's fine with me... Realizing you made the wrong choice and working to correct it... Just like Hillary would have to trump would have to work towards realizing his new stance as well.. So, you are voting for Trump then?
Cause his original message finally got through the media, and they call it a flip-flop!
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-09-27 10:12:58
In partisan news:
Holt strikes a moderate tone as debate moderator
Quote: NBC News anchor Lester Holt took a largely passive role Monday as the moderator of the first presidential debate of 2016, staying in the background as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump traded verbal blows on the economy, race relations and national security.
Holt irregularly asked follow-up questions and declined to intervene as Trump interrupted Clinton and made a series of questionable assertions.
From the start, Holt’s role was itself under debate. Clinton’s camp urged him to call out any inaccurate or false statements by Trump as they occurred during the debate. Trump argued that such an approach would interrupt the proceedings and introduce potential bias. He has advocated doing away with the moderator altogether.
Several times, Holt asked both candidates to answer the same question in turn, a strategy that seemed designed to create an even chance for the two rivals. He began by asking both, “Why are you a better choice than your opponent at creating jobs that will put more money in workers’ pockets?”
Holt may have been mindful that posing different sets of questions to the candidates could foster the sort of criticism that dogged his NBC colleague, Matt Lauer, after his moderation of recent town-hall interviews. Lauer devoted a significant part of his interview with Clinton to her deleted emails but ignored a number of controversies in questioning Trump, drawing outrage from Clinton’s supporters.
Holt declined to call out Trump’s assertion early in the debate that Ford Motor Co. was “leaving” the country; Ford, in fact, is opening a new plant in Mexico, but the company isn’t closing its domestic factories. Instead he simply asked Clinton to respond to Trump’s claim.
The moderator also didn’t referee Clinton’s statement that Trump had called climate change “a hoax” perpetrated by the Chinese. Trump himself objected to this repeatedly, interrupting Clinton to do so. Trump actually did make such a claim.
Throughout the debate, both candidates repeatedly talked over Holt’s attempts to rein them in. At several junctures, Trump simply ignored Holt’s efforts to get him to cede the microphone to his opponent.
Holt, who replaced Brian Williams as the anchor of “NBC Nightly News” last year, also had to navigate the subtle gender dynamics of the Clinton vs. Trump meeting — the first in U.S. history in which a woman is the nominee of a major party. He seemed to be mindful that pushing Clinton too hard might be interpreted as badgering and sexist by her supporters. Trump had argued that Clinton would be treated with excessive deference because she is a woman.
But Holt dug in from time to time, too, and seemed to push harder on the Republican businessman.
In a discussion about Trump’s decision not to release his tax returns, he asked the nominee, “Does the public’s right to know [about your tax returns] outweigh your” personal privacy?
When Trump said he would release his returns when Clinton releases the 33,000 emails deleted from her private server as secretary of state, Holt responded, “So it’s negotiable?”
Holt eschewed long preambles and kept his questions short and direct. At one point, during a discussion of race relations, he asked Trump simply, “How do you heal the divide?”
Holt said, “Stop and frisk was ruled unconstitutional in New York. . . . The argument is that it’s a form of racial profiling.” Trump disputed that it was unconstitutional; in fact, it was ruled unconstitutional in 2013.
Holt also followed up on Trump’s assertion that he opposed the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
“The record shows otherwise,” Holt said.
Trump rolled over Holt’s attempts to pin him down and quickly segued to a boast that his temperament is superior to Clinton’s.
The moderator’s questions hopscotched across numerous topics during the 90-minute debate, held at Hofstra University in New York. Among others, he prompted discussion about income inequality and job creation, outsourcing, tax cuts, Trump’s apparent reversal on “birtherism;” cybersecurity; terrorism; and nuclear weapons proliferation.
But he avoided or had insufficient time to ask about a host of other important issues: Supreme Court nominations, Social Security, gun control, abortion, student loans, military affairs and health care, especially the Affordable Care Act.
