Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Server: Ultros
Posts: 2204
By Ciri Zireael 2017-07-07 01:15:02
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6206
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2017-07-07 08:57:54
How do you choose which of your characters gets offered to your friends? I have been assuming it's my leader, but I'm not totally sure.
Also, I whored out my friends list and have like 90 friends right now.
After playing around with Tank friends last night, I see the value. Apparently my problem is that I was treating it as I normally do with single player RPGs and trying to basically overpower the story mode's mechanics. I was all damage (I'd oneshot groups of trash and they'd never get to attack me), but bosses wrecked me because I didn't have a healer or a tank.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 665
By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2017-07-07 11:20:15
How do you choose which of your characters gets offered to your friends? I have been assuming it's my leader, but I'm not totally sure.
It is the leader character of your active (i.e. currently selected) party. You can verify this by opening up the friends tab which will show the leader of the active party.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 401
By Odin.Rikiyame 2017-07-07 13:29:05
You can also set a specific party to always pull that Leader as friend unit (active party or not). You can set an arena/colosseum/companion party.
I usually have an arena team saved, TM party, Raid, and event party and either set in Options that companion pulls from Raid or event party.
By Creecreelo 2017-07-07 23:16:35
You can also set a specific party to always pull that Leader as friend unit (active party or not). You can set an arena/colosseum/companion party.
I usually have an arena team saved, TM party, Raid, and event party and either set in Options that companion pulls from Raid or event party.
I'm sure Bryth figured this out already but to get more specific for anyone else, you gotta go into the "Menu" screen at the top of the home page of the game, then hit "Options", and finally scroll down to the "Select Party" section. This is where you can customize and choose which teams you specifically want to use in the Arena/Colosseum/Friend Unit. I wish they had a tutorial for players to do this right away since it is pretty important for setting up your friend unit and the convenience of having an arena team ready to go.
Anyways, just also wanted to say I've been LOVING Delita and his super potent Breaks!!
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6206
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2017-07-08 07:27:43
Excellent, thanks guys.
I have Cecil up to 5 stars level 60 now and I am working on a Fina, so hopefully I have a tank and healer soon.
Got Lightning and Aileen to level 100. Is there a limit on the number of LB crystals that can be generated every attack round? Lightning's dual wield doesn't seem to make them.
Is it worth bringing Xon to 6 stars for TH?
By Creecreelo 2017-07-08 14:03:47
I believe there is a limit to the amount of LB crystals you can get from an enemy per turn, so if you do a ton of attacks on a single enemy and start not getting crystals, it's probably because you got the most you could for that turn on that specific enemy. I believe some characters may be able to generate more orbs than others with their basic attacks, but I'm not totally sure on the specifics of that.
Xon is a useful unit for sure, especially for farming. I do feel like his TH can help when it comes to farming Chambers for Sacred Cystals or Giancrysts. Idk if I would focus on him atm though. I saw you mention Setzer earlier, and I would probably try to prioritize lvling him up along with Cecil and Fina. Setzer is a really amazing unit, and his Cursed Card move will be a great help against tough bosses and in the arena. His Double Dice fixed damage move can be useful too against some of the challenging Chamber of the Fallen bosses until your DDs are more decked out.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6206
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2017-07-10 14:17:24
Also, what is your take on Henne Mines? I can smush PRO with 5/6 Bonus characters, but Elite requires I bring a real group (although it is much easier than other Elite things. It seems best for me to just farm PRO for 1k/run (w/o bombs or bugs), Is that normal or am I gimp?
Also, is ELT macalania woods actually hard? I haven't wasted nrg on it to find out, because I assumed it would boop my boot. It would be nice to upgrade Break Blade, though. Right now my best team is probably a level 100 Lightning, Aileen, Cecil, Rain, and a level 81 Zargabaath with a companion healer.
Pps how the ***do I use Cecil? Just Defend or Curaja every turn?
