Hillary Clinton 2016 Presidential Thread

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Hillary Clinton 2016 Presidential Thread
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By eliroo 2016-08-18 07:36:23
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Candlejack said: »
I'll be honest: I've always thought Alex Jones and anyone who takes him seriously, should be forcibly committed to a mental institution against their free will for the safety of themselves and those around them. That's all I'll say on that matter today.

I don't even know who Alex Jones is but if he is a news source couldn't the same be said about anyone that takes their information from a singular source?

Also, considering his ideas seem to be counter to yours, shouldn't you take some time to consider them? If you hear every story told about an event you can piece them together and make a more complete, unbiased story. Using several news sources with differing opinions is probably the only way us common americans will obtain any sort of truth.

Asura.Iuno said: »
bringing up monica lewinsky, emails, and benghazi hardly counts for "debate." if anything, it'll be like watching this:

I agree, partially that bringing up Monica Lewinsky but to include her emails in that list is extremely ignorant. That is the problem with people and that is why Hillary Clinton is even consider a nominee, ignorance. The emails are huge ordeal and something that everyone is taking lightly because they get all their information from media outlets that spoon feed them. She basically ignored protocol, lied to the government and worse she was clearly hacked. There may be confidential information in those emails that our enemies have because of her incompetence. There may be information that people have that could easily blackmail her into doing whatever they want her to do in office.

You really have no idea how big this situation is if you even try to downplay it. Honestly that is enough reason alone to not vote for her.

Asura.Iuno said: »
yet you want to support a man who's policies would cost jobs, divide out minorities, burgeon the national debt, and line the pockets of fools like him?

  • Policies that cost Jobs: Both canidates have some form of policy in their platform that would cost people their jobs. Keep in mind that both candidates could potentially create jobs

  • Divide out Minorities: If you mean kicking illegal immigrants out of the country sure... but aside from that he has no plans to divide out minorities. That is just a media spin that you are led to believe.

  • Burgeon the national debt: Do we even have a canidate that truly cares about the national debt? It will get worse no matter who is in the office.

  • Lines the pockets of fools like him: Literally what Hillary is doing. All of her donors are fools like him and she is guaranteed to be in their pocket. I promise you that her position on big banks and big corporations HAS NOTHING to with her actual aims. Just look at her record and where she gets all of her money.

I don't agree with a lot of things LG says, but I understand his radical view. The ignorance about both Hillary and Trump clearly shows a bias. The picture that gets painted of Trump is hardly what he is after. He actually has some great Policies as well as some bad ones. More notably his plan to lower drug costs is pretty solid and his healthcare plan is pretty solid.

His plan to cut funding from the education board is pretty sad, but he also mentioned that he wants education to take place a local level so this supports his plan for the funding cut.

He also is full retard when it comes to global warming.

Regardless, he isn't some big, bad "OMG HE IS GOING TO DESTROY AMERICA" type guy. If you believe that or even talk like you believe that you are just a sheep of the media.
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By Skjalfeirdotter 2016-08-18 07:38:26
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Candlejack said: »
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Skjalfeirdotter said: »
Anyone who looks into what really happened in Waco, Texas in 1993 (not the lies that the media and most of the government told) -- they will not want to vote for Clinton and should think more highly of Alex Jones... but they may not be able to understand. A good place to start is to fully watch the movie called Waco Rules of Engagement and to research the early videos / recordings of Alex Jones as well as Milton William (Bill) Cooper... to see what happened to both of them and figure out why they started to not "get along".

The world isn't black and white. Just because the Clinton's have done bad things (and I don't think they had any direct control voer Waco) doesn't make Alex Jokes in any way a real journalist or someone worth paying attention to.
I'll be honest: I've always thought Alex Jones and anyone who takes him seriously, should be forcibly committed to a mental institution against their free will for the safety of themselves and those around them. That's all I'll say on that matter today.

well everyone is entitled to their opinions, Skjalf on the other hand believe that anyone who cannot see the truths which Alex Jones / InfoWars people (and others) have been exposing long before anyone else for years... those people: the hypnotized, mind-kontrolled, magik-sigil victimized masses which believe everything that the news media on TV and the government tells them is true -- those are the people who truly are at a disadvantage and have the "mental issues". It is this ridiculing, calling people crazy, the putting of people in mental institutions because they say "too much" that the people in power don't want the majority of people to know. Calling people "nuts" and killing people off and making it look like an accident or sometimes not even that --- that is how these vile, evil, criminals (and those who support them) maintain the "status quo".
It is time for people to "wake up" and learn that the world isn't what they think it is. It doesn't work the way they thing it does. The words have multiple meanings. Hidden symbolism everywhere. It has to do with false systems... numbers and so many other things. Everything people are taught... the entire system. False. It is all about control. It is a prison. But even more than that...
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-08-18 07:42:12
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eliroo said: »
I don't agree with a lot of things LG says, but I understand his radical view.