Nor did he address such matters as how the two candidates make decisions, how they would work across the aisle as president, or what role their spouses would play in the White House.
He didn’t ask Trump about his string of inflammatory comments about Muslims, Mexicans, women and the disabled; his favorable comments about Russian President Vladimir Putin; his relationship, if any, to the white supremacist movement; his treatment of the news media; or how he would resolve potential conflicts between his personal business interests and his responsibilities as president.
Clinton escaped direct questioning about her role in the aftermath of the Benghazi terrorist attacks while she was secretary of state; her private email server and deleted emails during her time in office; or her “deplorables” comment.
Trump has made the moderator of the debates an issue from the beginning of his campaign. He publicly criticized Fox News host Megyn Kelly for the questions she asked in the first Republican candidates’ debate nearly 14 months ago. His complaints about Kelly prompted him to boycott a debate sponsored by Fox News before the Iowa caucus in January.
The audience for Monday’s debate, the first of three, may exceed the record of 80.6 million viewers who watched the 1980 debate between President Jimmy Carter and Republican challenger Ronald Reagan. Monday’s debate was carried live on the major broadcast networks and cable networks such as Fox News and CNN, and streamed live on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, among others.
The problem is, he tried too hard with "gotcha" questions when he finally showed up to moderate.
But his intended role to help the Clinton campaign paid off. Asking the "tough" questions to Trump (tax returns, birther) while keeping to the issues so few and far between. All we got from the debate was two talking heads repeating sound bites from their previous rallies.
I hope the next debate had actual candidates show up, instead of talking heads.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2016-09-27 10:19:23
How can you tell why they've changed? don't get me wrong I usually seem to think the worst of politicians in general regardless of which side they're on but you can't really know why they've changed their mind and at this point you're just making up your own narrative...
It's not a hard science. It's not always easy to tell when someone is genuine and sincere in their "evolution" to a new stance. But let's look for a moment at the person in question, Hillary Clinton. Genuine and sincere aren't exactly adjectives that she embodies, so she doesn't get the benefit of the doubt in my book. So it's based on your opinion? How do you know that she wasn't being dishonest about her original stance and now finally felt politically able to support her current stance?
Trump doesn't really come off as genuine or sincere either... Does he get the benefit of the doubt?
Point being that a lot of people say things like this but it's usually just a cover to justify their own bias against a certain candidate be it a republican or democrat... Have you ever met a genuine and sincere politician? Have you ever seen one that hasn't changed their stance on something or walked a stupid or insensitive comment back?
I'm not defending Hillary but rather just pointing out that the argument your making is practically meaningless and can be used by anyone against any politician or candidate for president... Just depends on who the feel like supporting or crapping on that particular day of the week...
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2016-09-27 10:20:50
What kind of twisted logic is this. The proper thing is voting for the bigot who's stance "supposedly" didn't change for political reasons even if it's a shitty stance?
Clinton did a full flop on gay marriage ... like 3 or 4 years ago it doesn't matter. What matters is what her stance is right now. Good, now that Trump had "flipped" his stance on immigration where he isn't going to deport all the illegals like the media said he said, and instead going to make it easier for them to obtain citizenship, like he originally said, you can't decry "flip flop"
Because that would make you a hypocrite...again. If he did change then yeah that's fine with me... Realizing you made the wrong choice and working to correct it... Just like Hillary would have to trump would have to work towards realizing his new stance as well.. So, you are voting for Trump then?
Cause his original message finally got through the media, and they call it a flip-flop! I'm not voting for either of them and I'm still waiting on trumps final stance... It seems to flip flop back and forth depending on where he is that day...
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13641
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-09-27 10:27:04
So it's based on your opinion? How do you know that she wasn't being dishonest about her original stance and now finally felt politically able to support her current stance?