By OmniKroe 2017-07-10 16:21:42
So iv been playing brave exvius a bit and i got a bunch of 4 stars andsome 5 stars.. mainly i almost reached my limit in character (100). I have a fairly lame team iv judt been using in missions. anyways, i am curious what are some general characters i should be investing in or holding onto that would be great in late game?
As a dedicated ffxi'er i of course stacked.my team with as much support as possible.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6206
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2017-07-10 16:38:30
If you are not doing the daily summon or spending your mog/colleseum orbs, I recommend it.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2017-07-11 16:05:09
Well Fan Fiesta, thanks for all the fish.
10 normal tickets: beach time fina, soleil, krile, russell, bartz, snow, jean, faris, locke, cyan, Garnet
4G ticket: ...
By Creecreelo 2017-07-11 16:57:48
Also, what is your take on Henne Mines? I can smush PRO with 5/6 Bonus characters, but Elite requires I bring a real group (although it is much easier than other Elite things. It seems best for me to just farm PRO for 1k/run (w/o bombs or bugs), Is that normal or am I gimp?
Also, is ELT macalania woods actually hard? I haven't wasted nrg on it to find out, because I assumed it would boop my boot. It would be nice to upgrade Break Blade, though. Right now my best team is probably a level 100 Lightning, Aileen, Cecil, Rain, and a level 81 Zargabaath with a companion healer.
Pps how the ***do I use Cecil? Just Defend or Curaja every turn?
For Henne mines, that can totally be normal until you get a single DD unit that can essentially shoulder an entire ELT farming run. Sometimes though, you can have your event units help a lot with supporting your main DD, enough that it can be the difference in one-shotting the enemies. For example, you can have your event units assist with abilities like Attack Song (AoE Att+40%, from Siren) or basic spells like Deprotect/Imperil.
If you can't one-shot the final boss of ELT, I think you'll have to resort to at least using your Aileen and Cecil. If you happen to be far enough in the story to have Odin, that would help tremendously in the fight since he could provide Aileen with Lance and Dragon Killer, both of which are very effective on the ELT boss. Equip Titan on Cecil and Provoke at the start, use Lance on Aileen to drain its MP to prevent Stopga. The following turns I'd probably do Ground Work if you don't already have an Earth weapon on Aileen and then Piledriver away. Healing could be an issue though. If you have Vaan high lvl enough, he learns Full Break which would be very useful in this fight too. Ultimately though, since you'd likely have to use at least 2 non-event units for this, I'm not sure it'd be worth it. Would need to math it out.
As for using Cecil, using Defend/Curaja isn't uncommon on him; however, it's also important to make use of his amazing Limit Break to buff your characters and Provoke (through Titan) when needed. If you lack a Spirit/Mag Buff, his Focus can also be very useful. Giving him Counter materia/Accessories is often a great idea too since his Cover rate is so amazing, and his counters will help genereate LB crystals to help employ his Limit Burst more easily and effectively.
By Creecreelo 2017-07-11 16:59:06
Also, talk about a surprise finding 6 5% Trust Moogles, 10 EX summoning tickets and a 4* EX Summoning ticket in the delivery box today lol
And even more pots too!
By Creecreelo 2017-07-11 17:09:04
Oh, as for Macalania Woods, I would try to do the ELT too if you can since who knows when we'll be able to do it again.
I think if you employed a Setzer Double Dice strat, that could be your best bet. Or employ perhaps Aileen with Ground Work/Piledriver. If you happen to have the Gaia Blade, then equipping that on Lightning could help, then you perhaps make some Ele chains with Aileen's Piledriver. Either of these will provide a way past its immunities. I think once again, healing could be an issue. MP could also be an issue too if the fight drags on too long. If you happen to have a Tilith companion, then you could covered though I think. Poison immunity is also very useful in this fight. Gl !
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 401
By Odin.Rikiyame 2017-07-12 13:09:26
I have a pretty tanky Lilith up for use right now.
HP 5919
DEF 254
SPR 373
Some elemental res. She has Escape so you should be able to avoid random fights. As long as you break the end boss's MAG, and avoid the BIG, RED BUTTERFLY CHIMERA, you should be fine (and use non-elemental weapons to avoid 0 DMG rounds).
