a judge would have final say.
True a Judge would have the final say....
of what the Jury or Grand Jury says.
This is something americans have not been hammered down with enough in school over and we spend billions for education.
The citizens of this nation have no idea what power they possess over the government and our court systems because they have been purposely educated to think otherwise ( *** you democrats and republicans i'm coming for you).
I can not stress this enough to everyone i talk to about how important serving Jury Duty is. It is the citizens once or numerous chance ( if you get selected enough through random summons of service) of having greater authority over the Judge, Attorney General, Congress, Supreme Court, President, and Constitution.
Our founding fathers were geniuses who thought about the future of our nation leading to corruption infiltrating our congress, supreme court ,and presidency , and future Constitutional amendments and created safeguards for the citizens to take back there nation in more than one way.
1. Revolution
2. Article 5 Convention of the States to propose and ratify or nullify a amendment to the Constitution.
3. Serve Jury or Grand Jury
1 and 2 may not be viable if folks are cowards and to ingrained to their comforts of abuse.
But 3 is the best chance of fighting the corruption.
If hillary were on trial today in court majority of americans who would be serving the Grand Jury would vote Guilty and she would go to Federal Prison