Sub Job Question (SAM OR WAR) And Haste Question

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Sub Job Question (SAM OR WAR) and Haste Question
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 92
By Ragnarok.Alexhander 2016-07-04 05:33:57
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In these day i got a doubt: why /war would beat /sam sub?
The point of the question is hasso Ja. The guide says that hasso with spirit link give just 1% haste.Haste from ja wont cap @25%?
so how 10% hasso could become 1%? Spirit link give us just 10%. Do they wont sum up each other? i don't mind about when i've a brd and a geo, i just want know for what reason hasso would give us just 1% with spirit link active
Server: Odin
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user: Brocovich
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By Odin.Brocovich 2016-07-04 06:24:32
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hasso only adds 1% if you are already magic/gear-haste capped
(25% (gear) + ~44% (magic) + 10% (wyvern bonus) = 79%, so 1% before delay cap. Hasso would fill this 1%.

if you are can't get capped magic haste, getting dispelled alot or are using some of the ambuscade stuff (low gear haste), /SAM should still beat /WAR.

I personally never go /WAR, cause i like the added STP on jumps, the TP overflow on stardiver and melee DDs already have hard times surviving all the AOE stuff, so i don't want to rely on -25% defense abilitys. (+ i have Ryu, so /WARs double attack is devalued for me, too)
Server: Sylph
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By Sylph.Braden 2016-07-04 07:55:17
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The guide assumes you'll be capped on gear and magic haste.

Obviously magic haste comes and goes, but most 119 "heavy" armor sets add up to 22% gear haste and sometimes good belts have no haste. That's been the case since before the guide was made, and frankly it was never well written in the first place.

Anyway, Hasso gives you some slack in gear/magic haste in addition to actually reaching the haste cap (instead of being at 78.75%).
By 2016-07-04 08:28:56
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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2016-07-04 08:46:47
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Which is better is largely centered around if your capping cRatio or not and if your Wyvern is starting out max leveled or not. SAM's hasso is always in effect and doesn't need your pet to level up first, WAR's berserk is a large increase in attack and with the 2H cRatio cap being 3.75 it's not nearly as easy to reach as some would assume. The TP / DoT bonus of +15 Store TP is largely the same as +10% DA.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 92
By Ragnarok.Alexhander 2016-07-04 09:41:00
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So haste cap is 79%. Spirit link give you 10% (that is always active if you can't take alive wyvern you shouldn't go drg imo)geo haste 25% + 15% haste = 50%. 25 % from gear= 75%. So the really question is: Would 7 str 5% haste always active and zanshin (wich help a lor during ws) beat 10%da attack and 3 min berserk? (you will be always with geo in middle Content)
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 92
By Ragnarok.Alexhander 2016-07-04 09:43:29
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Store tp help that's true but with right set you can easy manage 3hit tp post ws as war
Server: Odin
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user: Brocovich
Posts: 136
By Odin.Brocovich 2016-07-04 11:06:09
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Ragnarok.Alexhander said: »
Store tp help that's true but with right set you can easy manage 3hit tp post ws as war

TP overflow adds a pretty huge boost to stardiver, which makes additional STP still useful, even if you can x-hit with less STP.
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2016-07-04 12:03:38
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I've not done any parsing or anything like that (oh no, he's using the feels!) but I personally prefer to go /WAR. I have a Ryunohige, and I likes my Berserk. in a party situation where I am getting the appropriate Haste buffs, TP gain is ridiculous after the first AM3, provided you know how to keep your rat alive. you can transfer your attack buffs to it with a well timed Spirit Link, and these days should be rocking 5/5 Empathy merits to get it to max level at the start of any level capped content. the 1% Haste afforded by Hasso is pretty underwhelming at that point, as is the uselessness of Meditate. DRG has got quite possibly the easiest AM3 management of any job in the game at this point provided you are playing correctly at all. if you are using a Gungnir or Trishula, it might become a more interesting debate since you are not constantly swinging and more TP overflow will help make your Stardivers stronger. (this is actually a very interesting question with the new AM attached to Gungnir 119-III: is stacking berserk going to get you further, or is the additional sTP going to do better overtime with WS usage)

any time you are going to be in a low buff situation, then sure, I would say go for /SAM, (honestly, I would also say to go for it in events like Incursion where you are likely to have your weapon stripped as well....) but if you are actually getting to take a DRG somewhere to fight something remotely relevant and getting the appropriate buffs, then /WAR is likely going to get you a little more mileage depending on your gear and weaponry.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 92
By Ragnarok.Alexhander 2016-07-04 14:10:16
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Brocovich do you think 1 tp + boost stardive...? Anyways fillerbunny9 i feel the same just wondering what the web think about that, or if someone spreadsheet/parser that
Server: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2016-07-04 16:51:16
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Although wikis may only list 1k/2k/3k anchor points, the function is actually piecewise continuous. So for example, a 1010 TP Stardiver would have an fTP of 0.8 per hit before considering Moonshade/gorgets/belts.