As for PRO VS ELT on farming, I usually make an Excel sheet to see PRO base currency times bonus (and added together) and divide by NRG to see currency/NRG. Do the same with ELT. At some point, you'll have someone who can solo ELT and take a full bonus team. Even now, a decent Vaan can Full Break and your DD can get a boost.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 569
By Phoenix.Erics 2017-07-12 13:35:49
im playing 3 accounts at once so i can experience using more types of units, one account is my nephews but he doesnt play anymore.
My main accounts a 960atk orlandeau,elza,fohlen,dualcast refia and warrior of light
MA2:900atk noctis,700+mag ashe,ling,dual cast refia,warrior of light
and my nephews account which is the newest one is a 730atk orlandeau,noctis,luneth,refia(noDualcast yet working on other TMs) and warrior of light.
ive been doing the moogle event and henne mines event clearing both on elite with all 3 accounts np and ive cleared the woods event np. The key i found to beating m woods was a solid tidus friend who can do the water dmg, idk if the boss only switches to water or lightning weakness but all 3 bosses thats the only weakness's i saw which was cake for noctis thunder flask and orlandeau's lightning stab.
Im free to play which from reading peoples post i'm very lucky on getting so many t5 bases, ive got more i dont use in main pt like seabreeze dark fina, emperor, gilgamesh. If anyone wants to add my accounts though, let me know and ill post the friend codes, ive been ignoring a lot of friend request so i would need to know who im accepting. I think im doing pretty good for F2P and someone who doesnt use exploits.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6206
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2017-07-12 21:17:27
I got a Noctis from the random French Fanfest present. I also happened upon a random warrior of light the other day.
I will give Macalania Woods a shot tomorrow.
What is the most essential TMR for me to get? I have TM+ moogles but don't have Gilgamesh or Zidane. Should I just keep holding on to them?
Right now my options are:
Dual Cast
Quick Assault
Rikku's Pouch?
Draco Spike
Bowie Knife
Ps wtf is the deal with avatars? Should I not spend any points until I rank them up to two stars? The wiki page isn't terribly clear to me.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2017-07-12 21:53:39
I got a Noctis from the random French Fanfest present. I also happened upon a random warrior of light the other day.
I will give Macalania Woods a shot tomorrow.
What is the most essential TMR for me to get? I have TM+ moogles but don't have Gilgamesh or Zidane. Should I just keep holding on to them?
Right now my options are:
Dual Cast
Quick Assault
Rikku's Pouch?
Draco Spike
Bowie Knife
Ps wtf is the deal with avatars? Should I not spend any points until I rank them up to two stars? The wiki page isn't terribly clear to me.
A lot of good ones there, I'd ignore Ultima/Flare/Meteor as any BLM worth their salt will have a better ability, or those abilities naturally.
Bowie Knife is actually pretty dang good as a Dual Wield item, as it frees up a Materia slot instead, much like Gilgamesh's TM. Plus its got pretty good damage on it as is. I'd probably focus on this first.
Rikku's Pouch is absolutely amazing, and should be a priority as a second choice.
From there I would recommend at least 1 Dual Cast, and Quick Assault is amazing for both attack and a 100% Evasion build, its the best TM in slot for that. Discernment/Ribbon are both situationally good, I've not needed them yet but can be quite useful, though I'd put them low ish priority.
Brotherhood is best weapon for Tidus, and natural water element, so that would be great for him.
Anyway long story short...
1)Bowie Knife
2)Rikku's Pouch
3)Dual Cast/Quick Assault/Brotherhood
From that list you've given me those seem best options.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 401
By Odin.Rikiyame 2017-07-12 22:33:25
Noctis should be a focus. He's getting un-nerfed and there's a possibility that his TM may, as well (which would add atk/mag+30%). Even if the ring stays as is, it's 25% evasion and 25% counter rate with MP gain and grants access to Alterna and Death. He's an incredibly versatile character with a TON of uses.