His views aren't radical. They're delusional tinfoil hat Grade A Malarky.

And he spews it with so many veiled threats and implied/threatened violence that I'm not clear why he's allowed to keep posting, yet someone who just chronically trolls like Altima was banned. (not that I disagree with Alti's banning, he overstepped himself several times in his fervor).

Skjalfeirdotter said: »

Look, anyone who refers to themselves in the third person and isn't some 15-year-old trying to get attention can't be taken seriously.
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user: Lordgrim
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By Siren.Lordgrim 2016-08-18 07:43:37
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The Clintons can still go to jail and the Clinton foundation can still be shut down they have not murdered us all yet. This is in memory of those who were murdered for attempting to expose the Clintons for who they really are.


John Ashe

Former United Nations General Assembly President

Died: June 22, 2016
Initially reported as having died from a heart attack, John's throat had obviously been crushed. At that point the official story changed to him accidentally dropping a barbell on his own throat (the plotline from the episode "An Exercise in Fatality" from the TV series "Columbo.") crushing his larynx.

Ashe was about to begin trial for a bribery charge involving Chinese businessman Ng Lap Seng, who had been implicated but not charged in the 1996 "China-gate" scandal for funneling illegal donations to Bill Clinton's re-election fund through Arkansas restaurant owner Charlie Trie. Ashe was supposed to testify about Hillary's links to Ng Lap Seng later the same day he died.


Gandy Baugh

Attorney representing Mr. Lassater in a case concerning alleged financial misconduct.

Died: January 8, 1994
Died in an alleged suicide by jumping out of a window of a multi-story building. - Mr. Lassater was a close associate of Gov. Clinton, and was later indicted on drug related charges, among other things. Baugh's law partner was "suicided" one month later on February 9, 1994.


Berta Caceres

Human Rights Activist

Died: March 3, 2016
Killed while sleeping in her home in La Esperanza, Honduras. Berta Caceres had named Hillary Clinton as responsible for the Honduran coup which toppled democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya. Since the coup, Honduras has become one of the most violent places in the world. Growing awareness of Hillary's role in Honduras became a serious liability during Hillary's 2016 campaign.

Suzanne Coleman

Had a affair with Clinton when he was attorney general of Arkansas.

Died: February 15, 1977
Died of "suicide" with gunshot wound to the back of her head. No autopsy allowed. Was 7 months pregnant at time of her death. She had told friends it was Bill Clinton's child. (See Danny Williams). She was 26 at the time of her death.

Daniel A. Dutko

C-chairman of Leadership 2000

Died: July 27, 1999
Daniel A. Dutko, 54, was the co-chairman of Leadership 2000, the Democratic National Committee's main fund-raising effort. He held many other high-level political positions, including vice chairman of finance for Clinton-Gore in 1995; finance chairman of the 53rd inaugural ball; and vice chairman of finance for the DNC in 1996 (when the Chinese money poured in). Attributed to a bicycle accident in which it's claimed he struck his head on the concrete twice.


Vincent Foster

Deputy White House Counsel

Died: July 20, 1993
Found dead in Ft. Marcy Park in Washington, DC, of a supposed suicide by gunshot. A suicide note was supposedly found a few days later, torn into several pieces, in his briefcase, after his office had been entered by White House staff and materials removed. The "suicide" note, (leaked despite official efforts to keep it from view) has since been revealed to be a forgery.

The gun which he supposedly used to kill himself was reported to be still in his hand, but the person who first found the body reports that there was no gun at that time. Many irregularities surround the death and the investigation of it. For one thing, neither Foster's fingerprints or blood were on the gun he supposedly inserted into his mouth and fired. There was no blood on Foster's hands.

Foster was also from Hope, Ark., like Clinton, and also worked for the Rose Law firm. Foster had intimate knowledge of the Clintons' personal finances. Foster was involved in an investigation of their finances, and reportedly made a phone call to Hillary Clinton, in Los Angeles, just hours before his death. Foster had been called to testify to Congress about the records Hillary refused to turn over. Another possible motive for the murder relates to the Clinton Presidential Blind Trust, being prepared by Foster, but six months late. Testimony during the Whitewater hearings suggests the trust was fraudulent, with the Clintons retaining control over much of their finances, in order to profits from inside information.