Yes, Captain Obvious. It's opinion based on observation. Welcome to politics. In the case of Clinton, appearing honest and sincere would have been bolstered by not being caught in major lies on a regular basis.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-09-27 10:27:29
So it's based on your opinion? How do you know that she wasn't being dishonest about her original stance and now finally felt politically able to support her current stance? So, she was lying before for ~30 years and now she is telling the truth?
And you seriously don't think that her "viewpoint" changed when it was politically convenient?
I got some beachfront property to sell you in Montana!
Trump doesn't really come off as genuine or sincere either... Does he get the benefit of the doubt? No, not really.
He doesn't change his stances as often as you think. How his stances are reported, however.....
Have you ever met a genuine and sincere politician? Ann Richards. Only politician that I can say that was genuine and sincere.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2016-09-27 10:31:08
So it's based on your opinion? How do you know that she wasn't being dishonest about her original stance and now finally felt politically able to support her current stance?
Yes, Captain Obvious. It's opinion based on observation. Welcome to politics. In the case of Clinton, appearing honest and sincere would have been bolstered by not being caught in major lies on a regular basis. So she's the same as trump?
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13641
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-09-27 10:36:50
So it's based on your opinion? How do you know that she wasn't being dishonest about her original stance and now finally felt politically able to support her current stance?
Yes, Captain Obvious. It's opinion based on observation. Welcome to politics. In the case of Clinton, appearing honest and sincere would have been bolstered by not being caught in major lies on a regular basis. So she's the same as trump?
I can't tell if this is a gotcha question, but I'm not defending Trump in attacking Hillary. He's not as fake and calculating as Clinton, but I still don't trust him and he has definitely lied flip-flopped many times.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-09-27 10:37:51
Still wish we could do a redo.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2016-09-27 10:39:37
So it's based on your opinion? How do you know that she wasn't being dishonest about her original stance and now finally felt politically able to support her current stance? So, she was lying before for ~30 years and now she is telling the truth?
And you seriously don't think that her "viewpoint" changed when it was politically convenient?
I got some beachfront property to sell you in Montana!
Trump doesn't really come off as genuine or sincere either... Does he get the benefit of the doubt? No, not really.
He doesn't change his stances as often as you think. How his stances are reported, however.....
Have you ever met a genuine and sincere politician? Ann Richards. Only politician that I can say that was genuine and sincere. Personally and in general I think most of their morals change with the direction the wind is blowing that day... I don't know whether she supports it or doesn't or which fancy she's lying about or if she's truly changed her stance... The point being that you can't really know and bias usually decides for you regardless of what side you're on... You're more likely to side with someone who supports your views and make excuses for them just like you're more likely to oppose them if they don't...
Idk... Maybe not... He changes often enough and within short periods of time... Is he doing it because he realizes the folly of his ways or because he's trying to appeal to other voters who originally viewed him negatively? I couldnt say for certain...
Hope springs eternal!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-09-27 10:41:56
You're more likely to side with someone who supports your views and make excuses for them just like you're more likely to oppose them if they don't... You are just discovering this out?
I mean, it's pretty obvious to everyone else....
Newsflash: Nobody, not one soul on this planet, is going to agree with you on everything. And you are not going to agree with anyone either.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2016-09-27 10:46:10
So it's based on your opinion? How do you know that she wasn't being dishonest about her original stance and now finally felt politically able to support her current stance?
Yes, Captain Obvious. It's opinion based on observation. Welcome to politics. In the case of Clinton, appearing honest and sincere would have been bolstered by not being caught in major lies on a regular basis. So she's the same as trump?
I can't tell if this is a gotcha question, but I'm not defending Trump in attacking Hillary. He's not as fake and calculating as Clinton, but I still don't trust him and he has definitely lied flip-flopped many times. So paranoid Rav... Worried about all those gotcha questions lol... What metric do you use to determine he's not as fake or calculating as Clinton? There seems to be a lot of ***that trumps involved in as well that's questionable at best so I'm just curious...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-09-27 10:48:28
Stop being paranoid Rav!
You should obviously know that Flavin is only trolling.