Edit: Pull hard on the Nier banner. These units are pretty amazing and will not be added to the unit pool after.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 569
By Phoenix.Erics 2017-07-12 23:38:51
if you get a gilgamesh he should be main person to focus on tming, or zidane for dual wield. DW is a game changer because it doubles your attack rate so attacks like warp break or fire flask hit 2 times per round instead of once, then dual cast, then i did ring of the luici for my noctis account its a great ring with 25% evasion bonus its crucial for a noctis evasion build but you could skip that and do atk boost next
i did (before noctis came out):
(before noctis came out)1.Blade mastery(50%atk bonus with katana)
(noctis release)2.Dual wield
4.Ring of the lucil(you can skip it for now i only use it on my ling atm)
5.Dual cast
6.Quick assault (30%atk +10%evasion tm)
7. Im 10% away from Black Cowl +25atk/spr/def head) next
You're going to want powerful greatsword for noctis and offhand Katana, lasswell event JSE katana for now until you can beat gilgamesh, and then ifrit/siren for large sword mastery.
My noctis equip atm is
black bandana
lasswell's clothes(lasswell fight is worth doing)
icyveins/ifrit's claw
and abilities dual wield/large sword mastery/blade mastery/quick assault
ive got 894 atk atm with odin max
So i would say look out for a Chizuru, cecil(or dark knight cecil for his dark based GS), zidane.
Of what you have work on dual cast because even if refia gets replaced as a healer you still have an amazing ability for almost any healer you can use y'shtola until you get refia but having dual cast with refias full raise and her other abilities like many immunities is very useful.
For avatars you rank them up to 30 then you open up a new battlelfield where they were unlocked at to reset their level back to 1(you keep the points for training) and raises their level cap to 40 2*. Your tank will need golem for provoke unless it has natural provoke like warrior of light. Odin is a great avatar for your top DD, highest atk boost decent HP, no elemental weakness, and his training gives access to blade blitz a low mp aoe and dragon/undead-killer 50% dmg bonus effects. Im using lakshimi for my main healer but carbuncle is good too. I would focus on Odin first unless you need Provoke for your tank. And Ramuh is best for magic DD he isnt worth using over odin for noctis though, even for magic WS boost since they are physical/magic hybrid its better to just stack atk. Spend points how you want but you may decide you want to spend them a different way when you get them to 2* since you cant unlock everything and some of the things on the edge of the board are expensive to get to. They added a way to respend points its free the first time so dont fret it too much.
Server: Ultros
Posts: 2204
By Ciri Zireael 2017-07-13 01:59:16
Get at least 2 9S in the Nier banner when it comes out. His TMR is busted and the units are time limited.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6206
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2017-07-13 05:41:22
I stockpiled the rare tickets from Henne Mines because I blew 5k Lapis and got 3/4 of the ff12 trusts, so I am in good shape for the next campaign.
Is the 2 star esper board the same as the one star esper board, but bigger? Ah whatever. I am at level 29 with Siren so I will find out pretty soon.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 314
By Phoenix.Libbien 2017-07-13 08:44:33
The 2 star board is the same except it unlocks a new ring on the outside with better buffs and abilities than 1 star has available. The big difference is the stats and abilities that are available under 2* espers cost 30 points to obtain so it's a good idea to stockpile points ahead of time. You also cant unlock everything even at lvl 40 so having the full board visible before spending a lot of points will help prevent wasting points on a semi useless path. I know you can do a 1 time reset, but I haven't done it so I'm not sure if it's 1 time per esper or 1 time period.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6206
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2017-07-13 20:26:24
It's one free board reset and after that you pay 100 lapis. I haven't seen anything mentioning a limit to how many times you can reset a single avatar.
I'm surprised the wiki doesn't have a screenshot of the Esper boards with the T2 ring, but I'm not particularly worried about it either now.
I do about two new story dungeons and a new round of colosseum every day, so I pull in about 700 lapis. That won't keep up, but neither will my expenses.