Recently, the signed report of M.E. Dr. Donald Haut was uncovered at the National Archives, proving that Foster had a previously unreported gunshot wound to his neck.

Finally, an FBI memo surfaced dated the day after the date of the official autopsy, in which the autopsist informed the FBI that there was NO exit wound.


Michael Hastings

Journalist for Rolling Stone

Died: June 18, 2013
Michael Hastings died in a highly suspicious single-car accident. He had told friends that he was afraid for his life following stories he had written which were critical of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. One of the emails leaked during the 2016 Democratic Convention confirmed that Hillary had received Hastings' damning investigative report of the attack on the Benghazi consulate 5 months before his death.


Shawn Lucas


Died: August 2, 2016
On July 3, 2016, Shawn Lucas and filmmaker Ricardo Villaba served the DNC Services Corp. and Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz at DNC's headquarters in Washington, D.C., in the fraud class action suit against the Democrat Party on behalf of Bernie Sanders supporters.
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This was before Wikileaks released documents proving the DNC was working against the Sanders campaign during the 2016 primary.

Shawn was found dead by his girlfriend. No cause of death has been officially released.


Seth Conrad Rich

DNC Voter Expansion Data Director

Died: July 10, 2016

Seth Conrad Rich was shot several times in the back a block from his home in D.C.'s neighborhood of Bloomingdale. The police declared it a roberry gone bad, but nothing had been taken; Seth still had his wallet, watch, and cell phone.

One possible motive for his assasination lies with the WikiLeaks dump of 20,000 DNC emails which proved the DNC was rigging the primaries to favor Hillary Clinton. The scandal forced DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Shultz to resign. Although Hillary's people tried to portray this as a hack by Russia, to cast Hillary as a victim of international intrigue, WikiLeaks, while not identifying the leak, denied it was Russia, and stated it was an "internal" leak. If Seth (who was in a perfect position to acquire the data) were the leak, that would be ample motive to murder him, as a warning to others inside the DNC not to blow any whistles.

Shortly after the killing, Redditors and social media users were pursuing a lead saying that Rich was en route to the FBI the morning of his murder, apparently intending to speak to special agents about an ongoing court case possibly involving the Clinton family.
By 2016-08-18 07:53:14
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By Skjalfeirdotter 2016-08-18 07:59:21
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Ramyrez said: »
Skjalfeirdotter said: »

Look, anyone who refers to themselves in the third person and isn't some 15-year-old trying to get attention can't be taken seriously.

\_^I^_/ am sorry, that you have a problem with Skjalf talking in third-person. That is just too bad.

Now back to the topic...
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-08-18 08:01:10
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Siren.Lordgrim said: »
crazy murder conspiracy

If you really believe all these things are true then you clearly lack any concern for your own personal safety. What if she gets to you too for outing her!

Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2016-08-18 08:03:42
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Ramyrez said: »
Siren.Lordgrim said: »
crazy murder conspiracy

If you really believe all these things are true then you clearly lack any concern for your own personal safety. What if she gets to you too for outing her!


As much as I agree that some of the stuff could be coincidence, there is a relatively long list of mysterious deaths that are tied to the Clintons. To write them off as "Tin foil hat" conspiracy without examining them is just as bad as accepting them as truth without examining them.

We can't go around saying everything we disagree with is wrong.
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-08-18 08:05:40
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eliroo said: »
don't even know who Alex Jones is but if he is a news source couldn't the same be said about anyone that takes their information from a singular source?

Also, considering his ideas seem to be counter to yours, shouldn't you take some time to consider them? If you hear every story told about an event you can piece them together and make a more complete, unbiased story. Using several news sources with differing opinions is probably the only way us common americans will obtain any sort of truth.
Not news simply conspiracy theories like the economic collapse that is "about" to come every month or Obama declaring martial law and killing civilians. If that's news to you...
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2016-08-18 08:11:10
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
eliroo said: »
don't even know who Alex Jones is but if he is a news source couldn't the same be said about anyone that takes their information from a singular source?

Also, considering his ideas seem to be counter to yours, shouldn't you take some time to consider them? If you hear every story told about an event you can piece them together and make a more complete, unbiased story. Using several news sources with differing opinions is probably the only way us common americans will obtain any sort of truth.
Not news simply conspiracy theories like the economic collapse that is "about" to come every month or Obama declaring martial law and killing civilians. If that's news to you...

