Windower/FFXI Crashing. Can't Figure It Out...

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Windower/FFXI crashing. Can't figure it out...
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2016-08-05 18:57:02
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Luminohelix said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Luminohelix said: »
Ok maybe I should not have said forced. When I went into store to buy an OS they only offered windows 10 so that's what I got. My own fault. Anyways, I just want to play and it's not working so any help would be appreciated :)! Also thanks for the laughs <3. Microsoft did hold a gun to my head ;)!

Did you get Windows professional? or just home?
Pro :(
That's better, actually.

Is it an HP or Dell by chance?
By Luminohelix 2016-08-05 18:58:01
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Jetackuu said: »
Luminohelix said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Luminohelix said: »
Ok maybe I should not have said forced. When I went into store to buy an OS they only offered windows 10 so that's what I got. My own fault. Anyways, I just want to play and it's not working so any help would be appreciated :)! Also thanks for the laughs <3. Microsoft did hold a gun to my head ;)!

Did you get Windows professional? or just home?
Pro :(
That's better, actually.

Is it an HP or Dell by chance?
Neither :( (I just bought all the parts and put it together myself)
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2016-08-05 19:03:22
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I see. Well legally speaking you have downgrade rights from your OEM (which in this case is you) but as you don't have a 7 product key you would need to hacktivate it with something like windows loader by daz. While that would be one way, apparently you can use your 8/10 key to get a 7 activation code from M$

But I certainly understand if you don't want to go through all that. (Note if you're using a NVMe ssd you will have to use something like DISM to integrate the driver to your .wim or it won't install).
By DanielH 2016-08-05 19:39:13
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DirectPlay in (Legacy Components) "Turn Windows features on or off" checked?

Also I assume you've tried Windower with no Addons and Plugins activated?
By Luminohelix 2016-08-05 19:55:52
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DanielH said: »
DirectPlay in (Legacy Components) "Turn Windows features on or off" checked?

Also I assume you've tried Windower with no Addons and Plugins activated?
I've done all the things I could find in Windower and Reddit forums, they haven't worked unfortunately :(!
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Tubal
Posts: 27
By Lakshmi.Tubal 2016-08-05 21:19:57
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If you search forums you will encounter various posts dating as far back as 2013ish with the same problem...none which have a solid solution.

Short of the long story, windoower worked fine on my win 10 for about 2 weeks before the crashing on switch to POL. Weeks of forum posts and research of forums did not produce a solution. It wasn't regression update back to win 8 crashes stopped. As someone suggested to me, if its an option for you, switch from win 10 to 8 or 7.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Tigertail
Posts: 118
By Phoenix.Tigertail 2016-08-07 11:33:13
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I am having the EXACT same problem as the OP. I also have a Surface Pro 4 that I bought 3 months ago for on the go FFXI playing but as the OP states POL crashes on the transition to FFXI. Is there still no solution for this? I have a desktop that I upgraded to Win10 about a year ago and have had no problems, except for making sure that legacy components > Direct Play was enabled. That is enabled on the Surface Pro so that is not the issue. Sucks that I bought something so expensive and can't even use it the way I intended. At least vanilla ffxi runs.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Tubal
Posts: 27
By Lakshmi.Tubal 2016-08-07 11:41:28
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The crashing issue seems isolated to laptops as I've not read of any desktop issues. I fixed the issue by going back to windows 8, if that's not an option I've yet to see any solution with continued use of win10 work.
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2016-08-07 13:55:22
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I have a surface Pro 3 and it works fine with XI, granted I haven't used it on there in awhile as well I can't stand trying to play with that keyboard, but hey.

If you have a laptop with a crashing issue on the transition it having multiple gpus is likely the culprit (obviously not an issue on the Surface).
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Kasaioni
Posts: 291
By Shiva.Kasaioni 2016-08-07 14:00:52
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Lakshmi.Tubal said: »
The crashing issue seems isolated to laptops as I've not read of any desktop issues. I fixed the issue by going back to windows 8, if that's not an option I've yet to see any solution with continued use of win10 work.
It's not, I've had this problem on my single-GPU (970) PC ever since I upgraded.
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2016-08-07 14:07:18
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Honestly I've been hearing of this issue since Windows 8 and for some the only good solution has been an install from scratch of the OS.

I'm unfortunately not a coder, also not even sure if that would generate a full crash log on anything.

I will say that the game runs decently well in a vmware workstation VM (it should run in vmware player as well), so that's an option for the more technical savvy people. (I like it because I can use one computer with multiple controllers that way).
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [147 days between previous and next post]
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Juilan
Posts: 14
By Siren.Juilan 2017-01-01 17:19:21
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Asura.Blittzjr said: »
Nah thats a simple fix I think. Go to the FFXI config file in the ffxi install folder. Open it up and then change the resolution. I cant remember it 100% but this has happened to me like 4 times. Try searching it on going but I know changing the resolution on the ffxi config and trying it that way worked.
This worked for me for some strange reason
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [278 days between previous and next post]
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Clubark
Posts: 1
By Lakshmi.Clubark 2017-10-06 18:23:20
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I have done everything literally, that I could find online and reading everyone's advise. Literally everything ..... This seem to fix my freezing issues and crashing.

Here is the URl

read it entirely and stop on page # 3 @
Andreas Toth's final reply.
Posts: 27
By Clubark 2017-10-06 18:30:06
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Double the trace buffer ftw!
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Kasaioni
Posts: 291
By Shiva.Kasaioni 2017-10-22 11:51:32
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So I just did a clean install of Windows 10 this weekend, and what do you know, Windower works properly now. Hurray. Whatever happened in the upgrade from 8.1 to 10, Windower just did not agree with.

Unfortunately I forgot to save all my macro related stuff, so I have to write all that again.