Also, for Henne Mines I've bought out the consumables, 10% Trust moogle, all mini limit pots, all cheap T6 upgrade materials, Star Quartz, Rare summon tickets, Zwill Blade, Zodiac spear, and the body armor. The materia looks kind of crappy so I haven't gotten it. I guess I'm moving on to the 1% Trust moogles (already got 1/5), but honestly I might just stock up on stuff like Lucky Seedling (grabbed 30 of each so far) because screw farming that.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 314
By Phoenix.Libbien 2017-07-13 22:39:28
If you aren't dreadfully bored of farming it yet, the fine alcrysts and screamroots are decent purchases as well for magic keys.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1676
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2017-07-14 00:21:25
So I just got the game like 10 days ago (haven't even linked it to my FB account yet). Haven't played the game yet (and don't think I will, for a while), so right now all I'm doing is gettingoing the daily free summon, and collecting the log-in rewards.
I received a package of freebies from some event that includes some summon tickets. They are:
-Two 10+1
-Ten blue Ex summon tickets, one green Ex summon ticket.
-Five Rare summon tckets, one green of the same type.
It seems that a lot of those summon events will end soon tonight. Shall I pull anything? Or just keep them?
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2017-07-14 00:48:47
The tickets won't go anywhere, however the guaranteed 5* pull is going away.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 569
By Phoenix.Erics 2017-07-14 01:01:21
I'm surprised the wiki doesn't have a screenshot of the Esper boards with the T2 ring, but I'm not particularly worried about it either now. http://exvius.gamepedia.com/Category:Espers i checked theres a full t2 board at the bottom of each esper's page i pretty much only use that site for everything i need to know about the game. I avoid the communities around games like reddit or the kongbokpao chat area, or most things because its just peacocking and people who are unhelpful unless you dedicate a ton of time to the site and make a name for yourself. They give half answers and act like its too much work to elaborate.
Server: Ultros
Posts: 2204
By Ciri Zireael 2017-07-14 01:11:04
The reddit is fairly helpful towards new players in all honesty.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1676
By Ragnarok.Zeig 2017-07-14 02:31:58
Valefor.Prothescar said: »The tickets won't go anywhere, however the guaranteed 5* pull is going away. Alright. Just farmed the rest of my 5k lapis (was sitting on 2.5k for some reason. Git 5-star Tidus.
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is a mobile (iOS and Android) based RPG set in the world of Lapis. It features original characters, story, and locations while also featuring familiar elements such as heroes and villains from main-line Final Fantasy titles that can be summoned ("Visions") to battle, each with their own unique skillsets and talents. It is a mobage, meaning that to get characters you must gamble for them with in-game or real life currency. More on this later.
The Characters: Exvius features characters from across the Final Fantasy series as well as a suite of new, original characters. Each character comes with its own set of abilities, spells, traits, equipment affinities, and "Trust" gift (more on that later). Characters are rated between ☆ and ☆☆☆☆☆☆ (currently, only characters up to ☆☆☆☆☆ are available in Global). This ☆ level generally depicts a character's maximum level and general power compared to other characters (with some exceptions).
Evolution: Characters each have their own cap on what ☆ level they can reach, however a ☆☆☆ character that has the potential to reach ☆☆☆☆☆ (for example) can be upgraded to that point with no loss in stats or abilities. For example, Cecil can reach up to ☆☆☆☆☆ in Global, however you can draw him as low as ☆☆☆. Using the Evolution system, you can increase his ☆ rank all the way up to ☆☆☆☆☆ (and later, ☆☆☆☆☆☆) and he will have the same stats as if you had drawn him naturally at ☆☆☆☆☆. Characters gain different abilities, spells, and Trust gifts depending on their ☆ rank, generally getting better with the upgrade. The only time that you would ever want to keep a character at a lower level is if you want to min/max your Limit Break evolution. More on this below.