Again no idea who the guy is. For the most part conspiracy theories are pretty ***. Was under the impression that he was reporting on typically censored news which we need more reputable sources of.

If he is just another "Truther" then I can easily agree with everyones negative opinion on him.
By 2016-08-18 08:12:06
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By Ramyrez 2016-08-18 08:14:28
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eliroo said: »
As much as I agree that some of the stuff could be coincidence, there is a relatively long list of mysterious deaths that are tied to the Clintons. To write them off as "Tin foil hat" conspiracy without examining them is just as bad as accepting them as truth without examining them.

We can't go around saying everything we disagree with is wrong.

To address the bolded first -- we can, actually. That's exactly what disagreeing with something is. Saying it's wrong.

As to the rest, here's the thing. You can't write the government off as inefficient and worthless and then accuse them of being elaborate masterminds of covered up murders and new world order clandestine puppet string pulling organizations.

You get one or the other.
By 2016-08-18 08:14:31
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By Ramyrez 2016-08-18 08:17:28
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eliroo said: »
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
eliroo said: »
don't even know who Alex Jones is but if he is a news source couldn't the same be said about anyone that takes their information from a singular source?

Also, considering his ideas seem to be counter to yours, shouldn't you take some time to consider them? If you hear every story told about an event you can piece them together and make a more complete, unbiased story. Using several news sources with differing opinions is probably the only way us common americans will obtain any sort of truth.
Not news simply conspiracy theories like the economic collapse that is "about" to come every month or Obama declaring martial law and killing civilians. If that's news to you...

Again no idea who the guy is. For the most part conspiracy theories are pretty ***. Was under the impression that he was reporting on typically censored news which we need more reputable sources of.

If he is just another "Truther" then I can easily agree with everyones negative opinion on him.

Alex Jones is a conspiracy theory personality who forwards a lot of crazy theories for the purpose of making money off of poor, susceptible people who are easily influenced.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-08-18 08:18:06
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Candlejack said: »
Also, some advice for Eliroo: I seriously suggest you seek the help of a licensed Psychiatrist if you put any stock into the nutcase psychobabble that comes out of Lordgrim's mouth.

You're really not helping.
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2016-08-18 08:24:52
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Ramyrez said: »
eliroo said: »
As much as I agree that some of the stuff could be coincidence, there is a relatively long list of mysterious deaths that are tied to the Clintons. To write them off as "Tin foil hat" conspiracy without examining them is just as bad as accepting them as truth without examining them.

We can't go around saying everything we disagree with is wrong.

To address the bolded first -- we can, actually. That's exactly what disagreeing with something is. Saying it's wrong.

As to the rest, here's the thing. You can't write the government off as inefficient and worthless and then accuse them of being elaborate masterminds of covered up murders and new world order clandestine puppet string pulling organizations.

You get one or the other.

I meant that you if you disagree with something you should consider why it would be right or how you could be wrong. I worded that poorly, I apologize.

Governmental entities could easily be efficient at looking out for themselves and inefficient at looking at their people.

Planning and Covering up murders has nothing to do with maintaining a healthy economy and enacting policies that help the general populous.

For the record of everyone here questioning my vote. I am not voting because I think both candidates aren't worth my vote. If I did have to vote it would be for Trump simply because of how Hillary's gun control policies would hurt me financially.

I would much rather vote for someone like Bernie Sanders, who may have policies I disagree with but actually cares or Rand Paul who has a majority of policies I agree with and cares as well.

Unfortunately both the Democratic and Republican party would rather give us a crap show than viable candidates.
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2016-08-18 08:35:23
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Ramyrez said: »
eliroo said: »
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
eliroo said: »
don't even know who Alex Jones is but if he is a news source couldn't the same be said about anyone that takes their information from a singular source?

Also, considering his ideas seem to be counter to yours, shouldn't you take some time to consider them? If you hear every story told about an event you can piece them together and make a more complete, unbiased story. Using several news sources with differing opinions is probably the only way us common americans will obtain any sort of truth.
Not news simply conspiracy theories like the economic collapse that is "about" to come every month or Obama declaring martial law and killing civilians. If that's news to you...

Again no idea who the guy is. For the most part conspiracy theories are pretty ***. Was under the impression that he was reporting on typically censored news which we need more reputable sources of.

If he is just another "Truther" then I can easily agree with everyones negative opinion on him.