No point in being paranoid about that, it's fact.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-09-27 10:49:12
Watched the debate today on utube...
"Alright, you have 2 minutes to answer this question"
*They take 20*
"I'm sorry but we have to move on...but if you want I'll give you 30 seconds to reply"
*They take 5 each*
And I liked it at the end
*2 minutes*
And I don't think the moderator even listened half the time since they hardly stayed on topic. I think he just asked the question and then went on playing with his smartphone or something.
Anyway, at the start I thought Trump wasn't doing so bad, though he seemed how should I put it, anxious? Like he wanted to tell a bunch of things at the same time.
Then as expected they both just went after each other way too many times(that's really silly and not worthy of a presidential debate - leave that to the talkshows..), and Trump went way more defensive than Clinton, which I don't think helped him. Maybe she's just more used to it, but she kept cool(albeit aggressive, which bothers me) while he was very blatantly on the defensive to most of her attacks.
1 hour and half, they talked about maybe 2 topics and they both sucked. And goddamn, am I the only one who found the audio really bad and bothersome? There was this annoying echo the whole time..
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2016-09-27 10:49:50
You're more likely to side with someone who supports your views and make excuses for them just like you're more likely to oppose them if they don't... You are just discovering this out?
I mean, it's pretty obvious to everyone else....
Newsflash: Nobody, not one soul on this planet, is going to agree with you on everything. And you are not going to agree with anyone either. Nope not just figuring it out but yeah you're not all the bright or you're just trying to smear me if that's a serious reply...
It's a reply to the posts that are being made like usual and it pretty much shows, with your agreement there, that it's just pointless bias being spouted like usual and the reason no one really moves anyone over to another position...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-09-27 10:50:40
Nope not just figuring it out but yeah you're not all the bright or you're just trying to smear me if that's a serious reply... You should obviously know that Flavin is only trolling. Called it.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2016-09-27 10:51:31
Stop being paranoid Rav!
You should obviously know that Flavin is only trolling.
No point in being paranoid about that, it's fact. Here we go again... Lol...
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2016-09-27 10:53:10
Can't answer a question or doesn't want to so he calls it trolling lol...
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13641
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-09-27 10:53:34
So paranoid Rav... Worried about all those gotcha questions lol... What metric do you use to determine he's not as fake or calculating as Clinton? There seems to be a lot of ***that trumps involved in as well that's questionable at best so I'm just curious...
I'm not following you forever down the rabbit hole until you hear what you want to hear. Don't play stupid. This isn't complicated, but it is subjective.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-09-27 10:56:14
Just don't bother with him anymore Rav.
His trolling ability is low. He really needs to learn from Lordgrim.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18466
By Lakshmi.Flavin 2016-09-27 11:08:04
So paranoid Rav... Worried about all those gotcha questions lol... What metric do you use to determine he's not as fake or calculating as Clinton? There seems to be a lot of ***that trumps involved in as well that's questionable at best so I'm just curious...
I'm not following you forever down the rabbit hole until you hear what you want to hear. Don't play stupid. This isn't complicated, but it is subjective. It's just your inability to defend your own position so you attack it... Can't even ask a simple question or make a statement without it being trolling for no other reason than cuz flavin... Lol...
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-09-27 11:11:31
Edit: NVM, not going down to his level.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13641
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-09-27 11:20:39
So paranoid Rav... Worried about all those gotcha questions lol... What metric do you use to determine he's not as fake or calculating as Clinton? There seems to be a lot of ***that trumps involved in as well that's questionable at best so I'm just curious...
I'm not following you forever down the rabbit hole until you hear what you want to hear. Don't play stupid. This isn't complicated, but it is subjective. It's just your inability to defend your own position so you attack it... Can't even ask a simple question or make a statement without it being trolling for no other reason than cuz flavin... Lol...
Observations based on past behavior. Feel free to drop the matter anytime, I'm not going to entertain you.
Node 285
No idea why we didn't restart last week. Might as well now.