Trust System: Each character has a Trust level. Upon reaching 100% Trust with that character, you will unlock a special weapon, armor, accessory, ability, spell, or trait to use on any character in your team that meets the equip criteria. To increase trust, you either need to fuse identical characters (i.e., Cecil + Cecil) or get a 10% chance proc of +0.1% Trust at the end of a battle. The Trust process takes a very long time to complete, it is generally an endgame goal unless you get lucky draws. It is worth noting that accumulated Trust on each character being fused carries over, i.e. 25% Trust Cecil + 25% Trust Cecil = 55% Trust Cecil (25 + 25 + 5). There will be additional ways to gain Trust in the future.
Limit Breaks: Among each character's ability set is a unique Limit Break. These are normally quite straightforward, however what isn't mentioned very plainly in-game is that these "level up" along with their use. The level/potency of a Limit Break will increase at a 1:1 ratio with use, i.e. 1 use of that Limit Break = 1 Limit Break EXP, and the amount of EXP required to master the Limit Break is based on rarity. This means that a ☆☆☆ character will level their Limit Break up far faster than a ☆☆☆☆☆ character, so some players opt to leave their strongest Limit Break bearers at ☆☆☆ to maximize the Limit Break's level before Awakening them. (Usually, it goes ☆☆☆ = 100 uses, ☆☆☆☆ = 200 uses, ☆☆☆☆☆ = 300 uses, etc.)
Espers: There are currently four Espers available in Global: Siren, Ifrit, Golem, and Shiva. Espers serve as effectively another piece of equipment for your character in addition to another set of abilities. Your Espers can be leveled up and upgraded using Magicite. As they gain levels, you will be granted SP which can be spent on skill trees for your Espers. Skill trees grant that Esper higher stats and new abilities: these abilities and 1% of the Esper's stats being passed on to the character equipping it. Please note that there is currently no way to respec an Esper and you do not get enough SP to buy every node, so be careful when allocating your points. After an Esper reaches level cap for ☆ (Level 30), you can rechallenge the Esper in the dungeon that you originally recruited it. If you defeat the Esper in battle once again, you unlock its stronger ☆☆ form which grants 40 more levels (resets to 1 during the upgrade), each giving more SP on top of what you got during the first 30 ☆ levels in addition to an expanded upgrade grid with more abilities. It is always advised to unlock an Esper's "Killer" (i.e. Stone Killer, Beast Killer, etc.) abilities and then grab the best/most usseful abilities after that, getting whatever stat nodes are directly on the path to those abilities and ignoring the rest.
Vortex Dungeons: Every day you may unlock one Vortex for free (additional unlocks cost 100 Lapis, it is unwise to spend Lapis on these). The Vortex will remain open until the next daily reset and you may use it an unlimited number of times (as energy permits) during that span. Vortex dungeons offer unparalleled amounts of EXP (outside of certain events) and evolution/crafting materials and are well worth the energy investment if you need the things that they offer.
The Farplane: The Farplane houses unique and advanced challenges. Boss fights located here cost no energy to attempt, and victory generally entails a very sizeable reward. Defeating the White Dragon, for example, proffers the player a unique weapon: Murasame.
Events: Now that the game has launched, we will be seeing two types of events: Special Events and Story Events. Special Events entail things such as Cactuar Dunes (very high EXP payout via Cactuar units that drop from the event battles), Gil Snapper Caves (moderate Gil gain via the Gil Snappers that drop from event battles), Crystal Caverns (very high Magicite drop rates), Lands of Plenty (Low to mid tier crafting materials in droves), and Friend Point Summon Boosts (these come in the form of either a 5 times multiplier on Friend Points gained from bringing Friend List Companion Units to battle or bonus units being drawable from Friend Point summons such as EXP cactuars and Gil snappers; generally these two events happen simultaneously). Story Events involve a set of dungeons with unique rewards and usually come along with special Rare Unit Draw banners that introduce new characters in the theme of the event, i.e. a Final Fantasy Tactics event will add new Final Fantasy Tactics characters. Events are almost always worth doing, and they are always worth clearing at least once since completing all three tiers of any event rewards you with Lapis and occasionally other items or recipes.