Alex Jones is a conspiracy theory personality who forwards a lot of crazy theories for the purpose of making money off of poor, susceptible people who are easily influenced.

One quick Wiki search:

He has accused the U.S. government of being involved in the Oklahoma City bombing,[13] the September 11 attacks[14] and the filming of fake Moon landings to hide NASA's secret technology.

Yeah, this guy is an idiot.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-08-18 08:43:02
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eliroo said: »
I meant that you if you disagree with something you should consider why it would be right or how you could be wrong. I worded that poorly, I apologize.

That's sort of the thing though. When it comes to reasonable discussion, this is true.

When it's whether fluoridation of water is for mind control and if vaccines are causing autism, or Jews are causing all the world's problems through the illuminati?

Not so much.
Server: Siren
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user: Lordgrim
Posts: 2020
By Siren.Lordgrim 2016-08-18 08:51:03
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Ramyrez said: »
Alex Jones is a conspiracy theory personality who forwards a lot of crazy theories for the purpose of making money off of poor, susceptible people who are easily influenced.

Ramyrez does this not remind you of what the establishment has been doing oh i don't know since the mid 1830's + when these two parties formed and slowly filled the seats in washington d.c and are still to this day doing what the bolded selection of what you claim one guy who wanted to make his own independent new cast against the mainstream media and establishment.

are you butt hurt that i am talking bad about your girlfriend Hillary Clinton ?

Like another one of our founding fathers warned us about political parties his message like the others has been heard and a motion has already been set to oust these usurpers and reform the Constitutional Republic of The United States of America, a reformed nation without political parties like it was founded

"There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution."

JOHN ADAMS, letter to Jonathan Jackson, Oct. 2, 1789
By 2016-08-18 09:02:37
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By Skjalfeirdotter 2016-08-18 09:04:06
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Ramyrez said: »
You can't write the government off as inefficient and worthless and then accuse them of being elaborate masterminds of covered up murders and new world order clandestine puppet string pulling organizations.

You get one or the other.

Actually, this is the sick irony of it all. The lie is different at every level. You are not told what you do not need to know. This is how compartmentalization works. Why do you think there are all of those security levels? Both the ones that the public knows about and the many that the public do not know about. I have had held a security clearance when I worked for a government contractor. You're not supposed to talk about your work. You're not supposed to talk about anything. There are reasons. But then Skjalf begin journey of truth and now things that used to matter do not and things that did not matter, now do.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-08-18 09:09:36
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Siren.Lordgrim said: »
are you butt hurt that i am talking bad about your girlfriend Hillary Clinton ?

I love that you post walls of text and are upset no one reads them, very lengthy videos and are upset no one watches them, but you haven't been assed to read a single thing I've said on the subject of Hillary Clinton.
By 2016-08-18 09:09:53
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By Anna Ruthven 2016-08-18 09:10:08
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Guys, it's really not a good idea to post your block list. For one no one cares and two, it just usually breeds pointless drama.
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By Skjalfeirdotter 2016-08-18 09:11:26
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Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
Skjalfeirdotter said: »
I Skjalf have had held a security clearance when I Skjalf worked for a government contractor.

Fixed that for you.

Thankies >^.^<
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By Skjalfeirdotter 2016-08-18 09:40:20
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eliroo said: »
One quick Wiki search:

He has accused the U.S. government of being involved in the Oklahoma City bombing,[13] the September 11 attacks[14] and the filming of fake Moon landings to hide NASA's secret technology.

Yeah, this guy is an idiot.

Someone should do research...

27-year FBI veteran and Former Los Angeles FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge Ted Gunderson had a lot of good information about a lot of things including Oklahoma City bombing [(Hercules Manufacturing Company-made Electo-Hydrodynamic gaseous fuel device (barometric bomb)], WTB bombing in 1993 and 9/11 among other things. They killed him for fighting the system, R.I.P.

As for NASA ("Never A Straight Answer"), the majority of that "secret technology" is more under the control of the Office of Naval Intelligence and other groups in a joint effort.

But, can we get away from the personal attacks and back to talking about Clinton?
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By Skjalfeirdotter 2016-08-18 09:41:01
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Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-08-18 09:41:56
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Skjalfeirdotter said: »
As for NASA ("Never A Straight Answer"), the majority of that "secret technology" is more under the control of the Office of Naval Intelligence and other groups in a joint effort.

NASA has done more for this country on a smaller budget than you can even conceive.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-08-18 09:42:52
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Where's Buzz Aldrin? You want to talk about a national hero who knows how to handle people like this.

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