Currently Available Characters: Currently the following characters are available to draw in Global: Cyan, Shadow, Shantotto, Vivi, Fran, Edgar, Rydia, Sabin, Kain, Maria, Penelo, Galuf, Krile, Exdeath, Cecil, Firion, Bartz, Cloud of Darkness, Kuja, Vaan, Zidane, Garland, Terra, Celes, Leo, Luna, Russell, Anzelm, Clyne, Bedile, Rakshasa, Roselia, Klein, Cerius, Duane, Xiao, Gilbert, and Miyuki. Generally, these are the ones you want to aim for as the best possible if you want to min/max:
Best: Vaan, Exdeath, Bartz, Cecil, Cloud of Darkness
Noteworthy: Firion, Garland, Terra, Roselia
Useful: Cyan, Miyuki, Edgar, Shantotto, Krile, Vivi
Here is a list of characters that will be receiving a ☆ cap boost in the future:
5☆ -> 6☆: Exdeath, Bartz, Cecil, Cloud of Darkness
4☆ -> 5☆: Krile, Kain, Rydia, Galuf
1. What are the Gacha rates like?
1a: ☆☆☆ 83%, ☆☆☆☆ 17%, ☆☆☆☆☆ 1%. Character drop rates vary based on individual character, generally speaking there are two "tiers" of drop rate: less powerful characters (generally ones that cap at ☆☆☆☆ or lower) having a 5-6% drop rate while stronger characters (usually the ones that go to ☆☆☆☆☆ or ☆☆☆☆☆☆) have a far lower 1-2% drop rate. Rate Up banners will start coming in to play that boost certain units to a much higher rate than the others while that banner is active.
2. Should I reroll?
2a: That's up to the individual. If you want a head start or a specific character, it's the easiest way to go about it.
3. What is Star Quartz?
3a: Star Quartz can be used to buy certain items from the Fat Chocobo in Lost Village of Marlo. Eventually there will be more Fat Chocobos that sell different items.
4. What's the best way to get EXP/EVO materials?
4a: Outside of special events, Daily Vortex dungeons! You can open one Vortex dungeon per day for free. I do not recommend spending Lapis to open additional ones.
5. Well what should I spend Lapis on then?
5a: After you have 60-70 material slots and 70+ friend slots, draws and only draws. Right now I would save for rate up banners and characters that you really want badly. Lightning (the first ☆☆☆☆☆☆ character) is also a nice place to dump your draws.
6. What are friend points?
6a: Friend points can be used to draw low quality (☆, ☆☆, and ☆☆☆ only) characters. 200 friend points = 1 draw. This is a good way to get some decent Trust gifts as well as a nice method of getting Gil early on (level a ☆ or ☆☆ up to level 15 and then sell them for mad profits!)
Rerolling is a term used to describe the process of hard resetting your game file in order to reroll your initial tutorial gacha. By the end of the second dungeon (the forest), you will have enough Lapis to perform a single rare character draw. This process usually takes between 10 and 15 minutes to complete and is worthwhile as long as you have spare time.
1. Proceed to get your first 500 Lapis.
2. Draw. If you don't get the character you're after, proceed to step 3. If you do, proceed to step 6.
3. Log in to Facebook; the button is in the Menu (upper right corner of the Home screen). I highly suggest using a dummy account (one made specifically for this) as you can not overwrite the data saved to a Facebook account, so your primary Facebook should be for your final save. I recommend logging in to this dummy account on your phone's Facebook app (or mobile browser) in order to prevent having tot ype in your login info every time. Exvius will always use the Facebook account that is currently linked to your phone in this manner.
4. After the game restarts, log out of Facebook (same place).
5. The game will restart again and you will have a fresh save. Repeat from step 1 until you get the character you're after.
6. Once you have the character you want, log out of your dummy Facebook account in your phone's mobile browser(s) and Facebook app and then log in to your real Facebook account. Log in via Exvius, and this is now your final Exvius save.